For many of us it is no longer a question that the time has come when something must be done with the originally revealed names of the Eternal and the Messiah. This is one of the most crucial and essential turning point of the restoration, or let us rather speak of the reformation.
Many people also know that the Hebrew letters have a numerical value. Thus, each word and each letter present in the Holy Scriptures has its place and its very precise weight spiritually speaking. That is the reason why it is strictly forbidden to remove or add anything to them, because they form a perfect unit that would be split appart otherwise. This unity is a truly powerful source of life and blessings to all who read and follow it. Thus the slightest modification or retrenchment automatically has harmful spiritual repercussions on the people who act in that way.
It is also obvious that the father of lies, Satan, falsifies everything. Thus, when translating the Holy Scriptures into foreign languages, one of his main objectives was to mistranslate the texts and particularly the names of the Almighty, of His Anointed and sometimes even of His Spirit in order to distort and plunder them of their content and their spiritual power. The enemy is thus trying to infiltrate the very heart of Salvation in order to blow everything up by doing a kind of nuclear fission.
YHWH / יהוה / YaHuWaH
The rejection of the name also dates back to rabbinical Judaism. Judaism emerged during the Babylonian captivity when the so-called oral laws were formulated by men still considered to this day as the wise men of the nation. The third commandment, that we shall not take his name in vain, also did not escape this distorting work and in order to ensure that this commandment was never broken, they decided that YaHuWaH should never be spoken again. The name of our Elohim, was thus simply erased from the collective consciousness. Other expressions are used as substitutes when reading the Torah. This is how we can hear words like: HaShem (The Name) and Adonai (Lord).
You can find many teachings on the internet on how to pronounce his Name, why it is important to return to it urgently in light of the prophecies and the spiritual impact it has in our lives. Maybe I’ll explain all of this myself in more details later. But for now, however, before we fall into the trap of going back to the letter and developing a new theology or denomination,
we must first and foremost refer the matter to the exclusive guidance of the Holy Spirit/Ruach HaKodesh
May this article be in his hands, from its formulation to its reading. May He guide us to know what to do and how to use his original names, lest we fall into vain human efforts lacking the deep spiritual content of the topic. Let us never restore anything for self-interest, or to make ourselves appear to be better Christians. But let’s restore things in order to walk in obedience on the path to sanctification. We must stop the enemy continuing to ridicule us by twisting/stealing to the very names of the Most High.
Everyone knows very well that the spoken word has its weight in the spiritual realm. How could it be otherwise with the names of the Almighty?!
The Hebrew letters also have a numerical value. Even the Jewish sofers – the copyists of the Torah, at the slightest error, they simply destroy the entire sheet or even the entire scroll and start copying from scratch. Each word has a numerical value, which, like a kind of perfect mathematical equation, brings the Scriptures to life.
The names of Elohim are those which contain the most this vivifying power
therefore, if we alter or replace them, we prevent them from bringing their beneficial effects.
In the Tanakh (the Old Testament) we come across the name Yahushuah several times, which has been transliterated in English as Joshua-Jehoshua. Both names appear as one name in the original text: יהושע (YHSHWH – YaHuSHuah).
The Messiah actually received this Name from his earthly mother at the time of his birth, on the instruction of the Archangel Gabriel. Therefore, in this given context, it was intended that He would save His people from their sins, as we read in Matthew 1:21. However, for us who are born again in the Messiah and received Ruach HaKodesh, this name should no longer be used in its future form, because the promise has already been fulfilled in us. Now let us look more closely at the letter ה (hey) which is present in Yahushua although it is not in Yeshua.
It seems incomprehensible to me that anyone could have had the idea of removing this letter ה (hey) from the Name of our Savior! Especially since we know from the case of Abraham that this same letter ה, was precisely the one Abram received in the middle of his name as the sign of his Covenant with Yahuwah. This is how Abram became Abraham and his wife Saraj became Sarah. What could have made anyone think that
this same letter ה (hey) can be removed from the name of the SAVIOR?
This is how YaHuSHua finally remained simply Yeshua, a name that only appeared once in this form in the Old Testament (when following the return from the Babylonian captivity, a certain Yeshua helped by a certain Zerubbabel, were charged with rebuilding the Altar within the Sanctuary under reconstruction), and whose meaning is “Yahuwah WILL Save“, as it had been given to Him at the time of His coming to earth. I do believe that we should always use this form YESHUA when we speak of Him to people who do not yet know Him as King over their lives and who have not yet been redeemed by His Blood ; as well as when we speak of Him in the context of His earthly ministry as described in the Gospels. But when we refer to Him as disciples born again in the Messiah, having received the Holy Spirit, His name should rather be pronounced in its present and eternal form since the promise has already been fulfilled in us.
At his birth he was given the name Yeshua, and when he appears before the heavenly court after having died on the cross when he is dressed in garments defiled by the sins of the world, in accordance with Zechariah’s vision, he is called Yahushua, because: It is done! Here, we are no longer in the promise, in the future, but in eternal, constant, present time: Yahuwah saves and has saved. Here Salvation takes effect and shifts into eternal mode.
Each Hebrew letter not only has a numerical value, that is, a mathematically calculable weight when it is pronounced, but it also has a meaning of its own. Thus the letter ה means: Behold – Sign – Covenant. This way His original name was simply shortened from the following meaning:
HERE is the Lamb of Elohim, which is the SIGN, that is to say the seal, of the COVENANT
Another important and interesting letter that appears in the name YHWH to form the name of the Savior is the letter ש (SHin). Among other things, the meaning of this letter is “destruction”. The necessity of the death of the Son is indicated by ש so that the ה – the Covenant – could take effect. But ש does also serve as an abbreviation for one of Yahuwah‘snames: El Shaddai (The Almighty), as it is often found on mezuzot at Jewish homes.
How much more expressive and complete is YaHuSHua‘s name than when we simply utter his name as the promise of a future savior. Because indeed, He is the Savior, but he is also the Sign of the Covenant by the Blood of the immolatedLamb and moreover, HE is also ONE with the Father, being El Shaddai himself.
YaHuShua, the name of the Lamb of Elohim must necessarily merge with the name YHWH, because its meaning is: YaHuWaH Saves.
But to go a bit further and beyond Yeshua which is a correct form although incomplete in some cases. A further big question is: How can anyone think that the names He gave us to name himself can be translated into all kinds of languages, that is to say distorted and replaced by expressions often derived from the names of pagan spiritual principalities such as Zeus for example? Where the names of (Theos/Dios/Deus/Dieu – Je-Sus/Heil–Zeus) are all coming from. And we’ll soon see how problematic is also the word God used by the English and German speaking world.
Nobody translates people’s name when they go abroad. This would be considered as a lack of respect of the other and a source of vexation. If we are able to understand how important is to be respectful toward’s our neighbour’s name, why do we still not see how much more this is important in the case of Yahuwah our Elohim!?
However, there are two instances in the Bible where foreigners erased Jewish names with their own seals:
The first was Joseph, one of the main precursors of Yahushua who received the name of Zaphnath-Paaneah from a pharaoh who, although being very friendly towards the Jews, only knew Elohim in a very superficial way.
The other was the later Babylonian power, which after having taken the Jews captive – following the destruction of the Temple and the taking away of its vessels by dedicating them to their own pagan gods – changed the names of Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah to Belteshaszar, Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego.
The same imperial spirit, let us call it Egyptian or Babylonian, but who is essentially the Roman daughter of these latter ones, simply replaced Elohim by Theos (God) and Yeshua/Yahushua by iesus, in order to continue to honor their former main idols through them.
It is interesting to note that the work of falsification did not stop there. For the worship of their other lesser idols also continues, but in their case it is perpetuated through the use of Jewish names after which they have been renamed or rebaptized. This is how Aphrodite and Venus became the Virgin Mary, how Mars, Saturn, Hermes and the other Greco-Roman divinities were canonized as “saints” and thus inherited the Jewish names of the main characters of the Bible: (Saint Paul, Peter, John and all the others).
Here we can see the process where the righteous ones are paganized and where the pagan idols are “hebrew-ized.”
It was a real shock to me and I was almost discouraged from continuing the ministry when I discovered that even this widely used form of the name of the Savior contained the seal of the antichrist since the very beginning – from the time of the first translations of the Gospel.
Because you may be familiar with this theory that the translation of YaHuSHuah‘s name in Greek is nothing more than the greeting “heil zeus“. At first sight, this seems a bit forced to me, especially since those who promote this theory base their explanations on the Spanish pronunciation of Jesus (with the Spanish strongly pronounced Jota). However, when the Greeks invented the term iesus, the Spanish language did not even exist. But anyway the phenomenon is indeed suspicious enough to give a serious chance that this is not a coincidence, and knowing the style of deceptions the enemy often uses, I can easily imagine that he is also hiding behind this as well.
This good human intention which tries to bring the name of the Savior closer to the lips, that is to say to the mother tongue of the new converts, is used by the devil to defile and blaspheme by his own names the Name above all names. As the saying goes:
The road to hell is paved with good intentions
Satan, among others, has mastered the art of using human goodwill and pure intentions to hinder the plan of YaHuWaH, of Redempting humankind by becoming YaHuSHuah.
Greeks did not keep the -ah ending of Yahushuah, since it is the sign of the feminine form in their own language. In Greek and also Latin words ending with -a are generally feminine. Thus they could really feel having a good reason to make some change in it, since they did not want people to associate Yeshua to feminity, but the problem was that the masculine ending form added -us, is directly coming from the name of Zeus, who was the quintessential male being the father of all gods, one of the first male of the world according to their former beliefs. This resulted in the birth of a name whose sound fully includes the name of their zeus when pronounced: iesus. Something that should have seemed just as problematic to them as the original form and its feminine connotation. But this little detail did not really bother them quite obviously.
Moreover, the matter does not end here. Because when the Greek translation, iesus, was later adopted by the Latin speakers of the Roman Empire, they simply kept it without any modification. And here the question arises as to how a Latin-speaking believer could have had the guts to keep this name in this form and pronounce it when speaking of the Messiah, since the word sus in Latin was an existing and common expression which meaning is none other than pigor swine!?
And if all this wasn’t convincing enough why it is problematic to refer to the Messiah with this Greek word and all the names derived from it in the different languages, it is also worth mentioning that
according to the Greek gematria, the numerical value of the letters that make up the root of the word Iesus is nothing but 666.
