Defence of the poor

Defence of the poor

Do not deny justice to your poor people in their lawsuits.

Exodus 23:6

It is not allowed to profit from a poor person. If we treat him well and give him help, he won’t be able to give it back to us and return our kindness towards him. Given his situation, he has no money, no job and no good relationship that he could share with us. This is a well-known fundamental and universal truth. The poor are thus helpless in an incredulous and impious society. If he is falsely accused, he will find no friends standing by his side and helping him since no one gives anything for free. In addition, it is very easy to charge a poor and make believe that he is guilty since crime is more likely to be committed when you are in misery.

Yahuwah forces his people to abide by this law in order to eliminate the problem of inequality. However, this only works if other similar laws are also respected in parallel. For the poor can have no more rights than the rich on the pretext that he is poor. In addition, we can only be impartial if we categorically refuse any allowance and other bribes that can tip the scales on one side or the other. Prohibiting corruption also strengthens this commandment because the poor can not afford to buy such a service. 

Do not accept a bribe, for a bribe blinds those who see and twists the words of the innocent.

Exodus 23:8

It is true that today, the “poor” suffer less and less injustice. In this atmosphere of excessive and growing humanism, the world is swinging from one extreme to the other. It is of course not in Satan’s interest that the law of Yahuwah apply equitably. He is always trying to turn the situation over and not restore the original balance. It is therefore essential to take into account the rights of the rich in parallel with the rights of the poor in order to show perfect equitability. It is interesting to note that the law defending the rights of the rich is mentioned before the one defending the rights of the poor. This is all the more surprising since, in the course of history, the poor have suffered much more injustice from the rich than the contrary. This chronological sequence takes all its significance today when all over the world minorities acquire excessive rights to the detriment of the majority or the rich.

Following my conversion, I lived for a long time in a neighborhood where many celebrities lived, most of whom were of Jewish origin. I quickly realized that a form of discrimination was working in me. I felt more passionate about bringing the testimony of the Messiah to these people than to the anonymous ones. I imagined that bringing such a person to the Messiah would be an event that would make a lot of noise and the whole country would hear about it. For my part, I would have get a magnificent trophy of which I could have pride myself thereafter. It was this law that judged this tendency which remained in me. Only the one able of putting aside his preferences, his convictions and human aspirations is entitled to perform any ministry.

There are many Christian assemblies, where the rulers or the elders are sitting in front, in a separate place, like the VIP areas of rock concerts. There are sitting the “big ones” like aristocrats in their beautiful clothes, because they are famous, rich or simply because they are spiritually elders. I have heard many times that visitors looking for spiritual food who have noticed these separations, simply left without ever returning to such places. Those who spoke to me ended up finding a welcoming community where this law was respected. They did finally find a place where the elders do not sit in front and turn their backs on the youngest and the poorest in spirit, but on the contrary, they mingle with others and they are the ones who look after the newcomers by washing their feet. How many must be those who may never have returned to a Christian congregation after experiencing such situations and just went on wandering like widows or orphans?

The more mature we are in our minds, the more the reflex of not sitting in the front row should work automatically, for fear of having to be ashamed of being returned to the second place by the householder. Because it may happen that someone more honorable than we are is coming after us, although for now, he is still to be fed and healed in spirit through our own ministry. (Lk 14:8)

At our home, it is usually the youngest member of the family who sits at the top of the table, because this is the only place around the table where you can find an armchair and where the child is not at risk of falling down during the meal. We, the elders, are sitting on common chairs without arms, because our feet touch the ground and allow us to keep ourselves in balance.

In opposition to that, I happened many times that I have disputed a place at the back rows of a church with someone before the beginning of the cult. None of us wanted to sit in front. I thought that everything was in order with me and my opponent, because our humility made us covet the same more modest places. Then, I realized that the situation was not so idyllic as that. Because we often go to the back so that we do not have to assume our responsibilities, our communion with the others and in order to avoid our duties in the ministry … but this will be the subject of another teaching.

