Since 2006
Always Seeking for the Next Reformation to come
our main duty
Bringing the people back to the unique rule and guidance of the Messiah and His Ruach HaKodesh/Holy Spirit, so that He can restore everything in us gradually according to His promise of Sanctification.
Our Ministry
We are coming from assimilated Jewish families whose Jewish roots had been brought back to life by the power of the Almighty.
After spending years in messianic circles, we quickly realized that many things were misunderstood and misinterpreted. Rotten roots which in many case have led communities far from the Messiah or even to the point of simply denying him.
By dint of wanting to judaise too much, we end up being swallowed by this black hole called rabbinical Judaism.
years of ministry
In 5 languages
Our Mission
Why Erev Shabbat?
Like many others we feel that the time of the final and Great Shabbat is very close. The time our Saviour Yahushua returns to take his Bride and judge the world. Like for the weekly shabbats, the chosen people is preparing the day before when it is getting dark outside.

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Statement of Faith
The pillars of our faith
Yahuwah as the father
Yahuwah, the Almighty and the Eternal is the Creator, the owner and the Lord of the world – although certain territories have been temporarily passed to the enemy. He has always existed and He is the one who created everything. He is a true spiritual being who manifested in the form of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, while remaining One – Adonai Ehad. He is righteous, merciful, loving, late in anger, and kind.
Gen 1: 1 / Dt 4:35 / Jn 4: 8 / Rev 4:11
Yahuwah as the son
Yahushua HaMashiah of Nazareth, is the image of the Father and his only begotten Son. He resides eternally with the Father. Everything was done by Him and nothing that was done was done without Him. He came in human form conceived by the Holy Spirit in the womb of a Jewish virgin called Miriam (Mary). He stripped himself, putting on human nature except sin.
Psalm 110: 1-4 / John 3:16; 14: 9 / 1Cor 15:28 / 1Tim. 1:17 / Isaiah 53: 4-6 / Dan 9: 25-27 / Luke 1:35 / Hebrews 1: 3; 2: 16-17; 4: 14-16; 8: 1-5; 9: 11-28; 10: 19-22
He offered himself as a burnt offering and died once and for all as a surrogate victim on the cross for the sins of the world. On the third day, the Father raised him from the dead and he returned to heaven. He sits at the right hand of the Father where he reigns as the anointed King – the Mashiah. At the end of time, he will return to earth as he returned to the Father, this time to judge the living and the dead.
Jn 1: 1-3, 14; 5:22; 10:30; 14: 1-3,9,13 / Rom 6:23 / 1Co 15: 3-4 / 2Co 3:18; 5: 17-19 / Phm 2: 5-11 / Col 1: 15-19 / Hey 2: 9-18
Yahushua’s ministry continues in the Heavenly Sanctuary, where he serves humanity as the High Priest according to the order of Melchishédek.
Hey 5: 6-10; 6:20; 7: 1.10-21; 8: 1-2
In addition, he is the prince of the army of souls having obtained Salvation. This army which will judge the angels, that is to say the fallen angels. The saved and the Massiah Himself will fill the void left by the fall of Satan and his angels. Yahuwah did not create new spiritual beings in their place. He Himself replaces the fallen archangel as the Son. The demons are replaced by those humans who have accepted the redemption of the Messiah.
Lev 16 / Num 14:34 / Ez 4: 6 / Da 7: 9-27; 8:13, 14; 9: 24-27 / Rev 8: 3-5; 11:19; 14: 6, 12, 7; 20:12; 22:11, 12 / Mt 17: 1-13 / Lk 9: 2-13
Yahuwah as the Ruach HaKodesh
He is One with the father and the son. The Holy Spirit comes from both the Father and the Son. It is he who surrounds people, or better, animates them for some. He is the one who enlightens, sanctifies, heals, teaches and comforts. He did inspire the writers of the Scriptures and whose fruits are love, goodness, wisdom, righteousness, meekness and humility.
He works the same today as in the past. In addition to the five gifts of ministry, and according to the sovereign will of the Father, He can give the gift of prophecy, healing, and tongues. These are free gifts bestowed on us according to his grace and not a spiritual competition between believers.
Gen 1: 1-2; 2 / 2S 23: 2 / Isa 61: 1 / Lk 1:35; 4:18 / Jn 14: 16-18, 26; 15:26; 16: 7-13 / Ac 1: 8; 10:38 / Rm 5: 5 / 1Cor. 12: 7-11 / 2Co 3:18 / 2Pt 1:21
Yahuwah as the holy trinity
The term Holy Trinity does not appear anywhere in the Holy Scriptures. However, this does not mean that Elohim did not appear to us in 3 different forms. Our salvation rests on our triple relationship to the Father through the acceptance of the Son and the anointing of the Holy Spirit. These three are the pledge of our birth again and therefore of our Salvation.
