The message of the Gospel is the Good News: the proclamation of Elohim’s love and grace, intended to redeem humanity from the death it incurred as a result of original sin. The Eternal created humanity in His image and likeness to live in communion with Him. However, this relationship was broken by humanity’s disobedience. Through sin, death entered the world, along with divine judgment.
But Elohim did not abandon humanity in this desperate state:
He sent His only Son, Yeshua HaMashiach, who was perfect in every way and without sin, to bear the judgment for humanity’s sins in our place on the cross. On the third day, He rose again, triumphing over death itself. Through His death and resurrection, He defeated death and offered redemption. By this sacrifice, all who accept His grace through faith receive forgiveness of their sins, eternal life, and the opportunity for a new beginning—even in this earthly life.
However, our teaching goes beyond merely proclaiming the Gospel; it also aims to deepen its interpretation and understanding. For instance, it is crucial to comprehend why the fruit of the tree of knowledge was forbidden in Eden and why Yahuwah decreed that humanity’s return to Him could be achieved only through the Savior. These questions, and the answers they reveal, are vital to fully grasping the completeness of His plan and the profound depth of the Gospel message.
What must we do in order to receive this Gift?
Repentance: When I acknowledge my sinful condition, sincerely turn away from it, and seek deliverance by calling upon Him who alone has the power to grant me this grace.
Faith in Yeshua: When I believe that He is the Son of Elohim, that He suffered in my place, and that He rose again to offer me new and eternal life.
Water Baptism: In water baptism, my old self symbolically dies and is buried. My sins are forgiven, and I am reborn as a new creation in the Messiah, Yahushua.
Spirit/Fire Baptism: When I open my heart to the promised Comforter, Ruach HaKodesh (the Holy Spirit), He moves within me, working His will and commandments in my life. He empowers me to live in complete freedom as a victorious disciple of Yahushua, purifying and SANCTIFYING me daily until the time comes when He will return to take me to Himself.
The Purpose of This Message:
To emphasize the importance of not only receiving forgiveness but also living a fully renewed life as Elohim has designed for each of us. This life includes healing, deliverance from demonic oppression, ongoing inner transformation, and the mission of making disciples, as demonstrated by the first believers in the book of Acts. It is not about attending religious services on Sunday (or even Saturday) but about living a continuous, authentic, and committed relationship with Elohim—a life that reflects His love, power, and purpose in every aspect.
The Gospel is not a religion—it is LIFE: a restored, living relationship with the Creator that transforms your heart, your mind, and your entire existence
Many people struggle to understand why humanity bears such a severe consequence for the seemingly simple act of eating a fruit. They fail to grasp why this act was so significant in the eyes of Elohim and why tasting this fruit is considered such an unforgivable sin.
It is essential to clarify that we are not preaching a portrayal of a “sweet Jesus” who is all love and mercy. We reject the one-sided, incomplete vision of our Lord that many believers present— instead of striving every day to transform themselves into His image, strive to distort Him into their own image which is only lukewarm and soft. We speak of the King Messiah who is indeed Merciful but who is also Just, and who will soon return to judge all those who remain cold, or even lukewarm and complacent, as those mentioned before. This balanced understanding of His nature is critical to truly apprehending the depth and power of the Gospel.
But Let’s Go a Little Deeper
Adam sinned, and his sin condemned him to death. Through his act, all humanity was plunged into a state of iniquity, where Satan reigns over fallen man.
As descendants of Adam, we are all marked by this original defilement. Not one among us has escaped transgressing the laws of Yahuwah—those 650 to 700 divine ordinances summarized in the Ten Commandments, themselves concentrated into two universal laws of Love.
By nature, humanity has proven incapable of fully adhering to this law. Even the most devout and fervent among us inevitably fall into sin, whether in action, word, or thought. This is why the Word became flesh—the Law incarnate—and dwelt among us: so that whoever believes in Him would not perish but have eternal life.
He who was without sin died in the place of the sinner
For without the shedding of blood there is neither forgiveness of sins nor reconciliation with the Father
The ministry of evangelism often stops here. Evangelists frequently have little else to offer those seeking Elohim and a solution to their spiritual condition. Yet even at this stage, many are converted, born again, discipled, and equipped for ministry, each according to their level of obedience and the extent of their calling.
However, our Lord Yahushua has entrusted us with much more than this. He also promised tools for spiritual growth and empowerment that go far beyond these initial steps, as revealed in chapters 9 and 10 of the Gospel of Luke. These promises, still valid today, were actively employed by the first disciples and Apostles, and I will delve into them in greater detail shortly.
The Gospel’s deeper meaning is that through the Son, we are reconciled with the Father. This reconciliation means that Elohim no longer presents His Law as an external solution to sin, written on tablets of stone or inscribed on paper. Now, in the fulfillment of Jeremiah’s prophecy, this Law is given to us in its perfect form. The Commandments of Elohim, once weak and external, are now powerfully inscribed within our hearts. From within, they begin to unfold and transform our entire being. This is the ultimate promise: the very essence of the new birth, the baptism of the Spirit, and the ongoing process of sanctification.
The days are coming,” declares Yahuwah, when I will make a new covenant with the people of Israel and with the people of Judah. It will not be like the covenant I made with their ancestors when I took them by the hand to lead them out of Egypt, because they broke my covenant, though I was a husband to them,” declares Yahuwah. “This is the covenant I will make with the people of Israel after that time,” declares Yahuwah. “I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts. I will be their Elohim, and they will be my people. No longer will they teach their neighbor, or say to one another, ‘Know Yahuwah,’ because they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest,” declares Yahuwah. “For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more.” Jeremiah 31:31-34
The Purpose of Creation
As I have discussed in several of my articles, the earth—and humanity, its central element—was created in a fallen world where chaos, meaning disorder and darkness (Tohu Va Bohu), reigned. The first letter of the first word in Genesis, beth, in the term B-reshit (“in the beginning“), strongly suggests that the account is not of an initial creation, but rather a re-creation. It describes the restoration of a world that was originally crafted in perfection by a Supreme Being who, by definition, can only create that which is flawless.
In this originally perfect world, among the heavenly beings created without blemish, a leader and several subordinate angels rebelled against their Creator. This rebellion, though unexpected, necessitated that Elohim prepare a place of exile where the rebels would be confined until the conclusion of the war against them and the execution of their trial, judgment, and condemnation.
Hellel (the “luminous one“, reflecting Elohim’s light, but better known as Satan) and his followers, the Shedim(the “vain ones“, commonly referred to as demons), challenged Elohim to a duel. For reasons still shrouded in mystery, they believed they could ascend to His throne and claim His position.
As I have noted in several other writings, humanity was created to replace these fallen angels. The Kingdom of Elohim, initially created in absolute perfection, had become imperfect “for a time.” This temporary imperfection required correction to restore the original order and structure—to Re-form what had been disrupted.
To delve deeper into this profound topic, I encourage you to explore the following three teachings:
We must recognize that, contrary to what has been taught for centuries, we are not the result of a mere cosmic accident—insignificant and smaller than a speck of dust. We are not inhabitants of some remote corner of an infinite universe, having evolved over millions of years from primitive bacteria or invertebrate reptiles. Even less are we the product of an experiment conducted by an extraterrestrial civilization, as suggested by pseudosciences and the speculative claims of certain space exploration institutions over the past few decades.
We are a deliberately created life form, designed with intention, precision, and for a specific purpose. We are the center, the goal, and the crown of the visible world—that is, of Creation itself. Nothing less. (I will address the nature of the earth in more detail in another teaching.)
Real science—the kind rooted in observation rather than speculative hypotheses—is increasingly affirming the reality of Elohim. Through numerous officially recognized methods, it is revealing the truth of His existence and His design. Recent advancements in genuine, biblically true science have been presented in the groundbreaking creationist documentary, The Ark and the Darkness. This comprehensive film uncovers many mysteries that testify to the power and truth of the Creator, providing fresh evidence of His majesty and purpose.
To understand the concept of original sin, it is crucial to revisit the story of the Fall and examine why Eve and Adam ate the forbidden fruit. While many Christian teachers have addressed this topic, they have often failed to uncover its deeper roots, primarily due to a limited understanding of the early creation narrative.
It is widely taught that the sin of Adam and Eve was, at its core, an act of disobedience. The first human couple failed to obey the sole commandment given by Elohim, the only one in force at that time. The key issue was not initially the consequences of their act or the “doors” it would open, but the very act of rebellion and unfaithfulness to their Creator.
The serpent, however, did not merely tempt Eve to disobey but persuaded her to commit the same sin that he and his fallen companions had previously committed:
“Wanting to be like Elohim”
“For Elohim knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like Elohim, knowing good and evil.” Genesis 3:5. This single statement encapsulates the essence of the rebellion. The sin that Hellel (later known as Satan) and his companions knowingly committed in the direct presence of Yahuwah was now offered to humanity. Unlike Satan’s rebellion, Adam and Eve’s act was not a conscious, deliberate revolt against the Father. Nevertheless, by yielding to temptation, humanity inherited Satan’s seed of rebellion.
Through this act, man allowed the seed of sin to take root, authorizing the enemy to mark his heart with a spiritual seal of rebellion. This seal signifies spiritual death, separating man from his Creator and Savior. It gave Satan temporary ownership of humanity, rendering man estranged from Elohim and vulnerable to eternal separation.
Satan’s ultimate objective is to maintain this estrangement until physical death, claiming man as his trophy. In doing so, he ensures that man is prevented from fulfilling his rightful destiny: replacing the fallen angels in the Kingdom of the Eternal, from which they were permanently expelled.
But beyond this fundamental disobedience:
The driving force behind humanity’s fall lies in its thirst for knowledge. Man’s desire to know that there is another way apart from Elohim’s path
This is the main essence and the heart of the rebellion.
By choosing to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, man sought autonomy, a way of living independent of Elohim’s guidance.
This thirst for knowledge, however, came at a great cost—estrangement from the Creator and a legacy of spiritual death.
Instead of obeying Elohim with the innocence and pure heart of a child, man was given the ability to choose another path: the path of his own human conscience. This path, however, inevitably leads to disobedience. Humanity can choose to follow its own way, to assert mastery over its life, and to attempt to solve its problems through personal power and intelligence. Yet, in taking this direction, man unwittingly activates the influence of the first being who adopted such an attitude: Satan. As a result, all of humanity is effectively born under Satan’s yoke and remains there unless we recognize and submit to the authority of the Redeemer, Yeshua.
The fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil held a particularly alluring temptation: the possibility of becoming like Elohim. This was not about aspiring to become Elohim—a desire reserved for Satan and the fallen angels—but rather about achieving a resemblance to Him. Adam and Eve did not seek to usurp the Father’s throne or take His place; they merely aspired to exist alongside Him – in parallel -, possessing the same knowledge and understanding. This is precisely what the serpent promised when he said to Eve, “You will be like Elohim, knowing good and evil” (Genesis 3:5).
At this point, it seems that humanity did not even seek to wield the same power as the Creator but instead yearned for the same degree of consciousness and wisdom.
In its essence, man’s sin was far less grievous than that of Satan and his demons. The latter had deliberately defied Yahuwah and His throne with full knowledge of the cause and consequences of their rebellion. Man, on the other hand, merely desired to resemble the Father, aspiring to share in His likeness. However, this aspiration required transgressing the one commandment that Elohim had expressly given them to obey.
The knowledge gained from the forbidden fruit—knowing good and evil—consists of an awareness of an alternative to Elohim’s way: a human path, where man lives according to his own choices and places trust in himself or, at times, in others.
Until this point, Adam and Eve had known only good. For them, “good” had no specific significance, as it was the natural state in which they were created and lived. They had no concept of an opposite—no “evil” to contrast with their perfection. Without such contrast, they could not fully appreciate the Life and Perfection they had been given.
It was only after they yielded to evil and fell into sin that their original condition became clear to them. Suddenly, they could see their previous state of innocence and harmony with Elohim as “good” in comparison to the fallen state they now experienced.
This newfound awareness was what caused them to notice their nakedness and feel shame. Their physical nakedness symbolized their spiritual vulnerability, and their shame marked the loss of their original purity. They now understood what they had lost and could no longer return to their former state without divine intervention.
Goodness was defined above all as the state of obedience and unconditional love towards the Father. From this state flows what we often perceive, through our interested and calculating human perspective, as good: blessings such as an abundance of food, general well-being, the absence of hunger, thirst, illness, fatigue, aging, death, extreme heat or cold, disappointment, or emotional pain, along with the absence of any form of deficiency, at any level.
These blessings, however, are merely the marvelous consequences of a far more noble and significant reality. They stem from the profound truth of KNOWING that we are reconciled with our Father. KNOWING that not only does He still love us, but that we no longer have anything to reproach ourselves with before Him, that nothing concerning us hurts Him any more and no longer saddens Him!
This is the only KNOWLEDGE we need in Life!
Our greatest reward should not even be our own eternal life but the assurance that we are no longer a source of pain or sorrow to our Father. An even greater joy than witnessing our own resurrection from the dead is the joy reflected in the face of our Heavenly Father as He beholds the return of a child He thought lost and who had been restored to life and brought home.
This joy is perhaps akin to the emotions Abraham must have felt when the angel intervened at the last moment to prevent the sacrifice of Isaac. It mirrors what Jacob experienced when reunited with Joseph, whom he had believed dead for decades. It is the same joy depicted in the parable of the prodigal son, when the father welcomes home his wayward child. And it reflects what our Heavenly Father feels—not only when Yeshua, His only Son, was resurrected from the dead, but also each time one of us, through His Son, dies to sin and is reborn as a new or restored creation.
Thus, our greatest joy in the gospel message should be rooted in the joy we bring to our Father by freely submitting to Him and returning to the place He has always desired for us. This joy is akin to the pleasure of giving a gift, which can often surpass the joy of receiving one.
I personally came to understand this at a very young age, around seven or eight years old. One day, while walking with my earthly father at the flea market in downtown Brussels, near where I was born, he bought me a balloon. A few minutes later, the balloon burst because I had accidentally pushed it against the corner of an old piece of furniture on display. What left a deep impression on me that day was not so much the loss of the balloon but the expression on my father’s face. I saw the joy he had felt in giving it to me, and when the balloon burst, I saw that joy replaced by sadness.
What my father never knew was that my tears in that moment were not for the lost balloon but for the sadness and disappointment I perceived in his face. In the end, we went back to the vendor and bought another balloon, and here also everything was resolved at the end.
The Essence of Redemption
As we see, the wages of original sin is death.
After their transgression, Adam and Eve received from the Father an animal skin— a symbolic representation of the mortal body in which humanity now suffers, ages, falls ill, and ultimately dies, returning to the dust from which it was formed.
However, death was not immediate. Instead, it emerged as a gradual process of decay that began at the moment of their fall—a state entirely absent before. It was at this pivotal moment that the physical laws governing our world came into being, along with the very concept of TIME.
This TIME which is both a synonym for death and a vessel of grace
Death could have been instantaneous, but instead, humanity was subjected to a finite lifespan—a mortal countdown during which it is granted the opportunity to mend its fractured relationship with the Father. From the first moments of this new condition, the patience and grace of Elohim are unmistakably evident (as elaborated in the article Question of Life and Death).
In the originally perfect world created by Yahuwah, the Supreme Creator carried within Himself the capacity for restoration and re-creation in response to any potential error or fall.