Also see Widows and orphans


Blood consumption

Blood consumption

And wherever you live, you must not eat the blood of any bird or animal. Leviticus 7:26

The Bible explains the reason for this prohibition. Blood is nothing but the vessel of the soul.

The Jews are very meticulous about the preparation of the meat. They have infallible methods to extract the slightest drops of blood from raw meat before cooking and eating it. (it is soaked in warm, salty water, or it is roasted over an open fire, etc.)
The ban on the consumption of blood is primarily aimed at avoiding the spirit of violence.

Vision and constant contact with blood is likely to open doors to savagery and the escalation of violence between men and also towards animals.

It is well known that the consumption of blood is the main gesture, the culminating moment of pagan cults aiming to get in touch with the spiritual world.

Everyone also knows that it is better to avoid feeding dogs with raw meat, lest they become aggressive and uncontrollable.

What is blood?

Any superstition set aside, we can affirm that the consumption of blood represents a kind of fusion with the animal or the person the blood is coming from. This is the reason for the ban. The pagans used this method consciously to acquire the characteristics of the living beings whose blood they drank. It is an act of spiritism and witchcraft. The consumption of blood is nothing less than the demonization of the person who drinks it.

Organ transplantation is a similar case. Nowadays we know of many testimonies from people who have undergone organ transplants and who tell us how their tastes have changed since a foreign kidney was implanted in their body, and what strange memories have entered into their minds after undergoing a heart transplant. Often, the culinary tastes, and in many cases, even the memories of the donors – whether they are still alive or not -, continue to live inside the person who received the given organ so that their life should be saved.
Here also we can see that, unlike the human sciences, biblical revelations once again turn out to be the ultimate truth. Sciences have tried to make us believe that organs are simple inert cellular tissues, cogs of a purely physiological mechanism deprived of any metaphysical function. Now we have once again the proof that the Bible was right about this subject as well. In the Word of Elohim we can read that He searches and examines the hearts and the kidneys. It seems obvious here that these organs are not considered as simple pumps or other biological filters, but they also fulfill a very specific spiritual function in addition to their physical work:

I, Yahuwah search the heart and examine the mind – or the kidneys in other translations -, to reward each person according to their conduct, according to what their deeds deserve. Jeremiah 17:10

It seems obvious that these are not simple symbols emphasizing the deep and omniscient character of Elohim’s work of inspection, presenting him as someone who is capable of seeing and examining us even so deep as in our internal organs. But these organs are specifically the centers of the physical desires and psychical thoughts of the human being. We know that the kidney stimulates sexual desire when it is touched or caressed from the outside. According to reports, the heart seems to be one of the centers of human memory, beyond the brain!

Based on the observations and research of secular scientists, it has long been known that the stomach works in direct collaboration with the brain. Scientists have discovered that the same neurons and synapses exist in our stomachs that were already known to exist in the brain. Thought and cognitive activity are operating the same way inside both organs that are constantly in communication with each-other. This is why it is so important to pay attention to what we eat and drink, and the link between fasting and purification of the spirit thus makes perfect sense.

What does this mean for us in everyday life?

For those who view the Law, that is, the Torah, that is, the Old Testament, as fundamentally outdated and obsolete, even in light of Paul’s misinterpreted words, the prohibition of the consuming of blood is one of the most fundamental laws that everyone must obey, regardless of their spiritual age, whether Jewish or Greek, Christian or not.

It seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us not to burden you with anything beyond the following requirements: You are to abstain from food sacrificed to idols, from blood, from the meat of strangled animals and from sexual immorality. You will do well to avoid these things. Acts 15:28-29

This message is addressed to these newly born again brothers, of Greek origin and who were pushed by the Jews to obey the law of Moses at once and in a Pharisaical way, that is to say by conforming to it according to the letter.
Paul protects these children in spirit from any harshness that would not be appropriate to their young age in spirit. However, he underlines the importance for everyone, regardless of our spiritual maturity, to abstain from the things listed above, which also includes the consumption of blood!

Besides avoiding eating black pudding, fried blood, omelettes mixed with blood and other similar foods, is there anything else we should pay attention to? Is it worth it to prepare meat the way religious Jews do by soaking it in salty water for a few minutes before preparation, etc.?