More precisely, the name iesus is articulated around the three Greek consonants which result in this number. It was precisely these three consonants that John used in the book of revelations when announcing the number of the beast: χξϛ (chi xi and stigma). Later on, vowels had been aded to these three letters and also the graphism of greek letters had been modified through time in order to reach the final result Ἰησοῦς, as you can see it in the greek texts. It is thus very hard to see the resemblance with the original satanic root.
A separate study could be written about how the antichrist appropriated the role and person of our Savior to endow Him with his own false name? It can also be expected that when the Antichrist finally reveals himself within a few months or at most a few little years, he will argue with this well-prepared phenomenon in order to deceive many into saying that the real Messiah, Yahushua of Nazareth who walked the earth 2000 years ago and who was renamed “Jesus”, was actually the prophesied “antichrist” since having the number of the beast included in his name, and from now on he is of course the “real” one. It’s not sure that this will happen in that form, but we can eventually prepare for this kind of deceptive propaganda as well.
I know it is shocking to read such things and that it is almost unacceptable. We would almost start to get angry with the Almighty himself for having allowed the enemy to steal even His names from us! Why did He let the devil go so far in falsification?
But we could also turn against ourselves. Let us not fall into the temptation of accusing or even condemning ourselves for having been using impure names so far. Let us instead recognize once again that we must look forward, not backward. There is a time of ignorance and there is a deception into which we have all fallen in spite of ourselves.
Certainly we have been deceived, but we were not aware of it and our devotion was pure and that is why it worked anyway.
Many of us have been baptized in the name of Jesus. Yet, we are indeed born again and have received the Holy Spirit and all the gifts resulting from it together with the promise of the Eternal Life. We even healed people many times in the name of Jesus, demons have left people in that name and it perfectly worked! But why then, if the name would really be false? Because we called him so out of ignorance, but in the bottom of our hearts He is the true Messiah to whom we said “yes” and whom we invoked and thus who we truly metHim.
Yahushua will never leave anyone on its own because he or she is using false names by ignorance. Even if we call upon His false names, He will not leave us without answer, as long as we do not know the truth about it.
It is important to emphasize this fact, because the time of Grace is still ongoing. And I am sorry to see once again, that those who preach the return to the original names of the Eternal do often fall into the other extreme. They do fall in the trap of accusing, or at least insinuating, that those who use the names derived from Zeus: Theos and Jesus are the sons of perdition. This condemnation is a serious sin and even a worse attack on His Name than the use of the falsifications against which these people raise their voices. We must preach the truth with love and not execute the dying ones before time.
Of course, in the other hand, if following the recognition of the need to restore the original names, someone persists in the use of the fake ones, then a new era will soon open for such rebels which will gradually shorten the time of grace granted to them. Thus, we must draw everyone’s attention to this danger.
Let us rejoice that the time of Grace is still lasting. Let’s be happy that Ruach HaKodesh goes on guiding us. Let us give thanks for always having the possibility of asking to have an increasingly humble and obedient heart so that we can accept even what may still seem unacceptable today. Let us be happy of still having the true names available to us so that we can live with and by them.
And now let’s ask the question in our hearts to the Holy Spirit: Does the Eternal really want me to come back to His original names again? Because if He is inviting you from within to do so and if you still do not make the right decision, then very different and less glorious times will be opened up in your life.
Elohim / אלוהים
Instead of ELOHIM, the names of false elohim(s) are used in every language.
Let’s take a look at a few languages of the world, in which billions of people to this day address the Almightyusing totally differentexpressionsto the one He first revealed to us: Elohim.
Theos / Zeus
Among the epistles included in the New Testament that were actually originally written in Greek, today we can find the term Theos instead of Elohim. This is very likely a later transcription of the original term or title. When the texts began to be copied, the term Theos, easier to interpret for the Greeks, came in as a substitute the original word used by Paul. It is not necessary to have in-depth theological, historical or linguistic knowledge to recognize the origin of this term: Theos comes directly from Zeus.
Indeed, the first Greek disciples – just as in the case of the name Yeshua becoming iesus mentioned earlier – were probably uncomfortable with Hebrew names and terms that they could not connect to anything in their language and history. They probably thought it good to rewrite this title by Hellenizing it a little in order to make it “more understandable”, “closer” to their mouths and their hearts. So they just kept the names of the Nephilim and other fallen angels, who had revealed themselves to their ancestors under these names and who were perpetuated in their customs and traditions through what is commonly called the Greek mythology.
From here comes the later Latin form Deus which by transliteration has become Dios/Dieu, etc. in languages derived from Latin, including French and Spanish.
The origins of the two following names are not really clear and are much more difficult to figure out. However, whether either theory turns out to be the correct one, that would make their use quite problematic as well.
ǥuđán / God
The English and German word God/Got could come from two different places: First we have the Babylonian deity called Gad who was also worshiped by some Jews during the captivity and which is mentioned in the book of Isaiah in chapter 65.
But according to some opinions, God may simply come from the Germanic people of the same name, the Goths. For in the Germanic world, where the concept of übermensch (superior race) was always prominent long before the Nazis, the Gothic tribes were considered superior among the all the other Germanic tribes. Indeed, the Goths were the Germanic superheroes, the strongest warriors considered invincible and therefore endowed with a practically divine reputation. In a strongly anthropocentric English-speaking world where people are mostly descending from Anglo-Saxon/Danish-Viking thus Germanic tribes, it can easily happen that God is quite simply the expression of the man who elevates himself to the rank of Elohim. At the time of the adoption of Christianity, this term designating the supreme spiritual authority, was adopted as a substitute to the title of Elohim.
Isten / Ishtar
The Hungarian word Isten (pronounced ishten, the equivalent of God in English) is perhaps the most interesting and also the most dramatic of all at the same time. Here again, the origin of the word is not very clear. According to some linguists, the word comes from the Persian language, others say that it is Finno-Ugric and still others claim that it is of Sumerian origin, and means “ancestral“, “one“, or “unique“. So far, it wouldn’t be such a big deal, since we are really talking about the Elohim who is Ancestral, One and Unique.
However, the sound of this term is surprisingly close to another phenomenon also of Persian and Sumerian origin, which is none other than Ishtar.
She was considered the goddess of love, fertility, sometimes also of war, identified with Venus, the morning star and better known among the Canaanites and Mesopotamians under the name of Astarte. Her symbol is the eight-pointed star. She is a deity who was held in such reverence even in Babylonia that the very gate through which the Jewish people entered the city during the captivity was bearing her name. The remains of this gate are still kept in a museum in Berlin, right next to Satan‘s throne by the way.
Unfortunately, this vecinity with the devil is not only limited to the berliner museum. Another disturbing phenomenon can be observed if we write this word in Hebrew: אישטן, form almost identical not only in its pronunciation, but also in its spelling with the name of שָׂטָן (STN).
Even if the situation was not as serious as just described, and the resemblance to Satan’s name would just be a mere coincidence, the almost identical sounding of the words isten and isthar raises the question of whether is it wise to use this term when talking about the Creator?
Moreover, it is not surprising to observe such a phenomenon in the case of a people whose first decisions when their State has been founded more than 1000 years ago, was precisely to offer the country to the Virgin Mary. From here on, giving Elohim the name of a female deity is not surprising in the case of a nation whose penchant for the matriarchal order is so obvious from the outset. After all, Ishtar was not only a female deity, but was also called the queen of heaven. According to historians she was also named Astarte by other peoples, but she is also a direct predecessor of Aphrodite in Greece and then of Venus in Rome, herself later renamed Virgin Mary by the Christianized Romans (also an altered form of the original name Miriam, the earthly and Jewish mother of Yeshua).
Allah / Elah
It is interesting to note that in the case of Allah, quite the opposite happens. Because it comes directly from Elah the contracted hebrew form of Elohim taken over by Arabic which, as we know, is also a Semitic language. This name had been adopted by the arabs in times where neighter Islam nor Christianity existed yet. But the Arabs indeed already existed and many worshiped the true and only Elohim, as we can see in the case of Jethro (Yitro) father-in-law of Moses. To this day, Arab or Coptic Christians use Allah, this abbreviated and Arabized version of Elohim as a word to designate God. It is therefore not the name of a foreign deity who would have been slammed on Elohim, but quite the contrary. Here, it is the original name which is taken over by a foreign spirit. Thus Baal reveals himself to a false prophet by usurping the abbreviated version Elah and simply make himself be called Elohim by billions of people.
All these cases show that there are still basic things that still need to be restored in the Church. Whether we accept it or not, even if it is shocking, we must face the fact that:
the Bride uses the names of her exes to call upon her Bridegroom!
And I expressed myself with great restraint. Because the former idols are not just ex-boyfriends, but pure pimps. What name should be given to a wife who names her husband after her old macks in your opinion? Can we still speak of Wife? Or is she still a prostitute or at least in a mixed spiritual state, in adultary? Could this fundamental phenomenon explain the reason for the pitiful state of Christendom? Could this not be the root of all deviations from the straight path? Because the Latin word curba means deviation/curve. This word has been taken up in the Slavic languages as well as in Hungarian in the form kurva which means prostitute in its more vulgar version. This refers to many biblical prophecies where Israel and Judah were referred to by similar adjectives by their Husband Elohim. Today, there is a third woman, a third Bride (Ephraim or the Nations) who, let’s face it, is not much better than the two others.
In the interest of real and effective reform, we should perhaps go back to basics so drastically:
In what terms do we speak of the Creator, the Almighty, the Eternal, our Savior and even somtimes of his Spirit?
We are not talking about Jewish roots here. Still not. Much more serious and important things still need to be restored, which go far beyond the Jewish roots and compared to which these are practically insignificant.
Because there was not yet a single Jew on earth when mankind had already been calling on the names of Yahuwah and Elohim for a long time. Then the Jew came with all his self-righteousness and man-made artificial laws and veiled the name of Yahuwah. And this false tradition has been endorsed and perpetuated by Christianity until today.
And now, as a Jew believing in the Messiah YaHuSHuah of Nazareth, should I also have to teach Jewish roots in the name of our Savior by continuing to use distorted or alienated terms such HaShem/Adonai and even God, Dieu, Ishtar and Jesus as many others do? No thanks, I do not want to take part in that kind of circus anymore!
What would you say if your partner/girlfriend or wife in the best case called you by the name of one of her ex-boyfriends? How long would you endure such an offence before sending her back where she came from? This is where we see how incredibly patient Yahuwah is compared to us.