“YAHUWAH who saves” has always existed, and in Hebrew, this is expressed as: YAHUSHUA
Yeshua is the future form of this verbal sentence, that is, the not yet fully accomplished manifestation of this restorative power, a promise yet to be fully manifested. This promise took on human form, a foretaste of the redemption to come. It was a promise first given to the Jewish people and, through them, extended to all humanity. This eternal hope was affirmed when the Archangel Gabriel declared to Joseph: She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Yeshua, because he will save his people from their sins. Matthew 1:21
The essence of the Gospel lies in the journey from Adam, the first man, to Yeshua HaMashiach, the last Adam. The first Adam, through his actions, effectively declared before the Eternal, “I want to know; I want to decide my destiny for myself; I want to solve my problems on my own.” In contrast, the last Adam, Yeshua HaMashiach, exemplifies perfect submission and complete union with the Father.
We are descendants of the first Adam according to the flesh and, with him, are condemned to death. But if we are born again in Yeshua, the last Adam, who triumphed over death, we regain the original state of immortality. This state will be fully restored—either after our physical death or at the time of His return in Spirit to the earth, should we still be alive.
As descendants of the first Adam—these intermediate Adams—we navigate a fallen world that grows increasingly corrupt, dark, and unbearable. As we continue through this existence, an inevitable realization arises in our hearts: a profound disenchantment, disgust and a rejection of the life we have lived.
This inner recognition becomes imperative: “I do not want to know anymore. I have had enough. Knowledge and material wealth bring me no satisfaction; on the contrary, they burden me. I desire no more of this world, its knowledge, or myself. I am incapable of saving myself; I am lost. I must surrender and abandon this futile struggle against my fate.”
Even without fully comprehending the essence of sin, we must feel its deadly grip. We must recognize that the growth of knowledge and human progress, far from delivering the better life humanity has long hoped for, have left us more unhappy—intellectually, spiritually, and physically—than in the less developed periods of our history.
The Gospel begins in the heart of a person who has ceased fighting for himself, and who is ready to die with the Lamb of Elohim on the cross
This is the fundamental starting point—even before listing individual sins: becoming aware of the state of sin in which we exist, the condition into which we are born, like shipwrecked souls perishing in the vast ocean.
The one prepared for redemption is not a smiling, fulfilled, and “balanced” individual but one with a broken heart, one in deep distress, or even struggling with suicidal thoughts. A person who has never known such depths of despair or crisis
will never be able to feel the true need to be freed from sin, from death, and above all from perdition
The desire to end one’s life must be skillfully redirected. Yes, we are called to die—to the world and to ourselves—but we are not to destroy our physical bodies, this earthly vessel entrusted to us, for that would be a clear homicide. We hold no authority over life and death, even our own. Instead, we must put to death the “old man” within us, in spirit, so that we are no longer under the dominion of Satan but under the authority of Messiah Yahushua, who created us.
By ending one’s physical life, one would seal the eternal judgment of sin, forfeiting the chance for redemption. This is precisely Satan’s goal: to drive a person to commit the irreparable before they discover the path to healing, restoration, and life. This is why he persistently whispers such thoughts into your mind.
In those moments, you have two essential things to do: command Satan to remain silentand ask Yeshua to come and save you.
Anyone who has not reached this point of no return in his heart, anyone who has not recognized his state of decay as a human being, and also as an individual, will never be able to aspire to a true, unconditional and total deliverance. It is therefore futile for us to waste time devoting ourselves to such people if they do not show any openness or sincere desire for change. Let us not throw our pearls or our silver – as a symbol of redemption – before swine. Anyone who feels comfortable in this world of shit can only be a pig in the spiritual sense of the word and not a person of peace. Let these people continue to wallow in their own vomit, and shake even the dust from your feet.
As servants of Yeshua, our role is to convey the essence of the Gospel to hearts prepared to receive it. The Gospel begins where a person acknowledges their state of perdition and longs to be delivered from it. As long as an individual feels comfortable in his condition and still finds his place in this world, his spirit is not yet plowed and fit to receive the seed of life. This is how we can better understand the word: It is harder for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Elohim.Indeed the love of this world is a form of wealth. Only when this turning point has been reached in the individual’s life can we, as servants of Yeshua, come on the scene and fulfill our duty, which is to announce to them the ultimate solution:
Yeshua HaMashiach and His Sacrifice for Our Sins
Once the heart is ready, three essential steps must follow: – REPENTANCE, FAITH IN YESHUA and THE TWO BAPTISMS. At this point, the individual is confronted with his own personal sins, those for which he alone is responsible and which do not come directly from our Adamic heritage or from the influence of Satan himself. This recognition stirs within them a yearning for someone with the authority to deliver, absolve, and forgive these transgressions. This is where the individual must acknowledge Yeshua as the High Priest, the only one capable of cleansing us from impurities. Through baptism, Yeshua enters us and fills our hearts with His Spirit. In this transformative act, the two tongues of fire—that are none other than the living Word, once inscribed on stone tablets—are now engraved on our minds and hearts. At this moment, we are born again, freed from sin, its consequences, and its burdens. We experience deliverance from spiritual and, at times, physical illnesses. We are liberated from addictions, healed from illnesses, and set free from demonic influences. We receive spiritual gifts—such as speaking in tongues, prophecy, healing, apostleship, teaching—and the fruits of these gifts: kindness, patience, truth, goodness, and more. The law of Love begins to manifest in our spirits, transforming us from within.
So do not blame Elohim or make him responsible for your suffering or the injustices of the world
Elohim warned humanity from the very beginning. He gave clear instructions to our first ancestors about what was permitted and what was not. His judgment, “On the day you eat of it, you will surely die,” was not His desire but the inevitable consequence of disobedience. If humanity chooses to open doors it was warned against, it grants Satan the right to enter and claim dominion over life and death.
If, after their fall, Elohim had chosen to eliminate Satan and his demons to create new spiritual beings in their place, then He would not have created the first human couple from which we all come. You yourself would not exist. Your presence here is an opportunity, a chance: it is You who need it, not Him. Although this opportunity was wasted from the beginning – first by the fault of the serpent, then by Adam, and finally by Eve, in that order – Elohim is in no way responsible for it. He spoke, He warned, but they did not listen. While we cannot be held personally accountable for the choices of our ancestors, can any of us confidently claim that, in their place, we would have acted differently?
It is imperative that humanity understands Elohim’s character: He is not cruel. He does not seek to crush us but to raise us from the dust to the heights of eternal glory—if only we accept His outstretched hand with humility and obedience.
That hand is Yeshua, His Right Hand, constantly extended to save us from the perdition we hasten toward. He desires to restore us to the original peace and harmony experienced in Eden. But beyond this, He wishes to elevate us to realms even greater than those of Eden—places reserved for us, the very seats left by the rebellious angels.
This is the heart of Elohim’s redemptive plan: to lift humanity from sin and death into the fullness of eternal life with Him.
Why Yeshua and not Buddha, Mohammed, or just Moses?
The question of other religions, or Judaism without Yeshua, is simple. As I have indicated, anyone who views Yeshua (or Christianity, to use the generic term) as merely a religion is mistaken.
Yeshua is not a religion; He is Life itself.
This is precisely what sets it apart, not from other religions, but from the very concept of religion itself.
Of course the Christian churches have made it a religion, but I address this subject of falsifying and illegitimate Christian churches in other teachings. Here I am talking about the real Church with a capital C, the body of the Messiah.
As I have just explained, the path that leads man back to the Father can only be the restoration of His Commandments in the hearts of each individual. However, this has proven to be impossible. Religions, on the other hand, offer man only the solution of striving for perfection by submitting to laws, precepts, or religious practices—the very ones that man has demonstrated his inability to uphold. Yeshua is the only perfect solution—the one who erases our debt and guilt, and the only one capable of renewing us from within, by Himself.
What Does It Mean to Be Born Again?
Being “born again” is a profound transformation of the soul and spirit, central to the message of the Gospel. Yeshua is the Word made flesh, the living commandments incarnate. Through Him, the eternal will of Yahuwah is manifested. He is also the oil in our lamps, representing His Holy Spirit, Ruach HaKodesh. The Spirit of Yahuwah cannot be separated from His role as Redeemer, the Son, who is the Word. These aspects are one and indivisible.
Because the Oil = the Holy Spirit = the Messiah = the Word = the Prophets and the Law
The oil, the Holy Spirit, the Messiah, the Word, the Prophets, and the Law are all interconnected and inseparable. They form the foundation of sanctification, which is the growth of the Holy Spirit within us. This growth represents the progressive fulfillment of the Law’s operation in our inner being, as the Spirit transforms us from within.
Sanctification, which is the Oil itself, corresponds to the growth of the Holy Spirit in us. This growth is the progressive accomplishment of the operation of the Law in our inner being.
It is only through Ruach HaKodesh that the gifts of grace—such as prophecy, teaching, healing, and other manifestations—can emerge in our lives. These gifts are grounded in the workings of love, expressed in the Two Great Commandments given by Yeshua:
Love Yahuwah, your Elohim with all your heart, soul, and mind.
Love your neighbor as yourself.
These commandments are further expanded in the Ten Commandments and detailed across the 613 to 700 mitzvot (commandments) of the Torah.
The journey of being born again marks the beginning of discipleship—a lifelong path of sanctification defined by the activation of the Commandments.
This is why it is deadly to suggest that the Law has been abolished by Grace. Those who declare and believe such things undermine the very foundation of Redemption, preventing it from fully working within them.
This is also why many who are born again find themselves stagnant in their discipleship, gradually losing their spiritual vitality. These are the individuals addressed in the warning from Revelation: I know your works; you have a name of being alive, but you are dead. Wake up! Strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have found your deeds unfinished in the sight of my Elohim. Remember, therefore, what you have received and heard; hold it fast, and repent. But if you do not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what time I will come to you..Revelation 3:1
The Commandments were given precisely to counterbalance the weight of the knowledge of evil and to continually guide humanity toward what is good. Because indeed, since Adam, the knowledge of GOOD is simply the knowledge of the Laws of Elohim
From this moment, the main responsibility is not only to make disciples but, above all, to ensure the continuous process of sanctification. This process, grounded in obedience and faith, enables Ruach HaKodesh to build within us the spiritual Temple, making us vessels of Yahuwah’s presence.
This personal spiritual development requires a deep and ever-growing knowledge of the Messiah. By pursuing this knowledge, we become—and remain—wise virgins, prepared for the Bridegroom’s return.
It is not enough to simply begin this journey. The calling is to endure and remain steadfast until Yahushua, the Bridegroom, returns to take us to Himself. This enduring faithfulness is what it means to be born again—not as a singular event but as a dynamic, ongoing process of transformation and renewal through the Spirit.
For many of us it is no longer a question that the time has come when something must be done with the originally revealed names of the Eternal and the Messiah. This is one of the most crucial and essential turning point of the restoration, or let us rather speak of the reformation.
Many people also know that the Hebrew letters have a numerical value. Thus, each word and each letter present in the Holy Scriptures has its place and its very precise weight spiritually speaking. That is the reason why it is strictly forbidden to remove or add anything to them, because they form a perfect unit that would be split appart otherwise. This unity is a truly powerful source of life and blessings to all who read and follow it. Thus the slightest modification or retrenchment automatically has harmful spiritual repercussions on the people who act in that way.
It is also obvious that the father of lies, Satan, falsifies everything. Thus, when translating the Holy Scriptures into foreign languages, one of his main objectives was to mistranslate the texts and particularly the names of the Almighty, of His Anointed and sometimes even of His Spirit in order to distort and plunder them of their content and their spiritual power. The enemy is thus trying to infiltrate the very heart of Salvation in order to blow everything up by doing a kind of nuclear fission.
YHWH / יהוה / YaHuWaH
The rejection of the name also dates back to rabbinical Judaism. Judaism emerged during the Babylonian captivity when the so-called oral laws were formulated by men still considered to this day as the wise men of the nation. The third commandment, that we shall not take his name in vain, also did not escape this distorting work and in order to ensure that this commandment was never broken, they decided that YaHuWaH should never be spoken again. The name of our Elohim, was thus simply erased from the collective consciousness. Other expressions are used as substitutes when reading the Torah. This is how we can hear words like: HaShem (The Name) and Adonai (Lord).
You can find many teachings on the internet on how to pronounce his Name, why it is important to return to it urgently in light of the prophecies and the spiritual impact it has in our lives. Maybe I’ll explain all of this myself in more details later. But for now, however, before we fall into the trap of going back to the letter and developing a new theology or denomination,
we must first and foremost refer the matter to the exclusive guidance of the Holy Spirit/Ruach HaKodesh
May this article be in his hands, from its formulation to its reading. May He guide us to know what to do and how to use his original names, lest we fall into vain human efforts lacking the deep spiritual content of the topic. Let us never restore anything for self-interest, or to make ourselves appear to be better Christians. But let’s restore things in order to walk in obedience on the path to sanctification. We must stop the enemy continuing to ridicule us by twisting/stealing to the very names of the Most High.
Everyone knows very well that the spoken word has its weight in the spiritual realm. How could it be otherwise with the names of the Almighty?!
The Hebrew letters also have a numerical value. Even the Jewish sofers – the copyists of the Torah, at the slightest error, they simply destroy the entire sheet or even the entire scroll and start copying from scratch. Each word has a numerical value, which, like a kind of perfect mathematical equation, brings the Scriptures to life.
The names of Elohim are those which contain the most this vivifying power
therefore, if we alter or replace them, we prevent them from bringing their beneficial effects.
In the Tanakh (the Old Testament) we come across the name Yahushuah several times, which has been transliterated in English as Joshua-Jehoshua. Both names appear as one name in the original text: יהושע (YHSHWH – YaHuSHuah).
The Messiah actually received this Name from his earthly mother at the time of his birth, on the instruction of the Archangel Gabriel. Therefore, in this given context, it was intended that He would save His people from their sins, as we read in Matthew 1:21. However, for us who are born again in the Messiah and received Ruach HaKodesh, this name should no longer be used in its future form, because the promise has already been fulfilled in us. Now let us look more closely at the letter ה (hey) which is present in Yahushua although it is not in Yeshua.
It seems incomprehensible to me that anyone could have had the idea of removing this letter ה (hey) from the Name of our Savior! Especially since we know from the case of Abraham that this same letter ה, was precisely the one Abram received in the middle of his name as the sign of his Covenant with Yahuwah. This is how Abram became Abraham and his wife Saraj became Sarah. What could have made anyone think that
this same letter ה (hey) can be removed from the name of the SAVIOR?
This is how YaHuSHua finally remained simply Yeshua, a name that only appeared once in this form in the Old Testament (when following the return from the Babylonian captivity, a certain Yeshua helped by a certain Zerubbabel, were charged with rebuilding the Altar within the Sanctuary under reconstruction), and whose meaning is “Yahuwah WILL Save“, as it had been given to Him at the time of His coming to earth. I do believe that we should always use this form YESHUA when we speak of Him to people who do not yet know Him as King over their lives and who have not yet been redeemed by His Blood ; as well as when we speak of Him in the context of His earthly ministry as described in the Gospels. But when we refer to Him as disciples born again in the Messiah, having received the Holy Spirit, His name should rather be pronounced in its present and eternal form since the promise has already been fulfilled in us.
At his birth he was given the name Yeshua, and when he appears before the heavenly court after having died on the cross when he is dressed in garments defiled by the sins of the world, in accordance with Zechariah’s vision, he is called Yahushua, because: It is done! Here, we are no longer in the promise, in the future, but in eternal, constant, present time: Yahuwah saves and has saved. Here Salvation takes effect and shifts into eternal mode.
