Noach and Abraham, the stages of the believer’s life

Judaism believes that Abraham was more righteous than Noach. The reason lies in the description itself: Noach was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time. Many consider that being right at a time when all humanity is seriously corrupt is not an excessive virtue. It is much easier to be perfect at a time like Noach’s than at the time of Abraham when other righteous men existed too. This is why Abraham is seen as more righteous than Noach. This qualitative difference is explained by the fact that Noach built his own ark, according to Yahuwah’s instructions, regardless of the fate of his contemporaries and without interceding for them in any way. In the case of Abraham, however, we see him pleading intensely before the Almighty to avoid the destruction of the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah.

There is, however, a more balanced opinion, in which we distinguish the historical or rather spiritual context in which the two characters lived without drawing hasty conclusions. According to this vision, Noach had no duty to help others. The decision to destroy all humanity was made, so Noach had no ministry to carry out towards other humans. Noach’s only duty was to build the Ark for himself, his family, and the animals, regardless of what would happen to the rest of the world. Abraham was another man, living in another era and therefore having a different calling.

I would rather tend to opt for this second theory. However, the message of our two patriarchs does not lie in comparing them to one another and looking for the most virtuous of them. We should rather consider them as prototypes, models of the stages of the life of every believer.

One of the major mistakes we make as newly converted and / or born again young believers

is that we want to go to war right away to deliver the world of the forces of evil.

This is a noble and natural reflex given that we are spiritually children, therefore we are pures and of good will. As a child who has just discovered a new truth, we go to the onslaught of our neighbor in order to share with them the treasure we have just discovered. I also acted that way, causing a lot of problems. On the one hand, I went to areas where Yahuwah did not want me to go, so I put myself at risk in dangerous situations against which I was not armed. I thought to give the testimony of Yahuwah for the sake of the Body of the Messiah, without realizing that I made him more harm than anything else. Since then, one of my basic teachings towards younger brothers is to warn them to stay calm. You must not go on a crusade all the time trying to convert everything that moves.

Paradoxically, one has to show some form of selfishness.

A positive selfishness which consists in dealing only with one’s own edification at first, in order to avoid harming others, the Body of the Messiah and himself for lack of knowledge, experience and wisdom.

I have a 6 year old son who already knows how to do a lot of things because I taught him. However, I forbid him to do these things any time and without supervision even if he knows how to do it for fear of hurting someone or hurting himself. We often cook together, we cut meat with a knife, we light the pan, etc., but always in my presence. The same goes for spiritual work. It can only be fruitful and well done by spiritually mature and empowered people performing tasks that fit their abilities and age of mind.

The stages of our lives as believers must follow the order of Noach to Abraham. Build yourself in silence at first in order to be saved. Once you have your foot firmly on the rock after the flood, you will be able to help others as Abraham did.
If Noach had stopped to evangelize, to preach, to prophesy
, or simply to respond to the attacks of the people who came to make fun of him during the construction in the middle of the desert, when there was no sign that the rain was coming, then Noach and his family would have perished with the rest of the corrupt world.
In this case, Abraham would never have been born at all so that he could also fulfill the call that was assigned to him. If Noach had played the humanists, the whole work of Salvation offered by Yahuwah would have been broken. Man would not have been redeemed, but destined to an ultimate and irrevocable disappearance.

So we see how important it is to respect this chronological succession for fear that our spiritual inheritance brings no fruit and vanish forever.

How many believers are thus annihilated because they did not know this rule and had no elder brother who could have warned them not to venture too early on battlefields where much more powerful and educated hostile forces simply crushed their emerging faith.

When the foolish virgins will arrive

We are living today in the last phase of the end times. The opening of the seals probably already began around 2019, with the release of the crowned knight, who with his arrows inoculated more than two thirds of the world’s population with an internal time bomb that can bring death at any moment. Since then, the number of deaths has continued to rise, not as a result of the pestilence, but rather of the “antidote” that followed it. The second seal is also visibly open. Since the pandemic lull, the state of global war has continued to grow. The surge in global food prices is also so widespread in the world that it would seem that the third seal has also been opened.

It is therefore high time to speak of the fact that soon, when the foolish virgins will begin to flock to us for oil, that is to say all those foolish believers who, instead of preaching the fusion and inseparability of the Commandments of Elohim and the Grace of Yahushua, instead of abandoning the pagan names and returning to the use of the original ones, are attached to blaspheming him with names of idols and who instead of preaching the true Gospel continue to remain in the intoxication of the false gospel of success, AND even those who, although they have returned to the original names and have discovered the importance of the law, have nevertheless returned to the dry letters of the Commandments which kill in itself and thus reject the gifts of Ruach HaKodesh, of being filled with the Holy Spirit, of being born again and become a new creation in a word. So when all these virgins suffering from various madness come to us asking for help when it is already too late,

we will have to put on again the character and attitude of Noah, not that of Abraham.

We will then no longer be able to waste the time and energy we have left teaching them, or even praying for them. This is what we have been doing since the beginning. But instead of listening to us and letting the Spirit of the Messiah change them and renew their souls or be born again, they will have rather treated us as a sect of Pharisees for some and false charismatics by others. The time will come soon, and it is already at the door with the Bridegroom, where in the last minutes, we will have to become “selfish” again in order to be ready to receive our crown of Salvation. We are going to close our doors again, not because we have become children in spirit who need to be built up and strengthened in order to go and help others, but quite the contrary, because we have finally grown old and are exhausted by the years, the decades of ministry and trials whose most visible fruits for us until now have only been the many rejections and accusations of these brothers and sisters, of these virgins who never wanted to become wise and who persevered in their foolishness.