On our part, however, let us recognize the problem and do not grieve His Spirit any further by behaving like harlots and not like a worthy and obedient Brides.
For the Bridegroom is at the door. Is there any oil in your lamp? If so what kind of oil is it? Do we have the Holy Spirit, the Living Law, and within that, this topic is in order or not? With what names have you anointed the Son and the Father?
Because the names we give are anointings and carry deep meanings. Even if we are using them unconsciously.
And the Spirit of Yahuwah/Elohim/Yahushuah did never ask for or authorize anyone to point to Him with these profane words. Realize that there are still some wise virgins who can still give you real oil today in case you happen to still be part of the camp of the foolish ones.
For when the Day comes, it is the one you have called on the name who will appear to take you. (as we have been warned about inRomans 10:13). May no one have any bad surprise at that moment!
Did Paul also use Theos?
The question may immediately arise for many: why would the term Theos instead of Elohim appear in the original Greek New Testament if there were actually problems with this term on a spiritual level? This expression appears throughout the epistles! So if Paul didn’t have any problems with using this term, why should we have any today?
Many people would respond to that: Could this phenomenon indicate that the New Testament was ultimately not written in Greek? Could it be that the documents presented until now as originals are only later translations? Indeed many biblical scholars have emerged in recent years who claim that the original text was written in Hebrew or Aramaic and that the Greek is only a later translation. This would explain why Elohim could have transformed into Theos.
For my part, I am convinced that some parts of the New Testament were indeed written in Hebrew, but others were really written from the start in Greek. Just as the promise of Salvation was transferred for a time from the original Hebrew people to the Greeks, that is, to the Gentiles, the Nations.
I am convinced that the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and John could not have been originally written in any language other than Hebrew.
After all, the Gospel was addressed first and primarily to the Jews. It was therefore necessary that it was published for the first time in the world in the language of the Jews. Furthermore, these people – the authors of the Gospel – did not distinguish themselves from others by their more in-depth knowledge of the Greek language. They were simple fishermen who probably did not know the language of the oppressive power to such a level that they would have been able to write such far-reaching stories in a language which was alien to them. This is true even if Matthew and Mark came to some extent from Hellenized Jewish families, as their first names attest. (Of course we may say that the gift of tongues could easily resolve such a lack of knowledge, but I am not convinced this was in the will of the Almighty at this stage).
Luke, on the other hand, was Greek, a converted proselyte. His Gospel could very well have been written in Greek from the outset, since it was not only his mother tongue, but at that time, due to the rejection of the Messiah by a large part of the Jewish People, Elohimcould already have wanted to signal that the transfer of the History of Salvation would soon pass from the hands of the Jews into the hands of the “Greeks”, that is, the Gentiles, for a certain time until their number was reached. Thus, and symbolically, by formulating one of the Gospels in Greek, Elohim was able to send a strong signal to humanity, indicating that from now on the door will also be open to non-Jews.
Paul, unlike his evangelist predecessors, was a very educated and cultured person. Not only was he a Roman citizen, but he also spoke the language of the eastern part of the empire, namely Greek, perfectly well. (Let’s not forget that he was born in Tarsus). Let’s just think rationally for a moment: When such a man begins to write letters to assemblies whose members are mostly non-Jewish and whose mother tongue is Greek, there is no doubt that he is not going to start writing to them in Hebrew or Aramaic, thinking that the brothers and sisters will manage with online translation software or someone else interpreting on site to decode his messages. Adherents of the theory that the New Testament was written exclusively in Hebrew should think a little about these few small details with a sometimes slightly more rational and wise state of mind. It is obvious that he will use as a mediator the language that they all speak and understand in common. The Holy Scriptures were invented to make people’s lives simpler and certainly not to make it even more complicated than it basically is.
Therefore, the two theories that the New Testament was written only in Greek or only in Hebrew are two extremes that must be rejected. The truth again lies somewhere in between.
Thus, I believe that most of the New Testament was originally written in Greek, but not only in Greek.
However, the manuscripts where we find the term Theos instead of Elohim in the original Greek must necessarily be later transcriptions.
Let us recall how Paul reacted when he entered Lycaonia with Barnabas. Upon witnessing the miracles and signs performed by the two apostles, the inhabitants immediately declared them gods, identifying Paul as Hermes and Barnabas as Zeus. They even sought to offer animals as sacrifices in their honor. How did Paul respond? He tore his clothes before them as a sign of mourning. In doing so, he destroyed his only possession and means of protection against the sun, rain, wind, sandstorms, and evening frosts. He did this because the pagans—spiritually immature and ignorant though well-intentioned—instinctively sought to elevate those who did good to them to the status of divinity.
How could a man so zealous and disgusted by anything related to paganism replace Elohim – and most of all Yeshua – with terms that are clearly derived from Zeus?
It is completely stupid and irrational to imagine that such a righteous and faithful servant of the Messiah as Paul would ever allow the primary title of the Almighty to be degraded to such a level, just in order to please new converts.
From the moment you recognize the true Creator and Redeemer, it becomes your duty and obligation to use the names He Himself chose to reveal from the very beginning. Humanity was never granted the authority to decide which titles and names to ascribe to the Creator. It was the animals that Adam was permitted to name according to his own choices—not the Father.
A spiritual child may call the Father by any name that reflects the purity of his heart, as long as it is done out of love and ignorance. However, as we grow in spirit, we must gradually abandon our childish babblings and learn to act as responsible and obedient adults, showing respect to our Father.
Therefore, each person should discern their spiritual maturity. This message is a call to those who are spiritually mature and stable enough to grasp the significance of the original names and to use them truthfully, while discarding the false ones they may have used until now. I encourage you to openly and courageously embrace what you feel within, even if the opposition is strong, few are going to congratulate you, and even if fellow believers begin to reject or even persecute you for returning to the original names.
I do not condemn those who use terms like “God” and others, provided they do so out of ignorance and with a childlike heart. However, as with all other laws, the time must come when, at the direction of the Ruach HaKodesh, the use of the original names must also be restored.
In conclusion and as further encouragement, it is worth mentioning that a process has emerged over the years whereby millions of believers across the world are returning to the use of the name Yahweh.
Although I think there is no doubt that the original pronunciation is Yahuwah, we are still saying the same thing, since the 4 consonants, those that have a numerical value and thus weight in the spiritual realm, are pronounced in both cases. Yahuweh, Yahuwah, the difference is really just one final vowel. Above all, let’s not make a fuss of it in a stubborn and Pharisaical way. I am happy when I hear them pronounce the Name in this way.
Thanks to Elohim, not only are we not alone, but for the majority of African and American Christians, the original name has been in constant use for decades, and perhaps there is hardly anyone among them who is still scandalized at hearing it and using it today. It unfortunately seems to me that on the European continent, there is still a long way to go in this direction.
Along the Reformation process, several churches were founded as a result of recognizing Yahuwah’s original Holy day in the Sabbath as described in the Ten Commandments:
Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.
Exodus 20:8
Indeed, we do not read anything like : “dear son, please take appart a day of your choice to worship Me…” but instead we can see that the Sabbath has been specifically chosen by Elohim for us to be a meeting point, a sign of our Covenant.
Yahushua himself did no different. However, he committed a kind of “civil” or rather “scribal disobedience” on certain Shabbats by healing the sick and delivering prisoners from their sins. This indeed scandalized the religious leaders of the time, since they forgot that
The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath
Therefore, the blessing of Sabbat became a curse to them, as they endorsed a terrible psychological yoke by constantly having to be careful not to violate the law of the Sabbath.
Because the law of Life and Love is ahead of all other decrees
Later, Yahushua also declares that
The Son of Man is (also) Lord of the Sabbath.
Luke 6:5
That means that whoever is in the Messiah, he is above the Sabbath himself together with the Messiah.
But it does not follow that he has the right to exchange the days
Because in this case he becomes a prisoner of another day by the mere act of designating it. After all, Yahushua did not die on the cross to usher in a new day, but to fulfill the existing one!
And being above the law does not give us the right to break the law, but it stands under our feet as one of the foundations so that our own temple, the temple of Ruach HaKodesh, does not shake and stands on solid ground, on the foundations of the law and the prophets, on which the Church itself was built.
Paul himself did never stated anything else even when he was asking the elders not to burden the newly born again brethren with questions of days and dates, since they are still children and they may consider another day to be the holy one according to the purity of their hearts.
As long as it is done out of ignorance and with a pure heart, it is a sweet-smelling sacrifice in the eyes of Elohim. Let them do it as long as their worship is spotless. However, Paul does not add it, but it is clear that sooner or later, as a consequence of the process of sanctification and getting mature in spirit, Ruach HaKodesh is going to restore the original order in them as well. It is none of our business to know how long Elohim grants them his patience and when time will come for each one of them.
The original Will of Yahuwah, however, is to sanctify/separate the Sabbat which is Saturday.
Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day. These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in the Messiah.
Colossians 2:16-17
As for the original Saturday as a shadow, let anyone refrain from creating another shadow instead of the former and original one. Moreover, in order to create a series of similar, alternative religious ceremonies: “Then we come together, in this particular place, this is allowed, this is not, we will sing this, for this amount of time, we must read this portion of the Scriptures, pray this and that, in that way, put your tithe in such a box and our offerings in such a basket… and most of all: This one is going to preach because he/she has the required knowledge according to our established theological requirements, like the scribes in the times of Yeshua, etc. Those places where they are training religious robots instead of making disciples by rebirth and leave them be led directly by the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Tabernacle in the wilderness, which is our model, is mobile, flexible, going here and there under the guidance of Ruach. So the Law/the Commandments and the one of Shabbat within it, is equally mobile, flexible and has to work as a blessing and means of giving and strengthening life according to the place and the situation.
Saturday as a shadow vs. Saturday as the reality of the Messiah
For us, as Levites in the Heavenly Sanctuary, every day is a Sabbath and a Holy Day
As with all the other Feasts of Yahuwah, being Levite priests living and serving in the Messiah, we are experiencing all the Feasts and Sabbaths in a permanent way in the presence of Yahushua. For us and in spirit, every day is Saturday, Yom Kippur, Pessach and all the other holidays. What matters for us is no more the calendar, the times and the hours, but the continuity and the fulfillment of the Holy Moments in our hearts. See more about this: The Feasts of Yahuwah in Yahushua.
