We are not under the law. Of course not! Because if we are in Him who is above the law (Yahushuah), then we are above the Law with Him. However, the law serves as a pillar under our feet, as one of the pillars of support of the Temple that we are and not to trample it, as most Christians still do.
In Acts 21:18-26 it appears very clearly that at the advice of his fellow apostles, Paul submitted to bear witness before all the world that he too lived and obeyed the laws of Moses. When Jacob and the elders asked him to shave his head with the other 4 men as a sign of their respect for the Commandments, Paul did not resist them and did this in silence.
Concerning the “contradictions” of the apostle Paul
In the following article, I would like to discuss the writings of the Apostle Paul (Rav Saul) regarding the law from a Jewish perspective. We will get an overview of the role of the law in the times of Grace, after the sacrifice of Yahushua HaMashiah, concerning Jews and non-Jews, mainly through the epistle to the Romans. It is important to bring the matter back to the original thought, since the letter is addressed to the Hellenized Jewish and non-Jewish congregation living in Rome and written by a Jewish man who believed in Yahushua, but never denied his identity. All that Paul wrote was inspired by Ruach HaKodesh/the Holy Spirit of Elohim.
It is important to state that for Jews living in Rome at the time, the law differed from the Law initially disclosed by Moses and this, for two reasons:
On the one hand, the original Commandments were not yet completely separated and purified from the added human Pharisaical laws of Babylonia, and on the other hand, the original Laws contained in the Torah were also interpreted and applied according to the Pharisaical way of thinking they’ve learned from their birth. This pharisaic way of thinking happens at the intellectual level rather than coming from the heart.
In the epistle to the Romans, Paul does absolutely not go against the Commandments of Elohim, but:
he opposes the Pahrisaic laws that the Jews added to the original Law of Elohim
he is working on the restoration of the Commandments of Elhohim which the Roman spirit of Hellenism had already begun to twist and mix with paganism.
Keeping these additional laws according to the letter led to self-righteousness, which Yahushua fought against. This self-righteousness attributes an effect of self-salvation to the observance of the law in itself. This way of thinking pushes to the background the personal relationship with Elohim, the one which stems from faith and love coming from within. Being a Pharisee of course does not imply being faithful to all the commandments, but rather placing the observance of them before the need to directly listening to the voice of Yahuwah. Someone is a Pharisee because he does not keep the law by faith, to honor Elohim whom he loves, but because he expects rewards from him in a kind of spiritual business relationship.
Paul fought against these additional laws, which do not come from faith, which are not kept because we do it with joy, not under compulsion, but because we love Elohim. When experiencing a restored relationship with Yahuwah, man feels more free than ever, for the Law is there to protect his life and restore the order in his relationship with Elohim and with his neighbour. Paul struggles against the spirit of law-keeping through coercion, through fear of a rebuking god. Paul wants to restore the living Law that flows from our inner faith and love for Elohim.
Moreover, Paul was fighting so that the law would not be in the first place in people’s mind. From the Sacrifice on the cross, the order has changed and had been inverted. The law is no longer our pedagogue until the Messiah, but all the contrary: the Ruach of the Messiah teaches us the Law from the moment we are born again in Him. We first meet Yeshua, then He reveals who He is by showing how He fulfills the Commandments and the Prophecies that are the Word of Elohim, those that became Flesh in Him.
Thus history shifts and it is no longer the Law that teaches us the Messiah, but it is the Messiah who teaches us the Law after having obtained Grace and gone through the baptism of Water and of Fire.
Paul also struggles with older brothers who tried to teach decrees that are not yet concerning spiritually newborn disciples. He who has just come out of the water and been born again does not need Moses YET! The 7 Laws of Noah, the rudimentary and universal basic rules received after the Flood for all Humankind, are more than enough for them and for the moment. Moses is a heavier food and the children still need milk. With this, Paul did not nullify or destroy Moses neither the Commandments received through him, but Paul is putting everything at its right place. Although it is not expressed, it is still clear that he considers that the commandments of Moses are naturally still valid, but that everyone should deal with what is appropriate for their age.
Paul was working in order to restore these distortions, because the apostolic work is above all a work of Reformation.
This is how the essence of Yahushua HaMashiah can be understood. What does it mean that He fulfills the Law? When I place myself under the domination of the Messiah and I am reborn in Yahushua by immersion in water and then by the baptism of fire, then I no longer live, but He lives in me. At this moment, He does not exempt me from the Law, but on the contrary He applies it and puts it into force. From that moment on, I keep the law because it is no longer written on tablets of stone, but is engraved on the flesh of my heart through the baptism of fire and the dwelling in me of Ruach HaKodesh.
I will give them an undivided heart and put a new spirit in them; I will remove from them their heart of stone and give them a heart of flesh. Then they will follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws. They will be my people, and I will be their Elohim.
Ezekiel 11:19-20
It is exactly this prophecy that was fulfilled on Shavuot, at Pentecost. When the two tables of stone transformed into two tongues of fire which came to be engraved in the hearts of the disciples following which, they began to speak in tongues.
Do not forget that Jewry, until this day, is celebrating the gift of the 10 Commandments on this precise day of Shavuot/Pentecost.
But now, let’s look at the verses about the laws in Romans:
1.What advantage, then, is there in being a Jew, or what value is there in circumcision? Much in every way! First of all, the Jews have been entrusted with the very words of Elohim. Romans 3:1-2
From this part, the word “Word” is immediately highlighted as the Word of Elohim which was entrusted to the people of Israel. When we talk about the 10 commandments, these are the 10 fundamental laws which have 613 or rather 700 further extensions and which can all be summed up in the 2 Great Commandments of Love (Love of Elohim and Neighbor). (The Mitzvoth actually number 650 to 700, the rabbis not having listed them all). The Word is one of the synonyms for the law, but as a whole it covers the entire Old Testament including all the Prophecies, but a very important and significant part of which are the Commandments. This is also how John begins the story of the coming of Yahushua HaMashiah:
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with Elohim, and the Word was Elohim…The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth. John 1:1…14
John immediately begins by describing the very essence of Yahushua. He himself was the Word, in other words, he was the Law. What else could the Word have meant but the word of Elohim, which He gave to his people on Mount Sinai? What was this declared word if not the law and the prophets? The prophets who were precisely sent to pronounce judgments because of the transgression of the Law and whose main work was to restore the Commandments by announcing the wrath coming upon the People due to their transgression.
2. Therefore no one will be declared righteous in Elohim‘s sight by the works of the law; rather, through the law we become conscious of our sin. Romans 3:20
How can we know what sin is except by the law? And how does grace work if we are unable to recognize sin? How does one know that he needs Grace if we do not recognize the state of sin in which we were born? The Law teaches this to us, so that we can recognize our need for the Messiah! Is Grace then possible without the Law? Not at all, because if we cancel the law, Grace becomes automatically useless as well!
Here, also, Paul’s word is addressed primarily to the Jews who were looking for their justification by the simple observance of the law, and not to people of other nations who did not care about the law, because they did not yet know it. The Law must be promulgated to the Nations in due time so that they will understand what the work of Redemption is. The Jews on their side must be freed from the additional laws and from the distortions that soiled the original laws through the assimilation.
3. It was not through the law that Abraham and his offspring received the promise that he would be heir of the world, but through the righteousness that comes by faith. For if those who depend on the law are heirs, faith means nothing and the promise is worthless, because the law brings wrath. And where there is no law there is no transgression. Therefore, the promise comes by faith, so that it may be by grace and may be guaranteed to all Abraham’s offspring—not only to those who are of the law but also to those who have the faith of Abraham. He is the father of us all. As it is written: “I have made you a father of many nations.” He is our father in the sight of Elohim, in whom he believed—the Elohim who gives life to the dead and calls into being things that were not. Against all hope, Abraham in hope believed and so became the father of many nations, just as it had been said to him, “So shall your offspring be.” Romans 4:13-18
Where law is abolished, anarchy reigns. Is that why so many people reject the Commandments in order to wash their hands like Pilate and say we have nothing to do with them? Is that why Paul wrote these lines? I do not think so. Here, also, the emphasis is on the need to know the law, because from this flows the recognition of sin, which implies the need for and acceptance of the redemptive work of the Messiah. Without law there is no judgment, without judgment there would be no need for mercy! Without the law, the execution of my old man could not happen and I would never fully become a new creation. (See: Death penalty (where LIFE begins)
Those who are descendants of Abraham by the Spirit— the Body of Messiah—must demonstrate the same level of obedience and faith. Abraham was obedient, so he was also righteous. Why was he righteous? Because he observed the laws known until then. Why did he keep them? Not out of constraint, with no expectation of any good in return, but out of gratitude, with joy, because he loved Elohim with all his heart. The Messiah already largely lived in him, even before His coming into the visible world. A great part of the law was already alive in him when Yahuwah had not yet given them to Moses.
4. Do you not know, brothers and sisters—for I am speaking to those who know the law—that the law has authority over someone only as long as that person lives? For example, by law a married woman is bound to her husband as long as he is alive, but if her husband dies, she is released from the law that binds her to him. So then, if she has sexual relations with another man while her husband is still alive, she is called an adulteress. But if her husband dies, she is released from that law and is not an adulteress if she marries another man. So, my brothers and sisters, you also died to the law through the body of the Messiah, that you might belong to another, to him who was raised from the dead, in order that we might bear fruit for Elohim. For when we were in the realm of the flesh, the sinful passions aroused by the law were at work in us, so that we bore fruit for death. But now, by dying to what once bound us, we have been released from the law so that we serve in the new way of the Spirit, and not in the old way of the written code. What shall we say, then? Is the law sinful? Certainly not! Nevertheless, I would not have known what sin was if it wouldn’t have been through the law. For I would not have known what coveting really was if the law had not said, “You shall not covet.” But sin, seizing the opportunity afforded by the commandment, produced in me every kind of coveting. For apart from the law, sin was dead. Once I was alive apart from the law; but when the commandment came, sin sprang to life and I died. I found that the very commandment that was intended to bring life actually brought death. For sin, seizing the opportunity afforded by the commandment, deceived me, and through the commandment put me to death. So then, the law is holy, and the commandment is holy, righteous and good. Did that which is good, then, become death to me? By no means! Nevertheless, in order that sin might be recognized as sin, it used what is good to bring about my death, so that through the commandment sin might become utterly sinful. Romans 7:1-13
In this passage, it appears clearly that the Law must be kept and known. But from Christ, it is not us anymore, but the Spirit of the Messiah living in us who manages its functioning. Elohim made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of Elohim. 2Corinthians 5:21
Again, we can read from Paul that in order to expose sin, the Law that became flesh, Yahushua became sin, so that Grace could take effect. Does this mean that Elohim declared His Son guilty? Certainly not, but his great grace is shown in this: that He placed upon the only one who has always been innocent all the consequences, the judgment we all deserve according to the Law.
