In view of the increasing amount of views this article is getting especially in the United States in its English version and in view of the increasing amount of criticism I get from people who seem to know a lot about genetics – at least they have a good command of computer research tools such as Google or more recently Chat GPT – I would like to point out that on the one hand:
This article is the only text among my 75 teachings whose content and message did not come directly to me from above, but laterally by doing my own research on the net. But given the relevance of the message and my interest in various scientific fields, I thought it appropriate to write a text to present this interesting phenomenon to my readers. On the other hand:
Naturally, I could not go and verify the veracity of the statements made below and no team or other scientific authority has naturally come to confirm these assertions. Even if other scientists would have observed it, you can imagine that they would not be in a hurry to share it with the general public, most of them being atheists, it is absolutely not in their interest.
There is therefore no tangible proof of the existence of the name of Yahuwah inscribed and repeated within our genes,
just as there is no tangible proof either for the existence of the cords, in order to confirm the string theory of quantum physics
and that despite this, hardly anyone questions today, not even me!
And it is precisely by basing myself on this string theory which affirms that the smallest components of matter are tiny little strings which all vibrate at a very specific speed and frequency and whose successive addition defines the shape, the color, the smell and all the characteristics of matter, that I persuaded myself of the fact, that if man was created in His image, then one of the smallest components of our organism, the one that defines who we are, what is the shape of our body and face, those of our inner organs, those of our eyes and hair, must naturally and logically vibrate in unison, that is to say at the same rhythm and at the same frequency as the name of our Creator.
Knowing the “style” of our Creator of all, I do not doubt for a second that what I wrote below, is very close to reality, in one way or another. The geneticist who made this discovery is himself a qualified scientist in addition to being an Orthodox Jew, therefore a believer in YHWH, even if he still refuses to pronounce his name: Yahuwah.
That being said, I wish you a good read and I ask everyone to avoid lecturing me and asking me a lot of questions in this subject which is not my area of expertise. Since I do not wish in any case to repeat myself like a parakeet, here is therefore directly in introduction the main part of the answer to the questions which could arise in your mind, because you could investigate the internet or biologic literature for years, you won’t find any confirmation of these statements except from the one you can hear from the mouth of the old fellow in the video bellow, I just wanted to warn you in advance.
Rather, I invite you to read and question me about my 74 other texts, of which I vouch and of which I have a much better control and knowledge of the subject in their spiritual depth and which are much more cardinal questions than this one. Namely the continuation of the reformation, the return to the original names, understanding how the Commandments come to life and are fulfilled in us as a result of our Covenant with the Messiah and by the action of Ruach HaKodesh – the Holy Spirit. These are the subjects that I invite you to come and discuss with me, because our Sanctification depends on them.
Thank you for understanding!
Genes: The building blocks of life
Our genes contain all the information that determines the structure, shape, color, material, etc. of our body, organs, brain and of everything that makes up our person. Deoxyribonucleic acids , i.e. DNA, make up the gene chains, which are part of the chromosomes, which are themselves the components of the cells.
Scientists have discovered that the deoxyribonucleic acids that make up our genes come together in such a way that a bridge forms after a certain amount of acids making up a row. These bridges are called base pairs. It is this process that allows the DNA chains to be linked together, thus creating that particular twisted ladder-like element that is part of the larger chromosome. This type of sequencing determines the information set of our genetics, which we pass on to our offspring.
The rate of connection of deoxyribonucleic acids is as follows: 10-5-6-5
This means that between the acids Adenine-Guamine-Cytosine-Thymine, a bridge is formed after every 10 acid, then every 5 acid, then every 6 acid, and every 5 acid. This connection process takes place constantly in each of our cells and in all living creatures.

Numerical value of Hebrew letters
As many of you already know, the Hebrew language does not use special signs to represent numbers. So you use the letters and their combinations to express each number. This is not Kabbalah, mysticism or any other occult numerology, but simple language and arithmetic. Thus, the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet א is the number 1, the second ב is the number 2, and so on. Then, by connecting them, you can create larger numbers up to infinity. (144,000 e.g. written as follows: ‘קמד)
When the Jewish scientist made this observation, he was amazed. Indeed, he knew and immediately recognized the numerical value of the Hebrew letters of the Eternal’s name יהוה – YHWH, consisting of four consonants, which values are exactly the same:
ה = 5 | ו = 6 | ה = 5 | י = 10 |
יהוה |
We are faced with no less a miracle than the discovery of how our Creator Elohim placed his own Name as a signature in the innermost part of all his living creatures, as most artists have done since then. Scientists have brought to light what is happening in the smallest corners of the observable world, where the name of Yahuwah is repeated and spoken billions of times in every single living being.