In the temporal dimension, the great events of Salvation History were all fulfilled on biblical holidays, so after Shavuot (Pentecost) the next big event waiting to be fulfilled will be Yom HaTrua (Day of Trumpets). So the holidays also have several dimensions, see the other article. But here, we are only going to analyze the holidays on a personal level rather than historic or universal).
those who do not belong to the Messiah are still under the law,
and these laws apply to them according to their original order.Because unlike circumcision, the Sabbath is mentioned on the two stone tablets which means that it is part of the 10 Commandments. Thus it also applies to the entire Church and the people of Elohim, those born again in the Messiah. As we read several times with the Passover sacrifice, you should have one law for the sojourner and the stranger, etc. But as born again disciples the law is no more according to the mere letter but living and acting in us through the fire of the Holy Spirit. That’s the main point I strive to make you understand through practically all my teachings.
For Shabbat is a sign between the children of Israel and Elohim. This sign should also be respected and proclaimed as an eternal law by those who are not part of the children of Israel, who are already exempt from the strict observance of this sign, but by having become sons of Elohim through the Blood of the Lamb, they should know the essence of this eternal Sabbath, and as an even greater sign it should be visible on them, every single day of the week. (e.g. when you get aware that people notice how stable you are, how optimistic you are, even in situations when they are in panic. When everyone is afraid of something they can see that you literally walk on water and are not affected by the spiritual traumas that afflict secular people or even your religious peers. This is a type of constant Shabbat experienced internally).
And those who are not aliens, have not yet joined the people of Elohim through the Blood of the Lamb, they must also know these laws. After a week of work, it is natural that on the appointed days they will go towards us, the Levites, if they are looking for Elohim. For us, calendar holidays, times and hours are important and should be observed at this level, because we must know that our service to the outside world becomes particularly intense at these moments.
At such times, hearts are more opened, everyday running and rush stops and openness to the Word of Elohim increases. Because whether you like it or not, Saturday has a strong spiritual and world-wide influence on all the created creatures and they do feel it somewhere deep in their minds and hearts.
On these days, we have to be on the lookout and in this way we have the responsibility of inviting the outsiders to the respect of these appointed days according to the calendar. Moreover, even the fake holidays can also be used, in a wise manner instead of immediately destroying them in the eyes of those who still respect them. Since for them, these false days (sunday, Christmas, etc.) are holidays when their hearts are more open than usual the same way so that they can eventually better receive the Gospel.
What’s wrong with Sunday
Let us emphasize that Sunday, the first day of the week, Yom Echad, is a very special day and is almost as important as Saturday. Why? Because on this day the Almighty began his work of creation. On this day, Elohim brought the Light, that means Himself as the Messiah, into the already fallen world languishing in chaos and darkness (Tohu VeBehu). Presumably, it was on the first day of a certain week (Sunday), that the same Light of the World was born into the visible world in the person of Yeshua of Nazareth. Also at dawn on Sunday, at the moment when the Sabbath changed to the next day, our Lord Yahushua HaMashiah rose from the dead and it was mainly later that day that the reality of the resurrection was perceived by the external witnesses. In short, without the day of creation, without the first day of the week, neither Saturday nor any other day of the week could exist. Both the creation and the new creation and even the gift of Ruach HaKodesh to the first disciples at Shavuot (Pentecost) began on this precise day which is the symbol of every new beginning. None of these events could have happened on any other day!
Despite all of these, neither Yahuwah nor the Messiah nor the Holy Spirit ever revealed to anyone that we should switch from Saturday to Sunday.
Why do many still consider Sunday more important then?
Because the disciples gathered on the first day of the week, as we read in the Book of Acts?
Yes, as they gathered on all the other days of the week as well. Furthermore, we read that they appeared among their traditional Jewish brothers in the synagogueson Saturdays.
Or because we also read that Paul collected the donations on the first day of the week?
Well, fom a Jewish perspective, this is exactly the proof, that sundays were not considered as holy by the first disciples, since we do never deal with money or any other material things on a holy day. The collection of donations is the symbol of the beginning of the work. Capital is collected so that it can be distributed, so that it can be used for service, for ministry that is to say for work.
In my own native language for ex., which is Hungarian – although you might have noticed that my accent seems quite frenchy for a Hungarian guy, but let’s not get into my difficult past so we avoid complicating things even more – but in Hungarian Sunday is Vasárnap which is a derivation of two words: Vásár meaning market or marketplace and Nap that means day and sun. So here we can also figure out that the first day of the week is far from being sanctified but rather the day of the market, when we buy the food we need for the following week so that we can start our new journey equipped with all the energy we need.
After his resurrection, our Lord appeared to the disciples, symbolically on Sunday, because a new beginning was opened before us, and not to designate another day to be observed above the others according to a new Pharisaic order. This is what the traditional Jews do with the Sabbath to this day. They are perceiving the law of Shabbat from bellow being themselves still under the law. So they are constantly suffering in order to respect all the regulations (mainly since they have added all the Babylonian extra judaic stuff to it, but this is not the subject of this article).
The law remains the law, Yahushua himself did not change a single iota, that is, he did not even touch the smallest letter, so even less did he replace a whole word such as Shabbat to transcribe it into Yom Echad! But by entering into His body, we entered an eternal Sabbath-rest, where we live the holiness of this day in all moments and for ever. The traditional Christians made a “restless” Sunday out of the traditional Jewish “restless” Sabbath, that is, by declaring that a particular day is chosen above the others, and moreover, their choice did not fall on the original one. Moreover, they are doing all of this on the basis of what Paul declared that we should no longer worry about the designated calendar times and days. This phenomenon is nothing more than the preservation of Pharisaism mixed with the distortion of the law. Double mistake! …the secret power of lawlessness is already at work… 2Thessalonians 2:7
The Blood of the Lamb freed us from keeping the Sabbath according to the letter and time, so that we could live in continuous Sabbath and not to choose another day to continue celebrating the new one in the old, stone-engraved, pharisaical way.
Just like in the case of Yeshua’s birth, Elohim did never ask anyone to celebrate his resurrection or the sending of His Spirit on any particular day of the week in replacement of the Sabbath.
Are Sunday-keepers wrong?
Yes, of course! Why?
Because they do not understand and recognize what had just been explained above. But most of all
in most cases, their Sundays are just the remaining wild shoots of an unweeded catholic root.
And that’s basically the biggest problem of all! It is not a matter of some believers coming together on this day. But then, why did other groups and churches not choose Wednesday, Thursday or any other day? Not for youth-gatherings or other special occasions, but for their worships? If the day is not so important, then why this exclusivity around Sunday?
They do not even recognize that still not having reconsidered the question of the weekly resting day since the beginning of the reformation, they are still perpetuating the constantinian rebellion, which intended to “de-Judaize” the newly adopted state religion together with changing the times, dates and the Names.
The proof of what the cult of Sunday is really about and what its roots are can be found in the English and German languages themselves: Sunday – Zontag
The Latins having had enough intelligence, or rather cunning – since they were the initiators of the terrorist attack of Constantine the “great” – to create a new name for the first day of the week which is derived from the word Lord: Domenica/Domingo/Dimanche).
The roman empire of the time had to preserve many pagan traditions, gods and feasts so that the the pagan masses living among them would not rebel against the new order. It’s all about politics. This is how the holy day of the Sun God (Sunday – Zontag) had taken over Elohim’s original Sabbath. The same occurred in the case of Christmas, Easter and all the feasts of all kinds of saints.
Thus, it is important for us, disciples of a certain spiritual age in the Messiah, to remember that obedience does not consist in making Elohim accept a distortion of human or even demonic origin so as not to upset the spirits and keep the herd together, but on the contrary
it is up to Man to comply with the rules established by Yahuwah. Those Rules that became flesh in the Messiah and that are fulfilled in us by the Holy Spirit.
But again, no longer by letters from tablets of stone or texts printed in books, but by the engraving of the tongues of fire in our hearts, when we feel inside that the mere thought of accepting the Sabbath as a separate day brings peace in us and this without feeling obliged to crawl on the ground as a sign of submission or to bind my hands and feet in order to ensure total respect for the commandments. On the contrary, we feel and experience this kind of freedom when we know that we can and must also heal people like Yeshua did, or even get into a car and drive a few kilometers in order to pull a donkey out of the well, because that is the moment he needs it.
We can experience this feeling of freedom any day of the week.
If I am obedient to the laws that Ruach HaKodesh has placed on my heart and expects from me in accordance with my maturity, in accordance with my spiritual age, I do not have to think about what I should or should not do on this day – just like on the others. The law lives within me, and if I am obedient to it, whatever I may do, I will not break it, for I will not have the desire or thought of doing what is unholy.
From now on, no one should want to transfer anyone from the slavery of the original Saturday to the slavery of a false Sunday, because such a person would have understood nothing of the leading of the Holy Spirit and what it is all about to be a born-again or being an adult in the spirit. Don’t lie to yourself with theological ramblings and especially don’t defile the Holy events that happened on the first day of the week by imposing your new and counterfeit Pharisaism on yourself, on other people or even on the whole world.
Some thoughts about Shabbat-keeping churches
One shouldn’t think that returning to the Sabbath makes you an extra-Christian or ensures your Salvation in itself. Unfortunately, it is very sad that the majority of the Saturday-keeping churches do simply restore this Commandment in such a Pharisaic level of mind that the lack of spiritual content not only renders their efforts and reforms futile, but also makes them even greater enemies of the restoration of the true Sabbath than the Roman Church itself and the other supposedly reformed little Vaticans with all their false Sundays and feasts.
Very often, the sunday-keepers are literally condemning and it is made a question of salvation if someone insists on keeping Sunday, even by ignorance. I emphasize that ignorantly. In my opinion, having been enlightened and still rebelling against it can indeed lead to the loss of salvation (like any other conscious rebellion). But the majority of believers are merely misled and in the absence of spiritual vision – as their rebirth is either hindered or at least overshadowed by some kind of pastor or other person called a teacher – the misled does not even realize that he is acting against the will of Elohim. Condemning the ignorant is a more serious version of the crime of condemnation itself.
Meanwhile, instead of being filled with the Holy Spirit, these communities idolize their own church founders together with their own theologies, and the lack of the leading of the Holy Spirit has in some cases led them all the way back to openly Christless rabbinical Judaism. This is what happened in Transylvania in the last century, where some believers were finally executed in gas chambers along with the genuine Jewish people.