Law/Sin/Judgment/Mercy are all inseparable concepts since the fall of Adam and Eve
5. We know that the law is spiritual; but I am unspiritual, sold as a slave to sin. I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do. And if I do what I do not want to do, I agree that the law is good. As it is, it is no longer I myself who do it, but it is sin living in me. For I know that good itself does not dwell in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. For I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing. Now if I do what I do not want to do, it is no longer I who do it, but it is sin living in me that does it. So I find this law at work: Although I want to do good, evil is right there with me. Romans 7:15-21
Paul opposes here two kinds of laws. The laws of Elohim, and the anti-law (the laws of the antichrist), which comes from our carnal desires. Moreover, here Paul is not talking about his actual personal state of mind, but he speaks as an universal human beeing to make people not yet born again or still weak in their faith, to make them understand the porcess of sin in the world.The Law, the Messiah, the Ruach HaKodesh was living and ruling in Paul. He was free from sin and did not struggle with anything from the moment he was born again.
6. Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Yahushua HaMashiah, because through Yahushua HaMashiah the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death. For what the law was powerless to do because it was weakened by the flesh, Elohim did by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh to be a sin offering. And so he condemned sin in the flesh, in order that the righteous requirement of the law might be fully met in us, who do not live according to the flesh but according to the Spirit. Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace. The mind governed by the flesh is hostile to Elohim; it does not submit to Elohim’s law, nor can it do so. Those who are in the realm of the flesh cannot please Elohim. Romans 8:1-8
Only the law of Elohim can protect us against the law of sin. But because of the flesh, Man is unable to keep them on his own. This is why it is necessary that they be engraved no longer on tablets of stone, but on tablets of flesh, immediately in the hearts of men, so that they can act instinctively according to the law. This is what it means to be born again in the Messiah. Even if I commit a sin, I recognize it immediately without anyone telling me or looking for the exact article in the scriptures, because the Holy Spirit who lives in me immediately points it out to me, He holds me back and judges me so that I realize that I have still something to settle. This is how Sanctification works. Without an inner connection to the Messiah and without being born again, the Law itself leads to self-righteousness and remains vain. However, when I find myself under the reign of the Messiah, the Law comes to life within me and I begin to apply it instinctively and without any difficulty or feeling of constraint. My old man is no longer there to try to stop me, to make me love sin rather than holiness. This is what the following verses are about:
7. The law was brought in so that the trespass might increase. But where sin increased, grace increased all the more, so that, just as sin reigned in death, so also grace might reign through righteousness to bring eternal life through Yahushua HaMashiah our Lord. What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase? By no means! We are those who have died to sin; how can we live in it any longer? Or don’t you know that all of us who were baptized into Yahushua HaMashiah were baptized into his death? We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as the Messiah was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life. Romans 5:20-6:4
It is difficult to understand with human thought what happened through the sacrifice of the Lamb. In the Jewish congregation of the time, Paul often used the following formulas: “What shall we say then…” then he continues: “…far from it-by no means…“. From the moment of Messiah’s ascension to the throne, orders come into effect that can be easily misinterpreted even by Jews. “Do we, then, nullify the law by this faith? Not at all! Rather, we uphold the law, etc.” This often repeated turn also leads to the conclusion that
there is certainly a change, but that there is still no essential change, but rather that something old and imperfect has become perfect and fulfilled.
The law does not save, but the law that became flesh does indeed save. It is difficult even for an initiated person to understand the highest thoughts and works of Elohim, and the enemy takes maximum advantage of this human weakness: “What is the Law for, look, even Paul speaks against it …“. Again Satan takes biblical verses out of context in order to distort the truth based on partial truths.
On the other hand, he cancels in a very sneaky way the order of the laws concerning the purity and the sacrifices of the Temple explaining that even the Jews of today no longer respect them since there is no more Temple, so what do you expected from Christians with these laws?
But let’s just take a little look to these laws and see how they are still valid in the Body of the Messiah.
8. Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction. 2Thessalonians 2:3
Each law, in addition to its physical content, also has a spiritual meaning. The laws concerning sacrifices are just as valid as the others. However, the Lamb of Elohim after having shed his Blood once and for all, our sacrifices are carried out to another level and the animals are replaced by other goods which belong to us. Such is the dedication of our own lives, our families, our work, our own person and all that is ours. It is no longer the goats, lambs or other animals that we sacrifice, because this type of physical sacrifice has been made once and for all by Yahushua. But according to the pattern of this unique sacrifice, what kind of sacrifices are we able to make in spirit so that our visible lives should be in harmony with the Messiah who dwells in us?
Today’s Jews no longer sacrifice animals either! Why ? Because the Temple in Jerusalem is destroyed. There is no sacrifice until the third is built. But I remind you that this third Temple has been rebuilt for a long time, and it is none other than the Body of Messiah, which was built in three days. This Temple is no longer made of stone, nor of any visible physical matter, but of Spirit. Therefore, the sacrifice must also take place at the level of the Spirit. These long written laws provide the answer to how everything should work. There is only one High Priest, Yahushua, not according to the order of Aaron, but according to that of Melchizedek, and all of us who are born again in Him are the Levites. So all the laws concerning the Cohens and the Levites are valid concerning Yahushua and us, his disciples.
The ‘do not touch the dead’ type of law, for example, doesn’t mean that I can’t even bury my parents if they die, because I can’t touch the dead, but it does mean that I have to stand away from these spirits and from the people who carry them. Let us not be in communion with them, lest they contaminate us. But let’s be close to them so that we can preach to them the One that can bring them Life. Let us also stay away from dead actions that do not move us forward.
Another question is which laws apply only to the Jewish people and which apply to all people. Here I would like to deal only with the validity of the Laws as a whole and in the context of the Time of Mercy. The rest could possibly be the subject of another lesson.
9. Circumcision has value if you observe the law, but if you break the law, you have become as though you had not been circumcised. So then, if those who are not circumcised keep the law’s requirements, will they not be regarded as though they were circumcised? The one who is not circumcised physically and yet obeys the law will condemn you who, even though you have the written code and circumcision, are a lawbreaker. A person is not a Jew who is one only outwardly, nor is circumcision merely outward and physical. No, a person is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is circumcision of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the written code. Such a person’s praise is not from other people, but from Elohim. Romans 2:25-29
A recurring theme, who is to be considered as Jewish? Is there a spiritual Israel? And why keep our Jewish identity if we believe and are already in the Messiah? There is no difference between Greek and Jew? In short, let us not confuse the standard used in judging everyone, regardless of their origins and gender, with the earthly task and calling that Elohim has given to different peoples and different genders, and which naturally are very different from one another. In short, let us not confuse the standard used in the judgment of each person regardless of their origins with the earthly task and call that Elohim gave to the different peoples and which do indeed differ from each other. But a pagan who has become a member of the People of Elohim, who is reborn in the Messiah, can indeed be a great judgment for the Jew who has strayed from Elohim by the testimony of his life, as to how the relationship with Yahuwah must be lived.
Such a born-again non-Jew will thus be considered more circumcised than a rebellious Jew who is only circumcised under his underpants.
This purely physical form of circumcision is vain in itself.But this does not imply that anyone non-jewish suddently becomes a real and genuine Jew.
No one should deprive the Israelites of the promises, roles and tasks and the identity that Elohim has given us for a long time so that we accomplish it in the visible world. Because some tasks fall to us and no one else is capable of fulfilling them.
10. There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Yahushua HaMashiah. Galatians 3:28
In this blind liberal-leftist world in which we live today, where people who dare to assert that there is even a noticeable difference between a man and a woman will soon be thrown into prison, it is more and more difficult for Christians, who are increasingly linked to the World, to make them understand that there is indeed a difference not only between men and women, but also between Jews and Greeks. Elohim loves us equally and no difference in His love and judgment will be made once we are in the Messiah. However, our callings remain different and distinct from each other, although we have to do it together just like a married couple: precisely as a man and a woman should do together. Our callings are completing and reinforcing each other.
And if anyone still misinterprets this sentence of Paul, I invite such a person, if he is a man, to get women’s clothes and a wig, to put them on, to apply rouge to lips, then to go to church next Sunday to attend worship dressed like that. Especially if it is the pastor or other minister. In this case let him also try to imitate a woman’s voice and preach to his disciples in this way. Then, when he returns home after his brothers stared at him in dismay, let him write his impressions and experience in the comments section at the bottom of this page because I would be very curious of how he had lived such an experience. And after that, let him especially go and think about when and how he will again take up and teach anything that comes from the pen of the apostle Paul?
I recommend this particularly to all those people who, out of hatred or even love of the Jews, identify themselves so much with us that they end up declaring themselves Jewish in mind, heart or whatsoever. The apostle Peter warns against the arbitrary use of his companion’s hardly understandable words, as this can have serious consequences. It is better to live such a humiliating experience of transvestite in the middle of the assembly, than to have one day to render an account before Yahuwah for the nonsense that one could have said while referring to Paul.
The Jewish people is not rejected. It continues to serve as an example to other peoples, even if it is not yet in the Messiah.
