I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars—I will make them come and bow down before your feet, and they will learn that I have loved you. Revelation 3:9

Many have tried to explain who these false Jews could be, that Yahuwah/Yeshua speaks to John about. This sentence is undoubtedly one of the most commonly used tools by anti-Semites to try to discredit the election of the Jewish people. Many are confused by such a visibly violent statement and remain in shock, unable to discern its meaning. Here we will see in a very simple way who will be, or rather who already are, those who fall into this category of false Jews who are members of the synagogue of Satan.

Like all other questions related to the Holy Scriptures, we must not complicate things and there is no point in over-philosophizing on the issue.

After all, the declared Word of Elohim is made for all, so that all humans understand it without distinction of level of study and IQ. People who are too intelligent, or who try to appear so, often tend to distort extremely simple truths by dint of chattering too much about the subjects they discuss. The word being universal, is also addressed to simple people. So instead of unnecessary explanations, let’s go back to the plain text itself.

What does it want to express? Quite simply,

that there are Jews among us who count as such, but who are not. These serve Satan, that’s all.

But the fact of belonging to such a “synagogue” does not in itself mean that they are automatically the sons of damnation. For most of them, they are deceived people who will hopefully repent of their mistake in time. It is always the minority who act by demonic nature and innate and visceral depravity. These are the ones who deceive and drag with them many souls whose fate is not yet decided, in order to tear them away with them in their doom.

Traditional Christian interpretation

The most common view of Christianity is that the synagogue of Satan are simply the Jews of today who since the rejection of the Messiah in Yeshua of Nazareth have thus and automatically moved to the worship of Satan.

This reasoning may seem logical and understandable somewhere, because it is true that, by definition, anyone who denies the Messiah is under the dominion of Satan. Yeshua himself tells the Pharisees that their father is Satan, so it is quite difficult for them to think of anything else (let’s understand these poor anti-Semitic Christians a little). However, the Pharisees to whom Yeshua spoke were part of this category of demoniacs that I have just mentioned and who deceived a large part of the People of the time. This large part of the People, as well as their descendants, did not suffer rejection from Elohim,

but were rather put in a sort of quarantine, until the time of the Nations isfulfilled.

The priests of the time were already members of this synagogue of Satan, but this was not the case for the average Jew, the people who were simply deceived by their corrupt spiritual leaders.

It is certainly beneficial to be Jewish, as Paul stated also because, for a time, they enjoy special protection against the power of Satan from Yahuwah, despite Yeshua’s momentary rejection. Of course every human being enjoys a certain degree of protection from Elohim, even in the case of those who are not saved, redeemed and in submission before Him, for life could not even persist in the world otherwise. But this protection is all the more present in the case of the originally chosen people as the ancient Covenant of Mount Sinai is still valid today.

Traditional anti-Semitic interpretation

Non-believing anti-Semites are of the same opinion as Christian anti-Semites. They defend the thesis of the illegitimacy of the state of Israel by putting forward, among other things, the Khazarian thesis and other conspiracy theories targeting and accusing the entire Jewish community in a unilateral manner. And although much of their criticism is based on real and correct facts, the bad news for them is that their arguments are only true for a very thin layer of the Jewish population. Thus, the justice and judgment that they await with so much enthusiasm will only strike this particular and very narrow layer of the Jewish community, as well as all those who have blindly hated the rest of the Jews because of these ones, which means precisely themselves, those who await the judgment of the Jews.

These anti-Semites of the world are typically those who generally refute the Word of Elohim revealed in the Bible as well as the shed blood of the Savior Yeshua, but who nevertheless allow themselves to refer to the Bible and extract sentences out of context, when these verses seem to support their perverted ideas.

The essence of these two forms of anti-Semitism is the desire to replace the Jews as the Chosen People. Doesn’t their false election also make them false Jews and do they not thus also fall into the category of synagogue of Satan? They often declare it with their own mouths, claiming to be true Jews, Jews of heart or spirit!
And do also note that Synagogue of Satan rhymes with SS.

Interpretation of Christians Friends of Jews

Another extreme is when the Jew becomes such an idol for some Christians that among them some are going even so far as to convert to Judaism which persists in always denying the Messiah in Yeshua. Many go so far as to imagine that acquiring Jewish identity is a greater guarantee of Salvation than the very Blood shed by Yeshua.
There are also well-known christian false teachers that claim that Jews just need the Old Covenant in order to be saved. That’s definitely a statement that could only come out from the mouth of a priest of Satan.