Each Hebrew letter not only has a numerical value, that is, a mathematically calculable weight when it is pronounced, but it also has a meaning of its own. Thus the letter ה means: Behold – Sign – Covenant. This way His original name was simply shortened from the following meaning:
HERE is the Lamb of Elohim, which is the SIGN, that is to say the seal, of the COVENANT
Another important and interesting letter that appears in the name YHWH to form the name of the Savior is the letter ש (SHin). Among other things, the meaning of this letter is “destruction”. The necessity of the death of the Son is indicated by ש so that the ה – the Covenant – could take effect. But ש does also serve as an abbreviation for one of Yahuwah‘snames: El Shaddai (The Almighty), as it is often found on mezuzot at Jewish homes.
How much more expressive and complete is YaHuSHua‘s name than when we simply utter his name as the promise of a future savior. Because indeed, He is the Savior, but he is also the Sign of the Covenant by the Blood of the immolatedLamb and moreover, HE is also ONE with the Father, being El Shaddai himself.
YaHuShua, the name of the Lamb of Elohim must necessarily merge with the name YHWH, because its meaning is: YaHuWaH Saves.
But to go a bit further and beyond Yeshua which is a correct form although incomplete in some cases. A further big question is: How can anyone think that the names He gave us to name himself can be translated into all kinds of languages, that is to say distorted and replaced by expressions often derived from the names of pagan spiritual principalities such as Zeus for example? Where the names of (Theos/Dios/Deus/Dieu – Je-Sus/Heil–Zeus) are all coming from. And we’ll soon see how problematic is also the word God used by the English and German speaking world.
Nobody translates people’s name when they go abroad. This would be considered as a lack of respect of the other and a source of vexation. If we are able to understand how important is to be respectful toward’s our neighbour’s name, why do we still not see how much more this is important in the case of Yahuwah our Elohim!?
However, there are two instances in the Bible where foreigners erased Jewish names with their own seals:
The first was Joseph, one of the main precursors of Yahushua who received the name of Zaphnath-Paaneah from a pharaoh who, although being very friendly towards the Jews, only knew Elohim in a very superficial way.
The other was the later Babylonian power, which after having taken the Jews captive – following the destruction of the Temple and the taking away of its vessels by dedicating them to their own pagan gods – changed the names of Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah to Belteshaszar, Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego.
The same imperial spirit, let us call it Egyptian or Babylonian, but who is essentially the Roman daughter of these latter ones, simply replaced Elohim by Theos (God) and Yeshua/Yahushua by iesus, in order to continue to honor their former main idols through them.
It is interesting to note that the work of falsification did not stop there. For the worship of their other lesser idols also continues, but in their case it is perpetuated through the use of Jewish names after which they have been renamed or rebaptized. This is how Aphrodite and Venus became the Virgin Mary, how Mars, Saturn, Hermes and the other Greco-Roman divinities were canonized as “saints” and thus inherited the Jewish names of the main characters of the Bible: (Saint Paul, Peter, John and all the others).
Here we can see the process where the righteous ones are paganized and where the pagan idols are “hebrew-ized.”
It was a real shock to me and I was almost discouraged from continuing the ministry when I discovered that even this widely used form of the name of the Savior contained the seal of the antichrist since the very beginning – from the time of the first translations of the Gospel.
Because you may be familiar with this theory that the translation of YaHuSHuah‘s name in Greek is nothing more than the greeting “heil zeus“. At first sight, this seems a bit forced to me, especially since those who promote this theory base their explanations on the Spanish pronunciation of Jesus (with the Spanish strongly pronounced Jota). However, when the Greeks invented the term iesus, the Spanish language did not even exist. But anyway the phenomenon is indeed suspicious enough to give a serious chance that this is not a coincidence, and knowing the style of deceptions the enemy often uses, I can easily imagine that he is also hiding behind this as well.
This good human intention which tries to bring the name of the Savior closer to the lips, that is to say to the mother tongue of the new converts, is used by the devil to defile and blaspheme by his own names the Name above all names. As the saying goes:
The road to hell is paved with good intentions
Satan, among others, has mastered the art of using human goodwill and pure intentions to hinder the plan of YaHuWaH, of Redempting humankind by becoming YaHuSHuah.
Greeks did not keep the -ah ending of Yahushuah, since it is the sign of the feminine form in their own language. In Greek and also Latin words ending with -a are generally feminine. Thus they could really feel having a good reason to make some change in it, since they did not want people to associate Yeshua to feminity, but the problem was that the masculine ending form added -us, is directly coming from the name of Zeus, who was the quintessential male being the father of all gods, one of the first male of the world according to their former beliefs. This resulted in the birth of a name whose sound fully includes the name of their zeus when pronounced: iesus. Something that should have seemed just as problematic to them as the original form and its feminine connotation. But this little detail did not really bother them quite obviously.
Moreover, the matter does not end here. Because when the Greek translation, iesus, was later adopted by the Latin speakers of the Roman Empire, they simply kept it without any modification. And here the question arises as to how a Latin-speaking believer could have had the guts to keep this name in this form and pronounce it when speaking of the Messiah, since the word sus in Latin was an existing and common expression which meaning is none other than pigor swine!?
And if all this wasn’t convincing enough why it is problematic to refer to the Messiah with this Greek word and all the names derived from it in the different languages, it is also worth mentioning that
according to the Greek gematria, the numerical value of the letters that make up the root of the word Iesus is nothing but 666.
More precisely, the name iesus is articulated around the three Greek consonants which result in this number. It was precisely these three consonants that John used in the book of revelations when announcing the number of the beast: χξϛ (chi xi and stigma). Later on, vowels had been aded to these three letters and also the graphism of greek letters had been modified through time in order to reach the final result Ἰησοῦς, as you can see it in the greek texts. It is thus very hard to see the resemblance with the original satanic root.
A separate study could be written about how the antichrist appropriated the role and person of our Savior to endow Him with his own false name? It can also be expected that when the Antichrist finally reveals himself within a few months or at most a few little years, he will argue with this well-prepared phenomenon in order to deceive many into saying that the real Messiah, Yahushua of Nazareth who walked the earth 2000 years ago and who was renamed “Jesus”, was actually the prophesied “antichrist” since having the number of the beast included in his name, and from now on he is of course the “real” one. It’s not sure that this will happen in that form, but we can eventually prepare for this kind of deceptive propaganda as well.
I know it is shocking to read such things and that it is almost unacceptable. We would almost start to get angry with the Almighty himself for having allowed the enemy to steal even His names from us! Why did He let the devil go so far in falsification?
But we could also turn against ourselves. Let us not fall into the temptation of accusing or even condemning ourselves for having been using impure names so far. Let us instead recognize once again that we must look forward, not backward. There is a time of ignorance and there is a deception into which we have all fallen in spite of ourselves.
Certainly we have been deceived, but we were not aware of it and our devotion was pure and that is why it worked anyway.
Many of us have been baptized in the name of Jesus. Yet, we are indeed born again and have received the Holy Spirit and all the gifts resulting from it together with the promise of the Eternal Life. We even healed people many times in the name of Jesus, demons have left people in that name and it perfectly worked! But why then, if the name would really be false? Because we called him so out of ignorance, but in the bottom of our hearts He is the true Messiah to whom we said “yes” and whom we invoked and thus who we truly metHim.
Yahushua will never leave anyone on its own because he or she is using false names by ignorance. Even if we call upon His false names, He will not leave us without answer, as long as we do not know the truth about it.
It is important to emphasize this fact, because the time of Grace is still ongoing. And I am sorry to see once again, that those who preach the return to the original names of the Eternal do often fall into the other extreme. They do fall in the trap of accusing, or at least insinuating, that those who use the names derived from Zeus: Theos and Jesus are the sons of perdition. This condemnation is a serious sin and even a worse attack on His Name than the use of the falsifications against which these people raise their voices. We must preach the truth with love and not execute the dying ones before time.
Of course, in the other hand, if following the recognition of the need to restore the original names, someone persists in the use of the fake ones, then a new era will soon open for such rebels which will gradually shorten the time of grace granted to them. Thus, we must draw everyone’s attention to this danger.
Let us rejoice that the time of Grace is still lasting. Let’s be happy that Ruach HaKodesh goes on guiding us. Let us give thanks for always having the possibility of asking to have an increasingly humble and obedient heart so that we can accept even what may still seem unacceptable today. Let us be happy of still having the true names available to us so that we can live with and by them.
And now let’s ask the question in our hearts to the Holy Spirit: Does the Eternal really want me to come back to His original names again? Because if He is inviting you from within to do so and if you still do not make the right decision, then very different and less glorious times will be opened up in your life.
Elohim / אלוהים
Instead of ELOHIM, the names of false elohim(s) are used in every language.
Let’s take a look at a few languages of the world, in which billions of people to this day address the Almightyusing totally differentexpressionsto the one He first revealed to us: Elohim.
Theos / Zeus
Among the epistles included in the New Testament that were actually originally written in Greek, today we can find the term Theos instead of Elohim. This is very likely a later transcription of the original term or title. When the texts began to be copied, the term Theos, easier to interpret for the Greeks, came in as a substitute the original word used by Paul. It is not necessary to have in-depth theological, historical or linguistic knowledge to recognize the origin of this term: Theos comes directly from Zeus.
Indeed, the first Greek disciples – just as in the case of the name Yeshua becoming iesus mentioned earlier – were probably uncomfortable with Hebrew names and terms that they could not connect to anything in their language and history. They probably thought it good to rewrite this title by Hellenizing it a little in order to make it “more understandable”, “closer” to their mouths and their hearts. So they just kept the names of the Nephilim and other fallen angels, who had revealed themselves to their ancestors under these names and who were perpetuated in their customs and traditions through what is commonly called the Greek mythology.
From here comes the later Latin form Deus which by transliteration has become Dios/Dieu, etc. in languages derived from Latin, including French and Spanish.
The origins of the two following names are not really clear and are much more difficult to figure out. However, whether either theory turns out to be the correct one, that would make their use quite problematic as well.
ǥuđán / God
The English and German word God/Got could come from two different places: First we have the Babylonian deity called Gad who was also worshiped by some Jews during the captivity and which is mentioned in the book of Isaiah in chapter 65.
But according to some opinions, God may simply come from the Germanic people of the same name, the Goths. For in the Germanic world, where the concept of übermensch (superior race) was always prominent long before the Nazis, the Gothic tribes were considered superior among the all the other Germanic tribes. Indeed, the Goths were the Germanic superheroes, the strongest warriors considered invincible and therefore endowed with a practically divine reputation. In a strongly anthropocentric English-speaking world where people are mostly descending from Anglo-Saxon/Danish-Viking thus Germanic tribes, it can easily happen that God is quite simply the expression of the man who elevates himself to the rank of Elohim. At the time of the adoption of Christianity, this term designating the supreme spiritual authority, was adopted as a substitute to the title of Elohim.
Isten / Ishtar
The Hungarian word Isten (pronounced ishten, the equivalent of God in English) is perhaps the most interesting and also the most dramatic of all at the same time. Here again, the origin of the word is not very clear. According to some linguists, the word comes from the Persian language, others say that it is Finno-Ugric and still others claim that it is of Sumerian origin, and means “ancestral“, “one“, or “unique“. So far, it wouldn’t be such a big deal, since we are really talking about the Elohim who is Ancestral, One and Unique.
However, the sound of this term is surprisingly close to another phenomenon also of Persian and Sumerian origin, which is none other than Ishtar.
She was considered the goddess of love, fertility, sometimes also of war, identified with Venus, the morning star and better known among the Canaanites and Mesopotamians under the name of Astarte. Her symbol is the eight-pointed star. She is a deity who was held in such reverence even in Babylonia that the very gate through which the Jewish people entered the city during the captivity was bearing her name. The remains of this gate are still kept in a museum in Berlin, right next to Satan‘s throne by the way.
Unfortunately, this vecinity with the devil is not only limited to the berliner museum. Another disturbing phenomenon can be observed if we write this word in Hebrew: אישטן, form almost identical not only in its pronunciation, but also in its spelling with the name of שָׂטָן (STN).
Even if the situation was not as serious as just described, and the resemblance to Satan’s name would just be a mere coincidence, the almost identical sounding of the words isten and isthar raises the question of whether is it wise to use this term when talking about the Creator?
Moreover, it is not surprising to observe such a phenomenon in the case of a people whose first decisions when their State has been founded more than 1000 years ago, was precisely to offer the country to the Virgin Mary. From here on, giving Elohim the name of a female deity is not surprising in the case of a nation whose penchant for the matriarchal order is so obvious from the outset. After all, Ishtar was not only a female deity, but was also called the queen of heaven. According to historians she was also named Astarte by other peoples, but she is also a direct predecessor of Aphrodite in Greece and then of Venus in Rome, herself later renamed Virgin Mary by the Christianized Romans (also an altered form of the original name Miriam, the earthly and Jewish mother of Yeshua).
Allah / Elah
It is interesting to note that in the case of Allah, quite the opposite happens. Because it comes directly from Elah the contracted hebrew form of Elohim taken over by Arabic which, as we know, is also a Semitic language. This name had been adopted by the arabs in times where neighter Islam nor Christianity existed yet. But the Arabs indeed already existed and many worshiped the true and only Elohim, as we can see in the case of Jethro (Yitro) father-in-law of Moses. To this day, Arab or Coptic Christians use Allah, this abbreviated and Arabized version of Elohim as a word to designate God. It is therefore not the name of a foreign deity who would have been slammed on Elohim, but quite the contrary. Here, it is the original name which is taken over by a foreign spirit. Thus Baal reveals himself to a false prophet by usurping the abbreviated version Elah and simply make himself be called Elohim by billions of people.
All these cases show that there are still basic things that still need to be restored in the Church. Whether we accept it or not, even if it is shocking, we must face the fact that:
the Bride uses the names of her exes to call upon her Bridegroom!
And I expressed myself with great restraint. Because the former idols are not just ex-boyfriends, but pure pimps. What name should be given to a wife who names her husband after her old macks in your opinion? Can we still speak of Wife? Or is she still a prostitute or at least in a mixed spiritual state, in adultary? Could this fundamental phenomenon explain the reason for the pitiful state of Christendom? Could this not be the root of all deviations from the straight path? Because the Latin word curba means deviation/curve. This word has been taken up in the Slavic languages as well as in Hungarian in the form kurva which means prostitute in its more vulgar version. This refers to many biblical prophecies where Israel and Judah were referred to by similar adjectives by their Husband Elohim. Today, there is a third woman, a third Bride (Ephraim or the Nations) who, let’s face it, is not much better than the two others.
In the interest of real and effective reform, we should perhaps go back to basics so drastically:
In what terms do we speak of the Creator, the Almighty, the Eternal, our Savior and even somtimes of his Spirit?
We are not talking about Jewish roots here. Still not. Much more serious and important things still need to be restored, which go far beyond the Jewish roots and compared to which these are practically insignificant.
Because there was not yet a single Jew on earth when mankind had already been calling on the names of Yahuwah and Elohim for a long time. Then the Jew came with all his self-righteousness and man-made artificial laws and veiled the name of Yahuwah. And this false tradition has been endorsed and perpetuated by Christianity until today.
And now, as a Jew believing in the Messiah YaHuSHuah of Nazareth, should I also have to teach Jewish roots in the name of our Savior by continuing to use distorted or alienated terms such HaShem/Adonai and even God, Dieu, Ishtar and Jesus as many others do? No thanks, I do not want to take part in that kind of circus anymore!
