The Conditions of Electing the King

The Conditions of Electing the King

When you enter the land YAHUWAH your Elohim is giving you and have taken possession of it and settled in it, and you say, “Let us set a king over us like all the nations around us,” be sure to appoint over you a king the YAHUWAH your Elohim chooses. He must be from among your fellow Israelites. Do not place a foreigner over you, one who is not an Israelite. Deuteronomy 17:14-15

Yahuwah did not intend to give the Jewish people a king at that time nor any other kind of mediator between Him and them. However, seeing the weakness of the people and their tendency to always want to follow the customs of the pagans, he consents to this intention insofar as the king is a Jew who respects the Commandments.

Our situation is exactly the same. The weak and rebellious nature of man makes it impossible to keep the law. We therefore need an intercessor who is perfect and without sin, that is to say, capable of obeying the commandments of Yahuwah unconditionally.

Only a King who is none other than the very Word of Elohim is able to save humanity from the judgment of Yahuwah.

This Word who became flesh and who appeared among us in the person of Yahushua of Nazareth.

Therefore, our Father has given us a one and eternal Kingdom through his Son. In the Messiah we have an eternal King, who is the Son of our Father. Therefore, Yahushua is the one and only person who perfectly embodies and fulfills this commandment we just read.

From here on, we are forbidden to accept or keep any other kings and alien rules.

See also Laws for the King: Commandments Concerning the King: Horses and Wives


The prohibition of the “sacred tree”

The prohibition of the “sacred tree”

You shall not plant for yourself any tree, as a wooden image, near the altar which you build for yourself to Yahuwah your Elohim.

Deuteronomy 16:21

In this rainy day of November, I was wondering this morning:

Is there a Christian church in this country where a decorated pine tree would not be visible at the altar on the next Bacchanalian or Saturnalian holiday, today known as Christmas?

I think that there is no need to say too much about the dark side of Christmas and its pagan roots, since only those who do not want to know the truth and who thus consciously rebel and persist in not hearing the message revealing the true demonic nature of this false holiday.

For those who still see Christmas as a Christian holiday, should they at least be disgusted by the unbridled secular revelry that rages around the world from mid-November to its peak on December 25. Surely there are such people, and perhaps they think that the pagans, i.e. non-believers, dishonor Yeshua‘s birthday by doing so. In the meantime, they don’t realize that this holiday has always been pagan and it is theirs, so they are rightfully rejoicing in their materialistic delirium. From our part, we should rather clean Christ’s testimony and the story of His Advent into the world from this dirt and talk about it in a different way, at other times.

Christmas has nothing to do with the birth of Yeshua,

because he was not born then, we don’t know when, although we can guess quite precisely as I described it in my teaching called “New Year’s Day: When the Messiah was born!” which is in the beginning of the month of Nissan.

But it is certain that he had to be born on a biblical holiday, since the great events of salvation history all took place exclusively on such original holidays. But in this case it is not important to know which one. Yahuwah apparently did not reveal the time of his birth, so we do not need to worry about it. Elohim did not think it important to preserve the memory of this event, so that we do not get stuck with the image of a baby Jesus, a human heroe making an idol out of the Savior, who, although he appeared as a man, He is no longer to be considered as so for us today:

Instead we must see Him as the resurrected Yahushua HaMashiah, the High Priest and the Anointed Eternal King.

Christmas is nothing more than the “Christianization” of the main pagan holiday. It is one of the main manifestations of the blending policy of the Roman Empire. Their greatest tool to persuade more easily the different peoples of their empire to accept the new religion. It happened just the same in the case of the conversion from Shabbat to Sunday, or the replacement of the names Elohim and Yahuwah/Yeshua/Yahushua with Theos/Zeus/Deus/Dios/Dieu/Goth/Ishtar/Isten/Iesus/Jesus and other pagan spiritual principalities.

It would be worthwhile for believers who still celebrate Christmas to stop for a moment and ask our Lord the Messiah to put these questions in their proper place. Because although it is still not a question of Salvation, as long as the person is misled and ignorant thus doing it with a pure heart, although

we still need to grow up in spirit sooner or later.

by putting aside all our beliefs in santa clauses and other saint nicholas.

In other words, we must allow Ruach HaKodesh, the Holy Spirit to continue the sanctification and reformation in us by gradually restoring the original order in our hearts.

If we don’t deal or don’t want to deal with such “little details”, we start to live in a mixed spirituality. In such cases, the filling from the Holy Spirit is slowly replaced by a different kind of filling from a different kind of spirit, which may even seem to be the original, but leads far away from It. This is how we can see people speaking in tongues at the foot of Christmas trees with their hands full of gifts.