Secular scientists compare genetics to a software coding, which defines Life and its entire functioning very precisely. And by software we mean nothing more than a set of INFORMATION contained in our genes. And information is recognized by specialists in all disciplines as a phenomenon behind which there must be an existing and creative intelligence.
Even the most convinced Darwinist scientist admit that information cannot come out of nothing.
The former president of Microsoft himself said that human genetics or “DNA is like a computer program but far, far more advanced than any software ever created”. Since then, he has been working on ways to interfere in this human genome.
Therefore, all genetic modifications are dangerous, mostly vaccines and especially those poisons containing RNA technologies, which are administered to the masses of misled and intimidated people through artificially generated pandemics and the fear resulting from it. Satan’s objective is to interfere in this divine bioresonance to defile it with his own seal and possibly even with is own blasphemous name.
These products are nothing more than foreshadows and preparations for the final seal of the beast. It’s high time to start resisting.
I believe it if I see it: well here it is
As Paul indicates in Chapter 1 of his letter to the Romans, nature and its observation – sciences – are all testifying to the existence and power of the Creator at all levels.
The wrath of Elohim is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about Elohim is plain to them, because Elohim has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world Elohim’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse. For although they knew Elohim, they neither glorified him as Elohim nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Romans 1:18-21
They are without excuse, as long as they don’t let go of their human tales, their false teachings about “Tarzans”, “King Kongs” and other “planets of the apes”.
Because we are still in the time of Mercy and those having faith in the religion of Sciences have to be helped out of their fairy world.
Thanks to these discoveries and others like this, including the endless amount of evidence uncovered by Christian scientists called “creationists”, we can show them who are the ones who are really rocking in fairy tales? We, who believe in this Creator whose seal and signature are present everywhere around us, or those who believe themselves to be the derivatives and descendants of all kinds of earthworms and other invertebrate vermin?
Heavenly bioresonance
Perhaps in this way, we better understand how important it is that this life-giving name is not only stored deep and silently in the depths of our biology. We must become conscious that we cannot live without Him. In addition to settling our relationship with Elohim, we must go further and use the original Names and titles given by Him instead of the false ones. The Name of Yahuwah/Yahushua must come out of our mouths and hearts instead of calling upon all kinds of foreign idols. (Zeus: Theos-Dios-Dieu, Goth: Got-God, Ishtar: Isten and all the others…)
The spoken word has Creating Power.
The uttered name of the Creator has all the more. The entirety of our body at its tiniest level is resonating with the name of Yahuwah.
As quantum physics recognizes, everything is resonance and vibration. Thus if we say and declare the name of our Father as a response to the 10-5-6-5 beat that has originally beem implanted in us, this could only creates increased restoration, healing, refreshment and all kinds of other blessings inside of our body and mind.
This is the most powerful bioresonance you can ever imagine!
If you say the original Name, your entire genetics will rejoice. You will finally dance to the same beat with your Partner, your Spouse, The Bridegroom and not constantly step on his feet – and his nerves – with your false beats and jumpings to alien musics.
However, our distance from the Father has reached such proportions that we need the Creator to also save us from the captivity of sin, which separates us from Him. And we have that promise: Yahuwah Saves, which in Hebrew sounds like: Yahushua.
He is also a bridge between humanity and the Father, just like what happens in sequencing. He is also 10-5-6-5, YHWH’s only bridge that leads us back to the Father.
For years, the process of millions of believers around the world reverting to using the name Yahweh has emerged. Although I think there is no doubt that the original pronunciation is Yahuwah,
we still say the same thing, since the 4 consonants, which have numerical value and therefore have weight in the spiritual world,
are pronounced. Yahuwéh, Yahuwah, Yahuwah, Yahuwé, as you can hear yourself is practically the same, only one last vowel is different. Thanks to Elohim, not only are we not alone, but a large number of Christians around the world, mainly in the English-speaking part, but also in the French have used THE Name for decades, and perhaps there is no one left among them who is still scandalized when hearing it.