What would you say if your partner/girlfriend or wife in the best case called you by the name of one of her ex-boyfriends? How long would you endure such an offence before sending her back where she came from? This is where we see how incredibly patient Yahuwah is compared to us.
On our part, however, let us recognize the problem and do not grieve His Spirit any further by behaving like harlots and not like a worthy and obedient Brides.
For the Bridegroom is at the door. Is there any oil in your lamp? If so what kind of oil is it? Do we have the Holy Spirit, the Living Law, and within that, this topic is in order or not? With what names have you anointed the Son and the Father?
Because the names we give are anointings and carry deep meanings. Even if we are using them unconsciously.
And the Spirit of Yahuwah/Elohim/Yahushuah did never ask for or authorize anyone to point to Him with these profane words. Realize that there are still some wise virgins who can still give you real oil today in case you happen to still be part of the camp of the foolish ones.
For when the Day comes, it is the one you have called on the name who will appear to take you. (as we have been warned about inRomans 10:13). May no one have any bad surprise at that moment!
Did Paul also use Theos?
The question may immediately arise for many: why would the term Theos instead of Elohim appear in the original Greek New Testament if there were actually problems with this term on a spiritual level? This expression appears throughout the epistles! So if Paul didn’t have any problems with using this term, why should we have any today?
Many people would respond to that: Could this phenomenon indicate that the New Testament was ultimately not written in Greek? Could it be that the documents presented until now as originals are only later translations? Indeed many biblical scholars have emerged in recent years who claim that the original text was written in Hebrew or Aramaic and that the Greek is only a later translation. This would explain why Elohim could have transformed into Theos.
For my part, I am convinced that some parts of the New Testament were indeed written in Hebrew, but others were really written from the start in Greek. Just as the promise of Salvation was transferred for a time from the original Hebrew people to the Greeks, that is, to the Gentiles, the Nations.
I am convinced that the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and John could not have been originally written in any language other than Hebrew.
After all, the Gospel was addressed first and primarily to the Jews. It was therefore necessary that it was published for the first time in the world in the language of the Jews. Furthermore, these people – the authors of the Gospel – did not distinguish themselves from others by their more in-depth knowledge of the Greek language. They were simple fishermen who probably did not know the language of the oppressive power to such a level that they would have been able to write such far-reaching stories in a language which was alien to them. This is true even if Matthew and Mark came to some extent from Hellenized Jewish families, as their first names attest. (Of course we may say that the gift of tongues could easily resolve such a lack of knowledge, but I am not convinced this was in the will of the Almighty at this stage).
Luke, on the other hand, was Greek, a converted proselyte. His Gospel could very well have been written in Greek from the outset, since it was not only his mother tongue, but at that time, due to the rejection of the Messiah by a large part of the Jewish People, Elohimcould already have wanted to signal that the transfer of the History of Salvation would soon pass from the hands of the Jews into the hands of the “Greeks”, that is, the Gentiles, for a certain time until their number was reached. Thus, and symbolically, by formulating one of the Gospels in Greek, Elohim was able to send a strong signal to humanity, indicating that from now on the door will also be open to non-Jews.
Paul, unlike his evangelist predecessors, was a very educated and cultured person. Not only was he a Roman citizen, but he also spoke the language of the eastern part of the empire, namely Greek, perfectly well. (Let’s not forget that he was born in Tarsus). Let’s just think rationally for a moment: When such a man begins to write letters to assemblies whose members are mostly non-Jewish and whose mother tongue is Greek, there is no doubt that he is not going to start writing to them in Hebrew or Aramaic, thinking that the brothers and sisters will manage with online translation software or someone else interpreting on site to decode his messages. Adherents of the theory that the New Testament was written exclusively in Hebrew should think a little about these few small details with a sometimes slightly more rational and wise state of mind. It is obvious that he will use as a mediator the language that they all speak and understand in common. The Holy Scriptures were invented to make people’s lives simpler and certainly not to make it even more complicated than it basically is.
Therefore, the two theories that the New Testament was written only in Greek or only in Hebrew are two extremes that must be rejected. The truth again lies somewhere in between.
Thus, I believe that most of the New Testament was originally written in Greek, but not only in Greek.
However, the manuscripts where we find the term Theos instead of Elohim in the original Greek must necessarily be later transcriptions.
Let us recall how Paul reacted when he entered Lycaonia with Barnabas. Upon witnessing the miracles and signs performed by the two apostles, the inhabitants immediately declared them gods, identifying Paul as Hermes and Barnabas as Zeus. They even sought to offer animals as sacrifices in their honor. How did Paul respond? He tore his clothes before them as a sign of mourning. In doing so, he destroyed his only possession and means of protection against the sun, rain, wind, sandstorms, and evening frosts. He did this because the pagans—spiritually immature and ignorant though well-intentioned—instinctively sought to elevate those who did good to them to the status of divinity.
How could a man so zealous and disgusted by anything related to paganism replace Elohim – and most of all Yeshua – with terms that are clearly derived from Zeus?
It is completely stupid and irrational to imagine that such a righteous and faithful servant of the Messiah as Paul would ever allow the primary title of the Almighty to be degraded to such a level, just in order to please new converts.
From the moment you recognize the true Creator and Redeemer, it becomes your duty and obligation to use the names He Himself chose to reveal from the very beginning. Humanity was never granted the authority to decide which titles and names to ascribe to the Creator. It was the animals that Adam was permitted to name according to his own choices—not the Father.
A spiritual child may call the Father by any name that reflects the purity of his heart, as long as it is done out of love and ignorance. However, as we grow in spirit, we must gradually abandon our childish babblings and learn to act as responsible and obedient adults, showing respect to our Father.
Therefore, each person should discern their spiritual maturity. This message is a call to those who are spiritually mature and stable enough to grasp the significance of the original names and to use them truthfully, while discarding the false ones they may have used until now. I encourage you to openly and courageously embrace what you feel within, even if the opposition is strong, few are going to congratulate you, and even if fellow believers begin to reject or even persecute you for returning to the original names.
I do not condemn those who use terms like “God” and others, provided they do so out of ignorance and with a childlike heart. However, as with all other laws, the time must come when, at the direction of the Ruach HaKodesh, the use of the original names must also be restored.
In conclusion and as further encouragement, it is worth mentioning that a process has emerged over the years whereby millions of believers across the world are returning to the use of the name Yahweh.
Although I think there is no doubt that the original pronunciation is Yahuwah, we are still saying the same thing, since the 4 consonants, those that have a numerical value and thus weight in the spiritual realm, are pronounced in both cases. Yahuweh, Yahuwah, the difference is really just one final vowel. Above all, let’s not make a fuss of it in a stubborn and Pharisaical way. I am happy when I hear them pronounce the Name in this way.
Thanks to Elohim, not only are we not alone, but for the majority of African and American Christians, the original name has been in constant use for decades, and perhaps there is hardly anyone among them who is still scandalized at hearing it and using it today. It unfortunately seems to me that on the European continent, there is still a long way to go in this direction.
I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars—I will make them come and bow down before your feet, and they will learn that I have loved you. Revelation 3:9
Many have tried to explain who these false Jews could be, that Yahuwah/Yeshua speaks to John about. This sentence is undoubtedly one of the most commonly used tools by anti-Semites to try to discredit the election of the Jewish people. Many are confused by such a visibly violent statement and remain in shock, unable to discern its meaning. Here we will see in a very simple way who will be, or rather who already are, those who fall into this category of false Jews who are members of the synagogue of Satan.
Like all other questions related to the Holy Scriptures, we must not complicate things and there is no point in over-philosophizing on the issue.
After all, the declared Word of Elohim is made for all, so that all humans understand it without distinction of level of study and IQ. People who are too intelligent, or who try to appear so, often tend to distort extremely simple truths by dint of chattering too much about the subjects they discuss. The word being universal, is also addressed to simple people. So instead of unnecessary explanations, let’s go back to the plain text itself.
What does it want to express? Quite simply,
that there are Jews among us who count as such, but who are not. These serve Satan, that’s all.
But the fact of belonging to such a “synagogue” does not in itself mean that they are automatically the sons of damnation. For most of them, they are deceived people who will hopefully repent of their mistake in time. It is always the minority who act by demonic nature and innate and visceral depravity. These are the ones who deceive and drag with them many souls whose fate is not yet decided, in order to tear them away with them in their doom.
Traditional Christian interpretation
The most common view of Christianity is that the synagogue of Satan are simply the Jews of today who since the rejection of the Messiah in Yeshua of Nazareth have thus and automatically moved to the worship of Satan.
This reasoning may seem logical and understandable somewhere, because it is true that, by definition, anyone who denies the Messiah is under the dominion of Satan. Yeshua himself tells the Pharisees that their father is Satan, so it is quite difficult for them to think of anything else (let’s understand these poor anti-Semitic Christians a little). However, the Pharisees to whom Yeshua spoke were part of this category of demoniacs that I have just mentioned and who deceived a large part of the People of the time. This large part of the People, as well as their descendants, did not suffer rejection from Elohim,
but were rather put in a sort of quarantine, until the time of the Nations isfulfilled.
The priests of the time were already members of this synagogue of Satan, but this was not the case for the average Jew, the people who were simply deceived by their corrupt spiritual leaders.
It is certainly beneficial to be Jewish, as Paul stated also because, for a time, they enjoy special protection against the power of Satan from Yahuwah, despite Yeshua’s momentary rejection. Of course every human being enjoys a certain degree of protection from Elohim, even in the case of those who are not saved, redeemed and in submission before Him, for life could not even persist in the world otherwise. But this protection is all the more present in the case of the originally chosen people as the ancient Covenant of Mount Sinai is still valid today.
Traditional anti-Semitic interpretation
Non-believing anti-Semites are of the same opinion as Christian anti-Semites. They defend the thesis of the illegitimacy of the state of Israel by putting forward, among other things, the Khazarian thesis and other conspiracy theories targeting and accusing the entire Jewish community in a unilateral manner. And although much of their criticism is based on real and correct facts, the bad news for them is that their arguments are only true for a very thin layer of the Jewish population. Thus, the justice and judgment that they await with so much enthusiasm will only strike this particular and very narrow layer of the Jewish community, as well as all those who have blindly hated the rest of the Jews because of these ones, which means precisely themselves, those who await the judgment of the Jews.
These anti-Semites of the world are typically those who generally refute the Word of Elohim revealed in the Bible as well as the shed blood of the Savior Yeshua, but who nevertheless allow themselves to refer to the Bible and extract sentences out of context, when these verses seem to support their perverted ideas.
The essence of these two forms of anti-Semitism is the desire to replace the Jews as the Chosen People. Doesn’t their false election also make them false Jews and do they not thus also fall into the category of synagogue of Satan? They often declare it with their own mouths, claiming to be true Jews, Jews of heart or spirit! And do also note that Synagogue of Satan rhymes with SS.
Interpretation of Christians Friends of Jews
Another extreme is when the Jew becomes such an idol for some Christians that among them some are going even so far as to convert to Judaism which persists in always denying the Messiah in Yeshua. Many go so far as to imagine that acquiring Jewish identity is a greater guarantee of Salvation than the very Blood shed by Yeshua. There are also well-known christian false teachers that claim that Jews just need the Old Covenant in order to be saved. That’s definitely a statement that could only come out from the mouth of a priest of Satan.
Generally speaking, Philosemite Christians never talk about the subject of the synagogue of Satan. They avoid it, because it questions a part of this people that they love so much. Among them, there are many who can be listed in this category, even if what they do, they do not do consciously. Indeed, even if they wear the mask of the Messiah, they simply serve the power of the antichrist. Thus they cannot be part of any other type of synagogue than the one we are talking about here. They are not working on the grafting of Christianity into the cultivated olive tree,
but they kill them even deeper in spirit by placing them under the yoke of religiosity, the superficiality of Judaic traditions and folklore, or even under the law itself.
They distribute the title of Jew to all kinds of people who never had anything to do with Jewry, thus subjecting them to the lie of claiming a false identity. Many so-called messianic Jewish communities, or simply Christian friends of Israel, simply hand out Jewish identity to whoever wants it and disguise poor people in identity crisis as Jews, dressing them in all kinds of talliths and other kippas before their worship, like when the clowns put on makeup before the show at the circus. In fact, they are doing the same thing as those who hate Jews, but out of love in their case. Because they too constantly declare that they feel Jewish in heart, soul and spirit. They call themselves Jews, but they are not. It seems obvious to me that they also fall into the category we are dealing with. This is also replacement theology, only that it is not done out of hate, but out of love! A false one of course.
There are even aberrant theories coming from people claiming to be Jewish and messianic at the same time and who go so far as to openly and increasingly deny facts fundamentally defining the person of the Messiah and his divine origin. Theories are expressed refuting the fact that the Messiah was born of a virgin and by the action of the Holy Spirit, affirming that Joseph was the biological father of Yeshua and that his conception occurred naturally. They also deny that the death on the cross was a sacrifice and that the precious Blood of the Messiah would not have been shed for the forgiveness of our sins. Unfortunately, such demonic statements are being heard in these days and here in our regions. Their hatred of Christianity, their wrongly experienced Jewish identity as well as the inferiority complex that results from it, pushes them to always shout louder and to say something ever bigger in order to shock people’s minds, to the point of falling into the trap of denying the very foundations of our faith. Their desire to restore Christianity takes on such extreme proportions that they go so far as to deny the Messiah and thus the Salvation that results from Him. It was of people like them that Paul wrote the following:
But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under Elohim’s curse! As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under Elohim’s curse! Galatians 1:8-9
Chosen people
As explained in another teaching (Anti-Semitism and anti-Christianity), what Elohim chooses is automatically chosen by the enemy as well. Yes, we can say what our opponents are wont to say about us is true, the Jewish people are Satan’s chosen people. However, the context in which this statement is made is completely erroneous.
Because the Jewish people will always and above all remain the chosen people of Elohim.
Satan has chosen Elohim’s people, because as we know, he always tries to take everything that belongs to Yahuwah. Not only his throne, but also his servants, his subjects, his goods, his possessions. Satan wants to expropriate all of humanity and within it, he pays particular attention to anyone who has made a Covenant with Elohim. The people he attacks most assiduously are the Jewish people on the one hand because of the Covenant at Sinai and the Church on the other hand, the Body of Christ, because of its Covenant through the Blood of the Messiah.
Jews reinforcing conspiracy theories
The synagogue of Satan is also all those Jews of blood and origin who have become financial magnates, immensely rich bankers or traders, people or rather dynasties and entire generations having abandoned their faith for centuries to serve the mammon and the idols of the world.
These ones have no desire to return to live in Jerusalem and become fully Jews again, but feel perfectly well in their Babylonian-Roman exile whose rules they consider to be the true laws to follow and respect.
Among them, we find those who go so far as to sell their souls on the altar of political ideologies, or even masonic or downright satanic precepts. Many of them, despite being of Jewish origin, fight fiercely against all forms of religion and communitarianism under the pretext of fighting racism by developing a single, homogeneous and individualistic global human race based on faith in science. Thus they fight not only against Christianity, but against the Jewish community and Israel in particular. And since they are unable of thwarting Elohim’s will to see his people return to the Holy Land, failing to be able to destroy the Jewish State, they attempt to interfere in its functioning. In other words, they allow the Jewish state to exist, but they try to keep it under their control to the extent that they have the power to do so. This is how we can understand the links that connect Zionism to Freemasonry. Israel is thus brought to its knees by world powers forcing it to submit through political, military or economic pressure. This is why Israel behaves like a prostitute living at the expense of its clients and pimps.