Before a prophecy happens to anyone, it will first be fulfilled in the visible world on the Jewish people, as a kind of prototype, as the main test, like a mannequin in a window. (The Shoa is an example of this). This is what it means to be a chosen or a prophetic people, chosen and set apart by Elohim for eternity for a different and a special task. This also applies to the messianic age, even when the great part of the people persists in not recognizing the Messiah in Yahushua.
The law of circumcision also applies only to Jews, including those who are in the Messiah, since one must continue to wear the physical and visible sign of the old Covenant while having circumcision of the heart in addition as a sign of Grace, of the same Covenant that had been revived by the Messiah.
However, our circumcision in Messiah can only be like that of Theophilus, so that we can serve our people. The sign of the perfect and final Covenant is through Water and Fire. Our physical circumcision only serves to open the doors to the traditional members of our people so that we can bring the Gospel back to them.
This task is ours alone and is eternal. But if we become unfaithful to Elohim, then a non-Jew circumcised in heart can humiliate a circumcised in flesh by being more righteous than him. At the final count, in our judgment, however, we will enjoy no advantage because of our Jewishness. In fact, we’ll be in a worse situation than the others having always been the eldest compared to them. The more we have been entrusted with, the more we will be held to account. This is why no one should be jealous! In spirit, one can be a descendant of Abraham by faith, like the people of Elohim by the Messiah, but spiritual Israel does not exist.
Israel and Judah, are the first wifes of Elohim and the eldest. They are not to be mixed up with its younger sister: Ephraim which is the next Bride of Elohim. As incredible as it may seem, in the prophecies, when Judah is mentioned, it applies that we are referring to Judah! And the same way, when we hear about Israel, well, it is quite simply question of Israel – all the members of the 10 lost tribes whose gathering is still in progress. In the prophecies, the other nations are referred to by the name: Ephraim. Let’s never mix the three and confuse them, because you will miss the point and be blinded in your prophetic vision.
11. In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. But someone will say, “You have faith; I have deeds.” Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds. You believe that there is one Elohim. Good! Even the demons believe that—and shudder. You foolish person, do you want evidence that faith without deeds is useless ? Was not our father Abraham considered righteous for what he did when he offered his son Isaac on the altar? You see that his faith and his actions were working together, and his faith was made complete by what he did. And the scripture was fulfilled that says, “Abraham believed Elohim, and it was credited to him as righteousness,” and he was called Elohim’s friend. You see that a person is considered righteous by what they do and not by faith alone. In the same way, was not even Rahab the prostitute considered righteous for what she did when she gave lodging to the spies and sent them off in a different direction? As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead. James 2:17-26
What kind of actions is James talking about here? Where can the works come from? Of our human will, of well-intentioned humanism, of our desire to please the others? When Abraham believed and acted accordingly, did he not obey the word of Elohim and his Commandments which he had known up to that time? (Since Abraham lived before Moses, he could not have known all of the revealed Law, yet there were laws he knew even in his uncircumcised state centuries before Moses.) Works are nothing but the observance of the Law, their acceptance and obedience. How could I act if I don’t know the law? Without the law, there are no possible good actions.
Faith without deeds is dead. That is to say that faith is dead without the law, and grace is meaningless without it!
Anyone who thinks it is possible to act well outside the Will, Word and Law of Elohim is mistaking!
In conclusion, I would like to end this teaching not with the words of Paul, but from our Lord Yahushua HaMashiah himself:
12. For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. Therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches others accordingly will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:18-20
As I have written before in another teaching, Paul spoke in many ways, because he was speaking to very different people in terms of state and spiritual maturity. In Yahushua’s days no one had yet been born in the Spirit, for the Ruach HaKodesh had not yet been sent to fill the disciples at least not so widely.
And if we don’t understand Paul, let’s stick to Yahushua’s words. Let us always and mainly base ourselves on what Yahushua says, because Paul is not the messiah. However, through Paul, the Messiah spoke in a way that many do not/cannot/ or even do not want to understand since the are not willing to grow. Above all, Paul must not become a cornerstone over whom many stumble to their own ruin, as the apostle Peter said concerning his colleague who is many times indeed very hard to understand. (2 Peter 3:15-16)
Concerning the “contradictions” of the apostle Paul
When we analyze the apostle Paul’s relationship to the Commandments of Elohim, it is worth starting from the words spoken by another apostle who from the outset drew our attention to the problem of the erroneous interpretation that the people make from the statements of his colleague. Let us therefore read what Peter tells us concerning Paul in his second epistle in chapter 2 verses 15 to 16:
Bear in mind that our Yahuwah’s patience means salvation, just as our dear brother Paul also wrote you with the wisdom that Elohim gave him. He writes the same way in all his letters, speaking in them of these matters. His letters contain some things that are hard to understand, which ignorant and unstable people distort, as they do the other Scriptures, to their own destruction. 2Peter 3:15-16
Chaos reigns in the Church due to certain statements of Paul that are indeed very difficult to interpret. This is what we will try to remedy with these two following teachings.
If we really want to be honest, everyone may have noticed at least once in their life that Paul seems to be in total contradiction, both with the Old Testament, with Yahushua’s statements, and even with his own.
However, we must agree on one fundamental truth:
There is NO and CANNOT be any contradiction
in those writings which were inspired by the Holy Spirit of Elohim and preserved by the same Spirit during the processes which men commonly call canonization.
From now on, we must no longer run away from what seems difficult to us, even withdraw what is good then to sweep the rest under the carpet. We should rather ask persistently that Ruach HaKodesh enlighten us and give us the answers to these cardinal questions.
Jews and Christians agree on one essential thing concerning the character of Paul. According to both parties:
Paul is the one who “canceled” the Law.
This is considered sacrilege in the eyes of the Jews and an ultimate blessing for the Greeks.
On one side – the Jews – considers it a scandal that someone should claim that the law is no longer an aim to be achieved and that the main task of man is not to keep it. On the other side, the Nations which were originally outlaws when they did not yet know Yahushua HaMashiah, always seek to benefit only from the positive sides of the Alliances and neglect what seems to them to be difficult or unpleasant.
Paul stood between these two extremist and erroneous perceptions of what our relationship with Elohim should be. It is in this state of spiritual middle ground that we should all be like Paul. He warned that we refrain from following the spirit of the Pharisees who bet everything on the Law and the works that flow from it, so as not to trample the sacrifice of the Lamb of Elohim.
At the time when most of the first disciples were newly converted Jews straight out of traditional Judaism, the detachment and purification from Babylonian Judaism had not yet been fully accomplished. It was not yet entirely clear to them what the difference was between the laws added by the “Babylonian wises” and those disclosed to Moses by Yahuwah himself.
But the problem is far from being that simple. Because the original Commandments can also be approached in two different manners. The original Law can be interpreted Pharisaically and not spiritually. When we obey the Father’s Word in order to obtain retribution and avoid punishment, we do so only out of self-love. But we can also obey our Father’s will out of love for Him without expecting any reward from Him, but just “to please Him”. It is this form of obedience that comes from pure and unconditional love that is the right path. It is when his perfect Son lives in our hearts and directs us from within which is the sign that the Commandments have been engraved and fulfilled within us.
The first attitude is self-righteous, that is to say formal, on the basis of mutual concessions, as in a contract between two business partners. Not by faith and heart, but by reason, not by love of Yahuwah, but by fear of him, as we can mainly see it today in religions like Islam where believers are scared to death of their god who they are serving as slaves rather than sons.
We are all to be sons of Elohim through the Ruach HaKodesh, when the Spirit of the Son Yahushua fills up our hearts to rule from within.
Thus the Messiah applies the Law in us, without we having to make the effort to respect it. It simply starts to work by itself inside of us, as if by instinct.
Paul therefore attacks both false Judaism, which is fundamentally human, but he also goes against this kind fulfillment of the original Law which is based on the effort of man wanting to perfect himself. This human effort is futile and harmful. Both condition lead to death.
Why does Paul contradict Yahushua? “We are no longer under the law” vs. “Not a iota will pass from the law…”?
Let’s start from a fundamental principle that we must apply in all circumstances:
If there is a contradiction between the words of Yeshua and those of any other character in the Bible, the standard is ALWAYS what Yahushua says.
If we don’t understand, let’s not cling to what is most sympathetic to us or what theologians have put in our heads over the centuries. Until we are wise and spiritually mature enough to understand Paul’s words which are indeed often very difficult to understand, we must hold very firmly and exclusively to the word of Yahushua and act accordingly, for no evil can result from this.
Then, when we reach the level of maturity and sufficient obedience, we realize that ultimately
Paul never contradicted Yahushua
The big difference between them was that unlike Yahushua’s message, Paul’s message was primarily aimed to people who were already born again and were of very different spiritualages and states. Yahushua was in a “simpler” situation one might say, since everyone was on the same spiritual level and no one had yet been born again and received the Holy Spirit.
Law begets death
The law is a dangerous weapon like a knife. With it you can kill, mutilate and injure if it is considered as a simple letter, but it can also be used to feed, to cut tumors and gangrene, even to defend oneself, in a word to maintain and preserve Life, if it is lived in the Spirit.
The letter kills and the Spirit gives life.
2 Corinthians 3:6
And if you do not learn from the Father how to use it, you will harm yourself and others. And if you reject it out of fear or cowardness, the law itself is ultimately going to judge you.
The Law/Commandments is the Word, and the Word became flesh. He who does not die as an old man and does not rise again as a new creation in Yeshua, in the Word, in the Living Law, will be overtaken by the judgment of Yahushua at his return.
The question of the weak
The root of the all that seems contradictory in what Paul says, is the concept of weakness. He puts all laws and commandments of Elohim to the background for the weak, for those who are still children in spirit so that we do not burden them with things that do not yet concern them. The subjects which concern the elder ones must not be treated in the ears of the youngests so that no false custom, dogma and other tradition comes to veil the heart of the children. If they would forced themselves to do things instead of letting the Messiah shape them from within, it would only lead them away from the Spirit of the Messiah.
Because the law of LIFE and LOVE prevails over all others.