And the Spirit of Elohim does not use force and power to influence our free will. When there are no more ears to hear, no more eyes to see, He steps back and waits. And if you stick to your human traditions and ideas, you open the door to the principalities that operate them, who will make you believe that the Holy Spirit is still leading you.

It is therefore crucial

to declare and accept the unique rule of the Messiah in and over ourselves in every moment of our lives, so that the Reformation can continue and be finally fulfilled!

See also: The Feasts of Yahuwah in the Messiah, Saturday / Sunday


Prohibition of Discrimination and deviating from the right path

Prohibition of Discrimination and deviating from the right path

Do not pervert justice or show partiality. Do not accept a bribe, for a bribe blinds the eyes of the wise and twists the words of the innocent. Follow justice and justice alone, so that you may live and possess the land Yahuwah your Elohim is giving you. Deuteronomy 16:19-20

This is the basic law that judges the churches. When communities recognized by the state and therefore financially supported receive church status, or already have it, they receive the support of an external and foreign government on which they become increasingly dependent. This material dependence automatically leads to spiritual dependence, which causes confusion and leads to progressive degradation. From then on, the outside power gradually begins to put pressure on the deceived herds in order to make them accept foreign rules and other laws.

It should be emphasized that

there is only one legitimate Church: the Body of Christ

within which there are communities and groups. This Body is composed of cells which must divide ad infinitum. It has members, but those members also all belong to Christ. They cannot in any case be subjected to a system of external subsidies such as nation states, governments or any other organization which are by definition and to varying degrees also under the power of Satan.

What spiritual content would the ministry of Yeshua have had if he had sought the favors of the power in place at his time instead of placing all his confidence and his person in the hands of Elohim alone? It would have been unimaginable that Yeshua would have sent his disciples to Herod or Pilate to beg for a little money to support and build his ministry.

Rather, Yeshua sent his disciples to fetch the missing denarius from the mouth of a fish that YHWH providentially sent them. Nor did he go out to beg bread and fish for the hungry crowd, but waited patiently for the time when the miracle of food multiplication was to occur.

Acceptance of people

Moreover, in the area of discriminating against people, Yeshua repeats this law in other words and later confirms it through the apostle James:

Suppose a man comes into your meeting wearing a gold ring and fine clothes, and a poor man in filthy old clothes also comes in. If you show special attention to the man wearing fine clothes and say, “Here’s a good seat for you,” but say to the poor man, “You stand there” or “Sit on the floor by my feet,” have you not discriminated among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts? James 2:2-4

It often seems in assemblies that the most prosperous, wealthy, and financially blessed brothers and sisters often receive special treatment. They are referred to more often, they sit in the front rows and are invited on stage more frequently to give testimonies. All of this is often done before the eyes and ears of those struggling for their daily survival in such a way that they are visibly in no greater disobedience or sin than these ones.

For many people, it can certainly be much more interesting to hear the testimony of a believing businessman who has been blessed in an extraordinary way having increased his income tenfold compared to the previous period, than to listen to the gypsy brother living in his ghetto and who was able to buy twice his weekly ration of bread. Although the latter also be a great blessing and a strong testimony.

What image of the Elohim and of the Messiah can be formed in the minds of brothers of more modest circumstances or living in much more disadvantaged conditions, when they see how others are succeeding and prospering while they continue to to be in need?

What a deceptive path they lead people who, because of their spiritual youth, do not understand that there is something wrong behind all this. And how many are those who leave the narrow path with guilt and sadness, saying to themselves: “if I am so poor/sick/helpless, then surely ‘God’ does not love me and does not consider me worthy of him “.

It is not a sin to be rich and YHWH allows many people to earn more money. But emphasizing it, forcing the subject and bringing it to the fore in a childish and blind way can do great damage within the Church. The poorest can flee with a sad heart until they return to the world, or even go as far as suicide as the feeling of guilt and injustice becomes unbearable to them. The rich, on the other hand, are deceived, kept in ignorance and are thus in grave danger. For when the time of persecution and tribulation comes, they will not understand what is happening and in their unpreparedness for the difficult events to come, many will not hold out and will go so far as to take the mark of the beast when it will be offered to them in order to preserve their material idols.