Generally speaking, Philosemite Christians never talk about the subject of the synagogue of Satan. They avoid it, because it questions a part of this people that they love so much. Among them, there are many who can be listed in this category, even if what they do, they do not do consciously. Indeed, even if they wear the mask of the Messiah, they simply serve the power of the antichrist. Thus they cannot be part of any other type of synagogue than the one we are talking about here. They are not working on the grafting of Christianity into the cultivated olive tree,

but they kill them even deeper in spirit by placing them under the yoke of religiosity, the superficiality of Judaic traditions and folklore, or even under the law itself.

They distribute the title of Jew to all kinds of people who never had anything to do with Jewry, thus subjecting them to the lie of claiming a false identity. Many so-called messianic Jewish communities, or simply Christian friends of Israel, simply hand out Jewish identity to whoever wants it and disguise poor people in identity crisis as Jews, dressing them in all kinds of talliths and other kippas before their worship, like when the clowns put on makeup before the show at the circus. In fact, they are doing the same thing as those who hate Jews, but out of love in their case. Because they too constantly declare that they feel Jewish in heart, soul and spirit. They call themselves Jews, but they are not. It seems obvious to me that they also fall into the category we are dealing with. This is also replacement theology, only that it is not done out of hate, but out of love! A false one of course.

There are even aberrant theories coming from people claiming to be Jewish and messianic at the same time and who go so far as to openly and increasingly deny facts fundamentally defining the person of the Messiah and his divine origin. Theories are expressed refuting the fact that the Messiah was born of a virgin and by the action of the Holy Spirit, affirming that Joseph was the biological father of Yeshua and that his conception occurred naturally. They also deny that the death on the cross was a sacrifice and that the precious Blood of the Messiah would not have been shed for the forgiveness of our sins. Unfortunately, such demonic statements are being heard in these days and here in our regions. Their hatred of Christianity, their wrongly experienced Jewish identity as well as the inferiority complex that results from it, pushes them to always shout louder and to say something ever bigger in order to shock people’s minds, to the point of falling into the trap of denying the very foundations of our faith. Their desire to restore Christianity takes on such extreme proportions that they go so far as to deny the Messiah and thus the Salvation that results from Him. It was of people like them that Paul wrote the following:

But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under Elohim’s curse! As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under Elohim’s curse! Galatians 1:8-9

Chosen people

As explained in another teaching (Anti-Semitism and anti-Christianity), what Elohim chooses is automatically chosen by the enemy as well. Yes, we can say what our opponents are wont to say about us is true, the Jewish people are Satan’s chosen people. However, the context in which this statement is made is completely erroneous.

Because the Jewish people will always and above all remain the chosen people of Elohim.

Satan has chosen Elohim’s people, because as we know, he always tries to take everything that belongs to Yahuwah. Not only his throne, but also his servants, his subjects, his goods, his possessions. Satan wants to expropriate all of humanity and within it, he pays particular attention to anyone who has made a Covenant with Elohim. The people he attacks most assiduously are the Jewish people on the one hand because of the Covenant at Sinai and the Church on the other hand, the Body of Christ, because of its Covenant through the Blood of the Messiah.

Jews reinforcing conspiracy theories

The synagogue of Satan is also all those Jews of blood and origin who have become financial magnates, immensely rich bankers or traders, people or rather dynasties and entire generations having abandoned their faith for centuries to serve the mammon and the idols of the world.

These ones have no desire to return to live in Jerusalem and become fully Jews again, but feel perfectly well in their Babylonian-Roman exile whose rules they consider to be the true laws to follow and respect.

Among them, we find those who go so far as to sell their souls on the altar of political ideologies, or even masonic or downright satanic precepts. Many of them, despite being of Jewish origin, fight fiercely against all forms of religion and communitarianism under the pretext of fighting racism by developing a single, homogeneous and individualistic global human race based on faith in science. Thus they fight not only against Christianity, but against the Jewish community and Israel in particular. And since they are unable of thwarting Elohim’s will to see his people return to the Holy Land, failing to be able to destroy the Jewish State, they attempt to interfere in its functioning. In other words, they allow the Jewish state to exist, but they try to keep it under their control to the extent that they have the power to do so. This is how we can understand the links that connect Zionism to Freemasonry. Israel is thus brought to its knees by world powers forcing it to submit through political, military or economic pressure. This is why Israel behaves like a prostitute living at the expense of its clients and pimps.