Now there still remains one title and another Name which must be restored by abandoning the use of all their translations into the languages of the Nations derived from the ancient gods they worshiped before they knew Him: Elohim and Yahushua. But this will be the subject of a futre video.
Until then I wish you all good sequencings according to the original pattern: 10-5-6-5.
Also read: Eternal Names, SCIENCE & FAITH: Friends or Foes?
HALLELUYAH! I kneel in awe at His Majestic power and wisdom! ❤ it’s AMAZING! thank you for declaring it! 👍🏽
Gullible retarded sheep
Unbelieving damned goat (Is this really what you want to continue to be?)
Where is the claim “The rate of connection of deoxyribonucleic acids is: 10-5-6-5” cited? I’d like to look at the evidence for this claim.
Dear Clark. As you can guess, the information has not been published in the webpage of the Royal Academy of Science or any other atheist institution, since there is a huge battle going on against every claim and proof that the real science is the one that have been explained and testified through the Scriptures. There is an israeli scientist who observed this phenomenon via a digital microscope and his testimony is available online: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWBpg5zsDhI
This may seem a poor evidence but for me there is no doubt about the fact that the stamp of the Creator is everywhere in the created world, such as many discoveries made by the creationist scientist attest it. So obviously the very heart of life, the chromosomes could neither be an exeption to that. Also read about that in Romans 1:18-32, what Paul had to say about these things.
Dear Sipos,
This isn’t an issue of “atheist institutions” (they do not even exist) but rather one of truth and reality. Creationists have no proof of their claims because their claims are not even biblical, much less true to reality. The purpose of Scripture IS NOT to reveal science or history, but rather moral and religious truths that would otherwise remain hidden. It is for the purpose of developing wisdom that leas to righteousness.
There is NO evidence in that video and there is also NO sulfur in human DNA. That alone refutes the claim. Insisting on this lie makes God a liar. Don’t do that. The only repeating pattern is the sugar-phosphate backbones that occur every 10 base pairs. There are disulfide bridges in SOME bacterial proteins, but not in human DNA. DO you know the difference between protein and DNA?
Moreover, the technology needed to see what this fellow claims to have seen (with software) did not exist when he claims to have made this discovery. Either he is lying or he is incompetent.
In other words, this claim is false. A fantasy.
Furthermore, it is obscene to claim that Paul had anything like this in mind in Romans 1 because DNA is not something that could have been seen at that time. You do violence to the text when you impose modern ideas onto the meaning intended by the original authors.
You mentioned chromosomes, but the claim is about the structure of a DNA molecule and the amino acids that it is built from. It would be better to simply admit that you do not know than to propose things that anyone with basic knowledge of science can see through. These are things that Augustine wared us about so long ago.
“… The shame is not so much that an ignorant individual is derided, but that people outside the household of faith think our sacred writers held such opinions, and, to the great loss of those for whose salvation we toil, the writers of our Scripture are criticized and rejected as unlearned men. If they find a Christian mistaken in a field which they themselves know well and hear him maintaining his foolish opinions about our books, how are they going to believe those books in matters concerning the resurrection of the dead, the hope of eternal life, and the kingdom of heaven, when they think their pages are full of falsehoods on facts which they themselves have learnt from experience and the light of reason? …”
“Also read about that in Romans 1:18-32, what Paul had to say about these things.” I did not mean, he had any DNA or other Acids in mind, I was referring to what is visible in the created world and that real scientists do recognize in it as having been created by a superior mind who they although still deny. Should YHWH signature be in our chromosomes or not, I believe it is some way or another.
This is a very valuable and valid point. ☝️
As I being raised southern Baptist,have struggled with my faith the better majority of my life 🧬….
As I have teater tottered between my belief in the creator “our Father” and the natural science in which HE created being twisted by Elohim and her fellow fallen!
Know all too well the struggles of what ones BELIEFS have on there journey through this life and the spiritual warfare,moral compass,value system has on the way ones salvation or demise DEPENDS apon…!!
This article was awesome amazing
And as an Orthodox, Jew, the reason why we won’t say or write any of Gods names is out of respect. For us what would happen if we wrote it down now that piece of paper went to the trash. That is a grief sin and disrespect to God.