Therefore it would be good to remember that

in the days of the early church no one had a surplus and they had everything in common

In other words, the financial capital of the communities should be managed as it was then. Everyone makes the same effort at work, but not everyone earns the same amount. So those with lower incomes should not suffer deprivation in the Body of Christ. Elohim looks at the quantity and quality of the work done, as well as how we manage our talents – where we started from and where we have arrived – and has no intention of giving more to the engineer than to the one who cleans the latter’s office. It is the world that favors more educated people who by definition have worked less because they had to study. Studies, moreover, are often financed by the taxpayer, therefore by those who, in addition, work and have thus not had the opportunity to study on their own. Elohim, on the other hand, looks at the time and energy invested in the work. Thus the money we receive from the unjust world must be fairly redistributed in the Kingdom of Elohim, therefore in the local churches which are its embassies here on earth. Naturally, it is not a question of maintaining laziness. If someone does not want to work, he should not eat either, and such a person has no place in the Church.

See more about this topic in: You will own nothing and be happy

The fulfillment of this commandment takes place when the pattern of the original, primitive church is restored. This is what we all need to work on. Not just making disciples, but also making sure these disciples live and relate well to each other on their journey here on earth.

See also: The Acts of the Disciples (How the early church looks like), Defence of the poor


Appointment and obedience to judges

Appointment and obedience to judges

Appoint judges and officials for each of your tribes in every town Yahuwah your Elohim is giving you, and they shall judge the people fairly.

Deuteronomy 16:18

Today in the Messiah, the law of appointing judges is simultaneously and automatically fulfilled in a person’s life when he is born again and receives Ruach HaKodesh the Holy Spirit.

In every town: i.e. in all areas of your life.

It is inseparable from the following commandment:

You must act according to the decisions they give you at the place Yahuwah will choose. Be careful to do everything they instruct you to do. Act according to whatever they teach you and the decisions they give you. Do not turn aside from what they tell you, to the right or to the left.

Deuteronomy 17:10-11

Ruach HaKodesh, the Holy Spirit is our judge, He guides us, in such a way that He operates the law in us, so that we cannot break it. This requires our obedience. Obedience is simply respecting the rules we already know and behaving in accordance with our spiritual age, no more and no less. Let us consciously obey what we have learned from the Messiah. Although the entire Law has already been engraved in our hearts, not all articles (or mitzvos) of the Law are yet activated and not all are consciously functioning. We just have to be attentive to the Judge, to the Holy Spirit who will activate in us and at the right time all the laws according to our level of spiritual maturity. This is the essence of the Sanctification process.

What we do not yet know, because we have not experienced it, or because according to our spiritual age the time has not yet come for it to come to the surface, there the Holy Spirit intervenes in a more concrete way. He is opening and closing doors according to His will and our good, sometimes even in spectacular ways. He opens ways before us or obstruct them if we should not go there.

In the place that Yahuwah chooses: in the Messiah this place is our own heart as the center of our temple.

This law, or rather promise, is a foreshadowing of a great prophecy that has been fulfilled on Shavuot (Pentecost), in Jerusalem:

“The days are coming,” declares the Yahuwah, when I will make a new covenant with the people of Israel and with the people of Judah. It will not be like the covenant I made with their ancestors when I took them by the hand to lead them out of Egypt, because they broke my covenant, though I was a husband to them, declares the Yahuwah. This is the covenant I will make with the people of Israel after that time,” declares the Yahuwah. I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts. I will be their Elohim, and they will be my people. No longer will they teach their neighbor, or say to one another, ‘Know the Yahuwah,’ because they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest, declares the Yahuwah. For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more. Jeremiah 31:31-34

This is essentially why I constantly speak out against the set-in-stone doctrines of institutional theologies and churches, even when they are biblical, because they most often do not come from born-again hearts, but of religious minds. Furthermore, it is also a judgment against the type of pastoral activity that is carried out in a permanent and continuous manner. The pastor or teacher, the spiritual father in a word, just like fatherhood in the physical sense, can only last until the child grows up. And the children must grow up! The sole job of fathers, whether in the spiritual sense or by blood, is to accompany and help their own children into adulthood, so that they themselves can become independent temples of Ruach HaKodesh, who He guides and teaches from within.

You can learn more about the validity and operation of the law in times of grace and under the rule of the Messiah, see The Essence of the Law and Eternal Holidays since the holidays are also laws.

See also: Respect for the judges


Commandments in Yahushua HaMashiah?

Commandments in Yahushua HaMashiah?

How many Commandments are there?

The commandments – which Judaism calls the 613 mitzvot – are the order of laws that can be read in the five books of Moses, in the Pentateuch. There are in fact more than 613. Their actual number is between 650 and 700.