I think it is indeed worth it and would not harm us in any way! There is, however, a much more insidious and serious version of blood consumption, which, apart from Jehovah’s Witnesses, escapes the attention of virtually all Christians. Even if they think about it, they cannot resist the temptation to put their trust in doctors and science besides their faith in Elohim. Here I am indeed talking about these cases when the blood is not ingested orally but injected directly into the blood vessels – intravenously -through what is commonly called: blood transfusion.

During my last hospitalization, a few years ago for a minor operation, I refused to sign this famous declaration that doctors use to give us before any intervention and which consists of giving our agreement to undergo a blood transfusion, which means receiving foreign blood in case of complications. He immediately asked me if I was a Jehovah’s Witness? After saying that I have never had anything to do with this sect which denies the divinity of Yeshua, I pointed out to him that, unfortunately, apart from them, no other Christian movement demonstrates legitimate behavior regarding this particular subject. The question of refusing blood transfusions should no longer arise in the lives of the disciples of the Messiah for a long time.

Same thing in the case of organ transplantation mentioned above. The lack of faith and the excessive trust that people place in science has a very clear limit, a very red line, the red color of blood and of organs which under no circumstances should be transferred or transplanted from one body to another.
These things are the exclusive properties of the individual who received them from the Creator. Any intervention at this level is the direct trampling of the Creative work of Yahushua. The donation of an organ in order to save a human life in a human way is also the trampling of the Redemptive work of the same Savior who made the gift to all humanity, not only of one or more of his organs, but of his whole Body and Blood and of his whole person. This sacrifice which was made not only in order to forgive our sins, but also in order to heal from any illness, according to His will and if the faith of the sick person and his family is strong enough.

We have reached a very painful point here, but I can declare with full responsibility that anyone who finds themselves in such a situation should under no circumstances accept any of these solutions. If our prayers to Elohim, our requests for healing and restoration in the name of Yeshua, through the laying on of hands, do not free us from our mortal state, even if we are in good standing before the Father and it is not a question of a trial or consequence of any transgression, then we must bow and accept that Elohim has given, now Elohim is taking back our own or even our beloved ones’ life!

Not to mention the fact that who has the right to declare that a person is dead and at what point is it irreversible? Because the organs are extracted from the deceased very shortly after their brain death before final biological death, precisely in order to obtain the freshest product possible – if I may put it that way. Here too man becomes judge and gives himself the right of life and death over others. And also do not forget the fact that removing anything from the body of a human created in the image of Elohim is an act similar to the act of cremation which is a violent and destructive intervention in Elohim’s creative work, in the Crown of Creation which is the human body. Here again, man appropriates the right to destroy and reduce to ashes his own body, which is an infamous act that even most so-called Protestant Christians do practice till today without any problem of conscience. It is pure suicide and even worse than a simple murder, since it is the destruction of this body which must be awaiting resurrection, in order to appear before the celestial court. Thus in a symbolical way, the act of burning human bodies after their physical death is like the expression of people to send their deaths directly to the second death as to annihilate them definitively.

If you are born again, your blood has been purified by the Blood of the Lamb and it is Ruach HaKodesh that flows into your body. Introducing another blood into your body that has become the temple of Ruach HaKodesh, the blood of swine and other foreign spirits, or even the blood of another born-again brother, would result in its direct desecration. Yes even in the case of another born again brother, since he is also an separate soul distinct from your own person.

I even went so far as to wonder: what if we put aside a few doses of our own blood, in case of a possible later emergency? So apart from the fact that the very thought of such an act would be the testimony of a huge lack of faith – this is why I have only allowed myself to examine the question on a hypothetical level – our own older blood also bears the imprint of our previous psychical and spiritual state, a state from which we have hopefully already evolved since then, through the process of sanctification. Even in this case, we would re-infect ourselves with our own previous, therefore more impure blood and we would fall back into a former spiritual state.
Here is a typically Jewish reasoning which could be worthy of finding itself in the Talmud (may Elohim preserve us from it, there is already enough nonsense in it to add more), but which clearly illustrates that accepting foreign blood or any other parts of the human body is in no way a viable solution in the case of the disciples of Yahushua.