If a law has been re-established in us and which is not yet in our neighbour, let us avoid teaching them to obey it, because instead of leading them forward on the path of sanctification, we would put them again under the curse of the law again. Thus their relation to the law would be reduce to the letter, to formalities, to self-righteousness, in a word, to religiosity. We would make them Pharisees again and not disciples capable of discerning by themselves through the Spirit of what they should think and act in a given situation and a given moment in their journey. They would end up obeying the decrees in the hope of obtaining more rewards and blessings and would miss the conduct of the Ruach HaKodesh who in turn would end up momentarily withdrawing from them for lack of submission to Him.
The commandments have been fulfilled in me when I no longer obey them by constraint, but rather instinctively, without thinking about it and even by deeply desiring to fulfill them and not even being able to imagine doing otherwise.
It is good to be able to resist temptation. But if the problem is not solved at the level of the spirit and we obey the will of Elohim only at the cost of internal struggles, sooner or later big problems will arise in our spiritual life. What I still have to resist when I am already born again is a sin from which I am not free yet. It is therefore necessary to get rid of it, to clean it so that the power of the Messiah does not stop progressing in me. This mechanism is nothing more than the
Sin is the root of all disorder and all hindrances. Only the law can expose sin. And Yahushua can free us from sin by applying the Commandments. Because He is High Priest who executes judgment against sin in our hearts – on the level of our minds and spirit.
We are the Temples of His Spirit and He ministers in us as the High Priest according to the order of Melkishedek and according to all the Commandments concerning the High Priests which have long since been disclosed in the Torah. Instead of calves, heifers, goats and other animals, he burns our remaining sins through the execution of the Law at the spiritual level.
This process can manifest itself at the level of our relations with our environment in the visible world: relations die, others revive or arise; links are broken, others strengthened; hostile people suddenly change their attitude towards us; our living conditions stabilize or even improve; etc. But I am thinking here above all of the internal problems of our person which, like obstacles, prevent us from moving forward.
At the root of all sin is the breaking of a law. In the long run this involves death if we do not detach ourselves from sin, but can also beget life if the Spirit of Messiah frees us from it. It is by letting Yahushua apply the sentence against sin that is in me that he frees me from it at the same time. So it is He, Yahushua, who takes the place of sin in my heart so that His Law will henceforth be applied in and through me. I will thus obey the order given, because it is living inside of me and acts by itself, without effort, like breath that gives life.
As we have discussed in several other writings, the Law, as we read in the 10 Words, or Commandments, are promises, they were not written in the imperative mode in the original Hebrew, but in the future tense: ( if He lives in us and we live in Him), then we will not steal, kill, cheat, fornicate…, because we will no longer want to. This is when we start to understand what Yeshua said that even thinking about sin is sin in itself and that is the level where He wants to free us from it.
The weak need milk. He needs to experience and see Grace, to hear the Gospel, to experience deliverance, healing, so that his faith is strengthened. Then he will gradually begin to hunger for more and more solid food. In addition to the 5 fundamental laws that Paul lists for us in Acts 16:29 (drinking of blood, drowning animals, fornication, etc.) that everyone must apply from the start, sooner or later
you must have the curiosity to learn what the Word contains including the commandments found in the 5 books of Moses.
If we want to know the essence of the Messiah more and more in depth, then we must let this process begin.
And while masses of teachers preach the denial of the law, still greater masses of believers are deprived of this curiosity and the ability to go in search of solid food by themselves, not through teachers, but independently, as spiritual adults, through the direct guidance and teaching of the Ruach HaKodesh. When, according to the promise, we no longer teach one another (Jeremiah 31:33 and Hebrew 8:11).
We all have to reach this level of spiritual maturity thus letting the Ruach HaKodesh fulfilling this promise in us and stop teaching our own sipirtual children when they also become adults like us. Just as in the case of a physical family. We are not the same parents for our adult children than we were when they were children. Once they grow up, we must at best standing before them as witnesses and examples.
Let us therefore not forbid anyone to eat rabbit or pig, to celebrate Sunday and Christmas, or to give foreign names to the Eternal, as long as these people do it with a pure heart and that they are still immature in spirit, for we would offend them. Because if they would listened to us and returned to the originals, to what is holy, but it is not Ruach HaKodesh who restores these questions in their hearts and at the appropriate time, but me and at the level of their intellect, then I would have worked in vain.
Because it is possible to be saved even by drowning in pork, if the Savior catches us in time and we say yes to him. No one should try to force or accuse anyone who, out of purity of heart, does not yet comply with a decree that has already become important and natural for us.
But if you are no longer part of the weaks, because you are already an adult or at least mature enough to move on to more serious things, then stop playing the child and pretending not to be concerned with all the Word of Elohim. Because if you keep shying away and refusing to know and obey the law, you’ll end up in big trouble.
From a certain age, we can also be beaten with sticks if we continue our childishness.
In our ministry, we are not to play little christs judging the weak, but to present the merciful Yahushua to them. Because the time for the return of the Messiah who judges has not yet arrived. The time of Grace is still going on, but although the Law remains eternal and valid. Anyone who preaches otherwise is preaching a foreign gospel. The fact is that the Law is applied by Ruach HaKodesh in the life of each individual, according to their spiritual age.
Returning to Torah is an act of suicide in itself. But not coming back to it is just as suicidal. Returning to the Old Testament by bypassing Shavuot/Pentecost leads to death. We have to understand that the Torah must be engraved in us in the mind and the heart through Ruach HaKodesh, and then we begin to realize with our consciousness how does works in practice, everything that had been written down in the Torah long ago.
We mustn’t teach the crude law to our younger brothers but rather show them the way to walk with the Ruach HaKodesh who can fix the living Commandments in their hearts.
Then when we are convinced that they are also being led by Ruach HaKodesh direclty from within, we can begin to witness how He has restored the Commandments within ourselves.
Along the Reformation process, several churches were founded as a result of recognizing Yahuwah’s original Holy day in the Sabbath as described in the Ten Commandments:
Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.
Exodus 20:8
Indeed, we do not read anything like : “dear son, please take appart a day of your choice to worship Me…” but instead we can see that the Sabbath has been specifically chosen by Elohim for us to be a meeting point, a sign of our Covenant.
Yahushua himself did no different. However, he committed a kind of “civil” or rather “scribal disobedience” on certain Shabbats by healing the sick and delivering prisoners from their sins. This indeed scandalized the religious leaders of the time, since they forgot that
The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath
Therefore, the blessing of Sabbat became a curse to them, as they endorsed a terrible psychological yoke by constantly having to be careful not to violate the law of the Sabbath.
Because the law of Life and Love is ahead of all other decrees
Later, Yahushua also declares that
The Son of Man is (also) Lord of the Sabbath.
Luke 6:5
That means that whoever is in the Messiah, he is above the Sabbath himself together with the Messiah.
But it does not follow that he has the right to exchange the days
Because in this case he becomes a prisoner of another day by the mere act of designating it. After all, Yahushua did not die on the cross to usher in a new day, but to fulfill the existing one!
And being above the law does not give us the right to break the law, but it stands under our feet as one of the foundations so that our own temple, the temple of Ruach HaKodesh, does not shake and stands on solid ground, on the foundations of the law and the prophets, on which the Church itself was built.
Paul himself did never stated anything else even when he was asking the elders not to burden the newly born again brethren with questions of days and dates, since they are still children and they may consider another day to be the holy one according to the purity of their hearts.
As long as it is done out of ignorance and with a pure heart, it is a sweet-smelling sacrifice in the eyes of Elohim. Let them do it as long as their worship is spotless. However, Paul does not add it, but it is clear that sooner or later, as a consequence of the process of sanctification and getting mature in spirit, Ruach HaKodesh is going to restore the original order in them as well. It is none of our business to know how long Elohim grants them his patience and when time will come for each one of them.
The original Will of Yahuwah, however, is to sanctify/separate the Sabbat which is Saturday.
Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day. These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in the Messiah.
Colossians 2:16-17
As for the original Saturday as a shadow, let anyone refrain from creating another shadow instead of the former and original one. Moreover, in order to create a series of similar, alternative religious ceremonies: “Then we come together, in this particular place, this is allowed, this is not, we will sing this, for this amount of time, we must read this portion of the Scriptures, pray this and that, in that way, put your tithe in such a box and our offerings in such a basket… and most of all: This one is going to preach because he/she has the required knowledge according to our established theological requirements, like the scribes in the times of Yeshua, etc. Those places where they are training religious robots instead of making disciples by rebirth and leave them be led directly by the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Tabernacle in the wilderness, which is our model, is mobile, flexible, going here and there under the guidance of Ruach. So the Law/the Commandments and the one of Shabbat within it, is equally mobile, flexible and has to work as a blessing and means of giving and strengthening life according to the place and the situation.
Saturday as a shadow vs. Saturday as the reality of the Messiah
For us, as Levites in the Heavenly Sanctuary, every day is a Sabbath and a Holy Day
As with all the other Feasts of Yahuwah, being Levite priests living and serving in the Messiah, we are experiencing all the Feasts and Sabbaths in a permanent way in the presence of Yahushua. For us and in spirit, every day is Saturday, Yom Kippur, Pessach and all the other holidays. What matters for us is no more the calendar, the times and the hours, but the continuity and the fulfillment of the Holy Moments in our hearts. See more about this: The Feasts of Yahuwah in Yahushua.
In the temporal dimension, the great events of Salvation History were all fulfilled on biblical holidays, so after Shavuot (Pentecost) the next big event waiting to be fulfilled will be Yom HaTrua (Day of Trumpets). So the holidays also have several dimensions, see the other article. But here, we are only going to analyze the holidays on a personal level rather than historic or universal).
those who do not belong to the Messiah are still under the law,
and these laws apply to them according to their original order.Because unlike circumcision, the Sabbath is mentioned on the two stone tablets which means that it is part of the 10 Commandments. Thus it also applies to the entire Church and the people of Elohim, those born again in the Messiah. As we read several times with the Passover sacrifice, you should have one law for the sojourner and the stranger, etc. But as born again disciples the law is no more according to the mere letter but living and acting in us through the fire of the Holy Spirit. That’s the main point I strive to make you understand through practically all my teachings.