In several cases, however, their path does not lead to Judaism, but to a state of marginal sectarianism similar to Judaism, where the rank of the Messiah Yahushua is questioned and degraded, and he who is the Creator is belittled to the rank of simple creature. Furthermore, they fall into a certain type of replacement theology by starting many times to deny the Judaity of today’s Jews, that is, open anti-Semitism. The promotion of Khazarian theories, etc., which theory may be true anyway, but in this case the outcome of the matter will surprise many, as it would not mean at all that we, Ashkenazi Jews, are not the descendants of Jacob, even if we have actually made a little tour of a few hundred years in an area called Khazaria. But I explain this in more detail in my writings on The Gathering of the Tribes of Israel of Anti-Semitism and anti-Christianity.
So it is a basic phenomenon of today’s Sabbatist trends that they quickly move in the direction of Judaism, where the emphasis is on the appliance of the law to the letter, while the Messiah is lowered, and the Ruach HaKodesh can only be imagined in theory.
It also develops into a kind of Unitarianism when they begin to deny the reality of Elohim’s threefold appearance.
The falsity of the doctrine of the Holy Trinity, which seeks to multiply the person of the One Elohim, unfortunately leads many to the denial of the Triple Holiness of Elohim: the three main roles and forms of appearance as the Father, the Son and Ruach HaKodesh. Sooner or later, a very large number of Sabbatarian start to question the divinity of the Messiah. This is when they declare that Yeshua is a creature or even identify him with the archangel Michael. (More about this in my article/video Holy Trinity or Triple Holiness?). And concerning Michael, briefly: he also certainly appeared in human form and all signs point to the fact that he was none other than Moses himself – the other archangel Gabriel being presumably Eliyahu and John (the baptist), but you can learn more about this from my writings TERUMAH and B-Reshit / B-Beginning / B-Plan.
The point is that here, as in so many other cases, one false extreme drives those who realize that there is something wrong with the previous explanations or theories to another equally false extreme.
I mention these cases so that we can see that although it is very good and necessary to return to Jewish roots, a part of which is Shabbat, but
if all this is not done in the Messiah, through the guidance of Ruach HaKodesh and our rebirth,
then we go back under the law according to the letter, which sooner or later is going to kill us. In that case, I dare say, that it would have been better for such a person not even having come out of Egypt or Rome with all their false Sundays.
Both camps have serious issues to settle. The Saturday camp’s distorted testimony about Saturday is responsible for the fact that so many people still go on with their Sundays. However, the majority of people born again and filled with Ruach HaKodesh still refuse to settle this issue and give up their Sundays. Even among religious, non-born again and non-spiritually filled believers, many try harder to observe the laws that the Holy Spirit would like to operate in you too, if you would finally let him do his job! In the first camp, they gradually sink into their pharisaism, and in the second, sooner or later they end up grieving the Holy Spirit.
True and effective Reformation
We have to accept one fundamental truth
any reform can only come through the Holy Spirit.
Only things that have been burned into your heart are to be considered as real Reforms and not those good intellectual and theological ideas that can pop out of your mind or because you read it in the Bible ?
The question is whether we have the Holy Spirit or not?
If we do, did the Holy Spirit already express His will about this matter or any other matter in our personal life?
If so, do we obey Him?
If not, then let’s make the right decision and not rebel any longer.
If you don’t have the Holy Spirit yet, let’s ask Yahushua for the recognition of your sins, so that you can repent, get baptized with water and then with Fire. Otherwise you’ll go on wallowing in lukewarm and empty religiosity.
You can keep Saturdays this way, even study the Scriptures dressed in white kippahs and clothes, discovering many truths, but you are unable to live the Truth, because it never gets from your head into your heart. But if you already have the baptism of fire, then urgently give up all your infantile rebellion and finally grow up, because you are in great danger!
Once again, my own testimony: the discovery that Yahuwah is His name was not made by researching in the scriptures, but was revealed by Ruach HaKodesh through my own mouth, after I asked Elohim to reveal to me the way He would like me call Him in the future. Others come to this conclusion after long and convulsive studies of the Scriptures. In many cases, with the help of all kinds of non-biblical writings, such as apocryphal books. What’s the difference between the two? In the first case, the Living Messiah declares out loud, in tongues, what his will is. But in the other case Truth is discovered using scribe (and Pharisee) methods and arises from the dry letters which never become life in them.
First, we should always go to the Messiah and ask him personally what his will is, even by confirming the written Word. But first we should surrender our lives to Him. He also reminds us from within of what stands in the Writings. You often receive a word in your heart in this way, which you might only read later and realize that it had already been written in the Bible a long time ago. Many times, the Word confirms what you have already received in your heart.
So let us choose the Wholeness offered by the Messiah, since it is free and its reward is Eternal Life.
From there it is up to us how much we empower the Holy Spirit to do His sanctifying work in us according to His own will and schedule. Let’s not blame Satan and foreign spirits if we get stuck in a certain spiritual level, since we are the only ones responsible if we empower these to stop us.
Behind Sunday-keeping, the same demonic powers are hiding as behind superficial Saturdays lived in the traditional way.
These are the kinds of Saturdays that Yahuwah hates, and even more so in the case of Sundays
Will it be a watershed issue of the end times?
The Antichrist – not after his appearance, since he is already in the world and we can know who he is very precisely – but when he enters the scene and takes power over the world, will, among other things change the times. This had already been greatly fulfilled by the Roman Church and its leader, one of the main foreshadows of the antichrist, Constantine the “great”, precisely and among other things in the conversion from Shabbat to Sunday a few centuries ago. However, some Christians think this prophecy is going to be fulfilled in the last times by forcing the worship of Sunday, while others, from the other camp, actually think the opposite and that the Antichrist will impose everyone to come back to the Sabbath. Whether he will choose between the two at all, I cannot predict. As I mentioned, the antichrist spirit will have already made this modification two thousand years ago. If, however, and as a confirmation, the Antichrist were to make a particular day mandatory, it would not be the mark of the beast in itself, but at most a part of it. (so that our Adventist friends understand the matter). But here as well, the question will not be whether his choice will fall on Saturday or Sunday, but the problem will be to turn everything to the level of formality and superficiality, beyond the fact that he will exalt and set himself up in Elohim’s temple, proclaiming himself to be Elohim instead of Yahuwah, and the Messiah, instead of Yahushua.
But let’s not fool ourselves. It is not primarily the Antichrist that we need to fear.
Persecution will not mostly come from outside, but from those whom we may still consider our brothers today.
Those who, instead of the model of the original Church, follow and offer other alternatives. Those who either see their salvation in the Law, or by denying them while claiming to have Ruach HaKodesh, are simply trampling on the very order that is the essence of the Holy Spirit, and who thus essentially are blaspheming Him. These phenomena must be feared, because they kill on a spiritual level and from within.
Let us be brave enough to keep on with the work of Ruach HaKodesh, even if we cause division in our communities, even if the two camps just mentioned, the two extremes will curse you. Pharisees will accuse you of being libertine and the lawless ones will accuse you to be legalistic. This is natural and be happy as long as you hear these from both sides, because this is a sign that you are on the right track.
reformation must continue until we return to the model of the first and true Church described in the book of the Acts of the Apostles.
We do not carry out this reformation by ourselves, we are only its instruments. Above all, no one should declare that he brought the last reformation to the world, no matter how great his ministry really is and being and example to be followed, because the last one will only be carried out by the Messiah himself when he returns. From our side, we have to constantly work on the following question, we must always seek to fulfill the Next Reformation at our human level. We should be more careful when choosing the names of our ministries, since the spoken word has its weight in the spiritual realm and we can easily mislead ourselves by thinking that after what already happened, no further change or restoration is left to be carried out. We can curse ourselves and prevent the sanctification process to go on. This is not a game. We simply have to let Ruach HaKodesh do this work, primarily within ourselves. The only thing that Elohim expects from us is to accept it in obedience, when He prompts us to change from within and to courageously take every steps when He tells us that the time has come.
The wicked flee though no one pursues, but the righteous are as bold as a lion.
In the upcoming discussion, we will explore how the ministry of Yahushua’s disciples should function, drawing insights from what is recorded in the Acts of the Apostles and guided by the commandments provided by Yahushua Himself.
When Yahushua had called the Twelve together, he gave them power and authority to drive out all demons and to cure diseases, and he sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of Elohim and to heal the sick. He told them: “Take nothing for the journey—no staff, no bag, no bread, no money, no extra shirt. Whatever house you enter, stay there until you leave that town. If people do not welcome you, leave their town and shake the dust off your feet as a testimony against them.” So they set out and went from village to village, proclaiming the good news and healing people everywhere. Luke 9:1-6
Where can we see this power that casts out demons and heals disease today? We must not indeed preach to people a “God” who is unknown to them. Neither let us try to convince them by the logic of vain arguments. But instead, let us bring them the Anointed King, as this donkey once did in Jerusalem. Then it is up to Him to demonstrate His power on the spot by healing the sick and casting out evil spirits.
Signs and wonders: these are the ones that are lacking in evangelization today.
Making someone say the prayer of repentance does not bring him new life, but only leads him to that intermediate state of religiosity that is ruining the Body of the Messiah. Many only recognize the truth insofar as they feel that something very unhealthy is coming upon the world and that it would be better to come under some spiritual authority offering a solution before the heaven falls on our heads. Eternal Life could not result from such a superficial level of recognition of who the person of the Messiah is. People need to see that the one we are about to testify to is still here among and with us. He wants to prove His presence through the visible manifestation of his power, so that our testimony reaches the depths of people’s hearts.
Because Grace does not pass through the superficial recognition of Yahushua, but through the accomplishment of the three following steps:
Repentance – Baptism in Water – Baptism with Fire
Why doesn’t this work today, or just occasionally?
When the greatest attack ever perpetrated against the Body of the Messiah was committed by Rome and its “great” Constantine, who, seeing the uselessness of the persecutions against Christians, simply decided to take control over the Church by becoming Christian itself, the concept of discipleship has also been severely damaged. The Reformation did not bring any significant restoration in this area until the 19th century.
Today, many people go to the streets proclaiming the forgiveness of sins, the shed blood of Yahushua and they do it right. There is nothing wrong with this message. The problem is the order of things, and the fact that we are bogged down in our theological and philosophical discourses of Greo-Roman root. As in Hellenic times, Christians today raise their voices in forums and other public places to announce biblical truths and talk about the fulfillment of prophecy to people who have no clue about the Bible, the commandments or the prophets. These people have most often never read the Bible and all they “know” about Yahushua is that he would have been born on a christmas day and that he was the son of the Virgin Mary.
