Yitro the first of the proselytes

We have come to the most important event in the books of Moses:

The revelation of the 10 Commandments of Yahuwah.

It is surprising that a portion of Torah describing the most important event in the history of the Jewish people, the very foundation of their identity, is named after the name of the high priest of the pagan people who will remain one of the fiercest enemies of Israel: Midian. This Jewish people, often accused of communitarianism and disdain for other nations, names the most decisive portion of its writings after a foreigner. Besides the fact of having been the father-in-law of Moses, Yitro’s respect is mainly explained by the fact that he was the first proselytizing man in history, according to the Bible.

Yitro managed Moses’ fortune and took care of his wife and children, in other words, his own daughter and grandchildren. Yitro helps Moses, without overwhelming him, without imposing his person or his will on him, he truly helps Moses to fulfill his calling. He also testified to his faith after seeing the power of Yahuwah during the dramatic liberation of the Jewish people from Egypt. He then declares the exclusivity of Yahuwah over the other gods and in a sort of

prefiguration of the Last Supper when the Levites break bread with him,

as the sign of its integration into the Chosen People.

Although this week’s portion relates the events concerning the revelation of the 10 Commandments, against our good habits of getting to the heart of the matter concerning the Law, since we already have countless articles and videos concerning the subject, we will rather take a look to another element here, less often treated by teachers and carrying a very relevant message:

The original pyramidal system of the Church

The Family Tree

Following his Covenant with Elohim, Yitro continued his ministry specifically towards Moses and recommended to him, under divine inspiration, to appoint 70 wise men among the people in order to distribute his huge work so that he would only have to deal with more complex questions.

He suggests a sort of pyramid scheme to facilitate Moses’ work

This advice freed Moses for even deeper tasks in his earthly ministry. If Moses had continued to manage all the people’s affairs single-handedly, he would never have had time to bow down before Yahuwah in order to intercede for the People. He thus received more time to devote to prayer and constant relationship with Yahuwah which in the case of Moses occured many times with uncovered faces. The excessive amount of work that Moses would have been forced to do would sooner or later force him to decide in a dry and mechanical manner and would have made his interpretation of the law close to the letter and far from the spirit. We can affirm that Yitro spared Moses from falling into a form of Pharisaism.

The pyramid system would therefore be in the will of Elohim?

As we can observe in many other areas, the construction of the pyramid is no exception to the rule: Satan does not invent anything by himself, but is constantly appropriating the original things of Elohim to make a fake, a distorted and distorted version. His false pyramid system of Christian churches also aims to make many people hate the original, so that by rejecting and denying the whole thing, they end up choosing chaos and anarchy instead of choosing order and Truth. This is how many people turn away from faith and choose other idols: atheism, science, political ideals, drugs, money, success, women or other religions that appear better structured and ordered, or even, consciously choose to stay in these counterfeits and thus remain in their pseudo-Christian stables.

Human pyramid schemes are operating in place of the Church (with a capital C), in place of or in parallel with the Body of the Messiah. Larger, medium or smaller sects called and officially recognized by world authorities as churches are falsifying and discrediting this way the original model.

The Body of the Messiah, on the other hand, is a pyramid system which is not made of stone, which is neither Egyptian nor rooted in the world. Because in current pyramid falsifications, each one takes its definitive place, like an immovable block of stone weighing several tons and from which it is practically impossible to blast them out. This is how the majority of assemblies and churches operate today, where pastors and other ministers are appointed in a fixed manner, that is to say anointed by each other, after having followed the trainings and the studies they defined and wrote themselves rather than remaining or submitting to the direct guidance of Ruach HaKodesh / the Holy Spirit. Methods are thus established as a standard to follow, so that sheep belonging to the same flock who cannot and/or do not want to grow in spirit are governed in the name of Jesus by all kind of people and for an indefinite period. By thus anointing each other and especially themselves with titles and other ministerial functions, these Christians do not even realize that they are depriving themselves of the four other gifts of ministry. For indeed, for most of us who are called to be disciples, the five gifts of ministry should all function, to varying degrees and depending on the times and situation though, but all weapons and spiritual gifts are promises for all the disciples. Each disciple, however, has one or more function which can possibly predominate over the others.

Remember David also took five stones at the river but only used one to kill Goliath, the four other remaining in standby in his shepherd’s pack.

Elohim’s original pyramid system is much more like a FAMILY TREE – or at most an inverted pyramid, which stands upside down. Brothers in pastoral ministry should only guide people until they are able to lead themselves by the Spirit and welcome new disciples themselves. A child is a child until it reaches adulthood, at which point he or she must be released to live an independent adult life. We must let everyone stand on their own feet, and if they refuse to become independent when the time comes, we must “expel” them in the spiritual sense, with all due love, so that they learn to grow. This is how it should work both in physical families and in communities living in the Body of Messiah.

Because the Church is not an orphanage where a few educators supervise a whole group of orphans, even for the rest of their lives, but on the model of the family, it is a stewardship over a reasonable number of children that you can bear with and supervise without collapsing under their weight and their number and whose goal is always to guide them and bring them to adulthood and spiritual independence as quickly as possible.

Once our children become adults they simply turn to be brothers for us, to whom we can at most remind what they have learned from us, but it is no longer necessary to teach them, since we are all instructed from within by Ruach HaKodesh according to the promise of Jeremiah.

At the top of this pyramid is not a pastor or a Pope or the “benevolent” gaze of a Masonic deity’s eye, like those we can see on American dollar bills, or above the altars in Catholic churches and other lodges of certain obscure societies, but it is indeed Yahushua HaMashiah who is the head, the unique Pastor or Shepherd and of whom Moses was the prefiguration in this story.

We are talking about a pyramid that is not made of stones and dust cemented together for thousands of years, but which is made of smaller family circles, a dynamically functioning pyramid system, where people’s roles change and interchange according to their spiritual levels and ages. It is a system of smaller cells that are connected to each other through the spreading of Ruach HaKodesh, like the members that make up the Body.

Paul himself spoke of nothing else. When he arrived at a particular place, in an assembly or church at a given moment and in a given situation, titles and ministries were assigned this way: on the advice and guidance of Ruach HaKodesh and not on the basis of papers and documents obtained through all kinds of studies and trainings.

One Shepherd is its leader, Yahuwah himself (who saves), that is, Yahushua. And we are not the stiff-necked or stone-hearted bricks of a stone temple, but the spiritual components of a sanctuary in perpetual motion, based on the model of the Holy Tabernacle in the desert, which is not fixed, but in motion, mobile and nomadic.

As I mentioned in the title, we are not talking about a pyramid here, or at most an inverted one, where the greater someone is, the less they are above the other, but are serving as support from below, as we can see it in family trees.

The older ones, the parents, are lower and the new branches, the next generation, germinate out and feed from them.

This is how the word of Yahushua concerning the ministry is fulfilled. Yahushua, being the common root of this Family, he is the one who washes our feet so that we, at our more humble level, we should do the same towards those who come after us. Whoever wants to be great among you, let him be your servant. Mark 10:43. It is also the role of the firstborn of the family, of the Chosen People, as I illustrate it in another of my writings/video: Chosen People? Yes, but what for? in a word, for service toward others and not the other way arround.

By naming the 70 wise men, Moses did not place himself above them, but he, as a pillar of support, himself representing the pillar of the Law on which Yahushua built his Church, is to say his Body, he supported his 70 companions, so that while they took care of the details, he himself could fulfill his own function.


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