The bottom line is NOT to do it, as Paul warned us all!

What should we do then, when we are in trouble?

Turn to the High Priest!

There are also very specific laws in the Old Testament regarding what a person should do when he becomes ill. Even at that time, there was no mention of any form of doctor or medicine! It was the high priest who was to be consulted when any form of leprosy appeared on people, animals, houses or other objects.

These illnesses always appeared when the given person, family or community was not in order with the Commandments of the Father. Therefore and I would say, as a visible sign of the spiritual illness, the disease also appeared on the physical level, so that they can realize the need to put themselves in order above all on a spiritual level. We can also observe in the Old Testament that disease and famine were direct consequences of the rebellion against Elohim of the people and their leaders. When a particular king of Judah or Israel walked in obedience before Yahuwah, the kingdom was spared from all forms of evil (diseases, poverty, wars, etc.). This is a promise made in the Torah that lawbreaking, disobedience, and rebellion bring with them plagues as described in Deuteronomy 28:15-45.

Since the social system and legal order of the Jewish people of the Old Testament is the direct model of how the Body of Christ should fit together and function today, but in its final and perfect version by the direct action and Rule of the Holy Spirit (Ruach Hakodesh) and according to the order of Melchizedek, the message is the same today as it was then and even more, since now that we know the Messiah in person:

If there is a problem, we can only turn to our High Priest Yahushua!

Sometimes we are only in transgression to the extent that we stop at a certain spiritual level from where we refuse or cannot or do not see the need to take the next step in our process of sanctification. Illness and other plagues can thus prove to be a true grace in these situations. For if for some reason, internally, we are momentarily unable or unwilling to perceive and hear the spiritual messages that Ruach HaKodesh wants to communicate to us, then the latter, not wanting our loss, offers to send the message to a lower level and makes us feel and see with our own eyes on the physical level what his will is. Because at this level, on the surface every man is capable of perceiving that there is a problem.

Only after this, after we have put our relationship in order with the Father, can we continue to receive the blessings as they can be read in the preceding part of the same chapter 28 of Deuteronomy in verses: 1-14.

And now let’s see how the turning to the High Priest functions:

Let’s drink blood anyway!

In the Bible, there is still another command:

Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day. For my flesh is real food and my blood is real drink. John 6, 54-55

The words of Yeshua in the New Testament are clear and seem to contradict the Father’s command that it is forbidden to consume blood. It has always been forbidden to drink even the blood of the Passover lambs which were foreshadowing Yeshua HaMashiah.

Indeed, the blood of Yahushua, the Lamb of Elohim is truly the one and only blood that can and has to be consumed, otherwise the gift of eternal life would not be possible. Drinking His blood is prescribed so that we can merge with Him, so that His Holy Spirit may impregnate us to be cleansed from sin and the death that follows. The Holy Spirit is the only one with which we all must fusion.

Not to be confused with the transubstantiation sessions perpetrated by some Christian churches that do anything but remember the Messiah’s unique act of redemption. It is a sacrilege in which pagan priests allow themselves to reiterate the sacrifice of Yahushua in an arbitrary and illegitimate way. They act as they were little gods. This infamous act falls naturally into the category of seances as any other pagan worship.

Science knows the case of exchange transfusion, when there is an incompatibility between the blood group of the mother and her newborn. Then the babies undergo a complete exchange of their whole blood in order to survive. This happens very rarely on the physical level. But we must know that spiritually, we are all born that way, with unclean and incompatible blood with that of the Father. We bear the sins of our ancestors from our birth and we inherit the promise of death made to Eve and Adam.

However, we have the possibility to undergo this exchange transfusion by the Blood of Yahushua.

When we are born again in spirit, it is exactly this “medical” intervention that is happening. This operation is now realized at the spiritual level and is what we call: Rebirth followed by the process of Sanctification.