Indeed, today, Israel has put its trusts in its American boyfriend and well as in its own physical attributes and strenght, that is to say in its army, more than in Elohim. But this confidence gradually begins to move in the direction of Elohim. And the final tipping point will occur at Armageddon (Har Meggido), when even the United States will stand up against Israel, as it has been promised for long.

Religious Jews

We also find individuals who are members of the synagogue of Satan within the religious Jewish community who are increasingly, more than ever, attached to the rejection of Yeshua as messiah. Those who are not satisfied with the study of their futile rabbinic and other talmudic traditions – something which at least has the advantage of keeping their Jewish identity alive – but who continue to openly despise and blaspheme the name of Yeshua with a rage

which measure is in direct relation to the degree of remorse that is unconsciously hidden deep within them.

On the internet, we hardly find any teachings from “rabbis” who manage to refrain from mentioning the name of Yeshua. Sooner or later, they feel compelled to attack him in order to justify why they do not accept him as the Messiah. If I were a psychologist, I would undoubtedly be more enthusiastic about this phenomenon. Indeed, science knows this psychological mechanism well, when a fault from the past emerges and does not leave the person who committed it with a clear conscience and the question is constantly haunting him. But unfortunately the fact is that I am a teacher and not a psychologist. Although I know there is some truth to this reasoning, I unfortunately have a much more pessimistic view of the matter.

Just as our Savior declared to the Pharisees and chief priests that they were sons of the devil (John 8:44), so

it has never been the ordinary man, whether worldly Jew or Orthodox, who causes problems,

but it’s their spiritual leaders, the “rabbis” or “wise men” of Israel, as they are wont to call them.

The devil never allows just anyone to serve in such important positions, but will favor individuals “worthy of his trust,” those he deems dedicated enough to false rabbinic Judaism. It is to them that he will entrust the function of teachers of the people. Having, as we know, the right to power over the world, the priestly and rabbinical seats naturally do not escape its control. They are thus also part of the synagogue of Satan, because they are responsible for the distorted teaching and the lamentable spiritual condition of the people. They are the ones who stir up hatred against Yeshua among those who might not be particularly bothered by him in the first place. They are the ones who deviate Jewish believers further and further from the Messiah, and without whom many of the latter would perhaps have already recognized the true Messiah in Yeshua a long time ago.
Although these false teachers are probably for the most part simple human souls, themselves deceived and in case of whom the Messiah’s Grace is still valid and offered, some among them have their destiny sealed in advance and have only appeared in a human body to sow trouble. Just as in the case with most of the Pharisees and Sadducees of the time, who knew exactly who they were up against, and who were probably already there at the time of the ancient rebellion, when alongside with Hellel (thus becoming Satan) they said directly in the eyes of Yahuwah that they do not want Him anymore. And now they also appear in human form among us, in order to destroy humanity in spirit and among them, the Jews in particular.

From our perspective, it doesn’t matter who is who, whether the rabbi in question is deluded or downright a demonic incarnation, we are not the ones to judge. Whether it is one or the other, the bottom line is that these people have nothing to teach us and we have nothing to learn from them. Listening to them brings us absolutely nothing, quite the contrary.
If we are born again, we are thought from the inside directly from the Holy Spirit!

To simplify, we can affirm that all Jews are members of the synagogue of Satan who still today continue to scream as the crowd once did before Pilate: “Crucify him!” “, and also: “We want Barabas!”. No matter to what extent false Christianity in the name of a distorted messiah transformed into a vulgar idol called Jesus and the crucifix in their hand is responsible for the death and persecution of our ancestors, the Jew who even today still continues to consciously rebel against the messiahship of Yeshua can only be considered as part of the synagogue of satan.

But I declare it once again: They are not its members intrinsically, but its prisoners who are trapped in it like in a cage as captive pigeons.

Among Jews, however, many prefer to remain silent. The wisdom of the latter pushes them not to say anything that they might one day regret if it turns out that they were wrong.

These are like Gamaliel who warned the magistrates

to carefully consider the decision they were about to make against the first disciples. For if it turns out that the thing comes from Elohim, they would be considered as rebels before the Most High, but if the thing is not from Him, it will disappear by itself sooner or later. (Acts 5:34-39).

I dare to think that today, the vast majority of Jews are like Gamaliel.
Those who prefer to wait in silence and say nothing. They do not judge Yeshua although they would have every reason to do so in view of what Christianity has made them endure in his name over the centuries. They constitute this famous remnant which will be grafted again into the root of the olive tree, according to the promise. Until then, they are allowed to remain lukewarm, in order to avoid falling into the much greater sin of blasphemy and rebellion.