Indeed, today, Israel has put its trusts in its American boyfriend and well as in its own physical attributes and strenght, that is to say in its army, more than in Elohim. But this confidence gradually begins to move in the direction of Elohim. And the final tipping point will occur at Armageddon (Har Meggido), when even the United States will stand up against Israel, as it has been promised for long.
Religious Jews
We also find individuals who are members of the synagogue of Satan within the religious Jewish community who are increasingly, more than ever, attached to the rejection of Yeshua as messiah. Those who are not satisfied with the study of their futile rabbinic and other talmudic traditions – something which at least has the advantage of keeping their Jewish identity alive – but who continue to openly despise and blaspheme the name of Yeshua with a rage
which measureis in direct relation to the degree of remorse that is unconsciously hidden deep within them.
On the internet, we hardly find any teachings from “rabbis” who manage to refrain from mentioning the name of Yeshua. Sooner or later, they feel compelled to attack him in order to justify why they do not accept him as the Messiah. If I were a psychologist, I would undoubtedly be more enthusiastic about this phenomenon. Indeed, science knows this psychological mechanism well, when a fault from the past emerges and does not leave the person who committed it with a clear conscience and the question is constantly haunting him. But unfortunately the fact is that I am a teacher and not a psychologist. Although I know there is some truth to this reasoning, I unfortunately have a much more pessimistic view of the matter.
Just as our Savior declared to the Pharisees and chief priests that they were sons of the devil (John 8:44), so
it has never been the ordinary man, whether worldly Jew or Orthodox, who causes problems,
but it’s their spiritual leaders, the “rabbis” or “wise men” of Israel, as they are wont to call them.
The devil never allows just anyone to serve in such important positions, but will favor individuals “worthy of his trust,” those he deems dedicated enough to false rabbinic Judaism. It is to them that he will entrust the function of teachers of the people. Having, as we know, the right to power over the world, the priestly and rabbinical seats naturally do not escape its control. They are thus also part of the synagogue of Satan, because they are responsible for the distorted teaching and the lamentable spiritual condition of the people. They are the ones who stir up hatred against Yeshua among those who might not be particularly bothered by him in the first place. They are the ones who deviate Jewish believers further and further from the Messiah, and without whom many of the latter would perhaps have already recognized the true Messiah in Yeshua a long time ago. Although these false teachers are probably for the most part simple human souls, themselves deceived and in case of whom the Messiah’s Grace is still valid and offered, some among them have their destiny sealed in advance and have only appeared in a human body to sow trouble. Just as in the case with most of the Pharisees and Sadducees of the time, who knew exactly who they were up against, and who were probably already there at the time of the ancient rebellion, when alongside with Hellel (thus becoming Satan) they said directly in the eyes of Yahuwah that they do not want Him anymore. And now they also appear in human form among us, in order to destroy humanity in spirit and among them, the Jews in particular.
From our perspective, it doesn’t matter who is who, whether the rabbi in question is deluded or downright a demonic incarnation, we are not the ones to judge. Whether it is one or the other, the bottom line is that these people have nothing to teach us and we have nothing to learn from them. Listening to them brings us absolutely nothing, quite the contrary. If we are born again, we are thought from the inside directly from the Holy Spirit!
To simplify, we can affirm that all Jews are members of the synagogue of Satan who still today continue to scream as the crowd once did before Pilate: “Crucify him!” “, and also: “We want Barabas!”. No matter to what extent false Christianity in the name of a distorted messiah transformed into a vulgar idol called Jesus and the crucifix in their hand is responsible for the death and persecution of our ancestors, the Jew who even today still continues to consciously rebel against the messiahship of Yeshua can only be considered as part of the synagogue of satan.
But I declare it once again: They are not its members intrinsically, but its prisoners who are trapped in it like in a cage as captive pigeons.
Among Jews, however, many prefer to remain silent. The wisdom of the latter pushes them not to say anything that they might one day regret if it turns out that they were wrong.
These are like Gamaliel who warned the magistrates
to carefully consider the decision they were about to make against the first disciples. For if it turns out that the thing comes from Elohim, they would be considered as rebels before the Most High, but if the thing is not from Him, it will disappear by itself sooner or later. (Acts 5:34-39).
I dare to think that today, the vast majority of Jews are like Gamaliel. Those who prefer to wait in silence and say nothing. They do not judge Yeshua although they would have every reason to do so in view of what Christianity has made them endure in his name over the centuries. They constitute this famous remnant which will be grafted again into the root of the olive tree, according to the promise. Until then, they are allowed to remain lukewarm, in order to avoid falling into the much greater sin of blasphemy and rebellion.
Although it is very likely that the proportion of unsaved Jews is much higher than I think and we have long known the exact number from ancient prophecies. It is well known that within a few years, a third of the Jewish population will be destroyed again. Perhaps Elohim will thus purify His people, so that a little later another prophecy could be fulfilled, according to which all Israel will be saved? I can’t say it for sure, I do not yet have clear vision in this, but it seems like a big indication to me.
Non-religious Jews
The vast majority of Jews today and particularly Israelis believe in Elohim, but do not adhere to any religious movement. They refuse any form of orthodoxy and practice their faith freely, only going to synagogues on major holidays at most. These people respect rabbinical teachings, because they cannot yet discern truth from falsehood, but only submit to it to the extent that their common sense allows them. These Jews are like those mentioned above, they do not consciously side against the person of the Messiah. These Jews are excessively tolerant and therefore do not attack Yeshua, but respect him in the same way as the prophets of other religions. They are also part of this lukewarm remnant which has the advantage of already being largely purified of rabbinical excesses.
The Third Temple
The most apparent and obvious synagogue of Satan that will appear in the world in physical form is this temple in Jerusalem that the Jews will soon rebuild. This famous third temple of which all the utensils and ornaments (and even the red cows) are ready for some time and where the future priests of the antichrist are only waiting for the moment when they can once again present the animal sacrifices as before. The resumption of sacrifices is undoubtedly an act of rebellion against the Lamb of Elohim, because at Golgotha the ultimate and definitive Sacrifice on the Cross was accomplished, thus abolishing forever the offerings of the temple which until then were only its foreshadowing. Yahuwah also ensured that his rebellious people against the Messiah, would at least not fall into the sin of preserving the order of sacrifices. So he let the Roman troops destroy the Temple of the time, in order to put an end to the practice of offerings.
Yahuwah did not allow his people to commit this outrage, even unconsciously.
Few know it, but rabbinical literature and Jewish historians tell us about all these strange phenomena which appeared at the time of the last sanctuary, during the period which extended from the death of Yeshua on the cross until the destruction of the temple. We all know the first sign which is none other than the tearing of the veil in the Holy of Holies at the moment when our Savior placed his soul in the hands of the Father. However, few people know this, but approx. from 30 to 70 of the Gregorian era, the door of the Sanctuary opened “by itself” every night. Also, during Yom Kippur, the lot fell, in each case and for forty years, on the goat which stood on the left side of the priest, this goat which was to be released towards Azazel in the desert according to the law of the Torah. Also, on this day of Yom Kippur, a crimson rope, smeared with blood, never again turned white, as Yahuwah had given before, as confirmation that the sacrifice offered for the sins of the people was accepted by Him. And finally, the lamps of the Menorah also went out every day for forty years, despite the Levites’ best efforts to prevent this. Elohim thus constantly pointed out to the people the error of having rejected Yeshua in such a spectacular and clear manner that it is still recorded in rabbinic literature today. So they have no excuse. At the time, Yahuwah still gave 40 years filled with signs and wonder in order to reason them, to give them a second chance. But they refused to make tshuva, to repent and thus they had to see their temple destroyed and they had to flee away from the Homeland starting the longest exile of our history ever.
Coming back to our end times, there will indeed be Jews who persist in supporting the antichrist, even when it becomes obvious to those who know the Word that he is not the real messiah. In the third temple, things will happen that will make it clear to religious Jews that the antichrist is still not the long-awaited messiah. He won’t be able to fool everyone. At this precise moment, a great disappointment will overwhelm the rest of the Jewish people, because they themselves initially believed that it was the right one. The enemy does not have absolute power. In this battle, Yahuwah has infallible weapons able of protecting and convincing many. Among these weapons, his Word is undoubtedly the best protective shield.
One of these events to which I refer will be the spiritual mixture which will characterize the functioning of the last temple. Indeed, the priests already designated to take over the order of sacrifices have declared from the start that the next temple will not only be that of the Jews, but will be a sanctuary for all people and religions. They will make their sacrifices in the presence of the Pope, the Dalai Lama and other religious leaders with whom they will pray together for world peace. It will be the site of a real ecumenical circus which may not please everyone. In addition, a statue will be erected there before which all knees must bow, according to the prophecy. The time when the faithful should leave the city without delay according to the warning.
When you see ‘the abomination that causes desolation standing where it does not belong—let the reader understand—then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.
Mark 13:14
It is obvious that the orthodox Jewish puritans will not submit to such rituals and will go through a great spiritual crisis, because they will feel doubly deceived, once by the third temple and once by the person of the false messiah.
It will be from this great confusion that the recognition of the true Messiah will arise.
That’s all, I have no deeper vision beyond what has just been cited concerning the nature of this false synagogue mentioned in the book of Revelation. Maybe that’s all. But it may be even more complex. What seems certain to me is that the Jews mentioned above and serving foreign spirits under demonic yokes have indeed been among us for a very long time and can undoubtedly be placed in this category. Unmasking them becomes an increasingly urgent priority as the arrival of the false messiah approaches.
So these are Jews who are not. They keep the physical marks of Jewishness at most in their underwear, but their minds, their hearts are very far from it. They are not Jewish because according to the true laws of Moses, we consider Jewish only those who are both it by blood and by spirit. The two criteria are inseparable, if one is missing, we cannot really speak of a Jew. The criterion of consanguinity is not sufficient in itself and vice versa.
Only spiritual connection to the divine makes a Jew by blood a true Israelite.
A person is not a Jew who is one only outwardly, nor is circumcision merely outward and physical.
Roman 2:28
Either you are simply not Jewish because you have no jewish ancestors and whether you like it or not you will never become Jewish either in spirit or in heart, or if you are Jewish by blood you will only become truly Jewish again when your heart is finally circumcised in the same way as your penis.
Let us be careful not to damn a Jewish faithful to Elohim, even if he is in the momentary error of rabbinic Judaism. Let us avoid judging anyone who is momentarily part of this evil synagogue, for this would be considered a direct attack on the apple of Elohim’s eye. Whoever curses the Jew will be cursed in turn, according to the promise made to Abraham. We must pray and work for as many people as possible escape from it. Who, as a stranger or even as a younger son, dares to interfere in the Father’s judgment of his eldest son? If something doesn’t concern you, be careful not to get involved for fear that it will ultimately be you who receives the spanking that you would have so much wanted to see inflicted on the other!
The Church of Satan
But Satan not only has a synagogue, he also has Christian “churches” in large quantity. Those who claim to be from the Messiah, but are not. Those who with their institutional churches and their added laws or theologies cast the veil on the true nature of the Savior in the same way that rabbinic Judaism blinds its followers who are still unable of recognizing the Messiah. It is about all those who are capable of making idols of everything, even of Yeshua and not simply by sculpting or painting his supposed image, but by always persisting in trampling on the Commandments which were made flesh, thus incarnated and fulfilled in Him. They thus weaken and sabotage the functioning of the one true Church which is the Body of the Messiah.
But there are also movies like Christian midrash, where poor bearded guys with esoteric faces and fans of the Pope will play out for you on the screen what Jesus allegedly did and declared between two verses of the Gospel. The Midrash being that part of Jewish literature which fills in the gaps in the Torah and invents all kinds of extra-biblical stories concerning the lives and actions of the characters of the Old Testament. What their lives were like beyond what the Word reveals about them, etc. “Chosen” as they call their this soap opera! Indeed, this is nothing less than one of the main chosen tool of deception of Satan to make mess in your head and in your spirit, so that you can no longer discern the Word of the Gospel from what has been shown to you on screen through this infamous series. I haven’t seen a more satanic plot against the Body of the Messiah than this film since the founding of the Roman church by the so called Constantine “the great”. Any representation of the Savior by a common human actor is immensely problematic in itself, but this damned series goes beyond all limits!
Much more could be said about Satan’s false christianity: the various false doctrines and sects, the violation of the law and the arbitrary and illegitimate use of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. But a very important part of our ministry is precisely targeted to these problems and I do not think it is necessary to address them further here.
Where are we personally?
Finally, the synagogue of Satan is all those who work conscientiously or not to discredit and destroy the People of Elohim. These include Jews, Christians and others, all having in common the desire to replace the chosen people. We can all fall into this trap. The question that arises is: are we going to realize in time how we need to change our way of thinking, acting and our state of mind before it is too late? Membership in the synagogue of Satan does not automatically imply perdition. There is a possibility of freeing yourself from it, of getting out of it. But for this, we must reveal what this means, in order to free its captives, after having reconginsed them. But revealing its nature is also essential, so that all pure-hearted Christians wishing to attach themselves to the original roots do not fall into the trap of false Jewish teachings, whether traditional or messianic.
Fundamentally, this synagogue of the devil symbolizes and brings together all those who persecute the true disciples of the Messiah while themselves being convinced of holding the ultimate truth.
What is certain is that there is not much time left before we are definitively fixed on the true nature of this mystery.
It has been a long time since Christians should not be taught and told anymore on why the Jewish state is legitimate in the light of the prophecies. Unfortunately, this is still necessary, because the false Christian doctrines which attempt to substitute for Israel in spirit represent such a proportion of the Christian world that one still cannot neglect these groups of people and we must continue to fight for their sake in order to open their eyes.
But among those who accept the prophecies, the question often arises as to what kind of prophecy allows a country visibly as depraved as the modern zionist state to still exist?
How can we consider a State, which is one of the most atheistic and the most soiled by all sorts of sins to be the fulfillment of biblical prophecies in accordance with the will of the Almighty?
The question is indeed legitimate, and if we are in the Spirit and we look at Eretz, we quickly realize that no real feeling of spiritual cathartism is gaining our soul, on the contrary.
Who owns the Holy Land?
It is crucial to note that
the exclusive owner of the Holy Land is Yahuwah himself
and not the Jewish people, or more broadly, the Israelites, or any other people. This is the only piece of land where, from the beginning, the lord of this world, Satan, has no right of disposal. And it pleased Yahuwah to have reserved this Land for the Chosen People from the beginning until the end of time. When from time to time, against his original will, he is forced to exile his disobedient sons, the country temporarily finds itself in the hands of other nations.
Tivadar Herzl, German-speaking journalist of Hungarian Jewish origin, born in the vicinity of the Great Synagogue on Dohàny Street in Budapest, but living in Vienna and working for a Viennese newspaper, was on assignment in Paris when the famous Dreyfus affair was taking place. He saw the officer Dreyfus, accused of treason, being stripped of his post and rank in public, when his sword was broken. Herzl was shocked when he saw a panting crowd gathered at the scene shouting, “Death to the Jew.”
Hertzl was amazed that barely a century after the French revolution and the proclamation of the human rights, the French people were still at this level of primitivism.