This is not a set of additional laws that Moses receives from Yahuwah, but the more detailed version of the 10 Commandments. The 10 Words are thus explained and illustrated in a kind of more practical way with concrete cases. Just as the 10 Commandments themselves are in fact the development, the more detailed version of the 2 Great Commandments of Love. (love for Elohim and love for our neighbour). To summarize,

there are only 2 Commandments which themselves are developed in 10 then in 613+ explanatory Commandments.

Commandments in Yahushua HaMashiah?

Are these commandments part of pharisaic laws?

The “613” commandment does NOT belong to the additional Judaic laws, but to the still valid and inseparable part of the 2nd and 10th Commandments and the Holy Scriptures, the Word that became flesh in Yeshua.

These are the laws that the Father wants to engrave in our hearts through his Spirit, precisely so that we no longer seek to obey them from without, but from within, through the pure instincts of our new man.

We do not obey them in the hope of Salvation, but as a consequence of the Salvation we ‘ve already obtained.

In short, by our rebirth, we allow them to act in us through the action of the Holy Spirit.

If we allow Him, Ruach HaKodesh is also able to make us understand what the ancient commandments, often related to animals and agricultural activities, mean and symbolize in our own personal lives today. What does our neighbor’s ox, donkey, the process of compensation, etc. mean to us today? Moreover, in relation to the sacrificial order, we quickly realize that our thanksgiving, prayers, sacrifices, renunciations and turning away from sins in our lives are precisely the reflections of the description of the old sacrificial orders. Now in times of grace, of course, all of this does mainly happen on a spiritual level, through the renewal of our minds.

We are no longer under the law!

As Paul warns us, we are indeed no longer under the curse of the law. Provided that these are engraved in our spirit by the fire of the Holy Spirit. On the other hand, anyone who submits to these laws without being born again and without confessing the reign of the Messiah Yahushuah trying to observe them by himself is someone who truly remains under the curse that the judgment of the Law involves.

On the other hand, any follower of the Messiah who continues to deny the validity of the Law – as fulfilled and regulated by the Holy Spirit – does also remain under the curse of it.

For the simple reason that denying the validity of the law excludes the full functioning of Ruach HaKodesh in our minds.

The law is no longer a goal, but a means. The Commandments are unable of bringing Salvation. They remain, however, signposts of major importance to help us stay on the bumpy and narrow path that leads directly to Salvation. These signals allow us to stay spiritually alive until we finally pass into Eternal Life at the end of our journey of disciples. This is the essential difference between the old and weak covenant which produces death and the perfect and life-bearing New Covenant.

The New, on the other hand, is only valid on the basis of the Old. If we allow ourselves to withdraw the old, we exclude ourselves from the new. Anyone who considers the New Covenant as autonomous and independent of the old one, does not understand its deep meaning and finds himself under the power of a false or alien covenant. Yahuwah’s message, promise and commandments remain the same, for they are immutable. In the case of the Commandments, it is the mode of application that has changed following the advent of the Messiah. Yahushua has taken from the hands of men the right to carry out the sentences resulting from the application of the commandments. Nevertheless, this right exists and continues to function, but only by the action of the Spirit of Messiah and mainly at the level of the spirit. Even the death penalty must be applied, because if our old man is not put to death, we would not be unable to be born again. Without judgment, no Grace is possible. Without Law, there is no judgment either. In a word, the Law must be applied and fulfilled in order to be able to give way to Grace and New Life.

What has therefore changed since the Sacrifice of the Lamb and Pentecost is the material carrying the commandments:

Stone in the case of the old covenant: the letter that kills, and heart or spirit in the case of the New Covenant: which brings Life.

This is exactly what happened at Pentecost. The double tongues of flame appearing above the heads of the disciples were none other than the two stone tablets brought to life as a promise given by Moses from Mount Sinai, which were then fulfilled in the hearts of the first disciples. After all, it was not written on them that DO NOT kill – DO NOT steal – DO NOT commit adultery – Honor your parents, etc., but the future tense of the original Hebrew say that YOU WILL not kill, steal, commit adultery and that you WILL Honor Elohim, your father, your mother, your neighbor, if in Me, in the Messiah, you are finally born again. You are going to change in such a way that these laws will spread like a natural flow from the germ of your thoughts all the way through your actions.

It was therefore never a question of prohibitions or obligations, but of promises.

When Yeshua spoke about the fact that if you think bad in your mind, you have already fallen into sin, he is not asking you to restrain your own thoughts, which is impossible for man, but he is projecting that when My Spirit will move into you, then I will put these things in their place in your heart and in your mind, and I will free you from even the thought of it so that it will not even cross your mind anymore.