When the Spirit of the Messiah comes, the Holy Spirit begins to flow in us, gradually emptying the unclean spirit, the old intoxicated blood, to take its place and revive us. When the Messiah judges us by his Commandments, He gives us forgiveness and regain power over the given part of our being by sending the Holy Spirit over it who starts injecting its purified blood for revival. This is how he gradually clears the power of Satan to regain his rights over all sections of our lives. This is how the old man becomes a new creature, which himself grows matures.

Following the baptism with water, comes the baptism of fire, then baptism by blood, when the handover of power is fulfilled.

This is the one who came by water and blood – Yahushua HaMashiah. He did not come by water only, but by water and blood. And it is the Spirit who testifies, because the Spirit is the truth. For there are three that testify: the Spirit, the water and the blood; and the three are in agreement. 1John 5:6-8

In a broader sense, this blood transfusion/replacement is nothing more than the process of grafting in and back into the cultivated olive tree. See the whole chapter 35 of Ezekiel and the words of Paul in Romans chapter 11 verses 24 and 25.
Once the branch is grafted or grafted again, the sap from the root gradually pushes out the old, the foreign sap accumulated in the branch, in order to take its place so that the branch can live on it from that moment.

This is the process of the rebirth of individuals, the renewal of Christianity, and of gradually becoming more and more like our Master Yahushua.

Do not eat torn animal

Do not eat torn animal

You are to be my holy people. So do not eat the meat of an animal torn by wild beasts; throw it to the dogs!

Exodus 22:30

The ban on eating carrion flesh has several aspects.

  • It is known that the meat of putrefying animals becomes quickly the nest of a mass of microbes that can cause serious infectious diseases. We also know that the dying animal produces harmful hormones that are not or hardly produced during a ritual sacrifice. Indeed, the slaughter is being done so quickly that the animal does not have time to realize that it will die.
  • In addition, and arising from Commandment of the animal found death, unless it is itself a wild animal, is still owned by someone.

One should never rejoice and never profit from the misfortune of others.

Since otherwise, we wouldn’t be in communion with our neighbor but we would be in some ways the allies of the beast who committed the crime since it did the “dirty work” that we are now enjoying.

  • Another aspect is precisely about work.

That the one who does not work neither should he eat.

Why would I take advantage of anything that is not the result of my own work? This logic is very alien to Jewish thought and is absolutely not in the will of Yahuwah. Such an act opens the door to parasitism and laziness. I would work less or even stop working if I went to gather animals that fell in the forests or the fields. After a while, I would go further by fastening the process and taking a rifle to go for hunting, which is also closely related to pagan rites. In the end, I would not even flinch from stealing if the opportunity arises.

Let’s be holy !

What one eats must exclusively be coming from the Lord and be strictly consumed on his altar by giving thanks to him. The Lord himself never gives us half-rotten waste to provide for our needs. He always gives us the best (although in times of crisis or war, survival prevails over any culinary ban and we are actually provisionally allowed to eat meat normally prohibited by law, such as pork).

Spiritual food can be rotten and unhealthy the same way. The law is therefore also valid for all the teachings given in haste, without preparation, without prior sanctification on the part of the servant. Accepting such food excludes the possibility of sanctifying ourselves. So do not just pick up messages here and there, because Yahuwah wants to give you the best.

If it is not exclusively from the Almighty that I expect my salary should it be at the physical, psychical or spiritual level, I am like the stray dog betting its life on luck and living on rubbish abandoned by some predators.

See also Do not eat the meat of the stoned animal


Respect the ruler

Respect the ruler

…do not curse the ruler of your people… Exodus 22:28

If the ruler in question is faithful the Lord, it is obvious that to speak ill of him would be evil. Here we should speak about the much more frequent case of leaders who do absolutely not fear the Almighty. For it is in these cases that we believers have the pride of giving us the right to criticize them. We must know that this commandment protects impious rulers the same way as righteous ones.