For indeed, if we go to take care of them, we risk losing this oil for which we have suffered so much. We could lose it quite simply by dissolving these mad virgins from their foolishness out of pity, fatigue and humanism. We would relieve them of their sins by accepting them out of false love and human indulgence, because we do not wish to see them remain in the world. This attitude of spite would make us accomplices of the spirits who govern them and we would thus also become guilty with them of their sins. Our lamp would overturn, or even break, and the oil, which is the Law, which is the Holy Spirit himself, would risk being spilled on the ground and we ourselves would become foolish.

Perhaps I am not the only one who feels this in the ministry: but more and more the majority of non-believers reject the very possibility of healing when it is offered to them. Those who still allow themselves to experience the healing power of the Messiah who acts through us and accept that we pray for them, they thank us for our help at most and move on. They do not even want to hear about Yeshua, the One who healed them. The people who are baptized most often just want to get by, to have their lives saved, to get Eternal Life, and then step aside and do nothing more. Most often, they disappear from our lives without leaving any trace, no way to find them or to have news of them. These people only want good, but submission and discipleship according to the true rules of the game, they do not want that.

Our religious friends who are already believers for their part, are more and more deeply anchored in their own dogmas and do not even want to hear about moving forward. As for our born again brothers and sisters, they continue to feel good about themselves and still have no intention of leaving their spiritual kindergartens called assemblies, churches or networks. The promises of prosperity and the intoxicating concerts called praises are more than enough for them and in their spiritual simplicity, they feel no lack.

The time is coming when we will have to lock ourselves away again, take care of ourselves and our loved ones only, in order to put the finishing touches to the edification of our spirits. For indeed, the years of work have defiled us, we are sweaty and tired, we are covered with wounds due to the rejection and slander endured by them and by the world. We cannot stand before the Bridegroom in this state when he comes back to take us. Like any good bride, we must sanctify ourselves, that means closing our door and taking care only of ourselves, of our appearance, our dress and our adornment, in order to be ready for the wedding and for the meeting with the Bridegroom. The time is near

when we have to devote our time and energy to beautifying ourselves,

that is to say, to strengthen the presence of the Spirit, Ruach HaKodesh in us, so that our lamp remains full and continues to burn until Yahushua comes to take us.

We will then have to send these foolish virgins back to where they came from, where they have been until now. Were they languishing under the domination of Christian spiritual merchants, churches, networks or denominational assemblies, pastors and human ministries, instead of listening to the prophetic word that we have announced to them? Then let them return there now, because the time of grace is over from our side. Stay where you felt so good until today.

Each in its own extremism, some in their empty charismatic circuses, others in their pharisaical religious delusions and their laws devoid of the Spirit of the Messiah.

In a word, all those believers who did not want to continue the reform.

And all those also who believed – sometimes even through the name of their own ministry – that after them (not the Flood), but that there was nothing more to reform in the Church, because their person, their ministry, their church finalized the last reform that remained.
For this command (mitzvah) is a lamp, this teaching (torah) is a light, and correction and instruction are the way to life, keeping you from your neighbor’s wife, from the smooth talk of a wayward woman. Proverbs 6:23-24

I could even say… and they will preserve you from becoming a corrupt, flattering, smoothly talking wayward and foreign woman in the eyes of the Bridegroom, in a word, a foolish virgin to whom He will say: “I never knew you.”

I never knew you because you did not call me by my name, because you claimed that my commandments are no longer valid, or because you observed all this, but you did not accept my grace and did not conclude the Covenant by my Blood and refused to let my Spirit come and settle directly in your heart.

And when the door closes on them and they do not leave in the first round, perhaps they will have another three and a half years to sober up and become wise in order to finally have their lamps filled with true oil, even through the inheritance, the ministry and the memory of the words of those who will have left before their eyes – the wise virgins. I do not know if they will have a second chance, I sincerely hope so, but we cannot be sure. After our departure, after the rapture, theorically Salvation goes back and exclusively to the Jews who do not yet know the Messiah Yahushua. But the writtings do consciously leave a doubt on this question. Elohim does not want us to know for the moment.

But if this is the case, and a new time of grace, extensions will be granted to them, then perhaps they will finally abandon their false names of idols, perhaps they will be reconciled with this law of which they were so afraid and those who only put their trust in the letter will finally have His commandments engraved in their hearts by the Spirit of the Messiah, in order to be united in the Church which is the Body of Yahushua.
They will be saved, but as through fire. 1Corinthians 3:15

I do not wish it on anyone to have to go through this, and at the same time, I wish it on all those who are increasingly testifying to their madness, and as we move towards the goal, towards the appointed time, the more frantically they cling to their usual routine, to their religious traditions, to their idols in a word. If they have not been able to hear the prophetic word until this day, then let them begin to feel in their flesh and soul, the purifying fire of the foundry which will eventually be able to purify them of the remaining impurities.

And we will all feel – wise virgins – when the time has come for us personally when, like Noah, we will have only one task left to accomplish, that of completing our own ark and definitively closing its door before the others.

Next parasha: LECH LECHA


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