Yahuwah is One, but interacts with us in three different ways: as Father, as Son, and as Holy Spirit. Just like water remains water no matter in which state we find it (gas, solid or liquid). Man himself is made up of 3 parts: Spirit and the body-soul, yet these three are parts making up the same individual.
The name Elohim, which is primarily used in the original text of Creation, is a plural name. Elohim says: “Let us make man in our image”. In Hebrew, the verbs following Elohim are singular although the name is plural.
The members of the Holy Trinity are equal and inseparable.
Gen 1:26 / Dt 6: 4 / Mt 28:19 / Jn 3:16 / 2Co 1: 21-22; 13:13 / Ep 4: 4-6 / 1P 1: 2
the name of Yahuwah
His name is Yahuwah, but several other names are in use in the Scriptures: El – Elohim – Adonai – El Shaddai – Yah – Eloah – Tzevaot. We avoid using the names attributed to Him in common languages such as God, Dios, Dieu, Isten, etc, as these are all forms derived from pagan gods. We do not make it a dogma or a condition for salvation, each one names the Father, according to his conscience and the purity of his heart, by the name he believes to be just as long as the Almighty authorizes him.
יֵהְוֶה – YHWH, Yahuwah
The other extreme of this is traditional Judaism, which, by overemphasizing the second commandment, believes that one should not even pronounce his name, lest we accidentally take it in vain. When the Scriptures are read for יהוה, they say something else: Adonai (Lord) or HaShem (The Name).
This burial of the name was taken over as such by Christianity and continues till this day.
The Greek name of Jesus Christ also raises some questions about the purity of its roots.
In summary, no one translates the name of simple humans as it passes from one country, from one language to another. Why should it be otherwise in the case of the Almighty and the Messiah?
Gen 1 / Ex 3 / Isa 7:14, 60:14
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Eternal Names
The Holy Scriptures
The Holy Scriptures, Old and New Testament – (Tanach and Brit Hadasa) are the revealed Word of Yahuwah. He is the only author who, through his Holy Spirit, has put in the consciousness of the earthly writers what to write on the parchment. The two parts of the Bible do not contradict each other, they are inseparable, complement and validate each other.
We believe that the will of Yahuwah was manifested, both during the writing of the text by the earthly authors as well as during the canonization of the 66 books by the reformers when they recognized these books as being truly an indivisible unit inspired by Yahuwah. Most translations are perfectly acceptable, but due to the extraordinary expressiveness of Hebrew, these must be explained and completed. This does not mean that all believers should learn Hebrew. It is above all the Holy Spirit who should reveal and make us understand the content of words in our hearts and minds. Modern computer tools – Bible applications – can help us discover this original diversity of words in our own languages.
Knowledge of the Scriptures should be primarily spiritual. A deep knowledge at the intellectual and memory level, although useful, most often leads to pharisaism and religiosity. The opposite of this is the endless seeking of the spiritual interpretation of every word thus degrading the Word of Yahuwah to the vulgar level of symbolism. This takes its roots in this cowardly attitude of always wanting to reconcile faith and earthly sciences.
We believe that every word of Yahuwah permeates all the Creation, from the Kingdom of Yahuwah through our physical world to the abyss. The world, like humans, is made up of many layers. When something happens, it has an impact all on the physical, psychical and spiritual dimensions. This is how we believe both in the literal interpretation of the scriptures as well as in their deeper and more spiritual content.
Ps 119: 105 / Ex 30: 5-6 / Isa 8:20 / Jn 17:17 / 1Th 2:13 / 2Ti 3: 16-17 / Heb 4: 2; 12 / 2P 1: 20-21
Angels and demons
They are also the creatures of Yahuwah. They have different functions and ranks. The scriptures tell us that there are 3 archangels, and there are certainly no more.
Angels serve Yahuwah and man. They fight the forces of evil. Their main ministry is to glorify, preach, and praise Yahuwah. From time to time they are sent to us by Yahuwah to accomplish a mission. They appear to man not only in spirit, but also in physical form, born of women and having a biological father (eg Moses, Elijah and many others). The greatest example is where Yahuwah himself appeared in a human body in the guise of Yahushua of Nazareth, although in his case there was exceptionally no biological father.
Michael, one of the two remaining archangels is the one who leads the ultimate battle against the enemy. According to Jewish tradition Michael is the guardian angel of the Jewish people. He is identified with the angel of Yahuwah, and with the pillar of fire and cloud that passed before the people. In our view, the angel of Yahuwah mostly refers to the Messiah himself. However, the role of Michael in the life of the Jewish people is indisputable and above all inseparable from the person of Moses, representative and pillar of the Law.