The foundation of this law is that a ruler never gets to such a position of power without the consent of Yahuwah. He is the one who authorizes crisis, difficult times, the rise of tyrants and wars. For us, the question is much more to know the reasons why we must undergo such hardship. Most chiefs, princes, kings and other rulers are far from living and acting in humility before the Lord, with the exception of some kings of Judea in biblical times, few were pious and humble.

The answer to the above question is simple. Hard times and bad rulers are the direct consequence of the collective sins of the people. By breaking the law, we are opening the door to the spirit of rebellion that rises with the appearance of a hard-to-live leader. By hiding from the divine cover, we are automatically launched under the cover of the one who pushes us to commit these illegal acts. The Eternal does not punish, he lets us suffer the consequences of our actions as a signal of our disobedience.

So the question is not which words to use to curse the bad king, but to ask for the judgment of Elohim so that our faults are unveiled and can be repaired. In what way am I personally responsible for the collective judgment embodied by the appearance of a bad leader, whether he is a king, a prince, a president, a governor, a director, an army general or a simple bus driver?

Restoring my own life and relationship with Yahuwah is the only key to solving the problem and being free from false authorities. This does not mean that a good prince will be appointed over me the next day, but the curses resulting from his reign will only reach me to the extent that the Almighty has defined for my own edification. The bad rule will not poison my life to the point of being spiritually wronged. I will enjoy a kind of divine veto that will protect me against the misdeeds of human decisions. However, I will have to suffer the physical consequences of the power in place, but the Almighty will make sure that it does not influence my spiritual life negatively. I must therefore continue to respect the laws established by the world, insofar as they are not in direct contradiction with the Eternal’s Commandments. 

Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to Elohim what is Elohim’s. Matthew 22:21

Let us never forget that, unlike the false promises of the humanists, we have never been promised to live in a physical world where there will be peace and harmony. The peace and security that is being built globally is illegal and futile. It will fall right after reaching its peak, when everyone will say: “Peace and safety,” destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape. (1Thess 5:3). My spiritual recovery brings with me the gift of the Holy Spirit who comes to rest on me. The consequence of this is that any other spirit goes away. My spiritual recovery is the testimony that can bring healing to others.

This law is all the more important since it is customary in most countries to organize a popular uprising or other civil war roughly every 40-50 years in order to overthrow the ruling system. This situation has lasted since the storming of the Bastille more than two centuries ago. As quoted, it was Yahushua himself who reminded us of the essence of this command when he spoke on the question of the tax to the Romans. The vast majority of believers are people who feel an insurmountable drive to defend the rights granted to them by the earthly powers and that they consider as a due.

It is shocking to see Christian troops campaigning against a government when it plans to pass a law to repeal church subsidies and to restrict their numbers in state registers. Could we have imagined that Yahushua and his disciples would ever come to Pilate with banners to claim a few shekels or dinars for buying bread and fish so that they could organize an evangelistic picnic on the hill’s side? This absurdity is today considered as the most natural thing on earth by the majority of Christian churches and their followers. In doing so, their true lord is unmasked. Your mind is where you put your trust and from where your money comes.

Many believers are constantly cursing the government. The Prime Minister may be red, black, blue, green or orange, they will always find something to complain about. Their discontent is exactly the same as the one of their impious neighbors. In order to assert their rights, they also resort to the most vile and worldly legal methods based on the democratic ideals and currents of thought that are so fashionable today. In the meantime, the external witnesses do not even perceive the one that these believers are supposed to represent so politics is their main theme.

Then Paul said to him, “Elohim will strike you, you whitewashed wall! You sit there to judge me according to the law, yet you yourself violate the law by commanding that I be struck!” Those who were standing near Paul said, “How dare you insult Elohim’s high priest!” Paul replied, “Brothers, I did not realize that he was the high priest; for it is written: ‘Do not speak evil about the ruler of your people. Acts 23:3-5

Paul’s tongue has also slipped, but he did it unconsciously. As soon as he learned who was the man he had reprimanded, he immediately retracted. Although he was absolutely right, it was not up to him to express the sentence, at least not yet. In spirit, Paul certainly had to be much more noble than the attacked high priest, yet he showed tremendous humility to belittle himself so deeply before someone much smaller than he is, so much observing this law is important.