Not knowing the prophecies and the commandments, they will not realize that these are being fulfilled before their eyes. Moreover, the Hellenic way of thinking is still so deeply ingrained in even the most Reformed believers that they constantly focus on persuasion always trying to convince people via their intellect through reasoning.
Non-believers on their side retort us most often and with good reason: “I believe if I see it”. They want proof and they ask us for it. And we are often almost scandalized by that reaction; thinking that faith cannot and should not be proven. However, they are the ones who are absolutely right. And our Master does also expect the same from us. He wants us to bring Him to these people so that He can make the proof of His existence and power himself before their eyes. People are right to ask for proofs. And these proofs are none other than
the signs and wonders which, like a battering ram, can fully open the way to people’s hearts so that they can accept the Gospel of the Messiah.
Just as you cannot conquer a woman without foreplay, otherwise it would be rape. If she gives in anyway, it would never truly be love or marriage. At most, she would become a submissive slave who will never experience Freedom in the Messiah and would never truly become a fellow servant.
First of all, hearts must be opened by no other than the demonstration of the force, power and love of the Messiah. This is how it becomes clear to them that the Messiah is real and the only truth. This is the only way for them to come to true repentance as the first step towards the Eternal Life.
The first ministry that followed the gift of the Holy Spirit
One day Peter and John were going up to the temple at the time of prayer—at three in the afternoon. Now a man who was lame from birth was being carried to the temple gate called Beautiful, where he was put every day to beg from those going into the temple courts. When he saw Peter and John about to enter, he asked them for money. Peter looked straight at him, as did John. Then Peter said, “Look at us!” So the man gave them his attention, expecting to get something from them. Then Peter said, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Yahushua HaMashiah of Nazareth, walk.” Taking him by the right hand, he helped him up, and instantly the man’s feet and ankles became strong. He jumped to his feet and began to walk. Then he went with them into the temple courts, walking and jumping, and praising Elohim. When all the people saw him walking and praising Elohim, they recognized him as the same man who used to sit begging at the temple gate called Beautiful, and they were filled with wonder and amazement at what had happened to him. While the man held on to Peter and John, all the people were astonished and came running to them in the place called Solomon’s Colonnade. When Peter saw this, he said to them: “Fellow Israelites, why does this surprise you? Why do you stare at us as if by our own power or elohiminess we had made this man walk? Acts 3:1-12
Then Peter continues by bearing the testimony of Yahushua to the ears of the people who were in the temple.
Here also, we see how much we have forgotten that the ministry can only be effective when we let
Yahushua HaMashiah walk before us and perform signs and wonders
This is how He testifies that we, His disciples, are in Him and that it is worth heeding what we are about to say.
In evangelizations today, the exact opposite is happening. All kinds of believers are going out, passing before the Messiah to tell others about Him. The world immediately sees that they are struggling humanely and that they are not supported by any real spiritual authority except their own or that of their churches and denominations.
Thus, they put themselves in a similar situation to that of those Jews in Acts 19:11-17, who were not in the Messiah and tried to cast out demons by referring to the name of Yeshua.
When a servant, may he be fully in the Messiah, does not work according to what Yahushua commanded us to do by using His power and authority, he becomes like those two Jews who were mocked and attacked by the demons. In the other hand, those people to whom he will have brought the Word will also go by with a smile on their face. As for the servants of that kind, they will most often return empty-handed, weakened and exhausted – naked and bleeding as we read in verse 16 in the case of those jews.
Despite of this, if they sometimes manage to convert someone, the person goes through repentance, baptism with water, getting a new life and even receives the Holy Spirit, huge joy and blessing, but how many more would have gone through all of that if they would have done things according to the given guideline of Yahushua. Moreover, in such a case, the person converted in this way will in turn pass on the Gospel with the same lack of anointing, authority and true power, having seen no other better example himselve.
Ministries are able to bear fruit this way also. But how much bigger impact would they had if they had fully obeyed our Master Yahushua’s Command.
They went out, cast out demons and healed the sick
Neither did Peter and John ask the cripple in the Temple if he felt guilty, if he was prepared, if he had forgiven everyone so that he could be healed. Nothing of the sort happened, but instead
they immediately offered him healing and it happened at their command.
If the Messiah is the same today as He was yesterday, His Word also, then the mode of transmission also remains unchanged. So who sais that times and circumstances having changed since the time of the Acts of the Apostles, the ministry must also operate differently and that the Holy Spirit does not work exactly the same way anymore, is a false teacher.
Quite the contrary! Let the progress of science not deceive anyone. Nor are we going to believe that the constantly increasing number of university graduates is proof of the increased intelligence of modern mankind and that thus it is no longer necessary to have recourse to supernatural signs to convince poeple of the Gospel. No, scientific progress, the use of increasingly sophisticated technological aids coupled with artificial intelligence, as well as the brainwashing carried out through a largely destructive education, has so impoverished humans in spirit and at the level of the intellect – because it is constantly bombarded with useless information – that miracles and prodigals are more necessary today than ever.
Because indeed, modern man is intellectually much weaker, much less intelligent and has ever more limited brain capacity than our ancestors.
Evolution is a delusion, devolution is the sad reality.
On the one hand because of all these modern tools taking over thought and memory such as smart phones and computers and also and above all because of Sin which is constantly growing since Adam and Eve and thus degenerating more and more the human organism including its brain.
The disciples, on the other hand, must purify themselves of the Hellenistic brainwashing that has taken place within Christendom since it was taken captive by Rome. We must put our feet on the water, believe in what Yahushua can and wants to act through us. Let’s stop thinking that fine speeches will be enough to bring together all the souls waiting for the harvest. No true and great awakening will ever take place this way!
Miracles won’t necessarily come right away or in every case. We must pray for others with perseverance until we succeed. As in all other areas of life, work, sport, here it is the same, we must train ourselves. And first of all ask that our hearts should be swept out and cleansed of all these false denominational theologies while the original being progressively restored in our minds and hearts.
Discipleship is strewn with mistakes and failures and we must learn every day
It is also important to look for brothers and servants who are already involved in this work and who already have experience. They can teach us and serve as models until we become “pros” ourselves.
Has that ever crossed your mind as well?
I believe anyone who is in the Messiah is able to sense when something is not right in his ministry. We often reassure ourselves by placing the responsibility of our failures on this world which is more and more corrupt and on the people who are more and more rebellious. Very often, people do also point at Satan who would constantly be the root of all their problems easy scapegoat on which we can place all our transgressions and shortcomings instead of facing our own faults. Although the devil and people’s rebellion is very often the reason indeed, but many times, we do also have a huge responsibility.
The reason of our spiritual beak downs is the fact that reform always stops at a certain point and we dare not go beyond. We are not begging Yahuwah to restore everything, according to what is described in the Acts of the Apostles, even the way of living together with our brethren when everything was common! (see: You will own nothing and be happy)
So now, don’t blame yourself if you haven’t fully ministered according to how Yahushua originally commanded. You also have been deceived. We have all been misled by our churches and other denominations. Let us know, however, that Elohim does not take into account the time of ignorance. Also, don’t think that everything you’ve done so far has been in vain. Because you will have at least sown the seeds. Perhaps they mostly fell into bad ground, but always remember that the Spirit, which in Hebrew is Ruach, which also means “wind”, is always able to blow those seeds and cause them to fall into better ground so that they finally would germinate.
But from now on, let’s act so that no one has to clean up after us anymore. Let us obey and be directly led by the Spirit of the Messiah to the good ground by fully using in faith all the spiritual weapons given to us from above in order to make disciples of all nations.
Love Yahuwah your Elohim with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’ and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself
These two commandments contain all the others. This means that the 10 Commandments, 5+5, are the explanation and development of these two Great Commandments explaining in more detail: HOW to love Yahuwah and our Neighbor.
And all the other commandments written in the Torah (Deuteronomy) are the extension and the more detailed explanations of these 2 and the 10 from which they result. Each development helps us to better foresee and react in specific cases.
If Yahushua is the Word who became flesh (John 1:14), and if Yahushuais Love himself, how can anyone say that the law is no longer valid today?
Nor did Paul make such a statement, although his words may often seem to contradict this (we are not under law, etc). But in what context did he utter this sentence and who is able to understand this in spirit?
The Spirit of the Messiah keeps the Law. If He is living in us, then the law can no longer judge us, and so we are truly not under it.
According to what other rules could the Holy Spirit guide us from within, if not exclusively through the Commandments of Love, which is the sum of all the other commandments of the Torah?
Yahushua took from the hands of men the right to execute the judgment resulting from the Law. He took back that right for Himself. Therefore, even the laws associated with death are valid today. But Yahushua alone has the right to put anyone to death. And since the time of Grace is still in effect, its judgment mainly applies at the level of the spirit for now, when our old man is executed so that we can become new creations.
“We’re not under the law” / “Not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law”?
Let’s start from a fundamental principle that we must apply in all circumstances:
If there is a contradiction between the words of Yahushuaand those of any other character in the Bible, the standard is ALWAYS what Yahushuasays.
If we don’t understand, let’s not cling to what’s most likable to us or what theologians have put in our heads for centuries. Until we are wise and spiritually mature enough to understand Paul’s words, which are indeed often very difficult to understand, we must hold very firmly and exclusively to the word of Yahushuaand act accordingly.
Then, when we reach the level of maturity and sufficient obedience, we realize that finally
Paul has never contradicted Yahushua
The big difference between them was that unlike Yahushua‘s message, Paul’s message was directed primarily to people who were already born again, and who were of very different spiritual ages andstates. I might say that Yahushua was “in an easier situation” than Paul was, since everyone was on the same spiritual level and no one had yet been born again and received the Holy Spirit. Yahushuawas able to deliver a homogeneous message that applied to everyone.
Therefore, Paul’s messages speak differently to people depending on their level of spiritual maturity and their seniority as disciples. We don’t speak the same way to a 3- and a 13-year-old child, and we don’t have the same demands of them. Less is asked of the little ones, and more rules apply in the case of the elders.
Paul wrote his letters according to a kind of differentiated teaching method, As when a teacher teaches students of different ages and levels in the same classroom and in parallel. Anyone who is a teacher, and has ever had the opportunity to work like this knows what I am talking about. Everyone hears everything that is said, but not everything is aimed at everyone, at least not yet or no longer. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify what the student should and should not, no more or not yet pay attention to, so as not to fall into confusion.