Law and Messiah: each other’s mirrors

The law was our pedagogue to lead us to the Messiah, as we can read in the epistle to the Galatians. Likewise and from the coming of the Holy Spirit,

the Messiah teaches us through the Law in order to sanctify us from within.

The Spirit of Yahushua HaMeshiah is our teacher, unfolding his order and law and placing them within us as the Living Word. The peoples are not the heirs of the covenant concluded at Mount Sinai, they are the heirs of the Covenant sealed at Golgotha. Here the process starts in reverse. What Judaism has not been able to keep is now engraved and animated in the hearts and minds of its people by the Messiah in person, whether they are Jews or not.

This is how two promises are fulfilled:

This is the covenant I will make with them after that time, says Yahuwah. I will put my laws in their hearts, and I will write them on their minds.

Hebrews 10-16

Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.

Matthew 5:17

Thus, the commandments and their commentaries that you will find on this website are in no way intended to be strictly followed in human effort. Rather, they are meant to shed light on areas of our life as believers where we are still stuck and often do not even suspect that the reason is that we have been lied to about it for almost 2000 years. Lies such as the commandments are only valid for Jews and no longer valid for others who are in Christ, all prevent us from having a full and blossoming relationship with the Holy Spirit.

The knowledge of the Commandments and their current validity helps us see how the 2 Great Commandments of Love are still not complete within us, so that we can ask our Savior to continue His purifying work in our spirits through the action of His. This is what we call the Process of Sanctification.

Also read: The Essence of the Law and Shavuot – Pentecost


Defense of the animals

Defense of the animals

Do not cook a young goat in its mother’s milk…

Exodus 23:19 and 34:26

According to Jewish tradition, this commandment forbids us to consume meat and milk at the same time. This law is truly the pillar on which the Shulhan Arukh (Table prepared) is based. This work, a major Judaic codex of laws, includes laws relating to the conduct that should be adopted in everyday life. Even less religious Jews strive to respect the misinterpreted sense of this law. They go as far as building two different kitchens in one house to ensure that meat and milk will never meet each other. If there is not enough room or money to have two, they alternatively exclude one or the other for a certain period of time from their unique kitchen. At the end of this period, they are disinfecting the entire kitchen and its battery to be certain that the elements do not mix with each other. This prohibition is observed to such an extent that a religious Jew avoids drinking coffee with milk hours after consuming meat, the time to be sure that the digestion is done and that they won’t mix in his stomach.

For centuries, this commandment has forced the entire Jewish community to waste an incredible amount of energy, time and money in order to respect an interpretation given to them by great “wise men”.

However, the primary reason for this prohibition is believed to be that it was a pagan custom to boil young male animals in their own mother’s milk as a kind of fertility-bringing act. YaHuWaH gave this law to the chosen people as a separation from this kind of pagan ceremonial system.

Yahuwah, however, has spoken this word for a very different reason. A major part of the parashat in which we find this commandment, relates to the attitude to adopt toward the poor. It is obvious that

animals do also have their rights and protections is granted to them as well.

Animals also love their kids. If one cooks a young animal in its own mother’s milk, this implies that the mother has survived its kid, having given the milk for cooking it. Although she did not necessarily attend the slaughter of her baby, she does still feel it missing or can even smell its blood. As animals do not have facial expressions and language that can be interpreted and understood by humans, we are not really able to distinguish the signs of pain on the face of animals. Thus, customs can easily develop, completely ignoring the animal’s feelings, because man might think that these beasts do not have any.

Moreover, if the animal suffers, it has an impact on the products it can provide us. Indeed, the state of mind triggers the production of hormones. Those linked to bitterness poison the meat, the milk and the whole organism, and end up passing by ours.

If the animal suffers, it reflects on us as a curse because we poison ourselves at the same time.

Furthermore, neglecting the respect and love due to animals opens a direct door to disrespect/dislike for humans.

For my part, I try not to drink coffee with milk after eating meat when I’m in Jewish circles. Not because I accept this interpretation of the law, or because I want to play the good Jew in a hypocritical way, but because I do not want to scandalize anyone. As the first disciples were commanded to consume the offering meat of the pagan temples in Acts, since the ministry of leading our neighbor to the Messiah prevails over the momentary observance of certain commandments, or in this case on the non respect of human decrees.

Therefore, let us never be fierce Pharisees or anti-Pharisees, for the same negative consequences may result from both behavior The same doors can be closed before the Jews today that could have been closed before the Greeks of that time, if Yahuwah had not intervened with the apostles in order to reason them. This door through which the King can enter the lives of others.


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