Da 10: 13-21; 12: 1 / Jd 1: 9 / Rev 12: 7
Gabriel, the other archangel, is the minister of the revelation of the Messiah, the one who prepares his arrival. His person is closely linked to Elijah and John the Baptist. He is the pillar of the prophets.
Da 8:16, 9:21 / Lk 1: 19-26
Satan, the third archangel rebelled against Yahuwah. A third of the angelic hosts fell with him from the Kingdom of Yahuwah. Their downfall and absence left a void in what was originally a perfectly constructed realm, where all beings had their place and function. To compensate for this, Yahuwah did not create any new angels. However, their replacement is necessary. It is at the level of free will of man that the struggle between the two powers is taking place. Satan, who seeks to drag man into his fall before whom the Messiah invites them to eternal life. Yahuwah has provisionally ceded power over the world to Satan and his demons. Yahuwah did not destroy them immediately, but drove them out of his kingdom. The rebels were allowed to “prove” their power against Yahuwah. This is a fight with precise rules and where the enemy has rights he can assert. The main stake in this struggle between Yahuwah and Satan is man, the battlefield is the world in which we live.
To carry out his evil plan, Satan also has the power to send his angels to Earth in human form in addition to the power to possess and employ ordinary humans. In short, there have been and there are people among us who are not in the physical world to have their fate decided when leaving. With regard to these envoys, we can speak of predestination because their fate has already been sealed. This is by no means true for all ordinary people, because in the opposite case, Redemption would have been useless.
Gen 6 / Jb 1: 6-12 / Isa 14: 12-14 / Ez 28: 11-19 / Rom 1: 19-32; 5: 12-21; 8: 19-22 / Hey 1: 13-14 / 1P 5: 8 / 2P 3: 6 / Rev 12: 4-9
Elohim created the Heaven and the earth in six days, with all living souls, including man, in his image. On the seventh day he rested. Hence the law of the Shabbat, archetype of the rhythm of life and of the ministry of man. We believe that Elohim has the power to achieve such a work in 6 seconds, if not in an instant, so we have no doubts about the veracity of the account although the creation originally was not done in the physical conditions and in the the temporal chronology which are familiar to us today and which came into effect following the exclusion of Adam from Eden. The brevity of the description, compared to all of the Scriptures, in itself suggests that one should not dwell too much on the subject and waste too much time persuading evolutionists and Christians believing in the gap theory. Anyone who questions the authenticity of the Word in the front lines needs to be evangelism rather than scientific talk.
Rm 1: 19-32
Indeed, the excessive emphasis on creationism can distract attention from more important messages about the individual, such as the work of redemption, his relationship with the Messiah and his sanctification, and can prove to be an effective ruse of the individual. the enemy to turn us away from the Messiah. On the other hand, we believe that it would be a grave mistake to overlook the observations of scientists faithful to the Messiah because unveiling the truth has never harmed anyone – quite the contrary. Creationism is a tremendous tool for evangelism, for strengthening faith, and for strengthening the Word. As a believer, not to accept what seems more and more obvious would be to sin against the credibility and the Will of Elohim. This attitude is an even bigger trap than the first. Unfortunately, in the Christian world the subject is far from balanced and the faithful generally fall into one or the other extremism. Through our ministry, we are also trying to remedy the situation.
Gen 1 / Ps 19: 1-6; 33: 6-9; 104 / Isa 45: 12-18 / Ac 17:24 / Heb 11: 3 / Rev 10: 6; 14: 7
The essence of creation is all created by and in Yahushua HaMashiah in order to strengthen his power and multiply his army.
Col 1:16 / Hey 1: 2
Keeping the Commandments of Yahuwah has proven to be an impossible task. The Law could neither justify nor save man. According to the prophetic promises, the Word was made flesh so that by birth again everyone could receive the Word, the Law, engraved in the heart by the Holy Spirit, so that the Commandments come to life in us and are instinctively accomplished.
Jer 31: 31-34 / Gal 3:13
The substitute sacrifice of Yahuwah by the lamb Yahushua, Yahuwah having become man himself. The Innocent took upon himself the sin of the world, and was sacrificed in place of all the sinners, for without bloodshed there is no forgiveness. In this way, he fulfills the command of the red cow, precursor of the Redemption. There, too, the crimes of the people where put upon the innocent animal whose offering made impure the high priest who killed the animal as a burnt offering. The sacrifice of the ram replacing Abraham’s son was also a precursor to the Messiah’s Redemption. Abraham’s faith sealed the fate of mankind: his humility and renunciation of his son resulted in Yahuwah not sparing his own son for us either.