Furthermore, the systematic misrepresentation of Paul’s words, as in the case of many other passages in the Bible, is due to the fact that
believers often tend to take verses out of context in order to give them meanings that have nothing to do with their original senses
Did Yahushuaat least soften the Law?
The Law is not only valid, but it is more effective than ever.
Yahushuadid not abolish the Law, but on the contrary raised it to a higher spiritual level
In Old Testament times it was enough to refrain from doing things that were forbidden, but from Yahushuathe very thought of breaking a law is considered as a sin. It is not enough not to sleep with someone, we must even avoid imagining it! It is not enough to refrain us from killing someone, we must also avoid hating him in our hearts.
However, grace consists precisely of being freed from even the most hidden and profound thoughts that are trying to tempt us from within. Indeed, if we are born again, that is to say that we repent, then we receive the baptism of water and then that of fire when we are filled with the Holy Spirit, we have the promise of deliverance and cleansing from sinful thoughts.
However, it is impossible to reach repentance without receiving judgment by law since it is:
through the law we become conscious of our sin
Romans 3:20
In what are the Old and New Testaments different?
The difference between the two Alliances is the material on which the Commandments are written: Stone in the case of the first / Heart of flesh or Spirit in the second.
The big difference between the Old and the New Covenant is that the former was a covenant set in stone, therefore weak and essentially theoretical. Whereas the New Alliance is the fulfillment of the first, which was only a shadow of it. The second Covenant operates and acts through the Messiah with power and authority and is no longer led by the human being, but by the Holy Spirit from within the human being.
the New Covenant liberates men from the burden of keeping the Law by planting it directly in their hearts so that the Law works in a practical way by itself
The law has not changed one iota! And if I’m not mistaken, heaven and earth are still there. Matthew 5:18
Old wine in old wineskins and new wine in new wineskins: the old wine was none other than the letter engraved in stones, the one that kills. New wine, on the other hand, is the one that is spiritual and engraved in the heart and that is bringing life.
the Messiah is greater than the Law. So whoever is in him is above the Law as well
together with Him and its judgment does not reach us, so we are no longer under the law; indeed. Nevertheless, until the world has passed, everything continues to work according to the Law.
The old covenant was to the new what Hagar was to Sarah, what the slave is to the free woman, what Mount Sinai is to Zion, and what Moses is to the Messiah. Likewise,
the stone tablets were the prefiguration of these two tongues of fire
which appeared above the heads of the disciples at Shavuot (Pentecost) in order to penetrate and engrave themselves definitively in their hearts.
Also, it should be noted that the New Testament is much more characterized by the Law than the Old Testament. The “rabbis” counted 613 commandments in the Torah in addition to the 10 commandments and the 2 laws of love. In fact, I estimate that the Torah contains 650 to 700 decrees. Indeed many have not been taken into accoun. However,
in the New Testament we have more than 1000 Commandments
These “new commandments” are nothing more than the clarification and repetition of the old ones, their re-formulation, their refinement and their ultimate putting into practice on the level of the spirit. In fact, none of them are new, but are closely related to the old ones and are sealed by the priestly order of Melchizedek, when the letter comes to life.
Old Testament = Slavery / New Testament = Freedom
Slavery is when you try to obey the law in order to please someone, in this case Elohim or even yourself. But in the bottom of your heart, you would like to do something completely different, even the perfect opposite of it. What an incredible burden. What a life filled with remorses and problems of conscience. What an enormous and constant waste of energy in order to restrain yourself from acting according to your own instincts. This is the life of Sisyphus, of the slaves in the Roman galleys, or of our Jewish ancestors in Egypt, and anyone who thinks he can keep the Law on his own.
But when freedom comes, it is our hearts that are renewed by the Holy Spirit and according to the Law. When we are freed we comply with the decrees of Yahuwah, through the Son who dwells in us, with a good heart and with all our soul, without aspiring to anything else and all this without any special effort on our part.
Sacrificial decrees
What about the decrees governing the Sanctuary, the priesthood, and the sacrifices since there is no more Temple?
These decrees also work in the same way. Except today
we have only one High Priest, Yahushua, and we members of His Body are all Levites assigned to the ministry of this Heavenly Temple.
The earthly Sanctuary was the image of the Celestial, as Moses received it. Therefore, the law is the same, only its order and mode of application have changed. Yahushua took back the right to execute judgment from the hands of men. He alone is authorized to apply the penalties and this at the level of the spirit, as long as the time of Grace is in force. But when he returns to judge the world, the enforcement of punishments will also be done physically in and on the visible world. There, he will destroy definitively and on all levels the sinners who will not have delivered to death their old man to Him.
The sacrifice was made once and for all.
However, additional smaller sacrifices are necessary for the Body of the Messiahto function as a Sanctuary even today.
Sacrifice is when I go out to serve others, I sacrifice my time and my energy. Moreover, it is often me who is sowing, but someone else will reap. This is also a sacrifice. Sacrifice is also when I give up things, thus renouncing the fat of the animals that are offered as a burnt offering on the altar instead of consuming it myself. Sacrifice is also when I fast, when I retire to pray, when I raise my children in the name of Yahuwah, when I put my own will aside so that His would be done. I make sacrifices when I go to visit widows, orphans, prisoners, the sick and the poor.
The old decrees were only shadows and promises of these spiritual and perfect sacrifices from within the heart of people.
For indeed, then they were managed and executed by men. Today, however, it is directly the Messiah who makes them work.
But it also works the other way around. Because there are not only laws of prohibition, but also laws of “fun”. The Levite sometimes benefits from the fats of the sacrified animals which is to say from the good things, and has the right to eat them as he pleases. The worker deserves his wages and should never be ashamed to accept alms in any form and enjoy such blessings. We just have to avoid falling into excess and the love of money and material goods and above all not to accept anything from people who obviously wish to buy us.
The Veil: not only over the eyes of Jews
Just as in the case of traditional Jews whose false Talmud and other Babylonian infections prevented them from recognizing the Word which became flesh and appeared in Yahushua, the same veil comes to cloud the sight of much of Christianity. It is this veil that prevents them from recognizing the Commandments in Yahushua. Even if they accept him as the Messiah, they refuse to see in him the fulfillment of what the Jews received through Moses. In both cases, Satan ensured that the veil was placed between the Law and Yahushua so that
On the side of Jews, they would not recognize the Law in Yahushua. And on the side of Christians, they would keep on refusing to recognize the Law in Yahushua.
So let’s not be afraid of the Law, because it is our best friend. It is a tool that our Elohim uses in us so that we do not fall back into sin after having been freed from it. By denying the law, we obstruct the work of the Holy Spirit, and can go so far as to grieve Him.
The commandments are like signposts that help us stay on course and on the narrow path that is leading to Salvation. Road signs are not the goal or the destination. And whoever considers them as such, ends up crashing into them and eventually die. The Messiah is the goal and whoever goes to him will receive the Eternal Life.
The Law is our pedagogue so that we can know the Messiahmore and more and come closer to Him.
As we read the commandments of the Old Testament, we gradually realize what they mean to us under present conditions. What do the donkey, cow and other concepts related to agriculture symbolize. Even to a contemporary city dweller, it will be revealed to him what these concepts are meaning today in our modern situation. He will be able to realize that such and such a law has already been realized in his life in a given situation without having known it beforehand and without having had to think in order to act according to it. He will have respected it not out of fear, but instinctively and out of Love for Elohim or his neighbour, because the Commandments have been engraved in his heart.
Knowing the Law after being born again strengthens our faith that the Messiahreally lives in us and testifies to the presence of the Holy Spirit in our hearts.
The law truly becomes a curse when we take it into our own hands and obey it in order to gain some reward. It becomes a curse when we use it to judge others without Love and without the Holy Spirit. Such actions are signs that something is wrong with our Covenant in the Messiah. In such cases, tell yourself that you thought you were born again, but someone (even yourself) may have misled you. Examine yourself and see what have not been settled yet in your life. Is it the repentance, the baptism in water or the fulfillment with the Holy Spirit? What is missing? Because if you suffer from these symptoms, you are still at the level of religiosity and self-righteousness. It is in order not to fall into this error that others, on the other hand, choose the other extreme and begin to deny the Law. In such a case, you also make yourself a transgressor of the law, and you do not realize that you are rejecting the very essence of the Messiah.
Let only he who has engraved them in his heart speak of the Commandments and dare to teach them.
On our journey of discipleship, our sanctification is realized by the fact that the commandments are successively restored and reactivated in our minds.
So let us not stand in the way of the work that the Holy Spirit wishes to accomplish in us.
The commandments – which Judaism calls the 613 mitzvot – are the order of laws that can be read in the five books of Moses, in the Pentateuch. There are in fact more than 613. Their actual number is between 650 and 700.
This is not a set of additional laws that Moses receives from Yahuwah, but the more detailed version of the 10 Commandments. The 10 Words are thus explained and illustrated in a kind of more practical way with concrete cases. Just as the 10 Commandments themselves are in fact the development, the more detailed version of the 2 Great Commandments of Love. (love for Elohim and love for our neighbour). To summarize,
there are only 2 Commandments which themselves are developed in 10 then in 613+ explanatory Commandments.
Commandments in Yahushua HaMashiah?
Are these commandments part of pharisaic laws?
The “613” commandment does NOT belong to the additional Judaic laws, but to the still valid and inseparable part of the 2nd and 10th Commandments and the Holy Scriptures, the Word that became flesh in Yeshua.
These are the laws that the Father wants to engrave in our hearts through his Spirit, precisely so that we no longer seek to obey them from without, but from within, through the pure instincts of our new man.
We do not obey them in the hope of Salvation, but as a consequence of the Salvation we ‘ve already obtained.
In short, by our rebirth, we allow them to act in us through the action of the Holy Spirit.
If we allow Him, Ruach HaKodesh is also able to make us understand what the ancient commandments, often related to animals and agricultural activities, mean and symbolize in our own personal lives today. What does our neighbor’s ox, donkey, the process of compensation, etc. mean to us today? Moreover, in relation to the sacrificial order, we quickly realize that our thanksgiving, prayers, sacrifices, renunciations and turning away from sins in our lives are precisely the reflections of the description of the old sacrificial orders. Now in times of grace, of course, all of this does mainly happen on a spiritual level, through the renewal of our minds.