Regardless, the Tetagram name really stands for
When broken down in its hebrew form
He was, He is, He will be.
This is just one of the many Hebrew names of god each name references a different feature and power .
Many prayers of , which is we reference not only will we Bow to God , every single grain & Fiber in your body as well. And I think that’s what this article was about to me. Or at least how I saw it.
You realize you all think everything came from nothing? How magical and dumb is that? Poof, Light. Poof, Atoms. Poof, Life.
And you have the audacity to talk about what “Creationists” believe. Look in the mirror, you legit believe something came from nothing, which there is NO WHERE in science that backs up that claim. There is also no where in science that backs up the claim of reverse entropy, which evolutionists base all their claims on.
Clark, perhaps since you posted your comment, you’ve realized your error:
If you read that article carefully, you’ll note that it’s not talking about human DNA.
More importantly is the fact that the paper is dealing with psDNA, a lab-created thing for the purpose of research. Scientists can create psDNA in a lab by substituting a sulfur atom for one of the oxygen atoms in the phosphate group of standard DNA. This modification creates a phosphorothioate group (PS) within the DNA backbone. It IS NOT found naturally in the genomes of living creatures.
But even IF human DNA had sulfur in it, it DOES NOT have the spacing claimed in video. That is reality. A Bible-beleiver should also expect that God’s designs would remain above our paygrade IF they take Isaiah 55:8-9 and Ecclesiastes 3:11 seriously.
You are too smart for your own good. Even the most knowledgeable and intelligent people in the world will never understand the complexities of our creator. Reality doesn’t exist in flesh and blood but rather in the spiritual nature of the Almighty himself. We live in a virtual world as long as we are within these mortal bodies. We will not understand reality until we leave this current physical realm of vituality. If you wait to call upon the Lord after this body dies, it will be too late for you I’ afraid. If you are seeking proof for this reality you will not receive it on your terms since absolute truth is not learned but revealed only to those who exhibit faith in Messiah. Many intelligent never find it but many fools like me do.
1Co 1:27 But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;
Give your life to Messiah today and he will show you even greater things. Otherwise you will continue in your own foolish pride always trying to outsmart the one that made it possible for your existence.
In the name of who do you think this whole website and ministry is made up? Yeshua HaMashiah. The fools are those who speak out without looking arround who they are talking to.
That is pride and foolishness. If you wish to know who has to repent, I advise you to look into a mirror.
And by the way everybody! This text is the only one I posted whose message was not given to me in spirit, but I have seen it on the internet and found it worthy of writing about it. I do have almost a hundred other writtings concerning repenting, sanctification, further reformations of the church, the way the Holy Spirit works and fulfils the Commandments, also concerning the reason why it is necessary to go back and use His original Names and Titles. There I could give deeper answers and explanations. Why have you found this one to which I am personally the less connected. 🙂
Unfortunately this information is completely false. Being created in His image should be sufficient. There is no such thing as “sulfuric bridges” in DNA (easy to fact check). Also DNA consists of a sugar-phosphate backbone and nitrogenous bases, which form the double helix structure through hydrogen bonds, not sulfuric bridges. Also acids don’t make up DNA chains (again easy to fact check). They are nucleotide bases Adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C), and thymine (T). And finally the base pairings is specific and consistent throughout the DNA molecule and occurs between complementary bases, not after a specific number of nucleotides. Doing some of my own research I found that in the field of microbiology there is currently no known sequence of 10-5-6-5.
Dear Juan. I have already reacted to comments very similar to yours. I invite you to read them, I don’t want to repeat myself. Anyway thanks for the comment and the warning that this may not be correct.
Also, and because it is the only one text on this site from about 75 others, which message is not directly coming through my own perception and fellowship with the Father, I am going to add an introduction sentence shortly in order to warn people that there is no official scientific confirmation of this being true, although, based on my knowlegde about the Word and about Science, this observation seems to be entirely in accordance to the creative “Style” of YHWH.
I am not a scientist, but studied physics quite deeply having been a former teacher myself in 4 schools in Budapest where Teller Ede, Szilárd Leó, Wigner Jenő and John Von Neumann had made their studies. (The main scientists of the Manhattan project).