So, instead of choosing between the rope and the rifle, between left and right, leave the axes of war to the gladiators of this world and choose Life instead!

Also see the commandment : Commandments for the King: Horses and Wives, The Conditions of Electing the King, Respect for the judges


Respect for the judges

Respect for the judges

Do not blaspheme Yahuwah or curse the ruler of your people.

Exodus 22:28

Besides the respect of Yahuwah and the rulers (see Respect the ruler), Jewish tradition also extends this law to the respect of judges.

We know how vulnerable judges are to all sorts of dangers and threats when they have the task of condemning criminals. As the representatives of the civil law all the curses of the accused ones and their families are pointing them and many of them receive threats or are even killed before the end of the trial.

At the light of this law, we can understand why such things happen. Because

the judge does not represent his own laws. It is not of his own personal interest to try others.

Just as in a earthly court, the priest who is the representative of the divine court, does not make judgments according to his own ideas and desires, but according to the law of the Almighty. The judge only puts into practice the law of a constitution. This constitution was not written by him, it is not even him who applies it directly, but he only enforces it, he is only playing a role of mediator.

Thus, any threat, gossip or rebellion against a person who knows and represents the commandments of Yahuwah is directly opposing to the Almighty himself.

In the Body of the Messiah at the level of the spirit, it is exactly the same. As a born-again believer in whom the Commandments have been fulfilled by the Messiah, it is natural that the outside world attacks and hates us. Although the world is not generally aware of it, it is against Yahuwah that they are rising up. This is naturally true only in the case when we live according to his Will and not according to our own psychic and religious ideas.

Most of Yahuwah’s prophets have been driven out, exiled, persecuted and often killed, as their contemporaries have failed to respect this very specific commandment. All the prophets of the Almighty were men who, apart from their cloaks, possessed absolutely nothing. These prophets had no interest in making the judgments they had to announce. An entirely submissive life and complete detachment from the world were the characteristics of these men who were thus able to exclusively transmit the Word of the Creator.

The very comfortable state of tolerance, when we diplomatically avoid conflicts and do not proclaim the divine Commandments in order to avoid hurting men by contradicting their own laws and traditions, excludes all functioning within the Body of the Messiah.

As members of the Messiah’s Body, we have to endorse this heavy task.

See also Respect the ruler, and Defense of the rich


Widows and orphans

Widows and orphans

Do not take advantage of the widow or the fatherless.

Exodus 22:22

The orphan, the widow and the stranger are all like the poor. The parashat of the week puts special emphasis on the protection of the unfortunate, the wretched and the suffering ones.

Many people think that they can do anything to these poor people without having to give an account to anyone, because they have nobody, no father, no husband, no family to defend them in case of an attack or an injustice. The Almighty warns us very clearly that He is himself the defense of the poor and the oppressed ones. He dispense justice sooner or later. It seems to me useless to detail the consequences that this entails. The sentence is simple: 

If you do and they cry out to me, I will certainly hear their cry. My anger will be aroused, and I will kill you with the sword; your wives will become widows and your children fatherless.

Exodus 22:23-24

Therefore, the consequence is severe: death. And what is perhaps even worse is that our wife and our children will also become widows and orphans at the mercy of bandits of our kind against whom we will no longer be able to protect them. It is natural that if someone interferes in the covering that the Almighty provides to widows and orphans, our own protection over our beloved ones will also cease in a similar way but once and for all. The consequence is that my family is in the same situation as those I have oppressed.

For us, as the disciples of the Messiah, widows and orphans are none other than those who do not yet belong to the Body of the Messiah, to the Bride. They have no father nor husband, they are not under the protection of the Messiah. On the other hand, those who are believers, but do not belong to any community for reasons beyond their control and who wander like widows, have no one to feed them in spirit. It is therefore important to pay special attention to those who arrive thirsty and hungry for the Word and to those who arrive as believers but have not yet found their place in the Body of the Messiah.

Also see Defence of the poor, Defense of the animals


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