science & faithTrue Science
The fear of Yahuwah is the beginning of wisdom One doesn't need to search far to determine the fundamental essence of science. Through the words of Elohim, we gain a precise understanding of what...
YHWH is genetically coded into us
YHWH is genetically coded into us
I’ve seen some Enrapturing UFOs
A new and great means of deception I must have been around 16 when I saw my first UFO in the sky of Brussels. I am reporting the cases I have witnessed, as have hundreds of thousands of my Belgians...
SCIENCE & FAITH: Friends or Foes?
Can we reconcile faith and science? This question could not even be asked not so long ago. Faith and science formed an inseparable unity. For thousands of years, in all civilizations, physics could...
B-Reshit / B-Beginning / B-Plan
In the eyes of the Jews, the reason why the Holy Scriptures, the Word of Elohim begins with the second letter of the alphabet ב (bet) and not with the first, that is to say א, remains a mystery till...
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