For Shabbat is a sign between the children of Israel and Elohim. This sign should also be respected and proclaimed as an eternal law by those who are not part of the children of Israel, who are already exempt from the strict observance of this sign, but by having become sons of Elohim through the Blood of the Lamb, they should know the essence of this eternal Sabbath, and as an even greater sign it should be visible on them, every single day of the week. (e.g. when you get aware that people notice how stable you are, how optimistic you are, even in situations when they are in panic. When everyone is afraid of something they can see that you literally walk on water and are not affected by the spiritual traumas that afflict secular people or even your religious peers. This is a type of constant Shabbat experienced internally).
And those who are not aliens, have not yet joined the people of Elohim through the Blood of the Lamb, they must also know these laws. After a week of work, it is natural that on the appointed days they will go towards us, the Levites, if they are looking for Elohim. For us, calendar holidays, times and hours are important and should be observed at this level, because we must know that our service to the outside world becomes particularly intense at these moments.
At such times, hearts are more opened, everyday running and rush stops and openness to the Word of Elohim increases. Because whether you like it or not, Saturday has a strong spiritual and world-wide influence on all the created creatures and they do feel it somewhere deep in their minds and hearts.
On these days, we have to be on the lookout and in this way we have the responsibility of inviting the outsiders to the respect of these appointed days according to the calendar. Moreover, even the fake holidays can also be used, in a wise manner instead of immediately destroying them in the eyes of those who still respect them. Since for them, these false days (sunday, Christmas, etc.) are holidays when their hearts are more open than usual the same way so that they can eventually better receive the Gospel.
What’s wrong with Sunday
Let us emphasize that Sunday, the first day of the week, Yom Echad, is a very special day and is almost as important as Saturday. Why? Because on this day the Almighty began his work of creation. On this day, Elohim brought the Light, that means Himself as the Messiah, into the already fallen world languishing in chaos and darkness (Tohu VeBehu). Presumably, it was on the first day of a certain week (Sunday), that the same Light of the World was born into the visible world in the person of Yeshua of Nazareth. Also at dawn on Sunday, at the moment when the Sabbath changed to the next day, our Lord Yahushua HaMashiah rose from the dead and it was mainly later that day that the reality of the resurrection was perceived by the external witnesses. In short, without the day of creation, without the first day of the week, neither Saturday nor any other day of the week could exist. Both the creation and the new creation and even the gift of Ruach HaKodesh to the first disciples at Shavuot (Pentecost) began on this precise day which is the symbol of every new beginning. None of these events could have happened on any other day!
Despite all of these, neither Yahuwah nor the Messiah nor the Holy Spirit ever revealed to anyone that we should switch from Saturday to Sunday.
Why do many still consider Sunday more important then?
Because the disciples gathered on the first day of the week, as we read in the Book of Acts?
Yes, as they gathered on all the other days of the week as well. Furthermore, we read that they appeared among their traditional Jewish brothers in the synagogueson Saturdays.
Or because we also read that Paul collected the donations on the first day of the week?
Well, fom a Jewish perspective, this is exactly the proof, that sundays were not considered as holy by the first disciples, since we do never deal with money or any other material things on a holy day. The collection of donations is the symbol of the beginning of the work. Capital is collected so that it can be distributed, so that it can be used for service, for ministry that is to say for work.
In my own native language for ex., which is Hungarian – although you might have noticed that my accent seems quite frenchy for a Hungarian guy, but let’s not get into my difficult past so we avoid complicating things even more – but in Hungarian Sunday is Vasárnap which is a derivation of two words: Vásár meaning market or marketplace and Nap that means day and sun. So here we can also figure out that the first day of the week is far from being sanctified but rather the day of the market, when we buy the food we need for the following week so that we can start our new journey equipped with all the energy we need.
After his resurrection, our Lord appeared to the disciples, symbolically on Sunday, because a new beginning was opened before us, and not to designate another day to be observed above the others according to a new Pharisaic order. This is what the traditional Jews do with the Sabbath to this day. They are perceiving the law of Shabbat from bellow being themselves still under the law. So they are constantly suffering in order to respect all the regulations (mainly since they have added all the Babylonian extra judaic stuff to it, but this is not the subject of this article).
The law remains the law, Yahushua himself did not change a single iota, that is, he did not even touch the smallest letter, so even less did he replace a whole word such as Shabbat to transcribe it into Yom Echad! But by entering into His body, we entered an eternal Sabbath-rest, where we live the holiness of this day in all moments and for ever. The traditional Christians made a “restless” Sunday out of the traditional Jewish “restless” Sabbath, that is, by declaring that a particular day is chosen above the others, and moreover, their choice did not fall on the original one. Moreover, they are doing all of this on the basis of what Paul declared that we should no longer worry about the designated calendar times and days. This phenomenon is nothing more than the preservation of Pharisaism mixed with the distortion of the law. Double mistake! …the secret power of lawlessness is already at work… 2Thessalonians 2:7
The Blood of the Lamb freed us from keeping the Sabbath according to the letter and time, so that we could live in continuous Sabbath and not to choose another day to continue celebrating the new one in the old, stone-engraved, pharisaical way.
Just like in the case of Yeshua’s birth, Elohim did never ask anyone to celebrate his resurrection or the sending of His Spirit on any particular day of the week in replacement of the Sabbath.
Are Sunday-keepers wrong?
Yes, of course! Why?
Because they do not understand and recognize what had just been explained above. But most of all
in most cases, their Sundays are just the remaining wild shoots of an unweeded catholic root.
And that’s basically the biggest problem of all! It is not a matter of some believers coming together on this day. But then, why did other groups and churches not choose Wednesday, Thursday or any other day? Not for youth-gatherings or other special occasions, but for their worships? If the day is not so important, then why this exclusivity around Sunday?
They do not even recognize that still not having reconsidered the question of the weekly resting day since the beginning of the reformation, they are still perpetuating the constantinian rebellion, which intended to “de-Judaize” the newly adopted state religion together with changing the times, dates and the Names.
The proof of what the cult of Sunday is really about and what its roots are can be found in the English and German languages themselves: Sunday – Zontag
The Latins having had enough intelligence, or rather cunning – since they were the initiators of the terrorist attack of Constantine the “great” – to create a new name for the first day of the week which is derived from the word Lord: Domenica/Domingo/Dimanche).
The roman empire of the time had to preserve many pagan traditions, gods and feasts so that the the pagan masses living among them would not rebel against the new order. It’s all about politics. This is how the holy day of the Sun God (Sunday – Zontag) had taken over Elohim’s original Sabbath. The same occurred in the case of Christmas, Easter and all the feasts of all kinds of saints.
Thus, it is important for us, disciples of a certain spiritual age in the Messiah, to remember that obedience does not consist in making Elohim accept a distortion of human or even demonic origin so as not to upset the spirits and keep the herd together, but on the contrary
it is up to Man to comply with the rules established by Yahuwah. Those Rules that became flesh in the Messiah and that are fulfilled in us by the Holy Spirit.
But again, no longer by letters from tablets of stone or texts printed in books, but by the engraving of the tongues of fire in our hearts, when we feel inside that the mere thought of accepting the Sabbath as a separate day brings peace in us and this without feeling obliged to crawl on the ground as a sign of submission or to bind my hands and feet in order to ensure total respect for the commandments. On the contrary, we feel and experience this kind of freedom when we know that we can and must also heal people like Yeshua did, or even get into a car and drive a few kilometers in order to pull a donkey out of the well, because that is the moment he needs it.
We can experience this feeling of freedom any day of the week.
If I am obedient to the laws that Ruach HaKodesh has placed on my heart and expects from me in accordance with my maturity, in accordance with my spiritual age, I do not have to think about what I should or should not do on this day – just like on the others. The law lives within me, and if I am obedient to it, whatever I may do, I will not break it, for I will not have the desire or thought of doing what is unholy.
From now on, no one should want to transfer anyone from the slavery of the original Saturday to the slavery of a false Sunday, because such a person would have understood nothing of the leading of the Holy Spirit and what it is all about to be a born-again or being an adult in the spirit. Don’t lie to yourself with theological ramblings and especially don’t defile the Holy events that happened on the first day of the week by imposing your new and counterfeit Pharisaism on yourself, on other people or even on the whole world.
Some thoughts about Shabbat-keeping churches
One shouldn’t think that returning to the Sabbath makes you an extra-Christian or ensures your Salvation in itself. Unfortunately, it is very sad that the majority of the Saturday-keeping churches do simply restore this Commandment in such a Pharisaic level of mind that the lack of spiritual content not only renders their efforts and reforms futile, but also makes them even greater enemies of the restoration of the true Sabbath than the Roman Church itself and the other supposedly reformed little Vaticans with all their false Sundays and feasts.
Very often, the sunday-keepers are literally condemning and it is made a question of salvation if someone insists on keeping Sunday, even by ignorance. I emphasize that ignorantly. In my opinion, having been enlightened and still rebelling against it can indeed lead to the loss of salvation (like any other conscious rebellion). But the majority of believers are merely misled and in the absence of spiritual vision – as their rebirth is either hindered or at least overshadowed by some kind of pastor or other person called a teacher – the misled does not even realize that he is acting against the will of Elohim. Condemning the ignorant is a more serious version of the crime of condemnation itself.
Meanwhile, instead of being filled with the Holy Spirit, these communities idolize their own church founders together with their own theologies, and the lack of the leading of the Holy Spirit has in some cases led them all the way back to openly Christless rabbinical Judaism. This is what happened in Transylvania in the last century, where some believers were finally executed in gas chambers along with the genuine Jewish people.