Gen 22 / Gal 3:14
Yahushua‘s suffering goes far beyond his visible physical and psychical suffering, and this extraordinary and almost incomprehensible act is characterized by much deeper spiritual torment.
Accepting and professing his death on the cross, followed by his resurrection and then his ascension, as well as his absolute power in our life is the pledge of our salvation. Belonging to the Jewish people or to a Christian church does not save anyone in itself, but only the acceptance, confession and understanding of the above. The basic condition for this to be truly accomplished is not only to recognize one’s sin, but also to have the deep desire to be free from it and to recognize that Yahushua is the only one who can deliver us from it.
Ha 2: 4 / Mk 9: 23-24 / Jn 3: 3-8, 16; 16: 8 / 2Co 5: 17-21 / Gal 1: 4; 26; 4: 4-7 / Ep 2: 4-10 / Col 1: 13-14 / Tt 3: 3-7 / 1P 1:23; 2: 21-22
Just as a father can be held responsible for the crimes committed by his minor child and although he is angry and furious with the latter, he will prefer to serve the sentence instead of his child for fear that the latter will not survive such an ordeal. Perhaps this analogy can help us understand the essence of the act of Redemption.
However, there are other sinners beyond and before man – the rebellious authorities and princes. These rebelled against their Creator in their spiritually adulthood age. There is no substitution and forgiveness in their case. For them, the death penalty was pronounced on their ejection from the Kingdom of Heaven and the sentence was carried out with the death of Yahushua on the cross when our Savior defeated death. By his physical death, he killed death and he himself descended into the realm of the dead to come back alive on earth before returning definitively to heaven, where he came from, to offer eternal life to those who confess his name.
Rev 12: 4-9 / Ez 28: 11-19
The story of the copper serpent is another precursor event of the Redemption. Moses lifted up a copper serpent before the people, thus saving all who raised their eyes to look at it. The copper serpent does not represent the Messiah, but the essential fact that it is not Yahushua but Satan who really died on the cross. Yahushua died physically and temporarily. Satan on the other hand died there in spirit, forever and irrevocably. This still has not happened in the visible world until our time. This is why the enemy is still raging outside, but his fate is sealed. His execution in the spiritual world took place at Golgotha more or less 2000 years ago, the completion of this execution in our chronological time is getting very near.
Gen 3: 6-8 / Num 21 / Isa 53 / Ez 33:11; 36: 25-27 / Rm 1: 19-32; 3: 21-26; 5: 6-21; 8: 1-4, 14-22; 12: 2 / Hey 8: 7-12 / 2P 1: 3-4 / Rev 13: 8
Elohim created man in his own image. He created man and woman from the dust of the earth and breathed life into them – Neshama. Man is a living being made up of a body, a soul and a spirit. He gave man his free will. So they chose the path of sin when they were tempted. Their downfall resulted in the death penalty. This is how they put on their physical mortal bodies which turn to dust, as we know it today. Yahuwah-s grace is manifested straight away in this story, for he does not immediately carry out the sentence, but gives man a respite, an opportunity for healing. He did not destroy mankind either then or later, but gave them a chance to settle their relationship with Yahuwah. Later, this will came true with the sacrifice of Golgotha having defeated death.
The Messiah himself is the only one who can restore man from death to life, to the original Garden of Eden and beyond to the kingdom of Yahuwah, where the vacant place left by the rebles has been prepared for them.
Jn 14: 6 / Mt 7:14
Beyond all creatures, man is the one the enemy hates the most. It is precisely because he cannot bear that an inferior creature can take the place from which he has definitively and irrevocably been banished.
1Co 6: 3
Man has sinned in a much more ignorant state of mind than the fallen angels. Moreover, man did not directly oppose against Yahuwah as they did, but “just” broke one of his laws. Therefore, the sin of the former cannot be forgiven, for their spiritual knowledge and vision as well as their rebellion was far superior to that of men. Thus, every human being still has the opportunity to adjust his relationship with Yahuwah. This restoration today is by no means possible by becoming a Jew, but only by becoming a disciple of the Messiah.
Gen 1: 26-27; 2: 7, 21-25; 3 / Isa 53: 6; 4:18 / Mk 7: 20-23 / Jn 2: 24-25 / Rom 5: 12-19 / Eph 2: 1-3 / Ps 8: 4-7; 51: 5-10; 58: 3 / Jr 17: 9 / Ac 17: 24-28 / Rom 5: 12-17 / 2Co 5: 19-20 / Eph 2: 3 / 1Th 5:23 / 1Jn 3: 4; 4: 7, 8, 11, 20
Through our baptism into the visible world, we confess our faith in the death and resurrection of our Savior Yahushua HaMashiah and seal our determination to offer our lives to Yahushua HaMashiah. It is here that we cleanse ourselves of our old man and kill him by coming out of the water as a new creation in accordance with the commandment of the death penalty.