As it later turned out, the culprits were Dreyfus’s senior Christian French officers, and the French army’s secret documents were handed over to German officers through a Hungarian aristocrat, Count Eszterházy. They were the traitors who chose a Jew as their scapegoat. It was the vision of Dreyfus’s humiliation and the rage of the people that gave birth to the concept of the modern Jewish state in the mind of Tivadar Herzl in Paris at this precise moment in history. He realized that we need a country where we enjoy self-determination, where we can defend ourselves with arms and live in peace with one another.
Zionism, from Herzl to this day has always been traditionally atheistic and socialist. This is mainly an initiative coming from mostly assimilated and non-believing Jews who felt in this Europe of before the pogroms and the Holocaust that something very unhealthy was in preparation and that the time had come to leave and return to our ancestral homeland.
This eventually came to fruition a bit late in 19461, when the State of Israel was finally proclaimed.
Many know that the world’s greatest anti-Zionists are often Jews, and those who officially count as Jews by blood are fierce enemies of the Jewish state. (For example György (Georges) Soros (also Hungarian) – proclaimed persona non grata in Israel, undesirable person, being a supporter and declared financier of Arab terrorist groups. He was also used as a “detection dog” during his teenage years by the Nazis in Budapest under the war. He helped his Nazi masters to expropriate the valuables left in the apartments by the Jews who had been deported. See the interview videos on this subject available on youtube where he explains and confesses his past himself almost with pride.
There is another form of Jewish anti-Zionism which is not based on atheism, but on the contrary takes its roots in religious extremism. Here too, it is the Hungarian forms of Jewish orthodoxy that stands out from the crowd and which is the fiercest opponent to zionism. The Orthodox current of Szatmár (from the Hungarian region of the same name) fundamentally refuses to allow anyone to establish a Jewish state in the Holy Land. For them, only the Messiah has the power to bring the state of Israel back to life. Until then, no Jew has the right to do so. However, the return of the Jews to the Holy Land is, also according to them, authorized and even recommended. These ones work in favor of the prophecy of the return as well, but in a different way, completely neglecting the political and administrative side of the issue.
They are the ones who enjoy the security system, military protection and social benefits of the zionist state, but who refuse to contribute to it, to work or to serve in the military. Or rather, it is their wives whom they send out to work for them, because a man naturally has to study the texts from morning to night. During this time, they expect their wives to go and earn their common bread, while managing to maintain a clean and decent household and to take care of their 5 to 13 children per family on average.
That said, this illegitimate and infamous way of life is widespread among all currents of Jewish orthodoxy, not only among the Szatmár!
Szatmar orthodoxy is the most prevalent current in the world. They mainly inhabit the cities of Antwerp, New York and Jerusalem.
Within this orthodoxy developed the current of “neturei karta”, “defenders of the city” who do not limit themselves to peaceful resistance, but militate violently against the State of Israel. They are the ones who, dressed in Palestinian flags, are burning Israeli flags while themselves funding Arab terrorist groups that shed Jewish blood and often appear alongside the leaders of Israel’s main enemies. They are the ones who indirectly commit fratricide, thus violating a law much more fundamental than the one of the prohibition of establishing a Jewish state in place of the Messiah. These are vulgar murderers who according to our common laws, and their rabbinical ones at the same time, deserve immediate death by stoning. They are naturally all the more blind to this obvious fact, as their extreme talmudic delusions surpasses the average of those from the other religious movements.
An Orthodox worthy of the name and in harmony with himself, if there is one, only allows himself to profess his anti-zionist views in a downward and moderate manner. A Jew worthy of the name will never make a pact with the enemy and criticize his brothers in public or incite his hatred and destruction. And if he feels the urge to burn an Israeli flag, he will do it at home with his family behind the curtains and not in the streets before the eyes of the whole world.
Order / promise of return
This chaotic situation, where it is humanly very difficult to say who is right – among the Jewish parties of course-, must be seen from the point of view of Yahuwah. Because all of them are touching directly or indirectly fundamental truths coming from Yahuwah and most of the parties have a good excuse for their “devia-zionist” behavior.
According to the will of Yahuwah and following the destruction of the sanctuary, around 70, the Jewish people began the longest exile in its history which lasts to this day. However,
according to the prophecies, the people must return to their original homeland before the return of the Messiah.
Here we have to do with a people who have fallen into two extremes. Some have abandoned the practice of their religion and are angry with their Creator for not understanding how He allowed them to suffer so much. They have often chosen to abandon their identity which they consider to be the source and the cause of all their troubles.
On the other hand, we find Jews who follow religious precepts to the letter. These precepts which may be based on the Torah, the revealed Word of Yahuwah, have been greatly deviated from it by a multitude of superfluous and human teachings. It is precisely these distorted teachings and precepts that constitute the veil which has come to cover their hearts and eyes and that prevents them from recognizing the Messiah in Yahushua. Among them, the persecutions and sufferings endured over the centuries only increased their religious fundamentalism in order to regain the sympathy of Elohim. He is the community’s brainy, like the smurf wearing glasses in the Belgian cartoon, the one who even does what is not expected of him in order to please the papa smurf. It is he who will continue to wear a schtreimel and a very black kaftan (fur hat and long black tunic) even after having left his cold Russian steppes and having lived for a long time under the blazing sun of the Middle East. He is persuaded to do the right think by afflicting himself that way because this is what the great “wises” of Israel asked him to do 150 years earlier and no one has yet seen fit to modify the decrees to adapt them to the current situation. And we could enumerate the many absurdities which are still contained in the rabbinical literature.
Nevertheless, his devotion remains touching, for he is so convinced that this is how he pleases the Father.
It is clear that none of the parties are no longer fulfilling the original role, identity and path that Elohim assigned them, especially since the Messiah was not recognized in Yahushua. Yet the promise, the commandment, the prophecy of the return to the Holy Land at some point is still valid,
for the rejection of the People has never and will never occur
(see Romans 11, if it is still necessary to draw your attention to this).
So for a better understanding of the situation: Imagine a father being forced to kick his sons out of the house because they are unable to obey the rules. Then, before letting them go, he orders them to return home before sunset because danger is approaching. The sons may wander all day long, some of them going even further from the precepts of the father and others trying to guard them with increasingly delusional and unnecessary zeal. Neither really comes back to the Word of the Father, but both feel the danger of night coming and hurry to get back home.
Which according to his own atheistic or fundamental religious motives and intentions, but the important thing is that they all come back. Even if they do not do so with proper repentance, the main thing is that they remain alive and safe from the dangers of the dark.
Israel, as a secular state, which in many ways is also influenced by antichrist forces, at least has the advantage of reuniting the flock before it gets lost for ever. Thus,
Yahuwah allows this gathering to take place temporarily under foreign flags, such as the socialist and atheist Zionism.
So those who criticize the secularism of Israel rightly do so, but they simply have no vision that the return to Eretz could not happen otherwise in the case of many Jews. And instead of criticizing, you should rejoice, for lack of anything else, to at least see this law fulfilled, that of returning to the Promised Land.
But those who accept Israel, on the other hand, often fall into the other extreme. These many times fall into the sin of idolatry of the Jew or that of the fulfillment of the prophecies. And even if they do not consciously accept the sins, they still tolerate them by casting the veil on the sins of Israel. Instead of remedying them by exposing sins, and by announcing the path of healing which is Christ, they simply remain silent. So this ostrich-like approach of the issue only makes the situation worse.
And the religious Jewish community will one day have to realize that most of their secular brethren did not give up their faith simply because of anti-Semitism.
Many have been dissuaded from remaining in the faith because of the visibly human talmudic doctrines and laws which are inherently very foreign to the original Jewish mentality.
A sober and reasonable Jew will never fall into orthodoxy and this is not a question of faith. He would rather go and win Nobel Prizes or, in the worst case, found banks. Anyone who has any idea of the things of Yahuwah will soon realize that rabbinical Judaism is filled with both intellectually and spiritually unacceptable doctrines, laws and demands! And since there is no other alternative to remaining Jewish, many prefer to go out into the wilderness of the world and use their talents to succeed in life and survive the best they can. Their goal will be to ensure the best possible education for their children so that they too can survive in a world which is completely alien and hostile to them. Money does not buy happiness, but is often a great help and a means of survival. This view is humanly understandable, and the leaders of the current Zionist state operate on this principle. As long as there is enough money and weapons, everything is fine. These are their idols, for now.
The Palestinian question
According to some, it seems that there are no Palestinian people today. But that is not the question. They might very well exist, better be the direct descendants of the ancient Philistines, than they would remain just as alien to the Holy Land as they were originally. The Philistines, their alleged ancestors, have themselves always been intruders and usurpers whose presence in the Holy Land and hostility to the Jews was a direct consequence of the sins of Israel. So I don’t really understand the debate and above all I don’t understand why no one preaches this fundamental truth instead of discussing and explaining historical things unnecessarily?
Or rather yes, the Palestinians have indeed existed since Roman times, when the desire of Rome of Israel to de-Judaize went so far as to rename the Holy Land, Palestine and the Jews who lived there, Palestinians. The 1930s encyclopedias defined Jewish settlers as Palestinians, and the accompanying flag of Palestine was essentially the same as today’s Israeli flag, white background with the blue Star of David in the middle.
So, if you wish, the Palestinians still exist,
that has been one of our nicknames for over 2,000 years.
But from the perspective of Arabs called Palestinians, it is the story of the Canaanites, not that of the Philistines, that is much more interesting. As it is clear from the story of Rahab at the time of the first conquest, that the former tenants of the Promised Land were also not very happy to see the Israelite people arrive . However, from Rahab’s words, we know that the Israelites’ arrival and intention to take possession of the land did not come upon them unexpectedly.
The people heard of the arrival of the Jews and were afraid, as we read in Joshua 2: 9 :“I know that Yahuwah has given you this land and that a great fear of you has fallen on us, so that all who live in this country are melting in fear because of you.”
Many people still invest in real estate today. They buy flats in city centers while their children are still minors to allow them later to have a place to live and start their adult life. Until then, they rent their apartments to amortize their investment but also so that the property is maintained and does not lie fallow. The same sort of thing happens with the Holy Land.
Then Yahuwah spoke. He put on the hearts of the Canaanites that the time had come. They certainly did not get the message just when the time came, when the Jews were already surrounding Jericho, but their ancestors must have already been told deep down in their souls. Certainly all generations of Canaanites have always felt that this land was not theirs, but that they could use it for some time. They must have felt like foreigners from the start. Then, when the time came for the landlord to hand over the property to his own grown child, the tenants reacted in different ways and many of them rebelled.
Nothing has changed since. Yahuwah does not reject the Arabs. The promise of Hagar and Ishmael, to the extent that today’s Arabs are their descendants, is just as valid as the promises made to Israel.
Remember that we are not a privileged people, but simply a chosen one.
We have been selected, set aside or sanctified for service, for the service of others, not the other way around.
However, we also have the right to housing, the right to have a country somewhere in the world.
In a broader sense and in Christ, we also look forward to Arabs in the extended family, especially since we are also blood relatives. Yahuwah does not cruelly throw people into the streets. Most Canaanites must have settled further afield, where, having merged with the local population, their present descendants are part of the Arab world. They live, only elsewhere, differently, maybe better. In a place where they can truly feel at home. Perhaps today’s wealthy arabs living from petrol are precisely the descendants of these obedient ancient Canaanites who accepted to leave the country. Who knows?
The Arab group known as Palestinian from the 1940s to the present day, having inhabited the Holy Land for the past few centuries, would also certainly have received a new home, if they had obeyed. But ultimately even those who left to settle in Jordan continue to claim their rights in the Holy Land and are only waiting for the green light from the states of the world to regain possession of what they believe to be theirs.
Thus, they put themselves under a terrible curse and are in great danger because of their perseverance not to return what is not theirs.
The feelings of forgiveness and resignation must be sown in them, and the conviction that if Yahuwah takes something away, he always gives something else instead, something much better.
There is no doubt that the Spirit of Yahuwah has walked before Jewish settlers from the late 19th century until the founding of the state in 19462 and to the present day. Thus, the ethnic groups who lives there, like the Canaanites of the time, were given the ultimatum to return the country and pass it, not to the Jews, but to its sole rightful owner, Yahuwah who wanted it to serve as a home for the Jewish people.
Elohim has no intention of throwing, sweeping up anyone. He could have blessed this people who cause so much troubles in the world and give them a new homeland. If they had obeyed, they would have recovered abundantly elsewhere what they have lost here.
The time has come and the Jew must return home
for the prophecies of the gathering to be fulfilled in preparation for Christ’s return.
Anyone who fights against this project puts himself in danger of death.
The Israeli army, on the other hand, did not seize the opportunity 40 or 50 years ago, when it would not have bothered anyone in the world, except the Arabs themselves, to expel all Arabs from the territory of Israel while there was still time. And this is precisely what represents this thorn which makes us suffer a little more every day. Today, the world expects us to ask their forgiveness for everything, almost even when we happen to manage avoiding their stabs. Taking up arms against them after years of provocation and missiles fired against the Jews has become a sacrilege that most nations condemn. Those nations that have become so insanely blind. This is where we are today!
However, I do not deny that some Arabs are sometimes subjected to inappropriate treatment. After all, in a situation of war, anyone can go wild any time and an Israeli soldier can behave in inhuman ways too. However, this does not excuse the illegitimate presence and rebellious attitude of the Arabs in the territory, so that the subsequent excesses of the Jewish soldiers, while often reprehensible, do not justify their alleged rights.
Furthermore, one who incessantly provokes should not be surprised at a defensive response in return.
Pointing fingers after lighting the fire is a particularly vile and cynical behavior. Especially coming from people who deliberately position their bases and weapons under hospitals and schools and then accuse the Israeli army of killing innocent children and old people when it comes to destroy in order to defend itself and prevent future atrocities.
Moreover, a humanity whose mind is based on an excessive and disproportionate humanism, will never understand how the one who is visibly stronger can be right in the face of the one who seems utterly helpless.
Elohim would have blessed them in abundance elsewhere, where the Arabs already live somewhere in the millions of square kilometers that represent the Arab world. If my sentence makes you smile, check for yourself: 13,150,000 km² (8,171,000 sq mi), area of the Arab world from Morocco to the Iranian border, from the Mediterranean coasts to the border of black Africa. Some would say that much of this land is an uninhabitable desert? Whose fault is it? The Holy Land was also a dust bowl before the Jews arrived.
Jews have almost miraculously turned much of the region into a thriving oasis.
With an appropriate lifestyle and a willingness to work and not just go out to graze the goats and sheeps which will eventually digest until the last blade of grass, man is able to restore and maintain a healthy and green environment.
I think it is useless to discuss the petty and greedy character of this spirit which stubbornly refuses this small parcel of land of insignificant size to a people who have nowhere to go for 2000 years and who stupidly protects a so-called disadvantaged minority. The present land area of Israel is (21.000 km²) 13,050 sq miles. Here live 6 million Jews and 3 million Arabs. And should we still share such a tiny territory?
Knowing that the number of official Jews still dispersed in the world is 12 million additional souls, not counting the descendants of the lost tribes not yet gathered or the lost members of the tribe of Judah who are assimilated and whose gathering is also ongoing, when a large-scale reunification according to biblical promises will finally occur, we risk feeling more like sardines in a can than Jews on a Promised Land. In such a case, the Arabs who still insist on staying will finally flee if only because of the smell.