Although it is very likely that the proportion of unsaved Jews is much higher than I think and we have long known the exact number from ancient prophecies. It is well known that within a few years, a third of the Jewish population will be destroyed again. Perhaps Elohim will thus purify His people, so that a little later another prophecy could be fulfilled, according to which all Israel will be saved? I can’t say it for sure, I do not yet have clear vision in this, but it seems like a big indication to me.

Non-religious Jews

The vast majority of Jews today and particularly Israelis believe in Elohim, but do not adhere to any religious movement. They refuse any form of orthodoxy and practice their faith freely, only going to synagogues on major holidays at most. These people respect rabbinical teachings, because they cannot yet discern truth from falsehood, but only submit to it to the extent that their common sense allows them. These Jews are like those mentioned above, they do not consciously side against the person of the Messiah. These Jews are excessively tolerant and therefore do not attack Yeshua, but respect him in the same way as the prophets of other religions. They are also part of this lukewarm remnant which has the advantage of already being largely purified of rabbinical excesses.

The Third Temple

The most apparent and obvious synagogue of Satan that will appear in the world in physical form is this temple in Jerusalem that the Jews will soon rebuild. This famous third temple of which all the utensils and ornaments (and even the red cows) are ready for some time and where the future priests of the antichrist are only waiting for the moment when they can once again present the animal sacrifices as before. The resumption of sacrifices is undoubtedly an act of rebellion against the Lamb of Elohim, because at Golgotha the ultimate and definitive Sacrifice on the Cross was accomplished, thus abolishing forever the offerings of the temple which until then were only its foreshadowing. Yahuwah also ensured that his rebellious people against the Messiah, would at least not fall into the sin of preserving the order of sacrifices. So he let the Roman troops destroy the Temple of the time, in order to put an end to the practice of offerings.

Yahuwah did not allow his people to commit this outrage, even unconsciously.

Few know it, but rabbinical literature and Jewish historians tell us about all these strange phenomena which appeared at the time of the last sanctuary, during the period which extended from the death of Yeshua on the cross until the destruction of the temple. We all know the first sign which is none other than the tearing of the veil in the Holy of Holies at the moment when our Savior placed his soul in the hands of the Father. However, few people know this, but approx. from 30 to 70 of the Gregorian era, the door of the Sanctuary opened “by itself” every night. Also, during Yom Kippur, the lot fell, in each case and for forty years, on the goat which stood on the left side of the priest, this goat which was to be released towards Azazel in the desert according to the law of the Torah. Also, on this day of Yom Kippur, a crimson rope, smeared with blood, never again turned white, as Yahuwah had given before, as confirmation that the sacrifice offered for the sins of the people was accepted by Him. And finally, the lamps of the Menorah also went out every day for forty years, despite the Levites’ best efforts to prevent this. Elohim thus constantly pointed out to the people the error of having rejected Yeshua in such a spectacular and clear manner that it is still recorded in rabbinic literature today. So they have no excuse.
At the time, Yahuwah still gave 40 years filled with signs and wonder in order to reason them, to give them a second chance. But they refused to make tshuva, to repent and thus they had to see their temple destroyed and they had to flee away from the Homeland starting the longest exile of our history ever.

Coming back to our end times, there will indeed be Jews who persist in supporting the antichrist, even when it becomes obvious to those who know the Word that he is not the real messiah. In the third temple, things will happen that will make it clear to religious Jews that the antichrist is still not the long-awaited messiah. He won’t be able to fool everyone. At this precise moment, a great disappointment will overwhelm the rest of the Jewish people, because they themselves initially believed that it was the right one. The enemy does not have absolute power.
In this battle, Yahuwah has infallible weapons able of protecting and convincing many. Among these weapons, his Word is undoubtedly the best protective shield.

One of these events to which I refer will be the spiritual mixture which will characterize the functioning of the last temple. Indeed, the priests already designated to take over the order of sacrifices have declared from the start that the next temple will not only be that of the Jews, but will be a sanctuary for all people and religions. They will make their sacrifices in the presence of the Pope, the Dalai Lama and other religious leaders with whom they will pray together for world peace. It will be the site of a real ecumenical circus which may not please everyone. In addition, a statue will be erected there before which all knees must bow, according to the prophecy. The time when the faithful should leave the city without delay according to the warning.

When you see ‘the abomination that causes desolation standing where it does not belong—let the reader understand—then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.

Mark 13:14

It is obvious that the orthodox Jewish puritans will not submit to such rituals and will go through a great spiritual crisis, because they will feel doubly deceived, once by the third temple and once by the person of the false messiah.