But our covenant with Yahuwah does not end here. As Yahushua announced to us, after water, it is by fire, that is to say by his Spirit, the Ruach HaKodesh that we must be baptized with fire.
At this point, the work is still not done, as the sanctification process must continue from there.
Mt 28: 19-20 / Ac 2:38; 16: 30-33; 22:16 / Rom 6: 1-6 / Gal 3:27 / Col 2: 12-13
Unfold the strips in order to read
The sanctification process follows repentance, birth again, and the joining of the body of the Messiah. As the name suggests, being filled with the Holy Spirit initiates a process in which the disciple continues to purify himself of foreign bodily and spiritual “cells”. We believe that the new birth in itself does not make anyone completely pure and holy. Between our new birth and our departure from our carnal body, there is still a lot to do. There are two basic conditions for this process. Be filled by the Holy Spirit and the willingness and humility to hear and obey his voice. Sanctification is none other than the Law revealed in the Old Testament and made even more practical by the New Testament. The Law is the unit of measure allowing us to perceive in our heart what is good or bad, which path to follow, what behaviors and what reactions to adopt in different situations and what we still need to purify ourselves in order to be ready to meet the King when the time comes. That is why we consider it important to know the Commandments. Not to return to the practice and literal keeping of the law in the hope of obtaining a reward, but so that these will be engraved in our hearts and be fulfilled in us through the Messiah. The commandments are a fundamental aid on our path of disciples like signs along the roads. Not with ink on paper or engraved in tables of stone, but engraved in our hearts by the Spirit of Yahuwah.
2Co 3: 3 / Ps 77: 11-12 / 2Th 2:13 / 2Ti 2:21 / Ac 26:18 / Col 2:11, 3: 1-10 / Eph 1:13 / Gal 2:20 / Hey 2 : 11, 9:14, 10: 10-14, 12: 10-14 / 1Co 1: 2, 6:11 / 1Jn 1: 9, 3: 9 / 1P 1: 2 / 1Th 4: 3-5, 5 : 23 / 1Co 5:17, 12:21 / Jn 17: 17-19 / Phm 1: 6, 2:13 / Rm 6: 15-16
The holy supper
An integral part of the sanctification process, the Holy Supper is an opportunity to bring our burdens to the Altar of the Lord in order to get rid of them and to be cleansed and to continue our path of disciples. The Lord’s Supper strengthens identification with the shed blood of Christ reminding us and strengthening our covenant.
This is by no means a new sacrifice, as is still practiced in some christian churches. The sacrifice of the Lamb is unique and irreplaceable.
The forerunner events of the Holy Supper in the Old Testament were when the high priest Melchizedek went to meet Abraham to make a covenant with wine and bread, and when Yithro, Moses’ father-in-law, sat down with the elders and Aaron, to break bread and thus become the first proselyte in history.
Mt 26: 17-30 / Jn 6: 48-63; 13: 1-17 / 1Co 10:16, 17; 11: 23-30 / Rev 3:20 / Gen 14:18 / Ex 18: 11-12
The Body of the Messiah: the Church
A basic model to which everyone must return: the model according to the Acts of the Apostles. When, similar to the multiplication of small cells, the Body of the Messiah increased with saved souls freed from diseases and demons, filled with the Holy Spirit, speaking in tongues and prophesying and quickly reaching manhood in spirit.
The Body of Messiah, the Church, is made up of believers who accept Yahushua HaMashiah as their personal Savior.
This temple was built in 3 days. Between Golgotha and Ascension. The covenant with the Messiah is made by the bond of baptism and works by the action of the Holy Spirit, just as in Savuot (Pentecost). The building of the Body of Christ continues until he returns as a bridegroom to take up his Body, the bride.
We endorse this Body as the only legitimate church. It is not terrestrial but celestial composed of terrestrial members linked together by the Holy Spirit. Any organization entered in the registers and receiving state subsidies, any traditional church, may it have several centuries or even more than a thousand years of history, cannot be considered as part of the Body of the Messiah. But the rest still being held captive by these illegitimate churches will sooner or later find their way to the true and only legitimate Church.
In addition to coming together and celebrating the Lord’s Supper, members are recognizable in that they love one another.