In several cases, however, their path does not lead to Judaism, but to a state of marginal sectarianism similar to Judaism, where the rank of the Messiah Yahushua is questioned and degraded, and he who is the Creator is belittled to the rank of simple creature. Furthermore, they fall into a certain type of replacement theology by starting many times to deny the Judaity of today’s Jews, that is, open anti-Semitism. The promotion of Khazarian theories, etc., which theory may be true anyway, but in this case the outcome of the matter will surprise many, as it would not mean at all that we, Ashkenazi Jews, are not the descendants of Jacob, even if we have actually made a little tour of a few hundred years in an area called Khazaria. But I explain this in more detail in my writings on The Gathering of the Tribes of Israel of Anti-Semitism and anti-Christianity.
So it is a basic phenomenon of today’s Sabbatist trends that they quickly move in the direction of Judaism, where the emphasis is on the appliance of the law to the letter, while the Messiah is lowered, and the Ruach HaKodesh can only be imagined in theory.
It also develops into a kind of Unitarianism when they begin to deny the reality of Elohim’s threefold appearance.
The falsity of the doctrine of the Holy Trinity, which seeks to multiply the person of the One Elohim, unfortunately leads many to the denial of the Triple Holiness of Elohim: the three main roles and forms of appearance as the Father, the Son and Ruach HaKodesh. Sooner or later, a very large number of Sabbatarian start to question the divinity of the Messiah. This is when they declare that Yeshua is a creature or even identify him with the archangel Michael. (More about this in my article/video Holy Trinity or Triple Holiness?). And concerning Michael, briefly: he also certainly appeared in human form and all signs point to the fact that he was none other than Moses himself – the other archangel Gabriel being presumably Eliyahu and John (the baptist), but you can learn more about this from my writings TERUMAH and B-Reshit / B-Beginning / B-Plan.
The point is that here, as in so many other cases, one false extreme drives those who realize that there is something wrong with the previous explanations or theories to another equally false extreme.
I mention these cases so that we can see that although it is very good and necessary to return to Jewish roots, a part of which is Shabbat, but
if all this is not done in the Messiah, through the guidance of Ruach HaKodesh and our rebirth,
then we go back under the law according to the letter, which sooner or later is going to kill us. In that case, I dare say, that it would have been better for such a person not even having come out of Egypt or Rome with all their false Sundays.
Both camps have serious issues to settle. The Saturday camp’s distorted testimony about Saturday is responsible for the fact that so many people still go on with their Sundays. However, the majority of people born again and filled with Ruach HaKodesh still refuse to settle this issue and give up their Sundays. Even among religious, non-born again and non-spiritually filled believers, many try harder to observe the laws that the Holy Spirit would like to operate in you too, if you would finally let him do his job! In the first camp, they gradually sink into their pharisaism, and in the second, sooner or later they end up grieving the Holy Spirit.
True and effective Reformation
We have to accept one fundamental truth
any reform can only come through the Holy Spirit.
Only things that have been burned into your heart are to be considered as real Reforms and not those good intellectual and theological ideas that can pop out of your mind or because you read it in the Bible ?
The question is whether we have the Holy Spirit or not?
If we do, did the Holy Spirit already express His will about this matter or any other matter in our personal life?
If so, do we obey Him?
If not, then let’s make the right decision and not rebel any longer.
If you don’t have the Holy Spirit yet, let’s ask Yahushua for the recognition of your sins, so that you can repent, get baptized with water and then with Fire. Otherwise you’ll go on wallowing in lukewarm and empty religiosity.
You can keep Saturdays this way, even study the Scriptures dressed in white kippahs and clothes, discovering many truths, but you are unable to live the Truth, because it never gets from your head into your heart. But if you already have the baptism of fire, then urgently give up all your infantile rebellion and finally grow up, because you are in great danger!
Once again, my own testimony: the discovery that Yahuwah is His name was not made by researching in the scriptures, but was revealed by Ruach HaKodesh through my own mouth, after I asked Elohim to reveal to me the way He would like me call Him in the future. Others come to this conclusion after long and convulsive studies of the Scriptures. In many cases, with the help of all kinds of non-biblical writings, such as apocryphal books. What’s the difference between the two? In the first case, the Living Messiah declares out loud, in tongues, what his will is. But in the other case Truth is discovered using scribe (and Pharisee) methods and arises from the dry letters which never become life in them.
First, we should always go to the Messiah and ask him personally what his will is, even by confirming the written Word. But first we should surrender our lives to Him. He also reminds us from within of what stands in the Writings. You often receive a word in your heart in this way, which you might only read later and realize that it had already been written in the Bible a long time ago. Many times, the Word confirms what you have already received in your heart.
So let us choose the Wholeness offered by the Messiah, since it is free and its reward is Eternal Life.
From there it is up to us how much we empower the Holy Spirit to do His sanctifying work in us according to His own will and schedule. Let’s not blame Satan and foreign spirits if we get stuck in a certain spiritual level, since we are the only ones responsible if we empower these to stop us.
Behind Sunday-keeping, the same demonic powers are hiding as behind superficial Saturdays lived in the traditional way.
These are the kinds of Saturdays that Yahuwah hates, and even more so in the case of Sundays
Will it be a watershed issue of the end times?
The Antichrist – not after his appearance, since he is already in the world and we can know who he is very precisely – but when he enters the scene and takes power over the world, will, among other things change the times. This had already been greatly fulfilled by the Roman Church and its leader, one of the main foreshadows of the antichrist, Constantine the “great”, precisely and among other things in the conversion from Shabbat to Sunday a few centuries ago. However, some Christians think this prophecy is going to be fulfilled in the last times by forcing the worship of Sunday, while others, from the other camp, actually think the opposite and that the Antichrist will impose everyone to come back to the Sabbath. Whether he will choose between the two at all, I cannot predict. As I mentioned, the antichrist spirit will have already made this modification two thousand years ago. If, however, and as a confirmation, the Antichrist were to make a particular day mandatory, it would not be the mark of the beast in itself, but at most a part of it. (so that our Adventist friends understand the matter). But here as well, the question will not be whether his choice will fall on Saturday or Sunday, but the problem will be to turn everything to the level of formality and superficiality, beyond the fact that he will exalt and set himself up in Elohim’s temple, proclaiming himself to be Elohim instead of Yahuwah, and the Messiah, instead of Yahushua.
But let’s not fool ourselves. It is not primarily the Antichrist that we need to fear.
Persecution will not mostly come from outside, but from those whom we may still consider our brothers today.
Those who, instead of the model of the original Church, follow and offer other alternatives. Those who either see their salvation in the Law, or by denying them while claiming to have Ruach HaKodesh, are simply trampling on the very order that is the essence of the Holy Spirit, and who thus essentially are blaspheming Him. These phenomena must be feared, because they kill on a spiritual level and from within.
Let us be brave enough to keep on with the work of Ruach HaKodesh, even if we cause division in our communities, even if the two camps just mentioned, the two extremes will curse you. Pharisees will accuse you of being libertine and the lawless ones will accuse you to be legalistic. This is natural and be happy as long as you hear these from both sides, because this is a sign that you are on the right track.
reformation must continue until we return to the model of the first and true Church described in the book of the Acts of the Apostles.
We do not carry out this reformation by ourselves, we are only its instruments. Above all, no one should declare that he brought the last reformation to the world, no matter how great his ministry really is and being and example to be followed, because the last one will only be carried out by the Messiah himself when he returns. From our side, we have to constantly work on the following question, we must always seek to fulfill the Next Reformation at our human level. We should be more careful when choosing the names of our ministries, since the spoken word has its weight in the spiritual realm and we can easily mislead ourselves by thinking that after what already happened, no further change or restoration is left to be carried out. We can curse ourselves and prevent the sanctification process to go on. This is not a game. We simply have to let Ruach HaKodesh do this work, primarily within ourselves. The only thing that Elohim expects from us is to accept it in obedience, when He prompts us to change from within and to courageously take every steps when He tells us that the time has come.
The wicked flee though no one pursues, but the righteous are as bold as a lion.
When you march up to attack a city, make its people an offer of peace. If they accept and open their gates, all the people in it shall be subject to forced labor and shall work for you. If they refuse to make peace and they engage you in battle, lay siege to that city. When Yahuwah your Elohim delivers it into your hand, put to the sword all the men in it. As for the women, the children, the livestock and everything else in the city, you may take these as plunder for yourselves. And you may use the plunder Yahuwah your Elohim gives you from your enemies. Deuteronomy 20:10-14
Once again a law which scandalizes many people even among the elected, the christians. And most of them see in it the manifestation of what they are commonly calling the “cruel and vengeful God of the Old Testament.”
Today, for those of us who are under Grace in Christ, these words are really not about attacking and killing our enemies, not even by self-defense
However, fights are still going on today more than ever, but not against flesh and blood anymore
For us believers, spiritual battles are ongoing against external and internal attacks. Most often, the heavenly ones fight for us, our Lord and his angelic armies are protecting us, but there are situations where we must consciously confess the promises of Yahuwah and command foreign spirits to leave in the name of Yahushua since they have no right over us anymore.
Against these foreign powers, there is no mercy, no humanism, we must beat and destroy them with no mercy. Victory, however, always brings the spoil of war: primarily the blessing of freedom, but also many other blessings.
And in the case when we face these alien spirits through people, then the situation is different and the strategy changes.
We see that this law of the Messiah commands us to offer peace – Shalom first!
It is necessary to separate the person carrying sin and waiting for salvation from the sin itself.
When we are talking to someone, bringing him the Gospel. If the sinner, in his uncircumcision, listens to the basic rules that every man received in his heart when he was conceived, then there is a chance that he will recognize the sin and get rid of it by accepting our help and ministry our Shalom. And if you lead him to the Messiah, that’s a main victory that will have countless fruits also in your own life. As soldiers of Yahushua, we must help our Master killing the old men of our neighbours so that they become New Creations in the Messiah. However, in this case, the newly born brethren will no longer be your servant, as we read in the commandment above, but as you and me, he/she is also going to be the servant of the Messiah. But as we can read it, you are also going to enjoy the plunder coming from this victory. You’ll enjoy all the fruits of a victorious ministry by being blessed with new brothers and sisters in the Messiah who may become your companions in the ministry.
That’s how you are going to store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.
