Jewish QuestionsThe Gospel Decrypted: Discover the Deeper Message of Salvation and Redemption
The message of the Gospel is the Good News: the proclamation of Elohim's love and grace, intended to redeem humanity from the death it incurred as a result of original sin. The Eternal created...
351 Prophecies fulfilled in Yahushua HaMashiah
351 Prophecies fulfilled in Yahushua HaMashiah. Showing the proofs that He is the only and unique Messiah of both the Jews and the Gentiles.
Eternal Names
יהוה YaHuWaH / Elohim / YaHuSHuah יהושע For many of us it is no longer a question that the time has come when something must be done with the originally revealed names of the Eternal and the...
Synagogue of Satan
I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars—I will make them come and bow down before your feet, and they will learn that I have...
Jewish State and Zionism
It has been a long time since Christians should not be taught and told anymore on why the Jewish state is legitimate in the light of the prophecies. Unfortunately, this is still necessary, because...
The Gathering of the Tribes of Israel
In Israel, there are various Jewish religious groups who actively work towards fulfilling and hurying the realization of prophecies. Their research has led to the identification of communities...
Anti-Semitism and anti-Christianity
The title may sound peculiar, as the two are not very often treated together, and the latter topic is even very rarely discussed. For me, it is not only important to discuss both concepts together...
Jewish Donkey
The donkey is a lot less stupid and aggressive than some myths would like to make it believe. Scientific research and many reports from donkey breeders give a very different picture of this friendly...
Chosen People? Yes, but what for?
When talking about Jews with a non-Jew, whether it is a believer or not, everything is fine until the concept of a Chosen People emerges. We can observe that the spirit of equality between men that...
Judaism: The Lifebuoy
I was recently contacted by a Christian who manages a website offering links to Jewish Messianic teachings. He is a very conscientious disciple, deeply committed to ensuring that nothing...
Veil and Messianic Era
One of the key elements of our ministry as Jews is teaching the laws to the other nations, as it has been given to us from the beginning. This is the basic condition for fulfilling the prophecy of...
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