It will be from this great confusion that the recognition of the true Messiah will arise.

That’s all, I have no deeper vision beyond what has just been cited concerning the nature of this false synagogue mentioned in the book of Revelation. Maybe that’s all. But it may be even more complex. What seems certain to me is that the Jews mentioned above and serving foreign spirits under demonic yokes have indeed been among us for a very long time and can undoubtedly be placed in this category. Unmasking them becomes an increasingly urgent priority as the arrival of the false messiah approaches.

So these are Jews who are not. They keep the physical marks of Jewishness at most in their underwear, but their minds, their hearts are very far from it. They are not Jewish because according to the true laws of Moses, we consider Jewish only those who are both it by blood and by spirit. The two criteria are inseparable, if one is missing, we cannot really speak of a Jew. The criterion of consanguinity is not sufficient in itself and vice versa.

Only spiritual connection to the divine makes a Jew by blood a true Israelite.

A person is not a Jew who is one only outwardly, nor is circumcision merely outward and physical.

Roman 2:28

Either you are simply not Jewish because you have no jewish ancestors and whether you like it or not you will never become Jewish either in spirit or in heart, or if you are Jewish by blood you will only become truly Jewish again when your heart is finally circumcised in the same way as your penis.

Let us be careful not to damn a Jewish faithful to Elohim, even if he is in the momentary error of rabbinic Judaism. Let us avoid judging anyone who is momentarily part of this evil synagogue, for this would be considered a direct attack on the apple of Elohim’s eye. Whoever curses the Jew will be cursed in turn, according to the promise made to Abraham. We must pray and work for as many people as possible escape from it.
Who, as a stranger or even as a younger son, dares to interfere in the Father’s judgment of his eldest son? If something doesn’t concern you, be careful not to get involved for fear that it will ultimately be you who receives the spanking that you would have so much wanted to see inflicted on the other!

The Church of Satan

But Satan not only has a synagogue, he also has Christian “churches” in large quantity. Those who claim to be from the Messiah, but are not. Those who with their institutional churches and their added laws or theologies cast the veil on the true nature of the Savior in the same way that rabbinic Judaism blinds its followers who are still unable of recognizing the Messiah. It is about all those who are capable of making idols of everything, even of Yeshua and not simply by sculpting or painting his supposed image, but by always persisting in trampling on the Commandments which were made flesh, thus incarnated and fulfilled in Him. They thus weaken and sabotage the functioning of the one true Church which is the Body of the Messiah.

But there are also movies like Christian midrash, where poor bearded guys with esoteric faces and fans of the Pope will play out for you on the screen what Jesus allegedly did and declared between two verses of the Gospel. The Midrash being that part of Jewish literature which fills in the gaps in the Torah and invents all kinds of extra-biblical stories concerning the lives and actions of the characters of the Old Testament. What their lives were like beyond what the Word reveals about them, etc. “Chosen” as they call their this soap opera! Indeed, this is nothing less than one of the main chosen tool of deception of Satan to make mess in your head and in your spirit, so that you can no longer discern the Word of the Gospel from what has been shown to you on screen through this infamous series. I haven’t seen a more satanic plot against the Body of the Messiah than this film since the founding of the Roman church by the so called Constantine “the great”. Any representation of the Savior by a common human actor is immensely problematic in itself, but this damned series goes beyond all limits!

Much more could be said about Satan’s false christianity: the various false doctrines and sects, the violation of the law and the arbitrary and illegitimate use of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. But a very important part of our ministry is precisely targeted to these problems and I do not think it is necessary to address them further here.

Where are we personally?

Finally, the synagogue of Satan is all those who work conscientiously or not to discredit and destroy the People of Elohim. These include Jews, Christians and others, all having in common the desire to replace the chosen people. We can all fall into this trap. The question that arises is: are we going to realize in time how we need to change our way of thinking, acting and our state of mind before it is too late? Membership in the synagogue of Satan does not automatically imply perdition. There is a possibility of freeing yourself from it, of getting out of it. But for this, we must reveal what this means, in order to free its captives, after having reconginsed them. But revealing its nature is also essential, so that all pure-hearted Christians wishing to attach themselves to the original roots do not fall into the trap of false Jewish teachings, whether traditional or messianic.

Fundamentally, this synagogue of the devil symbolizes and brings together all those who persecute the true disciples of the Messiah while themselves being convinced of holding the ultimate truth.

What is certain is that there is not much time left before we are definitively fixed on the true nature of this mystery.


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