So indeed, this text is to be put into brakets, but I am going to put that in the introduction as soon as I have time for it.
and by the way, there is no evidence for this one, but could you give me an evidence for the String Theory, although you probably do not suppose it is not true, such as I do neither. And it is precisely based on that Theory, that I think this one is completely in accordance to the first since everything in the universe and in the matter is vibration and rythms. So what kind of vibration and rythm could be present inside the very matter of someone like us, who was created at His image, which means at the image of YHWH or 10-5-6-5. Why would He have put any other rythm inside of us, if we are at His image?
I am Muslim. And I am here to introduce Truth ! Did someone ever try to decode the digits 10565 ? I don’t know the story written in this article but I seems Fake in the first hand… But the point is why No one consider the Gematria Value of 10 5 6 5 which is 26… 26 is just Our Beloved Prophet Muhammad ﷺ numerical value 92 as upside down… I am Number Literate, Try to find this number 10565 in π first occurence ranking, you will find right away 35141… Upside down of 35141 is 1H1SE…. Which means One H(onor) One S (alvation) E(xtolled)… Now Come to Exact Digits 351… What is 351? This is actually numerical value of Glorious Quran… Look again 351 in π first occurence ranking, You will find right away 469 which is 69H… 69 H(onor)… Do you know 69 is the first integer that if we take its Square and Cube, And If Look to find ABC of digits, It contains all Digits from 0 to 9 only one time… What its mean? Glorious Quran is Perfect in every corner… Not only this, Look again 35141 which comes from π rank of 10565… This time convert this to 1H15E… Separate English Alphabets and Digits…. You will get 115 and HE… Now see 469 and do Overlap Addition 46+69= 115… 115 comes again… Di further 11+15= 26… The Gematria Value of 10565 came again… Not only this, consider do PairSum too here… PairSum is just nothing but Adding Digits in Pairs… If 1 digit left to add then after adding it, do its Reverse PairSum and add both digits… So, 10565 >>> 10+56+5 and 1+05+65 will lead you to a Result as 142 which is numerical value of Arabic name, Abdullah literally means Servant of God… Not only this, If you add 351 and its π rank number 469, then you will get 820 which is upside down as 028 which is the Total Letters of Arabic Language… Not only this, if you add difference of 351 and 469 with 142, you will get 260 which is upside down as 092 which is Numerical Value of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ… Someone forcefully corrected the false/fake beliefs present in Christianity… And to me, The Entity is not other than our True God “Elohim” and In True Religion Islam “Allah Almighty ﷻ”…
Dear Muslim friend. This seems a bit complicated to me. Elohim is generally showing up much simpler mathematics for prooving his Word. Anyway there is one sentence in my text I would point out and draw your attention to: The Bridge which is the only one that can fulfill all the laws contained in the Torah and that you also have in a certain form in the Quran – the Shariah. As a muslim I do not have to teach you how difficult, even impossible is for man to fully respect those commandments. But your ancestors Hagar and Ishmael have received the promise from the Messiah who spoke to them and that they could both hear with their ears in the wilderness: By accepting the blood of the Lamb, all the Commandments will be fullfiled in us after having received forgiveness for having violated them in our former life. Because the Commendments are originally NOT forbidding sentences written in the Imperative verbal form, but they are promises writen in the Future form. If you accept Yahushua as the Savior, He Who is the Word of Yahuwah, the living Commandments, then these commandments will live inside of us as a result of our rebirth. No other has ever given any path to save humanity form the consequences of breaking the Law. He is the only one. Not a separate person, but Elohim who in His role of Son has come among us in a human body, born from a virgin and from Yahuwah as His only father, while still remaining in Heavens as Elohim in His Father’s role. This is not 3 separate gods, but One Elohim appearing and acting in 3 different ways, such as I am now writing you letters, but I could also meet with you in person or just call you up by phone. The ways of appearing to you are different, but I am still one and the same person. Now let’s look at what Yahushua said to Hagar when they were almost dying of thirst in the wilderness:
Elohim heard the boy crying, and the angel of Elohim (the Messiah Yahushua) called to Hagar from heaven and said to her, “What is the matter, Hagar? Do not be afraid; Elohim has heard the boy crying as he lies there.