False Jews and real Khazars or vice versa
Our basic right to the Land stems from the fact that we consider ourselves to be the descendants of Jacob, primarily his sons Judah and Benjamin. However, according to some theories, the Jewish mass of central Europe is not from Jacob, but descends from the Khazars who converted to Judaism. In another article, I will expand on this topic in a little more detail. But very briefly, there are three possibilities, none of which can be excluded. The first is that the theory is wrong and that we all come from Jacob. The other is that only the ruling Khazar class converted to Judaism, as many Jewish and non-Jewish historians claim.
The third case, often accepted by Jews themselves – historians and geneticists, is that the theory is absolutely correct and that the Jews of Poland, Hungary, Germany, Ukraine, Romania, right up to the Urals mountains are largely the descendants of these proselyte Khazars.
And here, generally we stop reasoning. Suddenly, the challenged Jews remain silent and prefer to turn the page and not to examine this delicate subject in more depth.
However, the territory of the ancient Khazars lies a few hundred kilometers northeast of the Kingdom of Israel. What a coincidence! This is indeed the exact direction in which the 10 tribes were deported. It is always very suspicious when someone feels such a deep attraction to the Jewish people that they have an overwhelming urge to convert to Judaism.
This is not what happens in the vast majority of cases! Contact with Jews usually generates something other than attraction. Hatred, contempt and hostility are the feelings that our presence generates in the hearts of nations and certainly not any form of sympathy or appeal.
The relationship of the Nations with the Jews does not generally reflect the attitude of the Khazars, but rather that of the Kozaks.
In many cases, attraction begins when similar genes come into contact with each other.
This is a bit what John the Baptist (Johanan) must have felt in his mother’s womb when Myriam or Mary visited Elizabeth with Yahushua in her own womb, when he started to jump for joy.
This thing was not revealed to me, it is not a prophetic vision, but a simple human reasoning almost mathematical, but I have a strong feeling that if the Khazar theory turns out to be true, it would also turn out that the Khazars, at least a large part of them, were none other than the descendants of the 10 deported tribes. This is how the prophecy of the gathering would be fulfilled, not in the last days as it is understood today, but in the last days as presented by Yahushua as having already begun during his life on Earth. The gathering of the lost tribes would therefore have been going on for almost 2000 years. Also see my article named: The Gathering of the Tribes of Israel
Today’s Ashkenazi Jews would only have to be revealed which tribe they really come from. Until now we thought we were descending from Judah, Benjamin, Simeon, or even Levi, since these four remained, but it may soon turn out that many of us who wish we were Rachel’s sons will have to accept that we are not even descending from Leah, but possibly from one of the latters’ two maids.
The functioning of El Shadai in the territory of present-day Israel
Anyone who still has doubts that the present state of Israel has anything to do with long-standing written biblical prophecies, just go and see the media and the accounts of the people living there. How many true miracles the Jews of Israel have witnessed since the founding of the state. Let us take only the most common case: rockets fired from Gaza. An unimaginable amount of rockets have been fired from Gaza into Israel since the early 2000s. These should have claimed huge numbers of lives. However, the number of injuries and deaths and even property damage is so low compared to the number of shells that to attribute it to chance would not even sound like a bad joke.
Despite the appearance and the will of the majority, wanting to portray the modern Philistines as little Davids against the great Goliath that the Israeli army is supposed to represent,
the story however remains the same as it was during Saul’s reign.
Israel may have a huge strike force, be the most formidable army in the world, the giant is not the less the so-called Philistine with his billions of Muslim brothers behind to support him, without counting the formerly Christian nations having renounced their faith and increasingly rallying behind the enemies of the Jewish nation.
The modern David still manages to defend himself by his own power against Goliath, his enemies. But soon, the time will come when, like the original David, he will defeat the enemy once and for all by only trusting in Yahuwah of Hosts (El Shadaj).
The role of Israel in the last days
This is the gathering place of the Jews, where the true identity of the Messiah will be collectively revealed to them where they are going to mourn him as one mourns a firstborn. On the final Yom Kippur.
The state of Israel will also be the headquarters of the Antichrist. For there will be built the last temple, which will become the throne of the antichrist. This temple perhaps already exists, perhaps it is this underground synagogue already present under the Temple Mount. There, the religions of the world will be unified while Jerusalem the indivisible city according to Yahuwah, will be divided into three parts. This is where the image of the beast will be erected and before which almost all knees will be forced to bow, as in Daniel’s time.
Israel is also the place where the nations of the world will come together to try to eliminate the Jewish people at Har Meggido or Armageddon and where Gog and Magog will do the same 1000 years later at the end of the Millennium.
Jerusalem is also the city where the Two Witnesses are to be put to death before they resurrect and return to heaven.
It would take far too long to list all the events that could not come about without the return of the Jewish people to the Holy Land.
But let no one imagine that the return of the Jewish people to the Holy Land must take place in the greatest harmony and understanding between peoples having regard for all the religious traditions of the region.
Because all childbirth is accompanied by pain.
The prophecies do not announce or promise any such thing. What is written is that we must return and take back possession of the Land whether some people like it or not, just like during the time of the first conquest with Joshua. Whoever does not manage to disregard his humanistic feelings and human justice falls into the trap set by the enemy: to make him rebel against the will and plan of Yahuwah. Such a mistake acts like a poison blocking Christendom and preventing it from fulfilling its essential role alongside the Jews in the fulfillment of the prophecies of the end times. In which they should have played one of the main roles.
Regarding the pro-Jewish Christian minority, these words should also urge caution. Because each trap has its double, its antithesis, its other extreme which is often even more dangerous than the first because it works in the name of love and tolerance. Do not defend everything on the pretext that the thing bears the stamp of Jew. The poison is just as present there and can paralyze you in your calling as it is in the case of your Judeo-skeptical brothers.
In Israel, there are various Jewish religious groups who actively work towards fulfilling and hurying the realization of prophecies. Their research has led to the identification of communities across the globe who claim to be the descents of the Israelite tribes. Furthermore, these groups do show shared customs and traditions that are very closely connected to the Jewish traditions including the observance of the Sabbath commencing on Friday evening and the practice of segregating women during their menstrual cycles, among other notable examples.
This gathering is undeniably authentic and legitimate, bolstered by the very field of genetic science, which confirms the Israelite origins of these communities. Consequently, there remains no room for doubt that these prophecies are also being fulfilled this way.
Nonetheless, it’s crucial to acknowledge that our current understanding merely scratches the surface of this complex situation. Finding the most remotely scattered izraelite groups is just the final cut of the whole process. The unification of the entire Israelite community is a journey that began long ago, notably marked by the devastation of the sanctuary by the Roman forces and the begining of the ultimate exile of the remaining Judean tribes.
Who comprised the Jewish population that was expelled 2,000 years ago?
It is unusual for people to realize, let alone discuss, the fact that at the time of the destruction of the Sanctuary and the expulsion, not two, but four tribes were still present in Judea. This historical nuance is often neglected in discussions.
Simeon did not entirely vanish; but rather merged with the tribe of Judah.
Simeon may have lost its distinct tribal identity, but its members continue to be an integral part of the Jewish people.
Likewise, a similar transformation took place later with the tribe of Benjamin. Starting with the expulsion, its tribal identity slowly faded in the collective consciousness and gradually merged with the collective group comprising Judah (including Simeon), the remainder of the Levi tribe, and Benjamin itself. This process ultimately led to the emergence of the ethnoreligious group known as Jews today.
The members of the tribe of Levi were dispersed among the other tribes following the conquest led by Joshua (Yahushua), aligning with the prophecy and promise made by Jacob. They established themselves in numerous cities, often referred to as “cities of refuge.” Consequently, the Levites dwelled within the territories of Simeon, Judah, and Benjamin. It is conceivable that during the deportation of the other tribes, a significant number of Levites who were living among them, opted to migrate southward to avoid exile, primarily settling in the territory of Benjamin, which encompassed the city of Jerusalem.
It is indeed possible that only a limited number of Levi tribe members were deported along with the ten tribes, as evidenced by the substantial presence of Kohanim (members of the priestly lineage) among today’s Jewish population. Indeed, there appears to be a relatively high proportion of Kohanim within the Jewish community in Hungary for exemple, identifiable by the initial letter “k-,” “c-,” or “cs-” in their last names. It has been a longstanding tradition for Levites, particularly Kohanim, to retain the initial letter of their priestly status when adopting foreign names during their exile (with the letter “L” signifying simple Levites).
Furthermore, it is plausible to consider that Kohanim, being a priestly lineage, received a special blessing from the Eternal regarding their descendants, which could have contributed to a more pronounced increase in their numbers over the past 2,000 years compared to other tribes. While I lack direct knowledge or insight into this matter, I have personally observed these trends.
10 tribes have however disappeared!
As we observe, at least three tribes have endured to the present day, albeit with a blending of their identities, making it challenging for individuals within the Jewish community to definitively trace their lineage to Benjamin or Simeon. However, if there are indeed four tribes still in existence – the fourth being the remnants of Levi, encompassing the Cohanim as mentioned earlier – then why does Yahuwah himself refer to the “lost” ten tribes through the prophets?
We have to remember one or two important things : the tribe of Joseph divided into two groups, giving rise to the two tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh.
Hence, we now speak not of 12, but of 13 tribes
Additionally, Manasseh itself experienced a division on the banks of the Jordan. A portion of the tribe remained on the eastern bank of the river alongside the tribes of Gad and Reuben, while the other part crossed the Jordan to take their rightful place in the Holy Land.
Consequently, out of the original 12 tribes, one split into two, and one of those two further subdivided, resulting in a total of 14 distinct groups.
Therefore, within the contemporary Jewish community, which encompasses the entirety of Benjamin and Judah, along with Simeon and the remaining Levi tribe, there are indeed 10 tribes scattered across the globe, awaiting reunification. To be precise, this reunification process has been underway for an extended period, but in a quiet and unvisible way. The fulfillment of these prophecies was not initiated by contemporary « rabbis », but has been ongoing for 2000 years following the death, the resurrection and the ascension of Yahushua, the last and final Great Rabbi according to the order of Melkishedek !
Indeed, a process spanning 2000 years!
It’s an intriguing perspective that the groups assimilating into the Jewish people over centuries, originally composed of Judah, Simeon, Benjamin, and Levi, could potentially include descendants of the ten tribes deported by the Persians to the northeast of the Kingdom of Israel.
It is interesting to note that according to the teachings of the “wise men” of Israel: after the People’s return to the Holy Land, every Jew will be revealed their personal tribal lineage and identity. While this prophecy originates from the Talmud rather than the Tanach (the Old Testament), it still carries a prophetic dimension and may manifest in the tangible world in the future.
Israelite lineage, like any other heritage, seems to possess the ability to foster a spiritual connection among those who belong to this common bloodline. Many individuals have experienced the instinctive recognition of those who share their origins, even without uttering a word, particularly when abroad. Rather than labeling this as chauvinism, it is more appropriate to describe it as a community or family spirit, as this feeling should not necessarily lead to rejection or contempt towards other ethnic and cultural groups. So, when we meet a compatriot abroad, we are often animated by a particular enthusiasm, much more than if we had met in our own land of origin.
Blood can act like a magnet, drawing people together
In a manner akin to how a magnet attracts objects composed of similar materials,
the Israelites were attracted, during their wanderings of more than 2800 years, by the moving magnet called Judah and which has been in exile for 2000 years.
These re-assimilated individuals have since seamlessly integrated into the broader ethnic group recognized today as Jews. Yet, we lack knowledge about their exact original tribal affiliations. It appears that what we commonly refer to as Jews in contemporary times may encompass not only the descendants of the tribe of Judah (including Benjamin, Levi, and Simeon) but also those of all the other tribes, extending beyond the confines of Judah’s lineage.
Khazar theory
It’s essential to emphasize that the Khazarian theory is often promoted by anti-Semites. According to this theory, Jewish communities in Central and Eastern Europe are not the descendants of the Israelite tribes of Judea, but rather the offspring of the Khazarian people who adopted Judaism during the ancient Khazar Empire, a group of Scythian descent.
Genetic research conducted since then has not definitively settled this question. Even among Jewish geneticists, there is a division of opinion on whether the genetic components found in the DNA of Jews from regions such as Germany, Austria, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Russia, and Lithuania truly demonstrate and prove Israelite origins.
The Khazar theory suggests that this Scythian ethnic group converted to Judaism at some point, potentially during the decline of the Roman Empire. However, it is widely believed that this conversion mainly affected the Khazar ruling class and nobility, without significantly impacting the general population.
However, it is not excluded that
the anti-Semites are right and that my own Jewish ancestors may have stronger ties to the Khazarian people rather than the tribe of Judah.
However, the Khazar conversion might not be a mere coincidence. Let’s delve into the identity of the Khazars and the location of their empire. They were situated somewhere between the territory of Armenia and present-day Turkey, northeast of Israel. This happens to be the very area where the Persians exiled the tribes.
The book called: “The 13th tribe”, written by the Hungarian Jew Arthur Koestler perhaps touched on the essence. For Koestler’s suicidal attempt to anihilate his own and the Jewish spirit in general, could take an unexpected prophetic turn and will most likely reveal a shocking truth to us in the near future. If it turns out at all that the Khazarian theory is really true and affects larger masses.
It’s also possible that the present-day name of the modern Jewish state, Israel, which was predominantly chosen by European Ashkenazi Jewish survivors of the Holocaust, might unconsciously hold a prophetic connection to its Israelite origins. It would have made more sense to rename this region Judea, which was the name used before the remnants of the chosen people were exiled from the place. Despite everything, they chose the name Israel.
There is a strong possibility that the region subsequently known as Khazaria served as a gathering place for the Israelite tribes during their exile by the Persians.
Subsequently, certain groups continued their exile, leading to the emergence of small communities of Israelite origin across Asia and Africa that have been discovered in recent decades.
The irrationality of the conversion of the Khazars
Most historians tell us that the Khazars were forced, according to them, to make a choice and adopt one of the three great monotheistic religions for diplomatic reasons. And as on one side was the Christian world with which they did not have very good relations and on the other was the Islamic world which was not much more sympathetic in their eyes than the first either, they would have logically chose the Jewish religion, a sort of diplomatic choice of neutrality and status quo.
What a stupid idea could have given rise to this kind of theory in the minds of historians? Why would they have had any interest in taking a small, insignificant religion that was extremely vulnerable militarily compared to the two great powers previously mentioned? Especially knowing the hatred which animates these two spirits (denominational Christianity and Islam) in relation to the originally elected people of the Book that each one of them would like to take the place as the Chosen People, as the first born, since they are the spiritual and sometimes even the physical descents of Esau and Ishmael?
Why couldn’t the khazarians have allow themselves to just preserve their pagan religion and not change a thing about it? Even if it means having to undergo pressure from both sides, whether because of paganism or because of a religion that is even more compromising in the face of these two great rising powers.
Not to mention the fact that these Khazars are the cousins of the Huns, Magyars, Tatars, etc., therefore an extremely warlike, powerful and strong people. Just hearing their name made the neighboring peoples pee in their panties. Would such warriors at the height of their power really have been forced to adopt a new religion for political reasons? I highly doubt it. And even in they happened to weaken and loose power and strength, you should know that this type of people prefers to choose death than submission, a bit like the Northen American Indians – who by the way are also of a close blood line – and who could never been enslaved by anyone and preferred to fight to the last man rather than submit to the white-skinned ones.
No ! If the Khazars really converted to Judaism, there must have been entirely different reasons. Those that I have just described previously, as well as in two other of my teachings Anti-Semitism and anti-Christianity, as well as Jewish State and Zionism.
