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Frequently Asked Questions
What makes someone Jewish?

The ethnic and spiritual origins. The two are inseparable. If someone is Jewish from origin, but does not believe in the Elohim of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, he/she simply has not activated Jewish blood. Such identity will be plainly Jewish as soon as faith in Elohim is reestablished. Jewish blood together with circumcised heart makes someone plainly Jewish.

Jews in spirit?

There is no spiritual Jew. Paul did not make such a statement (see writtings about Paul). Gentiles can be circumcised in the hearth, but that does not make them Jewish but People of Elohim by adoption.

Jewish from the father's side?

As you may have noticed, we do not really agree with post babylonian rabinical Judaism. Of course we do neighter agree with this condition. Indeed, it has been modified this way, since in exile with so many perverted Jews, you may never know who is the real father of someone, so the mother remains a solid rock. And this is realistic. Although myself being Jewish from my mother’s side, the original Mosaic Judaism given by Elohim and written in the Torah states clearly that the Father is the one who pass Jewish identity on to the next generation.

Today, the vast majority of Jewish men are only capable of transmitting genes. However, we still consider it a serious fallacy to exclude Jews from the paternal branch from the circle of the People.

Jewish from the mother's side?

That does not mean that someone inheriting of Jewish blood from his/her mother’s side cannot be Jew.

In these days of deep scattering, Elohim is the only one who can activate Jewish identity according to His will. May you be Jewish from both, or only one side, or even only by one grand-father or mother, the question is not from wich ancestor it comes from, but do you have it or not. If yes, the main quesiton remains, is it you who wants to become a Jew or is it יֵהְוֶה who forces you to be so?

Because you may have a Jewish ancestor, you may still have to live a different identity. Or vice versa, as I have experienced. I wanted to be anything but a Jew. In the end, Elohim defeated me, as He did with Jacob. Our fight did not last overnight, but lasted for more than 10 years.

In any case: nothing according to our heart,  ideas and desires, but do only rely on the Will of the Lord … because 10 years is too much of a person’s life.

Jews and redemption?

Is it enough to be Jewish in order to be saved? Certainly not! Jews need Christ the same way anyone else in order to be Saved.

I’ve heard big and well known philosemitic pastors claiming the opposite: pure anathema and spiritual threat for the Chosen People!

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