The Church is the totality of the people born again in Yahushua HaMashiah of Nazareth. It is a living organism where the members are connected to each other and where the body cooperates with the head, Yahushua HaMashiah.
The Body of the Messiah is a community of saints purified in the blood of the Lamb, clothed in righteousness and awaiting the appearance of the Bridegroom in order to unite with Him.
The Body of the Messiah is also described as a temple, an edifice, where the Spirit of Yahuwah, Ruah HaKodesh is dwelling, whose foundations are the apostles and the prophets, the cornerstone being Yahushua HaMashiah himself.
The Church fights Satan and the forces of evil with her spiritual weapons and alongside the armies of heaven. This fight consists of prayers, praise, worship and the testimony of Yahuwah in the eyes of the world.
Jn 13:35 / Mt 16:18, 28:19 / Ac 1: 5; 2; 7:38 / 1Co 1: 2, 11: 23-30, 12:13 / Col 1:18; 3: 14-15 / Ex 19: 3-7 / Eph 1: 22-23; 2: 11-22; 3: 8-11; 4: 11-13; 5: 23-27 / 1P 2: 9 / Ps 133: 1 / Jn 17: 20-23 / Rm 12: 4-5 / 2Co 5: 16-17 / Gal 3: 27-29 / Nb 24: 5
Spiritual gifts
Today’s disciples should continue to enjoy all the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Thus, the gifts and fruits of the ministry and of the Holy Spirit are necessary for the growth and preservation of the Messiah’s Body, as well as for the life and functioning of individuals.
The gifts of the Spirit are those that perhaps the enemy attacks the most in recent times. In most cases, Christian communities suffer from either unbridled charismaticism or emphatic anti-charismatism. One extreme begets the other. We have to put things in their place. Overzealousness as well as fear are spirits that undermine the Church.
Yahuwah is the only one authorized to define the moment, the quantity, the frequency and the nature of the gifts attributed to each one.
Ac 2 / Rm 12: 4-8 / 1Co 12: 7-11, 27, 28 / Ep 4: 8-16 / 1Ti 3 / 1P 4: 10-11 / Nb 12: 6 / 2Ch 20:20 / Am 3 : 7 / Jl 2: 28-29 / Rev 19:10; 22: 8-9
We consider Shabbat – Saturday as the Lord’s Day. The resurrection of the Messiah and the day of Shavuot (gift of the Holy Spirit) may have taken place on the first day of the week, on Sunday, but like all Christian movements in favor of Saturday, we are of the opinion that the Lord’s day has not changed as a result of the events of the New Testament. The switch to Sunday was a cunning political act allowing the Roman Empire, which had recently converted to Christianity, to “pass” the new religion more easily to the eyes of the various pagan peoples, the majority of whom celebrated Sunday as the holy day of the week (Zontag, day of the Germanic sun god for example).
But in no case do we make this a condition of salvation as in the case of the name used to name the Yahuwah. Here too, it is purity of heart that prevails and we believe that there are many Sunday services that are more pure than many Saturday services. In doing so, we do not accept Sunday, but we believe that Yahuwah himself will put on the hearts of his followers the importance of putting this matter in its place sooner or later. And anyone in whom this question already works his conscience, but persists in Sunday for fear of contradicting the majority, by compromise, can easily tip over and become a rebel.
On the other hand, the excessive emphasis on the Sabbath can easily prove to be more harmful to the cause than strengthening it. No commandment, no Word can be disclosed by the threat of judgment and wrath from Yahuwah. Those who do so despite everything make themselves enemies of the Shabbat, not its defenders.
It was these formal Shabbat from the time of Isaiah that Yahuwah hated and not the Shabbat as a whole as claimed by Sunday advocates.
Gen 2: 1-3 / Ex 20: 8-11; 31: 13-17 / Lev 23:32 / De 5: 12-15 / Isa 56: 5-6; 58: 13-14 / Ez 20: 12-20 / Mt 12: 1-12 / Mk 1:32 / Lk 4:16 / Hey 4: 1-11
The Commandments
The commandments are valid from the events of the Garden of Eden, but more specifically from the revelation on Mount Sinai until the end of the world. In the Book of Deuteronomy, 613 mitzvahs, also defined by the Jews, constitute the law, a more detailed and practical explanation, being the development of the 10 commandments which themselves are the development of the other two great commandments according to which we are to love Yahuwah our Elohim with all our heart, soul, strength and mind, and our neighbor as ourselves. These 2, 10 and 613 commandments constitute, among other things, the Word that became flesh in Yahushua. These are fulfilled in us by His Spirit.
Anyone who considers the commandments obsolete rejects and alter the person of the Messiah. Likewise, any addition whether it comes from false oral traditions or decrees from Christian churches calls into question the credibility of Yahuwah.