Imagine a barbarian people at the height of their glory, their wealth and their power who meet with a handful of Judeans freshly exiled from their land. These Judeans, modestly dressed, appear before these princes in ceremonial clothing and the latter find nothing else to do and to feel than an irresistible desire to convert to the religion of these « losers » of which even the temple has just been destroyed!? Is there the slightest ounce of rationalism in such a story? Have we ever seen such a thing happen in the history of humanity, except in comedies or jokes? It is as if at the sight of migrants today Viktor Orbán would feel an irresistible urge to leave his post as Hungarian Prime Minister, to convert to Islam and take the road and live in camps on the other side of the iron barrier that he himself had built.
And if my theory may seem as hilarious and ridiculous as a Marx Brother’s or a Woody Allen movie, I still can’t say nothing other than : “There is no other explanation for this!’
Other “tribes”
I also have serious suspicions about certain peoples and ethnic groups who still live today in the Caucasus and North Arabia region, because of their situation and the degree of persecution they suffer.
Why do Turks hate Armenians so much that they committed a genocide against them, and even today a whole neighborhood in the old city of Jerusalem is called the Armenian Quarter, named after Christian Armenian settlers who fled Turkish violence.
But we could also mention the Kurds, who cannot be classified and do not find their place anywhere. Despite their Muslim faith and religion, they have very good relations with the modern Jewish state. Certainly not only because they obtain their weapons there to defend themselves against the Turks mentioned above, although the latter fact obviously strengthens their sympathy.
The Middle Eastern Arabs, often referred to as Palestinians, might also hold some surprises. On more than one occasion, I’ve found myself mistakenly confusing a Palestinian Arab with a Jew, and vice versa. That was highly a funny thing ! According to certain historians, there’s a theory suggesting that some Palestinians could have ancestral ties to repatriated Israelites who later assimilated into Islam, leading to a loss of their original identity. It’s important to note that this theory doesn’t encompass the entire population but that would only be true for a specific segment of individuals that are today collectively identified as Palestinians.
We can also consider the cases of the Druze and the Samaritans, both of whom had always claimed to be from Israelite origin and surely they are even if they still persist in their own twisted identity.
Additionally, there’s the case of the Afghan Pashtun ethnic group, traditionally believing themselves to be descendants of the Israelite tribes, at least a majority of them. Even among the Taliban, many fighters are of Pashtun origin and carry a dual identity, embracing both their Israelite heritage and an adherence to extremist Islamism. While they may not openly disclose their Israelite identity to their non-Pashtun taliban mates for understandable reasons, but most of them are still aware of it, whether they like it or not.
The Lost Tribe of Judah
It’s important not to overlook the fact that while the tribe of Judah has maintained its identity over the ages, there have been individuals and even entire groups from this tribe who temporarily lost their connection with their people, leading to a period where their identity was forgotten.
This is likely the case for the Sabeans/Mandeans, an ethno-religious group consisting of approximately 200,000 to 300,000 members, primarily residing in Iraq but now forced into exile mostly in Sweden. The Sabeans originally comprised a group of Judeans who chose to remain in Babylon, not only resisting the return to the Holy Land but also expressing a desire to alter their religion and identity. That is the official view of Arab historicists concerning these people. The Sabeans were later joined by the disciples of John the Baptist, who fled Judea after they took John’s head. These disciples suddenly disappear from the New Testament and nobody really knows what happened to them. Most historians and theologians may consider it logical that they could have joined the disciples of Yeshua, but the Sabeans themselves report that these disciples did not join them, but fled to the territory of Babylonia, where they somehow joined the Sabeans after a while. We obtained this information from personal acquaitances among the Sabeans themselves.
On the opposite side of Europe, genetic research has unveiled that nearly one-fifth of the current population in the Iberian Peninsula – Spain and Portugal – can trace their ancestry back to Jews who were compelled to convert to Catholicism during the Inquisition.
But we could also mention all those assimilated Jews who might be unaware of their heritage or choose to deny it. As it was in my case. For these individuals, the revelation of their Israelite lineage can sometimes evoke feelings of resistance, shame, or even open hostility towards Jews.
The false Black Hebrew Izraelitestheory
A spreading and destructive phenomenon that causes great harm in the world of black people. The Black Hebrew Israelites are a movement whose followers believe they are descending from the ancient Israelites of the Bible. This community developed among African Americans in the United States more than a century ago. Members of the movement often assert that black Africans are the original Israelites and must return to ancient Jewish religious and cultural roots.
The majority of its supporters believe that Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews are not descendants of the original Israelites, but later settlers or converted proselytes. According to them, the true Israelites are the black African peoples, especially those who came to America as part of the African diaspora. This is supported by the prophecies that “in the last days He (Elohim) will bring back the sons and daughters of Israel from the four corners of the earth in ships”. They interpret this as a prophecy fulfilled during the African slave trade, which proves that it is about them and that they are the real Israelites. Well, the prophecies say just the opposite. He (Elohim) brings the lost tribes back home from slavery and captivity to freedom, not the other way around. But this is only one of the many contradictions, I don’t even want to discuss them here, I just point out as a warning the falsity of this theory, so that those who are imprisoned in it should come out, and not by boat, but mainly in a spiritual sense.
In essence, the feeling of black superiority and a false identity of being chosen were formed as a compensation for the fate of slavery and the centuries-long injuries that they had to suffer from the white man.
This is none other than a form of modern replacement theology specifically tailored to blacks, the sole purpose of which is not the destruction of the real Israel, but the final annihilation of those who believe in this theory, first on the level of their identity, and then even on the level of their actual spirit.
Their claims to be the real Jews are mainly based on the following verse of Deuteronomy which they are endlessly pointing at: “Yahuwah will send you back in ships to Egypt on a journey I said you should never make again. There you will offer yourselves for sale to your enemies as male and female slaves, but no one will buy you.” Deuteronomy 28:68 But here the question arises: Can these people read English or any other translation if they speak other languages too, including Hebrew? Have anyone of them been brought back to “Egypt” till this day trying to sell themselves to the local people and them not wanting to buy them back? They’ve been brought to America, where people unfortunately indeed wanted them to be their slaves. The Jew of the diaspora today on the contrary are in “Egypt” again, in the world as an egypt, but no one has ever wanted us. We have tried to assimilate and be part of their nations for 2OOO years, but they refused that. Sooner or later, they end up expelling or even kill us. That’s a historical fact! Furthermore, several prophecies about the gathering of the chosen people speak of bringing them back on camels, ships, and chariots in Jerusalem, to the Holy Land from the four corners of the earth. BACK to the Holy Land and not to Egypt! This is visible since the middle of the 19th century and especially since 1948, when the state of Israel was reborn.
Not only is there no historical basis for the matter, but the fulfillment of signs, miracles and prophecies experienced over the centuries and especially in the last century point to everything, but not to what they claim. The hand of Elohim so spectacularly carries and protects the identity of real Judaism, which is undeniable, as I discuss the matter in the teachings called : Anti-Semitism and anti-Christianity, as well as Jewish State and Zionism.
Furthermore, haven’t these people ever read the stories in the book of the Song of Songs, the Book of Kings, Samuel or the Chronicles. When the Queen of Sheba herself asks with a certain inferiority complex that the daughters of Jerusalem should not smile at the sight of the color of her skin, etc… As well as the description of David when Samuel sees him for the first time? Red hair, pink face etc…? Ablsolutely no trace of any kind of afro-american looking guy.
Allow me a personal message to these people believing in this Black Hebrew Israelite false teaching: Once again as I commented to some of you under my last video called the Synagogue of Satan : you should not want to become Jews by taking the place of the real ones – even if some of us are really members of this false synagogue as I explain in that video. You (black people) can also be the Chosen people of Elohim by finally accepting the Blood of the Lamb and be born again and filled with Ruach HaKodesh (the Holy Spirit). Not on the theoretical level you are, but for real, when the signs and wonders will testify of your born again spiritual state. As long as you claim a false identity and seek your salvation by your deeds wanting to fulfill the Law by yourself in the flesh and not by accepting the Messiah’s fulfillment of the Commendments in your hearts, you will still remain in darkness and death. Not speaking about this completely satanic statement of yours which consist of excluding everybody from salvation that does not belong to your bloodline! I can understand your animosity towards white people, so I advise you to contact born again afro-american brothers in your surroundings and ask them not to preach to you, but to pray for you, pray so that you receive the Holy Spirit, start to speak in tongues and prophetise so that you eyes should finally be opened to the truth of Yeshua. Go through both baptism Water and Fire and seek for black born again servants of Elohim who can help you come out from this darkness. I will put a link below where you can find people in your surroundings that are not going to bring you under the yoke of some institutional human church, but into the Holy Church the Body of Yahushua.
As we will see in what follows, there are black-skinned Israelites, but this lineage does not apply to all black-skinned people, or those who were deported to America as slaves. The black-skinned Jews are originally Semites who became black through mixing and mutations over the millennia and not the other way around. All antropologist and biologist know anyway that the colour of the skin is not the main criteria which defines a blood lineage or a race.
The Gathering is underway in the State of Israel
The gathering as I mentioned it before is taking place at a different and more official level. There are Israeli religious groups who actively conducting research worldwide to locate descendants of the lost tribes, relying on both historical records and genetic data. For instance, there have been reports of dozens of Benei Menasses (sons of Menasses) discovered in Central Asia, who were brought back from China to the Land of Israel. Members of other tribes have also been found in regions like black Africa, including Sudan, Ivory Coast, and South Africa. These groups have lived on the fringes of society for centuries, adhering to Talmudic Jewish customs alongside original Mosaic decrees. Interestingly, they have incorporated post-Babylonian Judaic elements, the origins of which remain somewhat unclear. Traditional Jews interpret this as evidence that the oral doctrine did not originate in Babylon but was part of the revelation received by Moses directly from Yahuwah on Mount Sinai. In my opinion, it’s evident that over the centuries, these groups came into contact with traveling Jews who transmitted these “reforms” to them, which does not necessarily prove the “divine” inspiration of the Talmudic literature added to the Torah. However, this topic is not the focus of this article.
It’s interesting to observe that the lineage of these Israelites in Asia and Africa can be traced back to Jacob, and within each ethnic group, there are even descendants of Aaron, the Cohanim. Genetics has confirmed this connection.
This leads us to encounter individuals who, although not previously considered part of our community, are indeed Israelites and may appear as perfect black Africans, Indians, or slant-eyed Asians.
It’s undeniable that this gathering is ongoing in this way also. However, it’s important to clarify that based on the prophecies describing the gathering of the people in the end times, this process is not limited to recent decades or years. The term “end times” refers to the era that began during the time of our Messiah. In fact, Yeshua himself pointed out to his contemporaries that the end times had already begun.
These more than 2000 years of Grace constitute the end times during which the gathering of the Israelite tribes occurs discreetly.
Many individuals, including Christians and Palestinian activists, seek to link the return of Jews to Israel, especially those from Eastern Europe, with the “false Jews” mentioned in the Book of Revelation, often referred to as the “synagogue of Satan.” I address this topic in another teaching, and it’s true that many genuinely original Jews can be included in this group. However, emerging evidence suggests that the Khazars may also have descended from the deported Israelites, and the masses of European Jews who settled in Israel may simply be awaiting the revelation of their original tribal identity.
As I explain elsewhere, membership in the “synagogue of Satan” pertains only to those whose beliefs have been so corrupted that they serve Satan’s interests whether consciously or not, while being Jewish by blood. Satan’s Jewish servants, while they may be found in various places like Zionism, Jewish Orthodoxy, or even Christianity, do not encompass the entire spectrum of individuals categorized as Jews. Furthermore, even those who belong to that synagogue, – most of them – still have the opportunity to repent and go out of it.
The significance of acknowledging the signs
It’s crucial to highlight when specific prophecies, eagerly anticipated by many believers, are already in the process of being realized. When a prophecy is unfolding or has already occurred, it becomes essential for those awaiting it to recognize its fulfillment. This recognition can have implications for understanding subsequent signs and the emergence of other prophecies. Failing to acknowledge ongoing processes as prophetic events due to expectations of something different in the future may result in missing out on the manifestations of subsequent prophecies.
The revival of the Jewish state is indeed a pivotal sign, but it becomes even more significant when we realize that all Jewish tribes are already under reunification there within this state. This understanding helps us appreciate just how close the times are.
As for example and among others the fact that the Antichrist is not only present somewhere in the world, but it is also possible to identify who he is very percisely. In addition, it is interesting to wonder in what form and under what cover will the 7 -year convenant, mentioned in Daniel, be confirmed with and strenghtened with many nations: Climate Summits, Cop 28, King Charles III, etc.
And this one will soon reveal himself to the world claiming to be the descendant of King David, in order to deceive a significant portion of the Jews who will accept him as the Messiah. It’s important to note that he is not a descendant of Judah either but rather from the tribe of Dan, as prophetic accounts regarding the antichrist have foretold. Over the course of history, many members of the tribe of Dan settled in the territory of Wales, where the Antichrist was, until very recently, the prince for decades.
This is even more important because when we wait for a prophecy to come true and do not realize that it is already in progress, or even very advanced, we risk not recognizing the occurrence of the following events and miss the point, because we do not accept that their time has come.
Another gathering is currently underway
Meanwhile, the gathering of another group, the Body of the Messiah, which symbolically represents the Church composed of people characterized in prophecies as Ephraim, is ongoing and nearing its conclusion. Contrary to what many have been taught, it’s important to clarify that Judah does not encompass the Jews, while Israel symbolically represents the Nations. Judah is the generic term to the southern tribes, and Israel denotes the northern Israelite tribes—plain and simple. There’s no need to overcomplicate matters. The Nations are symbolically mentioned in prophecies as Ephraim, one of the sons of Yosef (a foreshadowing of Yeshua) who was adopted by Yaakov (Jacob), just as the Father adopts the sons of the Nations who accept the Covenant with Yahushua.
If you are not of Jewish origin and have not yet made a covenant with Christ, understand that in the timeline of the gathering promise, Judah and Israel are not the primary focus, but rather you, the Nations! Through Yeshua’s sacrifice on the cross, your gathering has been ongoing for 2,000 years, a period that may soon conclude, possibly within a few years or even months. We urge you not to be left behind, so do not persist in rejecting the Gospel that has likely been shared with you on numerous occasions.
And if you are Jewish, the same invitation applies to you. While you may still have some time to consider your conversion, – theorically – it’s crucial to understand that when the entire community eventually recognizes Yeshua as the Messiah, as promised, already knowing the truth but delaying your acceptance could be seen as an act of rebellion or, at the very least, as lukewarmness. It would be in your best interest to abandon the false Judaic Talmudic traditions that deny the true identity of the Messiah as soon as possible. If you have already begun to recognize the Messiah’s identity within your heart but hesitate to take the step due to fear of rejection by your community and family, going through the period of tribulation that is coming could prove to be a lot more complicated for you in this case.
Let’s always remember that the Covenant – thus the Protection – applies only to those who dare to speak and confess the name of the one in whom they believe: Yeshua.
Whoever acknowledges me before others, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven. But whoever disowns me before others, I will disown before my Father in heaven. Matthew 10:32-33
This applies to all the sons of Adam: we must first recognize our state of sin, reject it with disgust, then accept the person of the Savior to find our Shalom, our peace with the Father. Then Ruach HaKodesh, the Holy Spirit, fills us and our sanctification begins. This is how we receive eternal life through the blood of the Lamb of Elohim: Yahushua.