I will tell you what I see profetically in these verses: You (the muslims and mostly the arabs) are today the thirsty boy who is crying in this lawless mainly Christian (false christian) lawbreaking wicked world. You are thirsty for the Law, for the Shariah and would like to see the righteousness of Elohim reigning over the world and you are absolutely right in this! Now listen first not to the Law but to this Angel of Yahuwah who is the only One who can perfectly apply the Law and Save you from the wrath coming from its transgression. He is the only one who can give such a Water, that you may never be thirsty again.
Hey, can you direct me to where you share more on this? I would like to learn more. Thanks: “Because the Commendments are originally NOT forbidding sentences written in the Imperative verbal form, but they are promises writen in the Future form.”
Hi lisa. I have put the link to the video of the ortodox geneticists who claims to have made the discovery. This is all I have.
Concerning the 10 Commandments, you are absolutely right, they are not forbidding, but promises. When Ruach HaKodesh will dwell in you through your rebirth by water and fire, you are not going to want to do these things anymore (i.e. to transgress anything) since you’ll be free from sin. See my teachings about the subjetc: https://erevshabbat.org/en/the-essence-of-the-law/
or the video version: https://youtu.be/IT29o-2r8Qg
She was asking you to share more info about your own quote, which she directly quoted.
Dear Sipos Richard. Your message is complex. In this secton you said Elohim is one and He appeared in three forms. That means Elohim is changeable? Once up on a time He is the Father, other time He is Son , & other time He is a Spirit.
What does this mean? Is He send Himself to the world or His only begotten Son?
Please also read my article called Holy Trinity or Triple Holiness? https://erevshabbat.org/en/holy-trinity/ where I explain all these in much more details.
This article was awesome amazing
And as an Orthodox, Jew, the reason why we won’t say or write any of Gods names is out of respect. For us what would happen if we wrote it down now that piece of paper went to the trash. That is a grief sin and disrespect to God.
Regardless, the Tetagram name really stands for
When broken down in its hebrew form
He was, He is, He will be.
This is just one of the many Hebrew names of god each name references a different feature and power .
Many prayers of , which is we reference not only will we Bow to God , every single grain & Fiber in your body as well. And I think that’s what this article was about to me. Or at least how I saw it.
Glory, Honor and Praise be to the Ancient Of Days; Papa Yahuwah and His Beloved Son and our Beloved Saviour Yehushua. Blessings be to the Scientist who discovered it and to Sipos Richard and anyone sharing this discovery.
Amazing article. Used this in my creation vs evolution debate last year and won! Thanks so much for everything.
Amazing article, I used this in my argument for creation in a debate last year and won! Thanks for everything 🙂
I am happy to hear it!
I feel blessed to have found this site! I had been thinking this is the case.
In the book of Acts, Acts 17: 22-31, Paul says in vs. 28 that “we are also His descendants (literally genos, like the human genome). In vs. 29 Paul says, “therefore, since we are the descendants of God, we ought not to think that the Divine Nature is like gold or silver or stone, an image (same word used in Revelation, 5480) formed by human skill (techno, 5078, like the word technology) and thought.
So you could take these verses to say that God made us of one race (human, vs. 26) in His image with His genome (vs. 28); we are not to think that God’s image is just like a man altered genome with man’s name rewritten on it with his technology (vs. 29). One possible interpretation if you look at the original greek meanings in the concordance.
It is also interesting how the words for temple translated into English are different; Jesus walked into the temple (2411, Matthew 24); your body is the temple (3485) of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19, 1 Corinthians 3: 16-17), and in 2 Thessalonians 2: 3-4 the son of destruction takes his seat in the temple (3485) of God, displaying himself as being god. When you compare scripture with scripture, you see that the antichrist is desecrating the 3485 temple, not the 2411 physical building temple.
It would also make sense that since the mark fixes your eternal destiny, it wouldn’t be something like a chip which can be removed or a tattoo that can be removed. Who can fix altered DNA?
Thanks for these informations! Concerning the mark, as I mentioned the part in yellow, the RNA vaccines combined with chips which are going to be able to lead people’s mind from within are going to act both on minds and genomes at the same time. The alteration of human blood and genetics had always been one of the main goals of the fallen angles. That was the reason why the flood came at the times of Noach. Those we are living now and again. Concerning the mark of the beast, here is a link to my article where I go deeper in that (it was written more than 10 years ago, many things in science confirmed my statements since then) https://erevshabbat.org/en/peace-and-safety-science-fiction-or-reality/