Mt 5:18
As Paul mentioned many times, the law was not invalidated but rather validated in the Messiah. It is therefore useful to know them so that our understanding of the Messiah gets deeper.
Keeping the law do not justify anyone and results in death. The law is to be written in our hearts by birth again and the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and then gradually and steadily increasing as sanctification progresses.
1Jn 3: 4 / Jr 31: 31-34 / 2Co 3: 3
The law is not a goal, but a very useful set of road signs helping us to stay on the narrow path.
Ex 20: 1-17 / De 28: 1-14 / Ps 19: 7-14; 40: 7-8 / Mt 5: 17-20; 22: 36-40 / Jn 1: 1-5; 14; 14:15; 15: 7-10 / Rm 8: 3-4 / Gal 3: 3-11 / Eph 2: 8-10; 14-16 / Heb 8: 8-10 / 1Jn 2: 3; 5: 3 / Rev 12:17; 14:12
Judaism: the Veil
Rabbinical Judaism was born in Babylon and not on mount Sinai as most of today’s Jews are thought about. No oral laws have ever been given by Yahuwah to Moses. Jewish “wises” invented them in order to avoid violating the Torah’s Commandments thus having to endure further exiles. These additional laws were originally generated by good will but as we know it, adding to (or cut off) the Word of Yahuwah is not really recommanded.
These laws are indeed oral but started from the Babylonian exile and were passed on by word of mouth from fathers to sons.
These fallacious laws are at the origin of the blindness of the Chosen People. These Pharisee laws are the veil of which the prophets had spoken and which prevent Jews from recognizing their Messiah in Yahushua of Nazareth. Since Yahushua is the Word that became flesh, the Word also contains the Torah, the Commandments. If the Commandments are misinterpreted and modified, then you are unable to recognize the originals when they show up in front of you.
All these extra Commandments and all the “rabbis” comments that go with it were finally written down through the Middle Ages in the Diaspora. That rabbinical literature includes book series known as the Talmud, the Mishna, the Gemara, etc.
An important fact concerning Rabbinical Judaism that few speaks about is its spiritualist roots inspired by the Babylonian pagan spirit. Indeed Orthodox Jews believe in reincarnation almost the way Hinduism do. The peak of Jewish spiritism is indeed the Zohar, book of the well known Jewish mysticism: the Kabbalah.
This literature does not only contain trash. You can find very deep and beautiful testimonies of the faithfulness of some Jews even outside the faith in the Messiah. Although we do not consider the authors as wises, many times they managed to write down very wise thoughts. But no one should let him be misled by this fact, what belongs to the devil is most of the time very attractive from the outside.
Most of the commandments and comments are so deeply human that sometimes they pass the threshold of stupidity. Thus attributing these seemingly unnecessary but many times explicitly ridiculous, sometimes even aberrant and anti-Torah laws to Yahuwah is blasphemy in itself.
This set of false Jewish science has to be torn down in order the Chosen People finally recognize its Messiah.
Few Messianic teachers are treating the subject and warning about the dangers of going back to false roots. But even worse, most of the Messianic fellowships while claiming their faith in the Messiah, are teaching these pharisaic laws and try to observe them such as traditional Jews do.
Isaiah 28: 7-16 / John 12: 37-50 / 2Cor 3: 13-18 /
Jewish people and state
Belonging to the Messiah does not make the Jew a spiritual Greek or the Greek a Jew in heart or in spirit. The condition of belonging to the Jewish people is consanguinity and the fundamental spiritual position which is faith in the unity of Elohim (Sh’ma Israel Adonai Elohenou, Adonai ehad). If one or the other condition is missing, one cannot speak of a Jew. Any non-believing Jew by blood can become a real Jew again as soon as his faith is restored. But no one can be made Jewish by blood transfusion just as a man will never really become a woman or vice versa despite all the prowess of modern surgery.
From this fundamental point of view, we believe that the Jewish people, or more particularly the descendants of Jacob, the 12 tribes of Israel, were never rejected on any level, nor replaced in the Messiah by any other people. All the prophecies and promises made to them are valid until the end of time.
The born again believers in the Messiah do not take the place of the Jews, but are added to them in accordance with the promise of Ezekiel’s prophecy: I am going to take the stick of Joseph—which is in Ephraim’s hand—and of the Israelite tribes associated with him, and join it to Judah’s stick. I will make them into a single stick of wood, and they will become one in my hand. (Ez 37:19)
The rejection of Yahushua HaMashiah of Nazareth by the Jews did not result in the rejection of the Jews by Yahuwah. Man can reject, forget Elohim, but Elohim does not forget his people and his promises. Rather than being rejected, the Jews were put into a sort of quarantine until the time of the Gentiles is fulfilled.