And if he doesn’t listen, shall we kill him? Of course not. Not the way we think. Here again, the judgment is entirely in the hands of the Messiah. If the person resists you, he rebels against Yahushua. And if the person consciously surrenders to the foreign spirits that keeps him captive and forces him to sin, sooner or later the judgment of the Messiah will catch up with that person and can lead him to everlasting death.
Yahushua also repeats this command when he sends his disciples out in Luke 9 and 10:
He told them: “Take nothing for the journey—no staff, no bag, no bread, no money, no extra shirt. Whatever house you enter, stay there until you leave that town. If people do not welcome you, leave their town and shake the dust off your feet as a testimony against them.”Luke 9:3-5
We must adhere to this last commandment, we do not kill anyone physically, we only shake the dust off our feet. If they reject the peace we offer them, they declare themselves enemies of our Lord. At this moment we have to hand them over to the Supreme Court with this sign of cleaning the dust from our feet. Then, if they keep at resisting to the end, the Messiah himself will execute the judgment upon them according to the previous and original Commandment quoted above.
In conclusion, the original Old Testament commandment is in effect. But it’s not us and not now, but it is the Messiah who is the only Judge. But still being in the period of Grace, He himself is offering everyone the execution of our old men at the level of our spirits so that we may receive Eternal Life. But as soon as the Messiah returns, these death penalty laws will also be fulfilled at the physical level according to the original judgment required by the Old Testament in the case of all those who did not live and accept this Grace and thus will die twice and for ever.
Again, a Commandment, which had been raised to perfection by our Redeemer: when combined with Grace, it was fulfilled at the level of the Spirit.
Love Yahuwah your Elohim with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’ and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself
These two commandments contain all the others. This means that the 10 Commandments, 5+5, are the explanation and development of these two Great Commandments explaining in more detail: HOW to love Yahuwah and our Neighbor.
And all the other commandments written in the Torah (Deuteronomy) are the extension and the more detailed explanations of these 2 and the 10 from which they result. Each development helps us to better foresee and react in specific cases.
If Yahushua is the Word who became flesh (John 1:14), and if Yahushuais Love himself, how can anyone say that the law is no longer valid today?
Nor did Paul make such a statement, although his words may often seem to contradict this (we are not under law, etc). But in what context did he utter this sentence and who is able to understand this in spirit?
The Spirit of the Messiah keeps the Law. If He is living in us, then the law can no longer judge us, and so we are truly not under it.
According to what other rules could the Holy Spirit guide us from within, if not exclusively through the Commandments of Love, which is the sum of all the other commandments of the Torah?
Yahushua took from the hands of men the right to execute the judgment resulting from the Law. He took back that right for Himself. Therefore, even the laws associated with death are valid today. But Yahushua alone has the right to put anyone to death. And since the time of Grace is still in effect, its judgment mainly applies at the level of the spirit for now, when our old man is executed so that we can become new creations.
“We’re not under the law” / “Not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law”?
Let’s start from a fundamental principle that we must apply in all circumstances:
If there is a contradiction between the words of Yahushuaand those of any other character in the Bible, the standard is ALWAYS what Yahushuasays.
If we don’t understand, let’s not cling to what’s most likable to us or what theologians have put in our heads for centuries. Until we are wise and spiritually mature enough to understand Paul’s words, which are indeed often very difficult to understand, we must hold very firmly and exclusively to the word of Yahushuaand act accordingly.
Then, when we reach the level of maturity and sufficient obedience, we realize that finally
Paul has never contradicted Yahushua
The big difference between them was that unlike Yahushua‘s message, Paul’s message was directed primarily to people who were already born again, and who were of very different spiritual ages andstates. I might say that Yahushua was “in an easier situation” than Paul was, since everyone was on the same spiritual level and no one had yet been born again and received the Holy Spirit. Yahushuawas able to deliver a homogeneous message that applied to everyone.
Therefore, Paul’s messages speak differently to people depending on their level of spiritual maturity and their seniority as disciples. We don’t speak the same way to a 3- and a 13-year-old child, and we don’t have the same demands of them. Less is asked of the little ones, and more rules apply in the case of the elders.
Paul wrote his letters according to a kind of differentiated teaching method, As when a teacher teaches students of different ages and levels in the same classroom and in parallel. Anyone who is a teacher, and has ever had the opportunity to work like this knows what I am talking about. Everyone hears everything that is said, but not everything is aimed at everyone, at least not yet or no longer. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify what the student should and should not, no more or not yet pay attention to, so as not to fall into confusion.
Furthermore, the systematic misrepresentation of Paul’s words, as in the case of many other passages in the Bible, is due to the fact that
believers often tend to take verses out of context in order to give them meanings that have nothing to do with their original senses
Did Yahushuaat least soften the Law?
The Law is not only valid, but it is more effective than ever.
Yahushuadid not abolish the Law, but on the contrary raised it to a higher spiritual level
In Old Testament times it was enough to refrain from doing things that were forbidden, but from Yahushuathe very thought of breaking a law is considered as a sin. It is not enough not to sleep with someone, we must even avoid imagining it!
However, grace consists precisely of being freed from even the most hidden and profound thoughts that are trying to tempt us from within. Indeed, if we are born again, that is to say that we repent, then we receive the baptism of water and then that of fire when we are filled with the Holy Spirit, we have the promise of deliverance and cleansing from sinful thoughts.
However, it is impossible to reach repentance without receiving judgment by law since it is:
through the law we become conscious of our sin
Romans 3:20
In what are the Old and New Testaments different?
The difference between the two Alliances is the material on which the Commandments are written: Stone in the case of the first / Heart of flesh or Spirit in the second.
The big difference between the Old and the New Covenant is that the former was a covenant set in stone, therefore weak and essentially theoretical. Whereas the New Alliance is the fulfillment of the first, which was only a shadow of it. The second Covenant operates and acts through the Messiah with power and authority and is no longer led by the human being, but by the Holy Spirit from within the human being.
the New Covenant liberates men from the burden of keeping the Law by planting it directly in their hearts so that the Law works in a practical way by itself
The law has not changed one iota! And if I’m not mistaken, heaven and earth are still there. Matthew 5:18
Old wine in old wineskins and new wine in new wineskins: the old wine was none other than the letter engraved in stones, the one that kills. New wine, on the other hand, is the one that is spiritual and engraved in the heart and that is bringing life.
the Messiah is greater than the Law. So whoever is in him is above the Law as well
together with Him and its judgment does not reach us, so we are no longer under the law; indeed. Nevertheless, until the world has passed, everything continues to work according to the Law.
The old covenant was to the new what Hagar was to Sarah, what the slave is to the free woman, what Mount Sinai is to Zion, and what Moses is to the Messiah. Likewise,
the stone tablets were the prefiguration of these two tongues of fire
which appeared above the heads of the disciples at Shavuot (Pentecost) in order to penetrate and engrave themselves definitively in their hearts.
Also, it should be noted that the New Testament is much more characterized by the Law than the Old Testament. The “rabbis” counted 613 commandments in the Torah in addition to the 10 commandments and the 2 laws of love. In fact, I estimate that the Torah contains 650 to 700 decrees. Indeed many have not been taken into accoun. However,
in the New Testament we have more than 1000 Commandments
These “new commandments” are nothing more than the clarification and repetition of the old ones, their re-formulation, their refinement and their ultimate putting into practice on the level of the spirit. In fact, none of them are new, but are closely related to the old ones and are sealed by the priestly order of Melchizedek, when the letter comes to life.
Old Testament = Slavery / New Testament = Freedom
Slavery is when you try to obey the law in order to please someone, in this case Elohim or even yourself. But in the bottom of your heart, you would like to do something completely different, even the perfect opposite of it. What an incredible burden. What a life filled with remorses and problems of conscience. What an enormous and constant waste of energy in order to restrain yourself from acting according to your own instincts. This is the life of Sisyphus, of the slaves in the Roman galleys, or of our Jewish ancestors in Egypt, and anyone who thinks he can keep the Law on his own.
But when freedom comes, it is our hearts that are renewed by the Holy Spirit and according to the Law. When we are freed we comply with the decrees of Yahuwah, through the Son who dwells in us, with a good heart and with all our soul, without aspiring to anything else and all this without any special effort on our part.
Sacrificial decrees
What about the decrees governing the Sanctuary, the priesthood, and the sacrifices since there is no more Temple?
These decrees also work in the same way. Except today
we have only one High Priest, Yahushua, and we members of His Body are all Levites assigned to the ministry of this Heavenly Temple.
The earthly Sanctuary was the image of the Celestial, as Moses received it. Therefore, the law is the same, only its order and mode of application have changed. Yahushua took back the right to execute judgment from the hands of men. He alone is authorized to apply the penalties and this at the level of the spirit, as long as the time of Grace is in force. But when he returns to judge the world, the enforcement of punishments will also be done physically in and on the visible world. There, he will destroy definitively and on all levels the sinners who will not have delivered to death their old man to Him.
The sacrifice was made once and for all.
However, additional smaller sacrifices are necessary for the Body of the Messiahto function as a Sanctuary even today.
Sacrifice is when I go out to serve others, I sacrifice my time and my energy. Moreover, it is often me who is sowing, but someone else will reap. This is also a sacrifice. Sacrifice is also when I give up things, thus renouncing the fat of the animals that are offered as a burnt offering on the altar instead of consuming it myself. Sacrifice is also when I fast, when I retire to pray, when I raise my children in the name of Yahuwah, when I put my own will aside so that His would be done. I make sacrifices when I go to visit widows, orphans, prisoners, the sick and the poor.
The old decrees were only shadows and promises of these spiritual and perfect sacrifices from within the heart of people.
For indeed, then they were managed and executed by men. Today, however, it is directly the Messiah who makes them work.
But it also works the other way around. Because there are not only laws of prohibition, but also laws of “fun”. The Levite sometimes benefits from the fats of the sacrified animals which is to say from the good things, and has the right to eat them as he pleases. The worker deserves his wages and should never be ashamed to accept alms in any form and enjoy such blessings. We just have to avoid falling into excess and the love of money and material goods and above all not to accept anything from people who obviously wish to buy us.