We are no longer under the law!
As Paul warns us, we are indeed no longer under the curse of the law. Provided that these are engraved in our spirit by the fire of the Holy Spirit. On the other hand, anyone who submits to these laws without being born again and without confessing the reign of the Messiah Yahushuah trying to observe them by himself is someone who truly remains under the curse that the judgment of the Law involves.
On the other hand, any follower of the Messiah who continues to deny the validity of the Law – as fulfilled and regulated by the Holy Spirit – does also remain under the curse of it.
For the simple reason that denying the validity of the law excludes the full functioning of Ruach HaKodesh in our minds.
The law is no longer a goal, but a means. The Commandments are unable of bringing Salvation. They remain, however, signposts of major importance to help us stay on the bumpy and narrow path that leads directly to Salvation. These signals allow us to stay spiritually alive until we finally pass into Eternal Life at the end of our journey of disciples. This is the essential difference between the old and weak covenant which produces death and the perfect and life-bearing New Covenant.
The New, on the other hand, is only valid on the basis of the Old. If we allow ourselves to withdraw the old, we exclude ourselves from the new. Anyone who considers the New Covenant as autonomous and independent of the old one, does not understand its deep meaning and finds himself under the power of a false or alien covenant. Yahuwah’s message, promise and commandments remain the same, for they are immutable. In the case of the Commandments, it is the mode of application that has changed following the advent of the Messiah. Yahushua has taken from the hands of men the right to carry out the sentences resulting from the application of the commandments. Nevertheless, this right exists and continues to function, but only by the action of the Spirit of Messiah and mainly at the level of the spirit. Even the death penalty must be applied, because if our old man is not put to death, we would not be unable to be born again. Without judgment, no Grace is possible. Without Law, there is no judgment either. In a word, the Law must be applied and fulfilled in order to be able to give way to Grace and New Life.
What has therefore changed since the Sacrifice of the Lamb and Pentecost is the material carrying the commandments:
Stone in the case of the old covenant: the letter that kills, and heart or spirit in the case of the New Covenant: which brings Life.
This is exactly what happened at Pentecost. The double tongues of flame appearing above the heads of the disciples were none other than the two stone tablets brought to life as a promise given by Moses from Mount Sinai, which were then fulfilled in the hearts of the first disciples. After all, it was not written on them that DO NOT kill – DO NOT steal – DO NOT commit adultery – Honor your parents, etc., but the future tense of the original Hebrew say that YOU WILL not kill, steal, commit adultery and that you WILL Honor Elohim, your father, your mother, your neighbor, if in Me, in the Messiah, you are finally born again. You are going to change in such a way that these laws will spread like a natural flow from the germ of your thoughts all the way through your actions.
It was therefore never a question of prohibitions or obligations, but of promises.
When Yeshua spoke about the fact that if you think bad in your mind, you have already fallen into sin, he is not asking you to restrain your own thoughts, which is impossible for man, but he is projecting that when My Spirit will move into you, then I will put these things in their place in your heart and in your mind, and I will free you from even the thought of it so that it will not even cross your mind anymore.
Law and Messiah: each other’s mirrors
The law was our pedagogue to lead us to the Messiah, as we can read in the epistle to the Galatians. Likewise and from the coming of the Holy Spirit,
the Messiah teaches us through the Law in order to sanctify us from within.
The Spirit of Yahushua HaMeshiah is our teacher, unfolding his order and law and placing them within us as the Living Word. The peoples are not the heirs of the covenant concluded at Mount Sinai, they are the heirs of the Covenant sealed at Golgotha. Here the process starts in reverse. What Judaism has not been able to keep is now engraved and animated in the hearts and minds of its people by the Messiah in person, whether they are Jews or not.
This is how two promises are fulfilled:
This is the covenant I will make with them after that time, says Yahuwah. I will put my laws in their hearts, and I will write them on their minds.
Hebrews 10-16
Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.
Matthew 5:17
Thus, the commandments and their commentaries that you will find on this website are in no way intended to be strictly followed in human effort. Rather, they are meant to shed light on areas of our life as believers where we are still stuck and often do not even suspect that the reason is that we have been lied to about it for almost 2000 years. Lies such as the commandments are only valid for Jews and no longer valid for others who are in Christ, all prevent us from having a full and blossoming relationship with the Holy Spirit.
The knowledge of the Commandments and their current validity helps us see how the 2 Great Commandments of Love are still not complete within us, so that we can ask our Savior to continue His purifying work in our spirits through the action of His. This is what we call the Process of Sanctification.
In this article, we won’t be discussing the usual replacement theology. I believe the time for trying to persuade others is past; many have put in significant effort to rid Christianity of the troubling issue of anti-Semitism. I’ve addressed this topic in previous articles on multiple occasions. Every subject has its time and a point when it should come to a conclusion in order for the matter to be put to rest. Those who haven’t been convinced by now probably won’t be swayed anymore. And if, against all odds, some individuals still have a change of heart, there’s an abundance of material available online or in libraries for them to ponder.
No, here we will delve into an entirely different kind of replacement “theology.” We will discuss a substitution that has always been within the intention of Yahuwah. We are going to explore the concept of a grand replacement that isn’t a result of humanity’s corrupted intentions to seize what doesn’t rightfully belong to them. While a significant portion of Christendom is still grappling with the idea of taking the place of Jews by considering themselves “Jews in spirit” in a misguided and improper manner by misinterpreting the words of Paul, it fails to comprehend the fundamental purpose of human creation and who is truly meant to be replaced. Because, during the time of their salvation, when the Bridegroom, the Messiah, comes to take his Bride, the Church,
the born again individuals will take the place of entities that initially held a far greater spiritual significance than Jews.
So, the efforts of religious individuals trying to take the place of the chosen people will ultimately remain in vain. In the meanwhile, those who have received Salvation will be judging the fallen angels, of whom they are destined to occupy the positions and the places these angels left vacant.
One of the primary purposes of Christianity should have been to spark jealousy among the Jews by sharing the testimony of Yahushua. Ironically, it’s still a significant portion of Christendom that feels envious of a people who persistently reject the Messiah.
Can the son of a king truly feel envious of a wanderer, even if that wanderer happens to be his temporarily exiled brother? Or does such misplaced jealousy indicate that the one who believes himself to be a prince isn’t truly the King’s son? Envy seems inconceivable when one possesses everything we can imagine.
When Helel, one of the archangels, better known today as Satan, along with his followers, rebelled against Elohim, they were banished from the Kingdom of Heaven. This pertains to the Eternal Kingdom that was meticulously crafted, where every element, even the angels that later fell, had specific roles and functions. With their expulsion, a void emerged—a gap that needed to be filled in order to restore the original state of perfection.
Man was created by YaHuWaH to take the place of the fallen angels.
However, Elohim didn’t immediately position Man in their final place. Man had to undergo a test of free will before attaining the state of ultimate Eternal Life. Additionally, Elohim had an adversary to overcome, someone who aspired to his position and sought to replace him. Rather than immediately obliterating him, Yahuwah granted him an opportunity to prove himself. Concurrently, Elohim allowed time to showcase his unimaginable power before the created world, including angels and humanity.
Satan had the authority to tempt Man due to the latter’s possession of free will. And so it happened. Following Adam’s temptation, humanity received the death sentence, as promised. However, Adam and Eve weren’t immediately subjected to execution. Instead, Elohim condemned them to a gradual process of death. This process can be referred to as World History, but more simply,
this process is none other than TIME itself.
This countdown represents the very embodiment of Elohim’s mercy—a span wherein every individual has the opportunity to receive Grace by acknowledging the Savior Yahushua, thereby reconciling their relationship with the Father.
The immense grace and love of Elohim are first revealed here. Despite the fact that most people interpret Adam and Eve’s expulsion from the Garden of Eden as a sign of Elohim’s anger, judgment, retribution, and even cruelty, we should understand that it was, in fact, the ultimate display of mercy. This banishment essentially stands as the initial application of the city of refuge law. In the end, humanity’s rebellion against Elohim wasn’t deliberate. They didn’t seek to harm or disgrace their Creator. Their aspiration was to be like Him. Their struggle against their own weaknesses and desires which overpowered them. They desired to mirror Him but not replace Him. Their feelings toward Elohim weren’t tainted by hatred, in contrast to Helel and his cohorts, who succumbed to the unforgivable sin.
This countdown serves as the pivotal path towards Man’s Salvation. We were granted time—a route of escape, similar to the case of the unintentional murderer who was provided a refuge, a place to shield themselves from the wrath of the victim’s kin, as outlined in Deuteronomy 19:4-6. In this manner, we were given time to mend our relationship with Elohim. We do so by cleansing ourselves with the Lamb’s blood, shed in exchange for our sins, in order to appease Elohim’s anger.
The conflict between Satan and Elohim is no less than a duel. And, much like any honorable duel, and since the rules were established by Elohim himself, it can only proceed fairly. The adversary, no matter how cunning or vile, still merits fundamental respect and does have rights according to the laws of warfare. Both sides must show respect towards each other. Even if the opponent disregards the rules, Elohim adheres to them and compels the opposing side to not transgress certain boundaries.
It would have been overly simplistic to discard all that is corrupted, then cleanse and immediately repopulate the space by forming new angels. Yahuwah desires to fill these gaps with individuals who have been tried like precious metals. He aims to surround himself with souls who have willingly chosen conversion through their personal decision and have thus been cleansed by his Blood. He longs for authentic individuals around him, individuals who serve Him out of their own will—not mere automatons or slaves condemned to forced labor.
The angels were also granted a “time” to decide after their creation. Some among them made a different choice. And this is where Man’s role enters the picture. Mankind has the opportunity to take the place of these rebels and eventually pass judgment on them for the harm they’ve inflicted upon humanity throughout its 6000-year history.
Man is the bet. The choice is clear: either salvation through the Messiah’s blood or alignment with the tempter, leading to eternal damnation.
Satan and his demons are consumed by fury. On one hand, they acknowledge their inability to overpower Yahuwah, and on the other, they suffer profound humiliation. Once believing themselves superior even to Elohim, they now face being supplanted by beings as seemingly insignificant as humans.
Regrettably, their solace lies in their capacity to ensnare many in their perdition.
For us, solace is found in Yahushua HaMashiach. Through his Blood, he redeems all who embrace his Sacrifice and submit to His Authority.