Yahushua HaMashiah, the living law, that is to say the Word which became flesh, was not recognizable to them because of the false rabbinical laws which veiled their eyes and hearts since the captivity of Babylon. This is a serious curse for the Jewish people but a real blessing for the peoples to whom the message of the Gospel has been directly sent, purged of all filth, leaving for a time the midst of the people initially elected. Instead of wanting to replace them and play the false Jews, Christianity should rejoice and show more humility in the face of the prodigal elder brother who has gone away for a time and await his return with the same zeal and love as the Father. For the time will come when he will return in the arms of the Father and, once he has recognized the Messiah in Yahushua HaMashiah, he will be readmitted and will again occupy his vacant place in the family. And whoever occupies his place illegitimately at this time, will be automatically ejected as in the parable of Luke 14: 8-9 whose message also applies to this case.
This is exactly what has been happening since 1946, when in the visible world and before the second coming of the Messiah, the Jews begin to gather and return to the promised land. Although the State of Israel was created on a secular basis, this is done according to the will and with the agreement of Yahuwah.
As religious Christianity proclaims its false replacement theology, they fail to see the true work of substitution which is taking place. Whose place left vacant will we occupy when we enter the Kingdom of Heaven?
Gen 12: 1-3; 15: 17-18 / Ex 19: 6 / Lev 24: 9 / Isa 52:13; 53:12 / Jer 30: 7; 31: 31-37 / Ez 20: 33-42; 37:19 / Da 9: 25-27 / Zak 12: 10-14; 13: 8-9 / Am 3: 2; 9: 8 / Lu 14: 8-9 / Jn 4.21-25 / Ac 13.46-47 / Rm 1: 16-17; 10: 1-4; 11: 25,28 to 31
The second coming of the Messiah
He returns as he left before the eyes of the disciples. First of all, he comes to seize the Bride, his Body. His return will be a mighty event seen worldwide, evident to all people, both living and dead, as he is coming to be judged.
Many people tried to “prophesy” the time of his coming, but they always failed. The Word emphatically warns anyone to refrain from trying to predict the exact time of this event, since even Yahushua himself did not know this information when he was here on earth.
As for the Rapture, we know that it will take place on one of the days and hours of the two-day “Jewish” holiday of Yom HaTruá. Today better known as Rosh HaShana. According to the position of the celestial signs and the events of the world, the event is imminent.
At the same time, the time is closer than many people think, since at the individual’s first and physical death, he will reawaken to this event in the blink of an eye, where the final judgment/grace will also be announced to him.
Mt 24 / Mc 13 / Lk 21 / Jn 14: 1 to 3 / Ac 1: 9-11 / 1Co 15: 51-54 / 1Th 4: 13-18; 5: 1-6 / 2Th 1: 7-10; 2: 8 / 2Ti 3: 1-5 / Tt 2:13 / Heb 9:28 / Rev 1: 7; 14: 14-20; 19: 11-21
Death - Resurrection - Eternal Life
The redeemed people of Yahuwah, who believe in the death and resurrection of Yahushua HaMashiah, will arise for eternal life.
After the first death, the death of our flesh and the sleep of our soul, the final judgment will take place, where grace or eternal damnation awaits men according to the level of acceptance and obedience they have for the Messiah.
Jb 19: 25-27 / Ps 146: 3-4 / Da 12: 2, 13 / Isa 25: 8 / Jn 5: 28-29; 11: 11-14 / Rm 6:23 / 1Co 15: 51-55 / Col 3: 4 / 1Th 4: 13-17 / 1Ti 6:15 / Rev 20: 1-10
Millennium - New Earth and Jerusalem
The Millennium, the 1000 years of the Kingdom where the Messiah will reign over the created world with all those souls who died for his name or who did not worship the beast and his image. This is the time between the first and the second resurrection, when the enemy will be bound no longer having any power over the earth and its inhabitants. Then the Lamb and the Lion will graze together and there will be no bloodshed. They will be in a similar condition to the one of the garden of Eden before the fall. At the end of this time, Satan will be released for a short time and will take many with him by deceiving them, including persuading the inhabitants of the world to attack Jerusalem.
At Gog and Magog, the enemy mass will be consumed by fire. After that, the created world will be dissolved and all human beings who have lived on earth will be judged. Hell, death, Satan and all his angels, as well as the people who were under their control, will be thrown into the lake of sulfur, and the host of the saved souls will take their final place in the New Jerusalem.
Ap 20; 21: 1-5
members of the







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