The Veil: not only over the eyes of Jews
Just as in the case of traditional Jews whose false Talmud and other Babylonian infections prevented them from recognizing the Word which became flesh and appeared in Yahushua, the same veil comes to cloud the sight of much of Christianity. It is this veil that prevents them from recognizing the Commandments in Yahushua. Even if they accept him as the Messiah, they refuse to see in him the fulfillment of what the Jews received through Moses. In both cases, Satan ensured that the veil was placed between the Law and Yahushua so that
On the side of Jews, they would not recognize the Law in Yahushua. And on the side of Christians, they would keep on refusing to recognize the Law in Yahushua.
So let’s not be afraid of the Law, because it is our best friend. It is a tool that our Elohim uses in us so that we do not fall back into sin after having been freed from it. By denying the law, we obstruct the work of the Holy Spirit, and can go so far as to grieve Him.
The commandments are like signposts that help us stay on course and on the narrow path that is leading to Salvation. Road signs are not the goal or the destination. And whoever considers them as such, ends up crashing into them and eventually die. The Messiah is the goal and whoever goes to him will receive the Eternal Life.
The Law is our pedagogue so that we can know the Messiahmore and more and come closer to Him.
As we read the commandments of the Old Testament, we gradually realize what they mean to us under present conditions. What do the donkey, cow and other concepts related to agriculture symbolize. Even to a contemporary city dweller, it will be revealed to him what these concepts are meaning today in our modern situation. He will be able to realize that such and such a law has already been realized in his life in a given situation without having known it beforehand and without having had to think in order to act according to it. He will have respected it not out of fear, but instinctively and out of Love for Elohim or his neighbour, because the Commandments have been engraved in his heart.
Knowing the Law after being born again strengthens our faith that the Messiahreally lives in us and testifies to the presence of the Holy Spirit in our hearts.
The law truly becomes a curse when we take it into our own hands and obey it in order to gain some reward. It becomes a curse when we use it to judge others without Love and without the Holy Spirit. Such actions are signs that something is wrong with our Covenant in the Messiah. In such cases, tell yourself that you thought you were born again, but someone (even yourself) may have misled you. Examine yourself and see what have not been settled yet in your life. Is it the repentance, the baptism in water or the fulfillment with the Holy Spirit? What is missing? Because if you suffer from these symptoms, you are still at the level of religiosity and self-righteousness. It is in order not to fall into this error that others, on the other hand, choose the other extreme and begin to deny the Law. In such a case, you also make yourself a transgressor of the law, and you do not realize that you are rejecting the very essence of the Messiah.
Let only he who has engraved them in his heart speak of the Commandments and dare to teach them.
On our journey of discipleship, our sanctification is realized by the fact that the commandments are successively restored and reactivated in our minds.
So let us not stand in the way of the work that the Holy Spirit wishes to accomplish in us.
When you enter the land Yahuwah your Elohim is giving you, do not learn to imitate the detestable ways of the nations there. Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Deuteronomy 18:9-11
In the Torah, we find several times the law which prohibits us from putting our children through the fire or sacrificing them to Moloch. Once again the question arises: what to do with this type of law in the Age of Grace once in the Messiah? How does Yeshua accomplish this in our lives if we allow Him to? What is the spirit of Moloch that would endanger and kill our children in our days and in a spiritual sense? What could burn them or rather plunge them into depression, to adapt the concept to our contemporary realities?
In fact, what is the phenomenon that is creeping into christian families today and whereby parents often unconsciously lead their own children through the fire, thereby sacrificing them to the spirit of Moloch? What is this fault which is present in many Christians, gradually letting their children be attracted and open to divination, witchcraft, astrology, spiritualism and any other type of occult practices?
The answer can be summed up in one word:Tolerance!
Sometimes, out of weakness, cowardice, compromise, or simply out of fatigue and fear of being judged like Pharisees, many Christian parents simply say that: “It is already difficult enough for our children to live as believers among the children of the world. Why shouldn’t they also have their own smartphone? Why shouldn’t they be able to surf the Internet as they please? Why should we prohibit them from celebrating what everyone celebrates, from decorating Christmas trees and play stupid and violent games or watch and listen to all kinds of primitive and often occult films and music?”
My own children have already left the rooms where children are taken care of during religious services in Christian churches, stating that they no longer want to stay there. Either everyone is absorbed in their smartphones or they are being broadcasted cartoons that are about anything but the Gospel. These films are not even neutral, but full of witches, witchcraft, devils and other repulsive characters. In this type of situation, my children get up from their seats and leave these places because it does not interest them; it is not their world. They could have stayed, but they did not. They did not leave under compulsion, given that it was me who asked them to enter, thinking that ‘they would be in good hands. Well, I was wrong on that point! Fortunately, they had the wisdom to protect themselves from such influences. Thanks to Elohim, Ruach HaKodesh is already working enough in them to protect them from these things from within. And they obeyed His voice. So they left the room just as we left this whole Christian “marketplace”, where we were only temporary visitors anyway, in order to carry out a certain ministry which naturally was not accepted from their part .
How did we achieve this?
How is possible that our children are so instinctively immune to all these things? Out of obedience! For in the Messiah this law mentioned above is fulfilled like all the others. This means that we must often forbid certain things from our children, but in such a way that they can feel the deep spiritual content. It should not be forbidden out of self-righteousness, pharisaism and legalism, but because the Commandments live in the hearts of their born-again parents who are filled with Ruach HaKodesh. This involves allowing them to take a look into the burning furnace that is the world, while explaining to them that they are likely to get hurt if they get too close. In this way, they can realize for themselves that they are not missing out on absolutely anything and will not subsequently go and get back what their Pharisaic parents have forbidden them as soon as these ones turn their backs and they will have the opportunity to do so.
It is this law that we must ask Ruach HaKodesh to operate in us in such situations. This commandment finds other echoes and reminders in the Holy Scriptures. In the Proverbs of Solomon we can read the following wisdom: Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.Proverbs 22:6 Folly is bound up in the heart of a child, but the rod of discipline will drive it far away. Proverbs 22:15 Do not withhold discipline from a child; if you punish them with the rod, they will not die. Punish them with the rod and save them from death. Proverbs 23:13-14
It is difficult to follow these guidelines in today’s world, since even Christian preachers often teach something very different.
I myself was a child of the world. I was exposed to many harmful influences during my childhood, mainly through television. If someone needs to know something for the sake of “general knowledge” or to fight against is in spirit as part of his ministry, it is not always necessary to be immersed in the thing and have been a part of it beforehand, especially during childhood. We can all imagine who bad manure should taste, without necessarily having to taste it beforehand in order to convince ourselves.
But in our case, it is not even about severely punishing our offspring, but rather about cultivating in ourselves firm determination and consistency. This will prevent us from having to reprimand our children unnecessarily later, or even having to resort to force when it might already be too late.
With a little rigor and perseverance, children develop a form of immunity and resistance to all forms of worldly aberrations and stupidity. Provided that the parents are in the Holy Spirit and not motivated by the religious and legalistic spirit of dry and literal observance of the law. It is crucial to impose prohibitions, but always making them understand and see that what we are now prohibiting them is at the origin, it is the root of the many problems which are clearly destroying the lives of their unbelieving comrades before their eyes. They can see it for themselves (greed, wickedness, selfishness, children far too prematurely disillusioned and emptied in spirit and mind, etc.). It is worth showing them what they are “missing”, but in a controlled way while offering them alternatives with much more content and substance. Rather than owning a television, all you need is a computer, where parents can control what children can watch. It is also essential to never grant them unlimited access to the Internet.
The following phenomenon can be observed in Christian families: their children, although they know Yeshua – under another name-, but because their parents allow them to do the same things as the people of the world, find themselves in an even more serious state of mind than the latter.
Secular children don’t have a counterexample to know whether what they are doing or watching is good or not, so it seems natural to them. In contrast, Christian children feel the contradiction between what their parents profess and what they allow them to do. As a result, they suffer from remorse and have much deeper problems of conscience than their unbelieving contemporaries.
We were shocked to find that even in a neo-Protestant church, made up of a community of born again people filled with the Holy Spirit – at least for the majority of them, at least I hope so – spectacular manifestations of various demonic possessions, depression, self-harm and other psychological disorders are just as present among their own children. The films and music mentioned above promote the spread and intrusion of demonic powers. Spectators and listeners can thus easily be concretely demonized just by watching and listening to them (as in the case of blood consumption, see one of my previous videos). Not to mention the problem of allowing any type of sexual interaction too soon and outside of marriage. In these cases, nothing happens other than these
children being passed through a consuming fire by their own believing parents out of indulgence
School is also a deeply contagious environment, where children can only remain pure from what happens there under the condition of very precise guidance and spiritual coverage. I am not primarily referring to all the scientific lies they are being taught in such places, but quite simply to all these deviant behaviors that other children bring there from their demonized families and which our own children must witness, live and often suffer. Today, apart from me, very few teachers raise their voices against these problems. And if someone does, as usually happens to me, that teacher will have to face the problem of always looking for a new job at the end of each school year, just as I did for many years before using up the last available job in the region. Our profession does not favor colleagues who want to maintain discipline and order, but at the end of the year, they will be dismissed on the complaint of one or two insane parents who take very badly when we make the slightest criticism towards their idolized, bad-mannered and deviant offspring.
It would be good to have more renewed Christian schools with a living faith, and even opportunities for private students to follow a well-developed educational program.This may sound legalistic again, but let’s look around us, the world is deteriorating so rapidly, with ever increasing and decadent violence and sexual propaganda that the time has come when this has become a necessity.
This problem could also be solved if the structure and functioning of our religious communities were exactly identical to those described in the Acts of the Apostles. Since we would have everything in common, we would be close to each other, the education of our children could be resolved within the community, and they would truly learn what is vital and they would not be conditioned from a young age to become little slaves trained to satisfy the demands of the ever-propagating system of Mammon.